“Wow, Disney is Far Far Away” A Single Mom’s Road Trip to Disney: June 2013 TR

Oh wow, that's a pretty good chunk of people at EMH.

To be honest, I'm not sure that makes the RFID entrance quicker either (if it was indeed designed to be). However I still find them a whole lot of fun watching the light swirl and turn (hopefully) green.
I don't know, I'm easily entertained. ;)

Looks like you still got a lot done too. Looking forward to the character meal up and coming...

Yes, the swirling light is cool...when it turns green. More on that in another update.

It was a lot of people at the entrance. Once we were in though, people scattered in different directions. There wasn't a huge crowd going to TSM. It was significant, but not what I'd expect. My crew goes nowhere fast, but once we got back there, we still walked right on it. I think maybe a lot of people went to Rock-n-Roller Coaster and others to Tower of Terror based on the direction I saw people walking.
I can't wait to read more. I'm travelling from PA to Disney solo in September with my kids 12, 10 & 8. I'm glad to see that there are others who have survived the trip. :) I love that you have a sort of schedule and that you built in plenty of time to just relax!!



Thanks for reading along. I've found down time to be crucial even though my son did refuse to nap on this trip. I hope you enjoy your trip.
Ah, a surprise trip. Hang in there. It does get hard, especially as the trip gets closer, but it is sooooo worth it.

Yes it is hard but I know it will be better to surprise them :) Any idea on how to surprise them, we ( myself, 2 daughters 7, 5 and my sister 9) I am a single mother as well. We are driving from virginia beach! I want to surprise them so they dont know where we are going when we are driving....lol
Yes it is hard but I know it will be better to surprise them :) Any idea on how to surprise them, we ( myself, 2 daughters 7, 5 and my sister 9) I am a single mother as well. We are driving from virginia beach! I want to surprise them so they dont know where we are going when we are driving....lol

I wish I had some ideas for that. When I've done surprises, my two always knew before we left home. I did one where I picked them up from school/daycare and told them when it was time to go to the airport, but the other surprise was the day before departure and then this one 3 days before. My son is young enough not to worry about where he's going, but the 55 inch high private eye would drive me batty.

At what point did you plan to tell them? I think we got all the way down I-95 and onto I-4 if I remember correctly before we actually started seeing signs for Disney World. We actually saw signs for Orlando first. We still had a good ways to go at that point.

Someone here might have some ideas. There are some great videos on youtube that might help as well.
We had never been to Hollywood and Vine for lunch, but we’d had breakfast here on our previous trip. It’s a fun meal, but it gets mixed reviews. We got there with about 5 minutes to spare and met a long line.

Ds wanted to go and look at the water, so I let him and dd go while I waited to check in.

We got checked in and waited probably another 10 minutes before we were called in. June came to see us first but we did have a chance to get food before she came over. Ds love Little Einsteins. He watches it while I’m getting dressed.

Agent Oso came over next. Ds loves him. He gave him a big hug. Afterwards he kept saying, “mom, he soft.”

Next there was some dancing fun with Jake. The children were more outgoing with Jake this year it. Last year, during the Sharky and Bones song they asked dd to come up first to help the little ones feel more comfortable, but they just sat and watched her and clapped. She was glad to do it last year, but I think she was just as glad not to do it this year.



Jake was also the next to visit us at our table.

Next we had the first Disney character to get ds’ heart. Even before Mickey ds loved Handy Manny. Here we are with him in 2010. We stood in line for this one in Animation Courtyard.

He still loves him.

After lunch, it was time to use our Toy Story Mania Fast passes. This was ride #2. I tried to get a decent picture of Mr. Potato head, but his bright eyes messed it up every time. I tried with the flash and with the flash off. I guess I don’t have the right camera.

Here’s ds checking him out.

Using the fast passes got us there super-fast. We had a great time. I got the same chorus at the end as the last time. “I want to do it again.” I decided to try to get in another first and hit up an attraction based on an awesome show from my childhood.

Six thumbs up on this one. Dd hadn’t wanted to see it on our first trip, but she absolutely fell in love with it. We laughed so hard and I was amazed at how the theater actually looked like it had blown up. After the show, we hit another meet and greet. It wasn’t Phineas and Ferb even though they were nearby. It was another pair of best buddies: Lightening McQueen and Mater. Here are dd and ds waiting.

Here’s our Photopass shot. Ds thought they were a little loud.

After that, dd asked to go back and see the Muppets again. When we got there, they were about to close off the line for that show. In a hurry, I went against one of my lessons learned from the first trip: “If it if cloudy, make sure to cover the stroller.” In my haste, I parked it under a shelter instead and we went inside. When we came out, it was pouring. There was a large covered area outside the show so we hung out there for a while. After about 20 minutes, it had calmed down some, so I put dd and ds under a shelter in sight of where I’d left it and ran to get the stroller. I’d left our rain gear in it. I got there and someone had moved it out from under the shelter to get their own stroller under there. It was soaked. :furious:

I ran back to the children and we all put on our rain gear. I used the stroller cover to cover the seat, but ds preferred to walk. Thankfully he had a raincoat. We ducked into a store near where I’d picked up the stroller. We love this hat, but I certainly would not buy it, knowing it would get tossed to the side once we got home, so we did the next best thing.

After a break, we walked back through Pixar Place and the rain continued. Dd said she wanted to ride Toy Story Mania again but it was an hour wait. She said, “Well, it’s raining anyway. Maybe it will stop while we are in there. So we parked the stroller, took off our rain gear and went in for ride #3. It was actually more like 45 minutes. We each scored a personal best. The only other thing we wanted to do was the Beauty and the Beast Live show, but the next one was over 90 minutes away, so we agreed we’d just see it next trip.

At this point I really regretted by passing the Photopass guys that morning to get to TSM faster. Dd was wearing flip flops and was getting cold so we made our way to the bus stop as quickly as we could. Turned out to be a long walk because I went the wrong way when we came out. We only had to go to stop 1, but with the rain and trying to hurry, I took us the wrong way. We ended up going the long way around, but we got there. Everyone was huddled under the tiny shelter trying to stay out of the rain. Thankfully it wasn't long before the bus showed up. Everyone was grateful the bus driver had the foresight to turn down the AC.

As we sat, I asked the usual questions: "Did you enjoy yourselves?" Dd said, "Yes, but I'm so ready to get back and get some socks on right now." Ds said, "It was fun mom! I saw Manny. I saw Buzz. I saw Woody. I saw Oso." He went on and on, but then got quiet. Then, ds tapped me on the shoulder and said, "Mom, I want to sit on your lap." Why not, right?

Up next, "May Day! May Day! Preschooler going down!"
Great update! DD is a big Disney Jr fan, so I'm excited for her to see Disney Jr Live. And, I just booked a breakfast at H&V, so I can't wait to see how she reacts to the characters in person!!

What a cliffhanger for your next post....:rotfl2:
My initial thought was "Awww, how sweet, he wants his mommy" but then reading the subject of the next post, I'm not so sure it ended up being a sweet moment :confused3

How RUDE of someone to move your stroller out into the rain! :mad:
JulieODC said:
Great update! DD is a big Disney Jr fan, so I'm excited for her to see Disney Jr Live. And, I just booked a breakfast at H&V, so I can't wait to see how she reacts to the characters in person!!

What a cliffhanger for your next post.... :rotfl2:

We love Disney Jr. Live on Stage. Timing is important because it is a scheduled show not a constantly running show like Little Mermaid, but it is definitely worth our time and it is very interactive. I hope you enjoy H&V as much as we did.

My initial thought was "Awww, how sweet, he wants his mommy" but then reading the subject of the next post, I'm not so sure it ended up being a sweet moment :confused3

How RUDE of someone to move your stroller out into the rain! :mad:

Yeah, I was pretty upset about the stroller. The rain cover was sitting on top of the canopy and I briefly huffed and puffed about it within ear shot of a couple that looked a little guilty, but another lessoned learned I guess.

I'm not going to leave anyone hanging. Next update coming up.
Day 7, 5th Park Day, Final Part: BOOOM! CRASH! Preschooler Down!

When I left off, we were leaving DHS in the rain. It was coming down really hard and we were all huddled under the tiny shelter at the bus stop. It seemed like a while before the bus finally came. It was still rather early, so I figured we would have some snacks in the room and maybe venture over to the food court later. Ds had gotten a new train with the money my mom gave him so I figured he’d have fun playing with that.

But what really happened? First let’s recap a bit.

If you’ve been reading you might have noticed something absent from my report that is common in other reports featuring children around my son’s age…nap time.

At this point in the trip, I’m really not sure how this child is going like he is. I had tried each day to get him to nap either early afternoon or late afternoon and he had not done so. He had been happy, willing to participate, and having a great time. He didn’t appear overtired. We had been going to bed pretty early and at home, he had plenty of weekends where he skipped napping. My daughter didn’t always nap at his age, but I was concerned.

Now, that brings us back to the moment at hand.

On the bus ride back, he asked to sit on my lap. That would be the last I’d hear from him that day. He didn’t wake up when I put him in the stroller. The rain hitting him in the brief moments I was getting him into the stroller didn’t wake him. Being moved to the bed once we got back to the room didn’t wake him. I tried to wake him for dinner and there was no use. I was only 5:30 when I tried to wake him so I was really worried he’d wake up in the middle of the night so I went to bed as early as I could. I needn’t have worried. You’ve heard the expression “Out like a light”? He was out like a blown light bulb. :lmao:

Next up was our “choice” day. We had now been to all four parks. We had two park days left. I had already designated our last day for Magic Kingdom. For our 6th park day, I allowed dd to choose between the other 3. Which park would she pick? I had no idea, but the rain we were getting was officially a named storm by the time we went to bed. They’d name it Andrea, so I had some definite questions once I went to sleep. Which park would dd choose? What would Andrea have for us? How would Andrea compare to Debby, the storm we had toured with in 2012? We’d find out soon enough.
it sounds like they both had fun, glad he got to see characters that he loves so much! My daughter loved that courtyard by the ariel ride her first time seeing all the characters she watched on Disney jr.
Oh wow! He must have been pretty tired :faint:

I can't wait to see which park your DD picked for the next day.
What a great character meal. And what an awesome Mom you are!!!

Yeah, I have the same problem with the animatronic eyes. Same with Buzz at Space Ranger Spin.

I love that your DD loved the Muppets. That'll keep them alive and well for future generations to enjoy!

A hex on the entitled person who moved your stroller. Some people just have no sense of courtesy and only think of themselves. It's sad really.

Ahahaha, I have that hat.

Haha, thank goodness "preschooler down" just referred to sleep. I was really worried.
Yes, didn't want to worry anyone wondering what happened to my little Disney addict. He just needed some sleep.

Day 8, 6th park day, part 1: Hello Andrea

We got up and as promised, Andrea was raining down on us. Ds was bright-eyed and ready to roll. He was actually jumping on the bed before the alarm went off. Who needs an alarm clock when you have a 3 year-old on 14 hours of sleep. We had breakfast in the room. Between the 3 of us, we had bagels, cereal, grapes, milk and juice. We pulled out our rain gear and headed to the bus stop. It was a little chilly plus dd and I had ponchos and ponchos don’t cover the entire arm so she and I had on light jackets on underneath them. I packed ds’ fleece pullover in case he got chilly later.

So where did we go? Remember today, dd had her choice between Epcot, Animal Kingdom, and Hollywood Studios. Well, not long after we got to our destination, we rode our favorite ride and got a set of fast passes for it.

Then we saw the Little Mermaid show again. We followed it up by heading into the animation courtyard and over to the building for some indoor fun. It was raining pretty hard, and I was glad to have the chance to do this because we’d missed it the day before. Ds and I got in line to meet Sorcerer Mickey. Dd went off to play on the animation computers in the area. I was still amazed by how he’d changed. The interaction with Sorcerer Mickey in 2012 was really cute, but required me holding ds.

This year, I got to stand back and watch Mr. Independent:

After that we joined dd for a while and watched her do some animation activities. My apologies to Captain Hook, Jane, and Timon for my daughter’s silliness. :rotfl:

Ah, finally!

We went to the art store and looked around after that.

Then we had time for another favorite. We had to stand in line for a while though. Thankfully the queue was sort of covered. The rain wasn’t really bothersome.

We love this show even on the second consecutive day.

After that we took the time for some lunch. I didn’t take any pictures of the food, just of where we ate. I like this place. There’s a variety of things to choose from, it’s covered and we haven’t had trouble finding a table in any of our 3 trips. I had the chicken Caesar wrap. Dd and ds had chicken tenders.

We were done about 12:40 so we headed back to Toy Story Mania to use our fast passes. At the end of the ride dd and ds said the same thing. “I want to do it again.” The wait said 90 minutes. I wasn’t up for it even though it was raining. We headed off in the direction of the Streets of America. I kept a check on dd to make sure her socks were okay. Ds and I weren’t wearing any, but she’d wanted to, but insisted they were fine. I had 2 extra pair. I think we were both comparing Andrea to Tropical Storm Debby and honestly she didn’t come close. I had our umbrella, but it stayed in ds’ stroller. We went back to the Muppet Vision 3D show. The children loved it. I laughed as I reminded dd how she didn’t want to see it the year before and now she was begging to see it again. We got out and walked right back around to the entrance to see it again.

We decided to spend some time in the stores after that. The children had gotten into taking pictures with souvenirs. Here’s dd in the Goofy hat.

I looked at my phone at some point and realized it was about 2:30. It was time to get ready for my favorite show at DHS.
Great park choice!!! And I think Captain Hook looks good in a dress :lmao: I'm glad you guys had fun even in the rain.
Haha, I was actually wondering about naps....he must have been exhausted! (I pay close attention to comments about naps in TRs that involve toddlers, because I'm a bit worried about keeping DD on her schedule when we go!)
So glad you had ponchos so you could enjoy your day. A little rain never hurt anyone!

Glad your son was just tired. I wish I could get 14 hours every now and then! :rotfl:


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