WISH Away the Pounds - Spectacular September Challenge...Everyone Welcome

I am so frustrated!!! My scale shows 2.4 pounds more than last Friday!! And 4 pounds more than last Sunday! It has been that way for the last three days and I just don't know why... I am sure that I have NOT gained 4 pounds of fat between Sunday and today. I even can feel that I am thinner than at the beginning of the month. I have a denim skirt that is now so loose that I can get it down over my hips without opening the button and the zipper (not easily, but it can be done) and this skirt was uncomfortable a few months ago. But why the hell is the scale so frustrating!!! I just hope something will happen between now and Monday to have a nice weigh in for the last of the month!
I am so frustrated!!! My scale shows 2.4 pounds more than last Friday!! And 4 pounds more than last Sunday! It has been that way for the last three days and I just don't know why... I am sure that I have NOT gained 4 pounds of fat between Sunday and today. I even can feel that I am thinner than at the beginning of the month. I have a denim skirt that is now so loose that I can get it down over my hips without opening the button and the zipper (not easily, but it can be done) and this skirt was uncomfortable a few months ago. But why the hell is the scale so frustrating!!! I just hope something will happen between now and Monday to have a nice weigh in for the last of the month!

Could be that you are losing inches by converting fat to muscle :thumbsup2 Try not to be too disheartened-you are healthier that you were before and thinner than before (you clothes are telling you a truer picture than scales ever will) so you are on the right road for a healthy life:goodvibes
Favourite green food-green peppers (grapes would be a close 2nd though):)
Glad you are enjoying catching up with your daughter Pamela:thumbsup2
Good luck to everyone today:goodvibes
I lost .5lb so content for now :)
I am so frustrated!!! My scale shows 2.4 pounds more than last Friday!! And 4 pounds more than last Sunday! It has been that way for the last three days and I just don't know why... I am sure that I have NOT gained 4 pounds of fat between Sunday and today. I even can feel that I am thinner than at the beginning of the month. I have a denim skirt that is now so loose that I can get it down over my hips without opening the button and the zipper (not easily, but it can be done) and this skirt was uncomfortable a few months ago. But why the hell is the scale so frustrating!!! I just hope something will happen between now and Monday to have a nice weigh in for the last of the month!

I felt the same way all last week.:upsidedow
Me and my scale "had words" last week as well....:mic:

I "threatened";)
to put it in my next batch of Gumbo:stir:
until it smartened up and left me alone. :lmao:

Now I have a little over a pound to go between now & Monday & I will make my first goal w/all of you.:woohoo:

P.S. I have faith in ya!!:goodvibes

Could be that you are losing inches by converting fat to muscle :thumbsup2 Try not to be too disheartened-you are healthier that you were before and thinner than before (you clothes are telling you a truer picture than scales ever will) so you are on the right road for a healthy life:goodvibes

I felt the same way all last week.:upsidedow
Me and my scale "had words" last week as well....:mic:

I "threatened";)
to put it in my next batch of Gumbo:stir:
until it smartened up and left me alone. :lmao:

Now I have a little over a pound to go between now & Monday & I will make my first goal w/all of you.:woohoo:

P.S. I have faith in ya!!:goodvibes


Thanks to both of you for your encouragement!! I know that if I stick to my plan, things will improve. Giving up certainly won't help the scale moving down. :goodvibes But it really helps to have a group of people who understand my frustration!!
I leave tomorrow morning at 4am to head to Kansas City for our niece's wedding on Sat. It was so strange to leave on a Thursday and say See you Tuesday. I really didn't want to rush back on Sunday so I took 2 personal days. I really don't have a great time at weddings but it is nice to get away.

have a great trip! I hope the wedding turns out to be enjoyable and I applaud you for taking some extra time off! We need downtime!

I am so frustrated!!! My scale shows 2.4 pounds more than last Friday!! And 4 pounds more than last Sunday! It has been that way for the last three days and I just don't know why... I am sure that I have NOT gained 4 pounds of fat between Sunday and today.

:hug: I know this frustration all too well and so I just send my hugs and cheers for you. keep working your plan, you know it works! so many variables can swing the scale when we are doing all the right things....TOM, water retention, salt.... focus on the clothes are falling off! that is where it's at! I bet within a week your body will catch up and those no-for-real lbs will be gone ::yes::

I have faith in ya!!:goodvibes

I :love: this!!! I have faith in you and everyone else too!!

ok, you are reading my positivity this morning. I really didn't want to step on the scale :rolleyes1 I have not done my best job in the food dept this week. I was shocked that the whoosh fairy paid me a visit. does anyone else lose in a similar pattern...I will go weeks without losing then bam! 3-4 lbs off. i'm not complaining, though sometimes I think a steady loss would motivate me to behave better :smokin:

I don't even remember what my goal for this month was, but if my guess is right than i'm 1.4 away. probably won't happen but I got a lot closer than I thought! and i'm 1.4 away from the 160's!!!

FRIDAY QOTD -- What is one good thing you can do for yourself this weekend?

I just registered for a scrapbook crop in October :yay::yay:
FRIDAY QOTD -- What is one good thing you can do for yourself this weekend?

Well, It's not a good thing for my calorie count, but my husband and I have dinner reservations at The Melting Pot tomorrow night. We are celebrating our 11th anniversary.:love:
Hello, all! :)

So I went out early this morning to do a crazy long training run - 14.5 miles - ack...and I did it! I stuck to my intervals and actually finished with a pretty good overall pace. :cool1:

Then I thought, hey self, you still need to do your WW lifetimer weigh-in for the month. And if I don't go today, I won't get another chance to go (my sister visits this weekend, yay!). So I went right from the long run to the local WW center and weighed in. And OMG. I'm back in my lifetime range and made my goal here for the month exactly! I'm still a bit over goal, but I'm back in maintainer land officially, which feels great. *kermitflail* :)

Now to go enjoy a weekend of restaurants and wineries with my sister without blowing this!

QOTD for today might be an obvious one - I'm going to relax and enjoy a couple of days with my wonderful sister.

Hope everyone has a great weekend!
FRIDAY QOTD -- What is one good thing you can do for yourself this weekend?

I just registered for a scrapbook crop in October :yay::yay:

Good for myself this weekend - I am going to an all day crop event on Saturday and having a visit with my DD on Sunday! (I also have a crop planned for Oct and Nov!) :cheer2:

I am down .4 this week and overall for the month so far at 1.9 not my goal but much better then this summer!
Magdalene--hang in there! The scale does not always make sense. Molli's experience is much more typical of my weight loss than slow and steady---nothing, nothing, nothing and them bam! I sometimes wonder if it has to do with how much water I am drinking--not enough water and I hold onto pounds no matter what. Hope it's a good weekend for you. :)

Liz--have a great time with your DS. :) And congrats on getting back to maintain.

Molli--woohoo on that great loss!

JennStars9--Happy Anniversary!

QOTD--what am I doing good for myself this weekend? I am going to see my DS. Haven't seen him since the end of July and Mike hasn't seen him since the end of June. We are all very excited--even DS! We are making a day trip to the beach which is very exciting!

We made it through the month. It was rough. I cried more than I even want to think about and I ate so much crap it is ridiculous. We signed the papers selling our house yesterday. So it's done. It is both sad and exciting. Mostly exciting. :)

I am ready to hit the ground running in October. I will have about 5.5 weeks until W&D and even if I only lose 1.5 pounds per week I will be solidly back in the low 150s. It's going to take a big effort, because I have redeveloped every nasty bad habit you can think of. So we are going to relax this weekend. Try to eat ok, and get back in the healthy food mode on Tuesday.

Have a great weekend! :)
QOTD: I work all weekend so the best thing I can do for myself is to make sure I continue to eat well and maybe get some walking in over the weekend. Also, going to dance class tonight and have a dance party as well. Hoping to improve tonight and also have fun.
Thanks to everyone for the wonderful support!! It is so great to have you here for days like today!! So far I had a great OP day. Just had a cucumber as my after work pre-cooking snack and will have lots of tomatoes with a small portion of pasta for dinner and a yoghurt for dessert! :thumbsup2

QOTD: I am going to use my bike to head out to Ikea for another round of looking at furniture there. It is about 30 minutes each way by bike. Should be a nice tour!
hey everyone, i'm heading out for the night and all day tomorrow.... i'm not sure if there is a coach for the remaining days of this month? if you don't mind (anyone) please post a QOTD for the group! :thanks:
Cannot believe I forgot to step on the scale this morning, not like me at all! Will have to do it in the morning before my 5K (After would be cheating!)

Magdalene, remember what I said a few QOTDs ago about not sweating the small stuff and keeping an eye on the bigger picture...............stick with your plan and I'm sure it will all come out fine in the end.

Thanks to the 9 of you who have sent in your weights today, I will update everything on Tuesday (Tuesday here!!) and post final colours. Good luck everyone!
Morning everyone, going out for my 5K in a few minutes, but just thought I'd report in on the weight loss......woohoo, 3lb gone this week, which means I've made it into the 160's....not bad for a someone who was bordering on the 240's only 9 months ago!!! I've now lost 70lbs in total.

Pat on the back for me I think!!!
Morning everyone, going out for my 5K in a few minutes, but just thought I'd report in on the weight loss......woohoo, 3lb gone this week, which means I've made it into the 160's....not bad for a someone who was bordering on the 240's only 9 months ago!!! I've now lost 70lbs in total.

Pat on the back for me I think!!!


Well done!!! You nearly lost 1/3 of your weight! What an achievement! And you are a great inspiration! :thumbsup2


I noticed something this morning: I think my weight gain might have something to do with the time I get up. The end of last week I got up very early every morning. Today I woke up around that time and had to use the bathroom. Hoping to see the scale moving in the right direction I got on it. It did show one pound less than yesterday! Yay! :thumbsup2 And then I went back to bed and slept another two hours (it's the weekend after all!). When I really got up I went back on the scale and was shocked that it showed 1.5 less than two hours earlier. And it showed the same weight as last Friday. So after all the talk we had about weighing this week: It seems that not only morning/evening should not be compared. But also don't compare your 6am weight and your 8am weight!!
Originally Posted by Eliza32
Morning everyone, going out for my 5K in a few minutes, but just thought I'd report in on the weight loss......woohoo, 3lb gone this week, which means I've made it into the 160's....not bad for a someone who was bordering on the 240's only 9 months ago!!! I've now lost 70lbs in total.

Pat on the back for me I think!!!

CONGRATS about that overall weight loss!!:dance3:
You are starting to 'make';) me think about jogging my very first 5K in the next 3-6 months....:goodvibes

Hmmmmm.......we just 'may' ;) be in a little competition here since I have only lost (as of yesterday) 56 pounds total.:yay:
(see....that's me doing jumpin' jacks


Well done!!! You nearly lost 1/3 of your weight! What an achievement! And you are a great inspiration! :thumbsup2

I noticed something this morning: I think my weight gain might have something to do with the time I get up. The end of last week I got up very early every morning. Today I woke up around that time and had to use the bathroom. Hoping to see the scale moving in the right direction I got on it. It did show one pound less than yesterday! Yay! :thumbsup2 And then I went back to bed and slept another two hours (it's the weekend after all!). When I really got up I went back on the scale and was shocked that it showed 1.5 less than two hours earlier. And it showed the same weight as last Friday. So after all the talk we had about weighing this week: It seems that not only morning/evening should not be compared. But also don't compare your 6am weight and your 8am weight!!

OOHHHHH!!!! NOW I see what you were saying earlier.
Sorry for not understanding earlier.

But YES, what you are saying - fair to say = correct. I too have noticed just recently this rather unusual way our bodies work.:goodvibes
Glad 2c things are a little better across the pond:boat: 4 ya.

Okey dokey everyone, Ladybug & I are out this am to the park for a good game of "fling & fetch.":goodvibes

And afterwards, she will have some wet food & me????
A chicken sandwich, some chips and diet soda out on our backyard patio while having fun watching Ladybug play .popcorn::
(with some SAN FRANCISCO vacation music playing in the background on my I-pod w/speakers) -

T-minus 94 more days & I am off to a much needed vacation adventure :goodvibes

P.S. Hey everyone - with all of this weight being lost, kinda makes me wonder how much EXTRA ROOM (due to smaller clothing) we will all have in our suitcases the next time we go on vacation.:woohoo:

Has anyone noticed a difference recently??:confused:
(or even in your closets)

P.S. Hey everyone - with all of this weight being lost, kinda makes me wonder how much EXTRA ROOM (due to smaller clothing) we will all have in our suitcases the next time we go on vacation.:woohoo:

Seems like you have a great start for you weekend! And I can tell you that while the single t-shirt needs less space in my luggage now than a few years ago when I was quite a bit heavier, I do have much more fun getting cute clothes so there is no extra room in my luggage as I want to take this sundress and these cute shorts etc. :goodvibes But might be more of a female problem!!! ;)
Happy weekend my friends! Looks like things have been picking up here! Usually after a few days away I can catch up quickly, but you all have been very chatty!

My weigh-in yesterday was slightly less than stellar, but I wasn't surprised. After visiting DD for two days and being in less control of my food, I kind of expected that I wouldn't show a loss. The food at her school is very good and and plentiful and lots of choices, but when you don't know the content, calories, fat grams, PointsPlus, etc, it is hard to gauge. I guess I could have stuck with salad, salad, salad, but how boring is that??? I ate healthy and watched my portions but enjoyed a few small treats and expect that next Friday's weigh-in will be an improvement. ;)

I hit up a few area yard sales this morning, but came home empty-handed. I didn't really go out looking for anything in particular and was feeling tight with my money, so not surprising I didn't spend anything.

DS and I are heading out later to go pick up a push mower that we found online for free. He is interested in learning some small engine repair and we thought it would be a great lesson to try it on his own and maybe fix up a few small things and then sell them for some extra pocket money. He looked into being an "iTech" (he has replaced the broken screen on two Ipod Touch units for the family), but of course the first requirement is that you be 18 years old and he is not.

What a beautiful fall day we are having here! The sun is shining bright, the sky is blue, and the day is warming up nicely! I do love this weather, but hate that it just keeps getting cooler and cooler and cooler! I've covered my impatients during both of the frost warnings we've gotten and they still look great, but I'm ready to let them go. October 1 is the day I start thinking about FALL. I hold off on pumpkins, etc until at least 10/10 usually. I don't buy real pumpkins any more because DS is allergic. I have several ceramic ones that look very real, so I'll put those out in a few weeks. I don't bother with much more fall decor than that because we don't have ANYONE that can see our house, so what's the point?? I usually put up a few Halloween things on the day of trick-or-treating and then take them down the next day. I"m not a fan of that particular "holiday".

Not sure what I will get done today. I did a bit of scrapping yesterday, but it was less than satisfying... not sure why. House is fairly well picked up, but could use a vac and dusting, but not feeling it today. Not sure if I am feeling super productive or just super lazy today. Lots on my mind and that is throwing me for a bit of a loop.

Nothing planned for lunch, so I guess I will go see what I have available in the fridge. Dinner is scheduled to be homemade pizza, but that could change.

Off to try to catch up here a bit!............P


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