3000 miles, 3 kids, and too many photos to count! FINAL UPDATE 7/11

Do you shoot in RAW? I shoot jpeg. Mostly because I don't want to always have to process everything I shoot. And it takes up so much more on the card too.
I have a CS3 book, that I have started (about a year ago) and learned some more about processing, but I just don't have time to sit and try it all out...and then remember it. LOL! I have read some some books on photography and tooks a few basic classes (one was black and white flim and we learned to develope...really fun!). But it's been a few years, and I need to refresh myself again.
I shoot in manual, but pretty much take the lowest aperture, (wide open) and then adjust the shutter speed to that. I know that is NOT the best way to go about it for all pictures. I should pull out some of the books and go at it again.

Did you get lightroom? I had a friend give me a CD with photoshop and it had lightroom on it, but I unistalled it. I just didn't have a clue what it was. I wonder if I can find that CD and reinstall it again and learn about that too.

I just started shooting in RAW earlier this year. I picked up LR3 with the student discount and really love the exposure adjustments you can make with it. I also love the noise reduction feature.

I used to think RAW was just for experienced photographers. Then someone pointed out that because you have so much more latitude to fix errors in the RAW format, it makes it the best option for those of us... shall we say.... less experienced! Then I saw an example of just what you can do with an underexposed RAW format photo and I was sold.

I compromised by shooting RAW + Jpeg, but that takes tons of memory space, so I've mostly dropped the Jpegs now. It's not hard to make a few edits to a shot then export it as a Jpeg.

I used to shoot in program mode most of the time, choosing my own ISO and when to use the flash. Now that I understand a little (emphasis on little! :lmao:) more about aperture and shutter speed, I choose based on situation. I use a high shutter speed to get a crisp "stop action" shot of my son when he's running track. I use a wide aperture when I want to take a portrait and blur the background. I use a smaller aperture (larger f stop) when I'm taking landscape photos and want as much as possible in sharp focus.

I also have learned here that while the widest aperture is good for some situations, most lenses have a "sweet spot" that is somewhere between wide open and completely stopped down to its smallest aperture. So I try now to stay shy of the large AND small end of the spectrum.

I would love to take a photography course, but there just aren't enough hours in the day. If time is an issue, I say pick up a book, start reading, and hang out here for a while!
I wanted to go back and reread your trip report. We are thinking of driving across country one way or the other. I can't remember what kind of camera are you shooting with?
I wanted to go back and reread your trip report. We are thinking of driving across country one way or the other. I can't remember what kind of camera are you shooting with?

Hi Mike!

I see you found the new trip report and just posted over there. I was using the Xsi for the summer road trip.

I hope you get to do this!
Awesome pics, thanks for the hint and link!

Even though it's been almost 3/4 of a year ago, your trip report IS STILL GOOD!!!! (that's what we say in my family when we are having left overs and no one is tired of them yet! :lmao:)

I love how your daughter wears the costumes that you've made and I can't help but think how the cast members must get a kick every time they see her playing along in character.

Your photography was excellent as well, even though the weather didn't always cooperate with your plans. Now we know why folks like Ansel Adams were wandering around out there for all those years just waiting for all the elements to come together to make their pictures completely perfect.

Thank you so very much for sharing your vacation, your family, your pictures and your thoughts. Your trip report was very inspiring and thought provoking to read.


Even though it's been almost 3/4 of a year ago, your trip report IS STILL GOOD!!!! (that's what we say in my family when we are having left overs and no one is tired of them yet! :lmao:)

I love how your daughter wears the costumes that you've made and I can't help but think how the cast members must get a kick every time they see her playing along in character.

Your photography was excellent as well, even though the weather didn't always cooperate with your plans. Now we know why folks like Ansel Adams were wandering around out there for all those years just waiting for all the elements to come together to make their pictures completely perfect.

Thank you so very much for sharing your vacation, your family, your pictures and your thoughts. Your trip report was very inspiring and thought provoking to read.



Awwwww......... thanks Joanie! Lately I've been longing to just get back in the car and drive again! :car: But with our first high school graduation next month, we haven't made any plans yet for this summer. But with gas so cheap, maybe we'll have to come up with something! :lmao:

Awwwww......... thanks Joanie! Lately I've been longing to just get back in the car and drive again! :car: But with our first high school graduation next month, we haven't made any plans yet for this summer. But with gas so cheap, maybe we'll have to come up with something! :lmao:


Where are you finding this cheap gas????? :rolleyes1
Where are you finding this cheap gas????? :rolleyes1

LOL! :lmao:

When we drove to Florida the summer of 2008, we paid 3.79/gallon all the way across the country until we hit FL, then it hit 3.95. Gas here is 3.58 this morning. See? Cheap! :rotfl2: It's just a matter of perspective! :thumbsup2

I think they eat a lot of Chili..... and I mean A LOT of Chili !!!!! :eek:


Oh so true........ I think you can still get chili for a buck on the Wendy's value menu! :rotfl:
So I just found your trip report, though I have to say I clinked on the link in your sig thinking it was a TR for the trip this year, not last :rotfl:. Anyways LOVE LOVE LOVE the photos makes me want to drive back there again. So speaking of TR since you are almost done with the "Princess" one you could do one on this last trip it will help keep me entertained until I can entertain you :thumbsup2
So I just found your trip report, though I have to say I clinked on the link in your sig thinking it was a TR for the trip this year, not last :rotfl:. Anyways LOVE LOVE LOVE the photos makes me want to drive back there again. So speaking of TR since you are almost done with the "Princess" one you could do one on this last trip it will help keep me entertained until I can entertain you :thumbsup2

LOL! That's what's know as a "happy accident"! I'm jealous that you live a full day closer to all of this natural beauty. I'd go back in a heartbeat......... but no takers here in the near future.

I guess I never thought of doing an older trip report. If I get too weepy as the current one comes to a close :sad: I might have to consider that! princess:
Just discovered this thread and I have to say I really enjoyed looking at the great photo's. You have some really awesome shots. Makes me want to travel west, but we always end up at Disney World because we love it so much. Did you have a son
graduate recently? That was the photo that drew me in because I just had a son Graduate high school this past May. Any way keep up the great work.
Just discovered this thread and I have to say I really enjoyed looking at the great photo's. You have some really awesome shots. Makes me want to travel west, but we always end up at Disney World because we love it so much. Did you have a son
graduate recently? That was the photo that drew me in because I just had a son Graduate high school this past May. Any way keep up the great work.

Thanks for the nice message! Yes, my oldest just graduated high school in May. This trip report was actually from our trip last summer though.

The drive west really is an amazing thing. If you can tear yourself away from WDW, it's worth doing at least once in life. And honestly, DL has a lot to offer too. And it's not THAT far from all the scenery..... :goodvibes

OMG! Those dresses are AMAZING!! Just started reading your TR today! Just wanted to say how beautiful the dresses are!
Just read your trip report now! And have to say that I loved it, your pictures are incredible!! AND HOOOLY the dresses! I wish my mom would make some that good/cool for me (and I'm 22! :rotfl:) That's some serious talent! I'll definitely be continuing into your other TR now!
Just read your trip report now! And have to say that I loved it, your pictures are incredible!! AND HOOOLY the dresses! I wish my mom would make some that good/cool for me (and I'm 22! :rotfl:) That's some serious talent! I'll definitely be continuing into your other TR now!

Many thanks for the kind words and for reading along! :goodvibes I'd love to see you on the other TR too. I should have a new one to do after December! :dance3:
I know I'm a couple years late reading this report but I just wanted to comment that if you like red rocks, you should visit Sedona in Arizona. Don't come in the summer though. The perfect time is around October. VERY beautiful scenery!


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