To the Mothership!!! A WDW First-Timer's Trip Report! UPDATE 9/23

Hi Erin! :wave2:

I remember you from your Pirate Premier Report! I've never been to WDW (always Disneyland) but when my kids are older we're planning on going at least once (probably in 4-5 years).

Even though my trip is 4-5 years away I still like to plan trips on the WDW site and I've already decided to stay at Port Orleans Riverside. I'm excited you stayed there so I can read all about it.

Thanks for writing another report and I'm really looking forward to reading about your trip!!!
Great way to start a WDW vacation!

I agree!

I'm in! I can't wait to see more from a newbie's eyes!

It was so magical! I was worried the grandeur of WDW would ruin Disneyland for me but now that I'm back to reality, Disneyland has its own magic :)

Joining in... Can't believe how great the view was from your table in the California grill lounge! Never been .

I definitely recommend going to the California Grill at least once! The food was great and the view was one of a kind!

Subbing! My DH and I are going for our first adults-only trip in October, and are staying in a POR Royal Room. Cali Grill is on our must-do list as well!

Our garden view room was great so I'm sure the Royal Room will be awesome! Enjoy the California Grill! I can't wait to go back!

Hi Erin! :wave2:

I remember you from your Pirate Premier Report! I've never been to WDW (always Disneyland) but when my kids are older we're planning on going at least once (probably in 4-5 years).

Even though my trip is 4-5 years away I still like to plan trips on the WDW site and I've already decided to stay at Port Orleans Riverside. I'm excited you stayed there so I can read all about it.

Thanks for writing another report and I'm really looking forward to reading about your trip!!!

Hi!!!! :wave2: I'm so glad you're back! I remember you too! Port Orleans Riverside was beautiful! My mom and I are planning a trip for September 2015 and while I would love to try a new resort, Port Orleans Riverside was so wonderful I wold LOVE to go back!!

I'm excited you're joining!
We woke up the next morning and started getting ready for OUR FIRST FULL DAY AT WALT DISNEY WORLD.

I was stoked. Obviously.

Because we were going to the Magic Kingdom! To see Cinderella’s Castle! I could hardly stand it.

I got ready quickly and went to the dining hall to pick up breakfast for us while Jordan showered.

I took my camera along the way to try to capture the beauty of the resort.

In my stupor of arriving yesterday, I apparently missed some things as we walked to find out room. There was a fishing hole! You could rent bicycles! There were jogging trails! Not that I was even planning on running while I was on vacation, but I was excited I could if I wanted!

I walked into the dining hall and there weren’t too many people as it was kind of early. I picked up a chocolate muffin and orange juice for myself and some sort of bounty platter (pancakes, bacon and eggs…maybe?) for Jordan. I paid with my Magic Band because it was so darn handy!

When I got back to the room Jordan was finishing up getting ready and we ate our breakfasts and then headed for the bus stop for OUR FIRST FULL DAY AT WALT DISNEY WORLD.

The Magic Kingdom bus came fairly quickly and we were two of the very few people to get on. We sat in the back and on the ride over, I was amazed at everything I missed on the very dark bus ride the night before.

There are trees! And other hotels! And we’re driving on a FREEWAY! And there are lakes. Everywhere. (No alligator sightings to my disappointment). Disney World was an entirely new place in the day!

We got the Magic Kingdom about 8:30 and made our way through security and the (lack of) turn-styles (soooo much cooler than at Disneyland…Disney World wins this one!)

We were able to find a waiting spot near a planter and I reveled in the glory that we were in Disney World!

I never realized how big my glasses are until this picture...

There was an announcement that the Welcome Show would start in 5 minutes and my heart started beating faster. DISNEY WORLD HAS A WELCOME SHOW.

Jordan and I killed time people watching. And then the welcome show began.

There may have been a tear or two in my eyes. OMG. I’M IN THE MAGIC KINGDOM.

When the welcome show was over they let us in to the park and I may or may not have started crying. Kind of. Definitely.

It was like a dream come true. I had dreamed about this moment for years and years and it was finally happening.

We entered Main Street and I took everything in. Everything was so big! So tall! So magical!

And then I saw it.

Holy cow.

That thing is HUGE.

Disney World wins again.

I guided Jordan through the castle into Fantasyland (Disneyland wins this one…there is no comparing Disneyland’s Fantasyland’s theming no matter how much bigger and awesome Disney World’s version) and headed straight towards Peter Pan.

Being the FIRST FULL DAY AT WALT DISNEY WORLD I took ride pictures. Ride pictures that didn’t turn out well because I’m not exactly an award winning photographer, especially in the dark. It's not like I don't have a really nice camera. I do. I just may or may not know how to use it... (definitely may not)

After Peter Pan we went directly across the walkway to Small World (Disneyland wins again). There was literally no one in line so we walked directly to the boat. It’s such a cute ride, despite the song.

He was excited

Drunk hippo, anyone?

When we got off the ride, I looked to the right and saw the awesome Rapunzel bathrooms! How cool are those! I wanted to take pictures of how awesome the women’s bathroom was but I thought again and decided that maybe it’s a little…um…strange to be taking pictures of the inside of a bathroom.

Up next: wait? Haunted Mansion is right here?

Thank you ... your trip report make me feel as though I am walking beside you, enjoying EVERYTHING!!
Love your pics of the hotel. We're staying at WDW for a couple of days after our cruise in November and I couldn't decide where to stay... well I know now! It looks wonderful.

All of your pics help me to pass the time until our vacation. Thanks so much for sharing!
I love your excitement! It makes me excited and makes me wish I was in the Magic Kingdom right now!

I agree with you about the theming of Fantasyland - though I think it has improved a lot with Newish Fantasyland and the additional Castle walls, etc.

Oh, and based on reading tons of trip reports here I can guarantee you would not have been even close to the first person to take a picture inside the Punzel Potties :rotfl:
I'm in- how could I not be? Your enthusiasm is infectious!! Can't wait to hear all about your trip!!
I HAVE FOLLOWERS!!! I've written a couple trip reports before and have some great followers with those but it truly warms my heart when everytime I log in I see more and more people reading about my trip! I never thought people would actually really enjoy reading my Disney ramblings! Thank you to all who are joining me!


Thank you ... your trip report make me feel as though I am walking beside you, enjoying EVERYTHING!!

Yay! It was such a fun trip!

Joining in!


Hi Erin!!

I've read some of your past TR's and I'm impressed!! I love the TR so far

I'm so glad you're here!

Love your pics of the hotel. We're staying at WDW for a couple of days after our cruise in November and I couldn't decide where to stay... well I know now! It looks wonderful.

All of your pics help me to pass the time until our vacation. Thanks so much for sharing!

I wouldn't hesitate to stay there again and again and again! It's beautiful!

I love your excitement! It makes me excited and makes me wish I was in the Magic Kingdom right now!

I agree with you about the theming of Fantasyland - though I think it has improved a lot with Newish Fantasyland and the additional Castle walls, etc.

Oh, and based on reading tons of trip reports here I can guarantee you would not have been even close to the first person to take a picture inside the Punzel Potties :rotfl:

The New Fantasyland is awesome! I loved all the rides in Fantasyland! Its just different enough from Disneyland that it is a wonderfully fun adventure exploring!

And I know I'm not the first person taking pictures of the Rapunzel bathrooms, but I just felt so weird doing it haha

I'm in- how could I not be? Your enthusiasm is infectious!! Can't wait to hear all about your trip!!

It was a magical trip! My excitement was not containable and reliving it through the trip report is bringing all the excitement back again!
We left the Rapunzel bathroom area and went to our right towards what we’re used to being a walkway along the Rivers of America.



Haunted Mansion.

Wasn’t expecting that!

And it doesn’t look anything like the Haunted Mansion at Disneyland. I think the Haunted Mansion at Disneyland is beautiful. For a long time, I actually wanted to live in a house that looked JUST like it! Just not filled with ghosts. Because that’s creepy.

Disney World’s Haunted Mansion is beautiful as well! Different, obviously, but beautiful! And this was our first opportunity to experience an interactive queue (Disneyland hasn’t quite caught on to that. Well, I guess Indiana Jones has kind of an interactive queue. I guess. Maybe).

The posted wait time was only 10 minutes so we hopped on in! I had scheduled FP+ for that later in the week but it doesn’t hurt to ride more than once, right?!?

We had the nice family behind us take a picture of us:

While the Disneyland version is very similar, I really enjoyed the first part of the ride, right after you get on the Doombuggy. Disneyland’s version starts in the room with the skeleton trying to get out of the coffin and is then followed by the hallway with the breathing door. I felt like Disney World’s version had more of an introduction and it was slightly longer (can anyone confirm that for me?)

After we escaped the ghosts, we walked toward Liberty Square which is beautiful! So colonial! I loved it! We made our way through to Adventureland and I couldn’t believe how spread out it is! Disneyland’s Adventureland, while beautifully themed, is small and the walkways are definitely NOT roomy (I actually think it is one of the most congested areas of all Disneyland).

I’m sorry, I can’t help but to compare my beloved Disneyland with the Magic Kingdom. There are just so many similarities and I’ve been to Disneyland so many times, I just can’t help it!


We walked around Adventureland and ended up riding Pirates of the Caribbean. We had FP+ for that evening, but the wait time was minimal so we got in line! We walked a ways before we saw the people in front of us. It’s another beautiful queue!

After Pirates, we walked through Frontierland and over to Thunder Mountain! It was weird for us to have Thunder Mountain where Splash Mountain SHOULD be but it was also exciting because WE WERE IN THE MAGIC KINGDOM!

The line moved fast and it was nice loading the train in a covered space! We loved how intricately themed the queue was! We loved the ride and my favorite part was when the track actually goes out over the water!

When we got off the ride, we mosey’d our way on back over to Fantasyland because I wanted to see Mickey’s PhilHarmagic! As usual (from what I’ve read) we didn’t wait long and before we knew it, we were sitting in our seats with our 3D glasses on! We both loved it and it was nice to sit in squishy chairs in an air conditioned room!

After Mickey’s PhilharMagic, it was about noon and we decided to head back to the hotel for lunch and an afternoon break. We walked through Fantasyland towards the castle, which we had planned on walking through, however there was a show going on in front of the castle and people were being guided to go around so around we went.

But first, I insisted we stop so I could meet this wonderful Fairy:

I continued taking pictures of the surroundings on our way out because it was just all so magical and beautiful and BIG.

We were both looking forward to taking a break (Jordan loves to nap and I love to read by the pool!) and then heading back in the late afternoon for our FP+ reservations and dinner!

However, the plans kind of got turned upside down.

Up next: a minor meltdown and rose petal napkins
My DH has the exact same Star Wars t-shirt :)

I LOVE Big Thunder... it's my favorite!!

I'm thinking about Crystal Palace right now... it's almost lunch time here and I'm starving :drinking1
Im in for what seems to be a fun ride! Love reading peoples reports who havent been to the World. But even better because i get to hear the comparison to DisneyLand!
Joining in also! Looks like a great time. Also I love the comparisons, it is always neat to see how things stack up.
I appreciate the comparisons! I know I'm going to do the exact same thing when I finally make it to WDW.
Erin I'm loving the TR! The feeling you experienced when you entered MK for the first time is so unique. I hadn't been to WDW since I was 12 but went back this Xmas and felt the same thing. It's just an overpowering feeling.

Count me in for the rest of your adventures. ;)
I love reading about the comparisons to Disnelyland - having never been there it is cool to try to picture. Glad you have been encountering minimal lines so far.

your foreshadowing was a bit foreboding
I love this for so many reasons!

1 - your sweet guy reminds me TONS of my great husband
2 - you write the way I think (and maybe the way I write too...I just re-read my own TR from 5 years ago...the last time we went...)
3 - I am just as excited about Disney as you!

Loving this and waiting with bated (not baited...) breath!



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