(MNSSHP) YES, I would LOVE to build a snowman!!! Frozen Summer Fun Done Differently

I love the magic shots! They are so much fun! We have one where the photographer had Scotty flirt with Tinkerbell and had me do an angry face. Some of the photographers are so good and fun! We had a couple that told us where they would be later and ask us to comeback later to see them.
That's too funny about Michele. The magic shots were great because we had no clue what they were going to be.
We are at DHS today. We arrived for check in of the premium package just after 10. W/C parking was in the sun and partial sun all the way to the left instead of all the way to the right in the shade. We enjoyed some snacks for about 15 minutes after picking our show time. They tried to find jj a shaded spot. But it was partially shaded and part sunny. We knew he wouldn't make it 45 minutes. So we took our drimks and the rest of our snacks and enjoyed them in the air conditioning at a table at backlot express. We stepped outside for the parade 5 minutes before the parade came!! I think we did good keeping jj cool.
Girl, you know me and my clumsy self...I'd have busted my behind more than once on the ice/snow. :lmao: Remind me that the two of us should never get together and play in the snow. We'd be a sight to see. :rotfl:

It looks like you guys had such a fantastic time and the fireworks are amazing!

All of the magic shots pictures are super neat! I am sure that it was fun seeing who/what was actually going to turn up in the pictures.
We are at DHS today. We arrived for check in of the premium package just after 10. W/C parking was in the sun and partial sun all the way to the left instead of all the way to the right in the shade. We enjoyed some snacks for about 15 minutes after picking our show time. They tried to find jj a shaded spot. But it was partially shaded and part sunny. We knew he wouldn't make it 45 minutes. So we took our drimks and the rest of our snacks and enjoyed them in the air conditioning at a table at backlot express. We stepped outside for the parade 5 minutes before the parade came!! I think we did good keeping jj cool.
What show did you pick for this afternoon? Were all available?
What show did you pick for this afternoon? Were all available?

12:30 only had a small amount left. It looked like one ticket. 2:30 and later had plenty left. Haven't been back around singalong to ask questions yet. So I don't know what they have.

Oaken's has no wait for either side. Build a snowman has a 10 to 20 minute wait. Cm wouldn't tell me how many allowed in snow at a time. But they go in for 10 minutes, she shared.
I am constantly walking around singing this song. :rotfl: My son thinks I have lost my mind.
Joining in! We were at Pop July 5-13 and we did DHS on the 6th! I was so happy we could walk right in to Oaken's, I was so worried after hearing about the waits on the 5th, but we had no problems there. Can't wait to read more!
have there been any hints dropped by Disney about extending this any longer? The wife and I love Frozen and she especially really wants to see this but we took an impromptu trip in early june and there is nothing left in the vacations fund :(

They announced this on such short notice and the duration is so short it is just too difficult for us to get down there to see it.

Had they announced a few months ahead of time they were planning this we for sure would have booked a trip around it...
Girl, you know me and my clumsy self...I'd have busted my behind more than once on the ice/snow. :lmao: Remind me that the two of us should never get together and play in the snow. We'd be a sight to see. :rotfl:

It looks like you guys had such a fantastic time and the fireworks are amazing!

All of the magic shots pictures are super neat! I am sure that it was fun seeing who/what was actually going to turn up in the pictures.

Lol, but flip flops with a worn sole isn't the best snow footwear.

We had a great time. The fireworks are very cool, especially the way they integrated a stage show and fireworks together.

I am constantly walking around singing this song. :rotfl: My son thinks I have lost my mind.

Me too. And parts of Let it Go. You'd think by now I'd know all the words.

Joining in! We were at Pop July 5-13 and we did DHS on the 6th! I was so happy we could walk right in to Oaken's, I was so worried after hearing about the waits on the 5th, but we had no problems there. Can't wait to read more!

Welcome. We were neighbors for a brief time! Every time we've been there since the 5th, it's been walk in for both shopping and the Funland. Which is good, because the first day was unbelievable. Glad they fine tuned it and made 2 separate lines.
have there been any hints dropped by Disney about extending this any longer? The wife and I love Frozen and she especially really wants to see this but we took an impromptu trip in early june and there is nothing left in the vacations fund :(

They announced this on such short notice and the duration is so short it is just too difficult for us to get down there to see it.

Had they announced a few months ahead of time they were planning this we for sure would have booked a trip around it...

The only possible hint, was a glitch in the Disney Dining reservation system. Twice cm told me the first available reservation for the Premium Package was after Sept 1st. They didn't know for sure if it was a glitch or actual.

I know, the announcement was so fast and for such a short period of time. I sure hope it gets extended! But at this point, I'm not counting on it.

The way it sounds, it was thrown together pretty quickly. A friend of mine had gone for an audition for it on June 30th. It started on the 5th! The parade folks were practicing after park closing a week or two before. But at the same time, it seems very well thought out. So it may have been in the plans for further in the future? Guess there's no way other than speculation to know for sure?
We have come to the not so fun part of the trip report. Today was testing day, the 24 hour video EEG (VEEG).

Not much to report on that. He wanted Daddy to stay with him over night, so I left when visiting hours were over at 7pm.

I had thought about heading over to the MK or to DHS. But ended up going to the food court. Before I left, I noticed a "worm" crawling on the floor. I get grossed out easily by live creepy crawly things. I touched it with my foot and it rolled into a swirl. EWWWW! I grabbed some napkins that I found and picked it up and helped him outside. Went back in and washed my hands as if I had actually touched it. EWWWW!

At the food court, I went with nachos. I brought them back to the room and watched tv. I know, big excitement for the day.


These Poppin' Supreme Nachos are a bit strange. The "nachos" are homemade BBQ chips. The same chips you can get with a sandwich at another station. Then you choose what kind of chili you want on your chips. I chose vegetarian. The cm asked if I wanted melted cheese. I passed on the melted cheese and went for the real, shredded cheese instead. Normally I don't like corn, but on these chips, I do. So I had the cm load up all the toppings I like. The grand total of my bill was under $6 with my TiW discount!

I went to bed at 10pm. The pool outside was really hopping. Kids screaming and squealing with excitement. All the fun must have been right outside my door. Back and forth, back and forth I heard little feet running by my door. Bang, bang, bang, up the steps. Then someone else got fancy and was drumming beats on the stairwell. They were having fun. The pool closed, and the noise all stopped.

I fell asleep until I heard the a vehicle stop nearby. I checked the time. My phone was all messed up. It said it was roaming. It gave me two different times. It said the time at home was 3:45 and the roaming time was 4:45. I had to pick them up at 6am. Which was it?! I discovered it was the latter time. I got out of bed and got ready. Headed out to pick them up. It was strange to see Pop Century so empty, the roads so empty.

I woke up ds and dh. As soon as ds was awake, the technician took him to the treatment room to get his leads taken off. This is by far the worst part of the test for him. He hates the pulling. She told me not to use shampoo, but only water first. She said the "goo" will dissolve with warm water.

We headed back to Pop as soon as he was cleared to go. The goo really did come out with just warm water. It dissolved to nothing. The adhesive tape that had been on him caused some redness and some of that adhesion stuck to him though.

There was plenty of time before check out, so I told him to try to go back to sleep. He asked if Frozen was still at DHS. I said yes. He was too excited to sleep and was hungry.

We went down to the food court to eat breakfast. I really like the breakfast potatoes and the sausage. Not things I would normally make at home. We packed up the car afterwards, and headed to DHS.

After breakfast, we saw a bunch of those "worms" along the pathway. They had a black head. Never saw anything like it before. Saw one on our window and it looked like a "hammer head worm"


About the VEEG: On the Wednesday after the VEEG, I got a call from the neurologist to increase his seizure medication at bedtime. The VEEG showed spiking in a new area. This means that conditions are good in that area for a seizure to occur. We return at the end of July for an appointment and more details.

Frozen Parade: Take 3​

This was going to be our third viewing of the parade. I wanted to go to the Backlot Express and sit inside until the parade started. It was so hot outside. I could actually feel sweat down my back. And I rarely sweat. So I knew if I was hot, ds had to be even hotter.

But as we started walking we saw that our favorite spot for the SWW motorcade was empty. DS and DH wanted to go there. If we had known the results of the VEEG, we would not have even considered sitting here in the heat. Granted, it was in the shade, but when it's 90 some degrees outside and humid, the shade is still very hot.


I had damp cloths and ice in the back with his extra cool pack. We put them on his legs and head.

A very nice family from CA sat beside us on the curb. This was their first WDW trip ever. They wanted to know what I recommended they do about the Frozen stuff. I told them about needing tickets for the sing-along. There was nothing in the Times Guide that mentioned tickets. I showed them on the map where to go.

Their little girl was very excited about Frozen. I also suggested we cheer for Anna and Elsa when they come out.

The dad looked at my parade pictures from the 6th. He decided where we were sitting was not ideal for picture taking. He left his spot and went across the street for better lighting.

The parade began, and we all cheered!

Anna blew kisses


Then Elsa did


The children did not wear blue capes for this parade. Perhaps because it was so hot?


Kristoff waved and greeted ds saying something like, "Hello, Buddy!" Ds was beside himself that Kristoff spoke to him!!


I took a few other pictures, but for the most part enjoyed the parade and watched it.

This particular time, the parade was over in 4 minutes flat. Everyone just zoomed right by. The time before the horse had caused a small lag and the parade took it's time going by us.

The new friends from CA followed the processional up to the stage. We did not. DS said he had to go home. So we loaded him up with more ice and headed to the car, then home.

He couldn't stop talking how that was the best parade ever. He couldn't believe that Kristoff said hi. Actually talked, not just waved. It's been a while, but in his Phinneas and Ferb fashion, he declared it the best day EVER!

Up next, another Premium Package, another parade viewing at a different SWW favorite parade spot.

ps. Do you like the pictures huge like before? Or smaller like these?

Eewww to having to do the testing and to the worm in the room! Sorry to hear that you didn't get the call from the doctor's office until after you were at the park. Like you said, had you been given the info earlier, you could have chosen another spot to view the parade. But, JJ may have also missed out on such a great moment with Kristoff.
Joining in and all caught up on your TR and loving it!
We were at the Frozen Summer Fun event on Sunday 6th, but only did the sing a long due to the heat!
I love your sons magic shots with him holding his Sven! And his reaction to Kristoff in the parade must have been priceless!
Can't wait to
Eewww to having to do the testing and to the worm in the room! Sorry to hear that you didn't get the call from the doctor's office until after you were at the park. Like you said, had you been given the info earlier, you could have chosen another spot to view the parade. But, JJ may have also missed out on such a great moment with Kristoff.

I was actually surprised to hear from them before the appointment. So it did unnerve me a bit on Wednesday.

It was a very special moment for him when Kristoff called him Buddy. He had asked him where Sven was the previous parade and Kristoff looked at him, but didn't say anything. We had told him that maybe the characters aren't allowed to say anything during the parade. So that made this even more special.

Joining in and all caught up on your TR and loving it!
We were at the Frozen Summer Fun event on Sunday 6th, but only did the sing a long due to the heat!
I love your sons magic shots with him holding his Sven! And his reaction to Kristoff in the parade must have been priceless!
Can't wait to

Welcome, and thank you!

It was hot. How did you like the sing-along?

Thanks. The Sven magic shot is pretty cool.

Have you ever seen the Disney Memories HD app? You can do the same type of thing with your own pictures. (The adding characters.) However, they don't have any Frozen character options yet.

Yes, priceless memory.
Poor JJ and the heat. I never have seen a worm that looks like that.
Looks like such great Frozen fun!!! Love your report. How exciting that JJ got to see snow for the first time.
I could totally see me falling down multiple times too. That's why I'll be letting my husband handle ice skating

Just a few pages back I was telling you this & it came to fruition before I even got to the snow today. Last night at MK I was playing with my son and "ran" like 3 steps towards him- slipped and caught my flip flop and busted it good. I actually think I might have broken my toe- it is good and purple and painful today. Oh the life of being clumsy. Thanks again for sharing all this great information.


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