"I Wanna See My Castle!" October 2013 TR *COMPLETE* **NEW TR LINK!!** 7/3

Agreed on all points - Ohana was OK but no need to return (and not looking forward to having to pay for Aria at buffets!), TT is just OK. It is something I usually ride 100% due to its single rider line (wish more rides had it!). Rude lady might have made your ride experience a little worse too. I can imagine being super annoyed after that ride and then the Chip & Dale meet attempt, but at least you made up for it at AK!
I miss Camp Mickey and Minnie, too. :( But we did ok with still meeting characters this past trip in AK. Yay for being able to find Chip and Dale there! My nephews always have a great time with them. :) Baloo and King Louie are so much fun! My nephews loved meeting them, too. That's great you got Pocohontas, too! I hope you find Dug and Russell. We got Russell this past trip but didn't get Dug.
Your thoughts on Test Track are EXACTLY the same as mine. I do not get the hype for it, the outside portion really is the only good part.

Great character pics at AK, you guys sure did meet a lot while you were in that area!
Agreed on all points - Ohana was OK but no need to return (and not looking forward to having to pay for Aria at buffets!), TT is just OK. It is something I usually ride 100% due to its single rider line (wish more rides had it!). Rude lady might have made your ride experience a little worse too. I can imagine being super annoyed after that ride and then the Chip & Dale meet attempt, but at least you made up for it at AK!

Ughhhh, it's going to be TERRIBLE having to pay for Paxton at those character meals!! I guess I will have to think of it as paying all that money for us to get into the park early for pictures on Main Street. :rotfl: It certainly won't be because Paxton is eating his weight in puffed French toast!!

I wish more rides had single rider too. Before Paxton, I never even considered riding SR, even when the standby was long and we didn't have a FP because I panicked at the thought of riding with a stranger. Now, it's whatever will get me on and off the ride fastest because whoever is left with Paxton has to keep him occupied and that's not easy to do!

Ugh, yes, Epcot had me SO annoyed that morning!! Luckily, the rest of the day made up for it!

I miss Camp Mickey and Minnie, too. :( But we did ok with still meeting characters this past trip in AK. Yay for being able to find Chip and Dale there! My nephews always have a great time with them. :) Baloo and King Louie are so much fun! My nephews loved meeting them, too. That's great you got Pocohontas, too! I hope you find Dug and Russell. We got Russell this past trip but didn't get Dug.

C&D are just fun to meet! We always have the best time when we see them together. Baloo & King Louie are another fun duo, which surprised me because I thought their size would scare Paxton. But he loves them!

Your thoughts on Test Track are EXACTLY the same as mine. I do not get the hype for it, the outside portion really is the only good part.

Great character pics at AK, you guys sure did meet a lot while you were in that area!

Thank goodness for single rider, because I don't foresee myself waiting in a long standby for just the outside part to be the only thing worth doing!

Reason number 1 why I will miss Camp Minnie-Mickey so much, meeting all those characters in one spot! And maybe we were just lucky but we never had long waits there either for anyone.
Catching up on your updates! Finally getting interested in DIS all over again :) I think right after our last trip in January, I just didn't want to spend time here because I knew we didn't have a trip planned soon. We STILL don't, but here's hoping it might happen within a year? Anyway, I'm going back to the end of March!

Haha, that iPad photographer on IASW made me laugh. We think they're hilariously funny that they hold up this HUGE screen, and they also have the case too. Like, first of all, isn't it uncomfortable for the person using it? Secondly, do they not even realize just how much they're blocking people behind them?! Haha, my uncle does that when taking family photos, and all the cousins crack up at him because it looks ridiculous!

Though I don't think I'll ever do MNSSHP, I love reading about people's character interactions! How adorable that DS got to sword fight with Donald! I think that's something I would remember forever if I were a kid. I also have to say it was the cutest thing that he pointed to you when Snow asked where Tinkerbell was!

I STILL get amazed each time Flynn takes out the crown from his satchel. I just adore the fact that Disney included that detail in the meet and greet. It would be so cute if they did more things like that where things are immediately apparent unless someone mentions it or asks.

GORGEOUS fireworks pictures! Sometimes I think the pictures are better than seeing them in person, haha. Last time we went, it was really windy, and it was blowing the smoke in a bad direction, so it came out horribly in Howard's pictures. I can't wait for him to try again in better weather!

I'm so intrigued by Via Napoli's pizzas because of the rave reviews that it gets. In all honesty, it doesn't actually LOOK that delicious since it looks like a plain ol' pizza, but when I hear what people say about it, I want to have some myself!

I LOVEEEEEEEE the shots from Maelstrom where the troll comes out because of the ride "track" included in the pictures! Normally the pictures are always zoomed in on the troll, but I love that larger shot!

I wonder if Be Our Guest will ever get to that point where it's easier to get an ADR. I don't typically like planning meals so far in advance since we don't know what park we'll be in on that day since we no longer have APs and don't have park hoppers. There are some things I really would like to try there! And a cupcake is definitely one of them! We don't normally do dessert, but mmm, every time I see that chocolate cupcake, I drool.

During one of our recent trips, the girls at the end of the MSEP had to march in place and smile in Frontierland for AGES because there was a problem with a float in front of them! They had to get that little cart thing to tug the float the rest of the way, so they were just in that position for such a long time. I agree wtih you that they are an impressive group!

Part of me feels bad when I "intruding" on someone else's "family" photo on Test Track or something like that, and I too have had experiences where the family didn't realize that I was going to be sitting with them. When that happens, I also think that they really must not have been paying attention the entire time that they were on the line because they're clearly filling up other cars with single riders. You can see it happening as you approach the front! Oh well. If anything, I feel that having a conversation or commenting on something makes it "okay" because then it's like, yeah, it's a picture with your family but also with that nice girl that you met for a few minutes while on the ride!
So what did I think about the ride? It totally lived up to my extremely low expectations. Of course the outside part is still as great as always, but otherwise, can someone please explain the point of the rest of the ride? I didn't miss anything, did I? I was really just riding around through dark, black lit rooms and seeing stats on the cars created by the other folks in the car with me that have no bearing whatsoever on the ride? Because that's pretty much all I got out of it, and I was thoroughly unimpressed.
No... I don't think you missed a thing at all. Seems pretty accurate to me! :rotfl2::lmao::rotfl:

I love the ride and it is still a must do, but I kind of miss the real world testing idea of it. I enjoy the car design part and that I actually really appreciated that addition to the ride, but the dark room, random lighting part... yeah... :confused3

Our primary goal in going there was to see Baloo & King Louie, but we were up for meeting some others as well. DS ran right up to Baloo for hugs!
I'm really glad to see he's so excited to run up to such a big character like that. DS loves the Jungle Book and Baloo, but I don't think there's anyway he would get that close to him for a M&G without some coaxing. :rotfl2:

This was the ONLY shot PhotoPass took of him with these guys. Good thing DH took so many!
All those good photo ops captured and this is all they got??? :faint:

Luckily for us, right around the front of the greeting trails, we saw Chip & Dale! So now I wouldn't have to be super annoyed about missing out on that meet too. DS ran right up for hugs, he just loves those guys!
Well, it is certainly a good thing you didn't waste any more time waiting around for just Dale then. I'm glad he got to see them!
The biggest down side to going through the single rider line...dealing with folks who don't realize Disney fills all empty seats! It's surprising how often people give those reactions. Sorry it had to happen, though. And I agree, the old Test Track was much better!

I'm glad AK have you plenty of character meets, especially Chip and Dale! Those pictures of Paxton with Baloo are just adorable. Here's to hoping you were able to get that interaction with Russell and Dug!
Catching up on your updates! Finally getting interested in DIS all over again :) I think right after our last trip in January, I just didn't want to spend time here because I knew we didn't have a trip planned soon. We STILL don't, but here's hoping it might happen within a year? Anyway, I'm going back to the end of March!

This is one amazingly long response, Rachel!!! :lmao: Hopefully you can get back soon. I know how you feel, as we don't have one planned at the moment right now. We are tentatively planning on October next year, but that depends on a lot of factors.

Haha, that iPad photographer on IASW made me laugh. We think they're hilariously funny that they hold up this HUGE screen, and they also have the case too. Like, first of all, isn't it uncomfortable for the person using it? Secondly, do they not even realize just how much they're blocking people behind them?! Haha, my uncle does that when taking family photos, and all the cousins crack up at him because it looks ridiculous!

iPad photographers are the worst!! And maybe I don't have the latest version they have, but I tried taking a photo and a video with my iPad when I first got it, and the quality is downright awful. I can't imagine how it makes for a useful and practical camera to use on your entire vacation? :confused3 Plus, once you put those things in a case, they are HEAVY! At least, I know mine is.

Though I don't think I'll ever do MNSSHP, I love reading about people's character interactions! How adorable that DS got to sword fight with Donald! I think that's something I would remember forever if I were a kid. I also have to say it was the cutest thing that he pointed to you when Snow asked where Tinkerbell was!

I STILL get amazed each time Flynn takes out the crown from his satchel. I just adore the fact that Disney included that detail in the meet and greet. It would be so cute if they did more things like that where things are immediately apparent unless someone mentions it or asks.

I have to say, I never thought I'd do a MNSSHP either, but once you do one, you are hooked! I can't wait to go to my next one. It was one of the most fun nights I have ever had in Disney World. Paxton had the best time too, and still talks about that sword fight with Donald and seeing what was in Flynn Rider's satchel.

GORGEOUS fireworks pictures! Sometimes I think the pictures are better than seeing them in person, haha. Last time we went, it was really windy, and it was blowing the smoke in a bad direction, so it came out horribly in Howard's pictures. I can't wait for him to try again in better weather!

Yes, the wind can really screw up fireworks viewing and photos! We have had that happen to us a couple of times. But luckily this night was just absolutely perfect!

I'm so intrigued by Via Napoli's pizzas because of the rave reviews that it gets. In all honesty, it doesn't actually LOOK that delicious since it looks like a plain ol' pizza, but when I hear what people say about it, I want to have some myself!

I really don't know what it is about that pizza, but it is honestly my favorite pizza I have ever eaten in my life. It's definitely worth a try, even if it's just to see what all the buzz is about. :thumbsup2

I LOVEEEEEEEE the shots from Maelstrom where the troll comes out because of the ride "track" included in the pictures! Normally the pictures are always zoomed in on the troll, but I love that larger shot!

:goodvibes I now think of you every time I see a photo of a ride vehicle or track!!

I wonder if Be Our Guest will ever get to that point where it's easier to get an ADR. I don't typically like planning meals so far in advance since we don't know what park we'll be in on that day since we no longer have APs and don't have park hoppers. There are some things I really would like to try there! And a cupcake is definitely one of them! We don't normally do dessert, but mmm, every time I see that chocolate cupcake, I drool.

I'm sure it will, but those days are probably very VERY far into the future! It's hard for me to plan meals so far in advance too, which is probably why we do so few ADRs. Our plans always seem to be changing up until a couple months before the trip, give or take some changes in park hours or something. It seems like it's easier to get in for lunch nowadays anyway, so at least you can still get that cupcake! They are all delicious!

During one of our recent trips, the girls at the end of the MSEP had to march in place and smile in Frontierland for AGES because there was a problem with a float in front of them! They had to get that little cart thing to tug the float the rest of the way, so they were just in that position for such a long time. I agree wtih you that they are an impressive group!

I'm sure the other walking and dancing performers have a tough job too, especially in the heat, but those patriotic girls on their toes the whole time...MAN, just amazing! That had to be so miserable for them waiting for the parade to continue moving! It's so different from Mardi Gras, because if there is a problem up ahead causing everything to stop, the marching groups will just start sitting on the ground or milling around and talking until it's time to keep moving again. :rotfl: Disney Difference!

Part of me feels bad when I "intruding" on someone else's "family" photo on Test Track or something like that, and I too have had experiences where the family didn't realize that I was going to be sitting with them. When that happens, I also think that they really must not have been paying attention the entire time that they were on the line because they're clearly filling up other cars with single riders. You can see it happening as you approach the front! Oh well. If anything, I feel that having a conversation or commenting on something makes it "okay" because then it's like, yeah, it's a picture with your family but also with that nice girl that you met for a few minutes while on the ride!

I'm sure this woman I was sitting with is one of those people on the Theme Parks boards who sounds horrified at the idea of sitting beside a stranger for a 5 minute thrill ride, as if they are going to catch our single rider cooties! Every other time I have used SR has either been a pleasant or neutral experience because I have never taken the time to write about it in my notes before this time. That's a good approach that you have!

No... I don't think you missed a thing at all. Seems pretty accurate to me! :rotfl2::lmao::rotfl:

I love the ride and it is still a must do, but I kind of miss the real world testing idea of it. I enjoy the car design part and that I actually really appreciated that addition to the ride, but the dark room, random lighting part... yeah... :confused3

Okay, I'm glad it's not just me being cynical!

I'm really glad to see he's so excited to run up to such a big character like that. DS loves the Jungle Book and Baloo, but I don't think there's anyway he would get that close to him for a M&G without some coaxing. :rotfl2:

The first time we met Baloo, I don't know if Paxton had even seen the Jungle Book yet, he just ran in for the hug. Baloo seems to be about as big as he'll go as far as meeting characters because Wreck-It Ralph and the Beast didn't get the same friendly reception. :lmao:

All those good photo ops captured and this is all they got??? :faint:

I know, right?! This was not the only Photopass photographer we had that left something to be desired. I love the ones that just snap away like crazy during the candid moments and the posed ones. I started to wonder if maybe we were missing some photos from this meet, but I had to send it so many forms for missing photos, I just didn't bother with this meet. DH did a great job anyway!

Well, it is certainly a good thing you didn't waste any more time waiting around for just Dale then. I'm glad he got to see them!

Tell me about it! I would have been even more annoyed if we had waited to see just Dale and then found them both at the next park with no wait!

The biggest down side to going through the single rider line...dealing with folks who don't realize Disney fills all empty seats! It's surprising how often people give those reactions. Sorry it had to happen, though. And I agree, the old Test Track was much better!

I'm glad AK have you plenty of character meets, especially Chip and Dale! Those pictures of Paxton with Baloo are just adorable. Here's to hoping you were able to get that interaction with Russell and Dug!

I don't get the dislike of single riders! It's practically keeping the line moving faster for everyone if they don't send out empty seats!

It was definitely a character jackpot over there, which was great since we hadn't met any on our first AK day and it was supposed to be our only time in that park originally. I was so glad we were able to get back over there later in the week!
Wow - character-a-pooluzza! Love all the pictures of Paxton with Stitch and friends, Chip n Dale, and Pocohontas. Very cute!

Glad you meal at Ohanas was better than previously. I guess Paxton is at the age where its totally a waste of $ to pay the kids price for a buffet, which ain't cheap. :rotfl: The food looks good. It's a meal I have always wanted to try for breakfast. It looks fun.

I find it amazing that people don't think a single rider is going to get in their car. Come on people - have you ever seen an empty seat on a headliner? That has happened to me several times and I always feel so awkward.

You are really cramming a lot into your last day. Love it! :thumbsup2
Sorry to say that today's update is going to be a short one because I need to upload the rest of the pictures from our trip still. Flickr is great quality, but I find that the upload process can be pretty slow! Maybe it's just my computer...Anyway, I really am trying to get a move on with this report so I can get started on the next one. But tomorrow, the clinic where I am starting my new job officially opens! So my DIS time will likely be few and far between since I'll be working 5 days a week now. I promise, I am still reading all the same TRs and staying relatively caught up, but most times I only have a little while to DIS, so I am trying to read as much as possible and not commenting as often. I am getting a laptop for my birthday, so I think that will make reading/commenting and updating much easier for me if I don't have to be tied down to our desktop! I'm usually playing around on my phone while we watch TV in the evenings after DS goes to bed, but I can use that time to DIS instead!

Day 8 Continued: Tuesday October 29th

When I left off, we had just finished meeting Chip & Dale, Baloo & King Louie, and Pocahontas over at (the now deceased) Camp Minnie-Mickey. Next we were on the hunt for another pair I had put in DS's autograph book that could only be found at Animal Kingdom...Dug & Russell! We have never met them before, so I was hopeful we wouldn't encounter an extremely long line.

Luckily, when we arrived at their greeting spot, there was only a short wait, so we hopped in line.

by disneymom1024, on Flickr

by disneymom1024, on Flickr
One of the funniest things happened while we were waiting in line, and I hope it comes through as funny in writing, but you probably had to be there to really appreciate it. While we were waiting, DS wanted out of the stroller, so he was standing beside it while we pushed it through the line. The CM working the line noticed his birthday button, which we had pinned to the front of the stroller so that DS wouldn't pull on it if he was wearing it and ruin his clothes. The CM pointed to the button and said, "Wow, it's your stroller's birthday?!" DS got the cutest smile on his face, opened his arms wide, hugged his stroller and said, "Happy birthday, Stroller!" :lmao: And then DH, the CM and I all proceeded to erupt with laughter. This kid, such a little character!

Soon enough, we were up to the front of the line when Dug & Russell went on a break. So we got to see them coming back shortly before our turn.

by disneymom1024, on Flickr

by disneymom1024, on Flickr

by disneymom1024, on Flickr

by disneymom1024, on Flickr
Haha! Check out that doggy tongue!

by disneymom1024, on Flickr

by disneymom1024, on Flickr

by disneymom1024, on Flickr

by disneymom1024, on Flickr

by disneymom1024, on Flickr
Who knows what caught his attention by this point? Squirrel?!

by disneymom1024, on Flickr

by disneymom1024, on Flickr
Success! I was so happy as we left there because I had been so worried about having so many empty spaces in his autograph book. As much as DS loved getting everyone to sign it, let's be real, I was the only one worried about getting all of the spaces filled! :rotfl: It had been so disappointing to leave on our earlier AK day without having seen Baloo & King Louie and Dug & Russell, guaranteeing we'd have 4 empty spaces because you can't find any of them anywhere else. It had really worked out perfectly that we were able to completely rearrange our day.

After our meet, we were ready for some lunch. Pizzafari used to be our go-to lunch place at AK, but lately we seem to be gravitating towards Restaurantosaurus. But since we had eaten there the other day, we went back to our old faithful, Pizzafari. It's really not the food that I like so much, but I love the decor in that restaurant. So fun!

by disneymom1024, on Flickr
Once we had decided what we were ordering, DH got in line while I took DS to find a table. He had a great time checking out the bugs on the seats while we waited.

by disneymom1024, on Flickr

by disneymom1024, on Flickr

by disneymom1024, on Flickr

by disneymom1024, on Flickr
Since we were still a bit full from breakfast, DH and I got the cheese pizza with a salad to split, and we got DS the kids pizza with grapes. Not much to say about the food, it's typical Disney pizza and to me, there's nothing wrong with that!

After lunch, we said farewell to our second park of the day, Animal Kingdom, for the remainder of the trip. I'll say it once more, I was so happy we had been able to get more time there! We really do love exploring that park.

It was about noon when we left, but it took us a bit longer to get back that we expected because we took a wrong turn and ended up leaving property! But it was fun to get to drive under those arches again for no particular reason as we made it back in the Disney bubble. We got back to Bonnet Creek at 12:30 and put DS down for his nap. Then DH and I had to do the thing every DIS'er dreads...pack! We loaded up the suitcases as much as we could so we wouldn't have to do much packing that night or in the morning, leaving only the stuff out that we absolutely needed. Then we still had time to take a little nap ourselves, so we did just that.

UP NEXT: Park #3!

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Sooo cute about Paxton playing along with the stroller birthday joke! He is a ham! Love the dug & russel pics, and sounds like lunch was great too! What a nice morning! :goodvibes

I hate having to spend precious vacation time packing to go home...boo!! hehe
Happy birthday stroller!!!:rotfl: Awww!!

I'm glad you were able to get in more time at AK and to fill up that autograph book some more ;)
Awww, I love the stroller story. Too cute!! Yay for meeting both Dug and Russell! We met Russell when we went in March but didn't get Dug.

Packing is the worst....I start getting Disney withdraw at that point. :(
All the best in your new job!!!

Haha, trust me, the stroller story absolutely translates. OMG that is too cute. :rotfl:

Aww Dug and Russel are still on my must meet list. I always just keep missing them. They look so adorable.
But tomorrow, the clinic where I am starting my new job officially opens! So my DIS time will likely be few and far between since I'll be working 5 days a week now.
Well, either way, good luck with the new job! :thumbsup2

One of the funniest things happened while we were waiting in line, and I hope it comes through as funny in writing, but you probably had to be there to really appreciate it. While we were waiting, DS wanted out of the stroller, so he was standing beside it while we pushed it through the line. The CM working the line noticed his birthday button, which we had pinned to the front of the stroller so that DS wouldn't pull on it if he was wearing it and ruin his clothes. The CM pointed to the button and said, "Wow, it's your stroller's birthday?!" DS got the cutest smile on his face, opened his arms wide, hugged his stroller and said, "Happy birthday, Stroller!" :lmao: And then DH, the CM and I all proceeded to erupt with laughter. This kid, such a little character!
:rotfl2::lmao: The story translates well. I think it is funny.

Actually, that was very receptive of him to pick up on what the CM said and respond like that. He has very good comedic timing. This could be trouble in a few years. :rotfl2::rotfl:

Success! I was so happy as we left there because I had been so worried about having so many empty spaces in his autograph book. As much as DS loved getting everyone to sign it, let's be real, I was the only one worried about getting all of the spaces filled! :rotfl:
I guess somebody has to be worried about it. :confused3 :lmao:

I'm glad you filled the spaces. :thumbsup2
I love that your stroller had a birthday! :rotfl2: Too cute!

Working Monday through Friday does have it challenges are far as free time, but once you get used to it you'll find yourself little pockets of time in the evening where you can retreat to the DIS. I hope you love your new job.

I love pizzafari - not for the food, but for how cool it looks inside.

Boo to packing.

Can I tell you how many times we have taken a wrong turn and ended up leaving property? A LOT! :rotfl2:
I'm glad to see you were able to meet Dug and Russell! Especially since that had been high on your priority list earlier in the trip.
I remember how awesome your autorgraph book was, so I'd probably be upset, too, if there were so many empty spaces. And you never know, down the road, Paxton might have been asking you, "Mom, why didn't we go meet So and So? What did we do instead?" :rotfl:

Pizzafari does have the coolest theme to it! Love all the bright colors.
I'm so far behind on replies, I'm so sorry!

I LOVE the pictures of Paxton and Pluto! That birthday cupcake looks so much better than those yellow ones they normally bring out. Only in Disney World do you not blink an eye at having dessert for breakfast, LOL.
That's funny, we ended up doing the same thing on our last day in May. Other than lunch plans, we left our morning open to go to the park we felt like we needed more time in and that happened to be Epcot.
Beautiful Epcot pictures! I love all the detail in the Nemo pictures.
That's pretty good to be heading to a second park by 10am, even after having a character breakfast!

Oh Camp Minnie Mickey, I miss you already! Great character pictures. So glad you got to see Chip & Dale after all. I love the pumpkins in the background with Pocahontas. We've never been in the fall so I live vicariously through your October TRs, lol. I'm glad you were able to squeeze so many characters in so quickly. Paxton has the best autograph books!

Oh pizzafari. We haven't eaten there in so long. Yak & Yeti CS seems to be our go to in AK. I can't believe it's your last day already. Definitely looking forward to your next TR though.
Congrats on the new clinic! :goodvibes

Oh my gosh, I LOVE the happy birthday stroller story!! Your DS is the cutest.

Bahaha it looks like Dug is eating him!

Packing already?! :sad:


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