A YOLO Adventure: Royal Graduation Celebration! TRIP VIDEO! UPDATED 9/24/14 !!!

Joining in! It's been so long since I've had time to read a good YOLO report. Can't wait to hear about how the Rock Your Disney Side 24 hour went! :mickeyjum
I don't know if I missed it when it was posted or if it's been there all along and I just completely didn't notice, but I watched your trip video today! I absolutely love the YOLO videos, and this one was no exception. Sam being Mickey in Fantasmic was probably my favorite part of the whole thing. :lmao: I love watching how much fun y'all have. Can't help but smile while watching!!!

Love all the FoF pictures! Ya'll did good with just the iphone! I absolutely adore that parade, everything about it is so amazing with so much energy! Love it!

UGh, Dasani! I feel the same about it, I'd MUCH rather have smart water but they've increased the price to like $4 and that is just way too much for me to spend on water!!

Yes! That's definitely what I love, the energy. Seriously though $4!? I buy it at home for $1. Without the snack credits that were technically my parents, I would never pay cash.

Nice FoF pics! Lol about your Dad's hat. I know what you mean about the Emporium, I think World of Disney is like that too; people snatch stuff up like "my precioussss!". Its too funny. I always end up buying a plush (or 2!) on Disney trips.

Agreed. Mouse Gears, World of Disney, Emporium, all places that draw a crowd. I just have to pick up those plush when I'm there. I just can't help myself!

Beautiful F of F pics. I have always wanted to be the buy churros or "that guy". I guess I need a floppy hat!

I was really hoping he'd be 'that guy' but I guess the hat was only churro worthy!

Subbing in!! Can't wait to read your trip report!

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What a spectacular trip report! I thoroughly enjoyed reading it and will definitely be reading more YOLO reports. Congrats on your graduations!

Thanks so much!

That parade looks like so much fun! I hope I can catch it when I get there!!

Yes you must! If you are in MK you will see it. It is unavoidable!

I just love reading your trip reports.

Thanks!! This is the first YOLO report I've done. The others are Alish and Sam.

Joining in! It's been so long since I've had time to read a good YOLO report. Can't wait to hear about how the Rock Your Disney Side 24 hour went! :mickeyjum

That will be the longest update yet!

I don't know if I missed it when it was posted or if it's been there all along and I just completely didn't notice, but I watched your trip video today! I absolutely love the YOLO videos, and this one was no exception. Sam being Mickey in Fantasmic was probably my favorite part of the whole thing. :lmao: I love watching how much fun y'all have. Can't help but smile while watching!!!

The video is recent! Sam is just so artistic in putting the clips together. We really do have so much fun, and I love to watch and relive it and smile as well!
Ziggy Zaggy, Ziggy Zaggy, Oy Oy Oy!!

After a short trip on the monorail, we were at Epcot. We were headed for the Biergarten! One of my all time favorite dinner destinations for Disney trips. On the long trek to the world showcase, we made fastpasses for Maelstrom for 6:40-7:40 at the new kiosks. Now I am all for advancement, but these kiosks were the slowest and most unresponsive touch screens I have ever seen. There are cast members just waiting for you to come up an make more fastpasses. However, you can only make more fastpasses after you have 1) used all three of your previous fastpasses or the time as passed for all three and b) you can only make fastpasses for the rides in the park that you are currently in. DUMB. We wanted to make more for MK for later that night but Maelstrom it was! As we continued, we found our bae Duffy meeting and greeting. We eventually made it to Germany. It is just so precious!


It literally looks like someone plucked a small village out of Germany and placed it in Disney right!?


We checked in, and played the waiting game.


All we wanted was a glass of water. The case of the dry mouth had infected us all and no amount of Smart waters or Dasanis were going to cure us. We waited about 20 minutes after our reservation time, but eventually we were called up. While we waited we observed a quite lovely waiter named Johannes.

Spoiler Alert: There were no shortage of lovely waiters on this trip.

The wait was due to the fact that the other families that would be sitting with us at our table had not arrived yet. We sat with a couple who had just graduated and two brothers that were visiting each other since one brother lived in Orlando. Neither group, we decided, seemed like they knew that they would be sitting with strangers. So we ended up sitting in the middle of the wooden table. One couple on the left, and one couple on the right. Like a sandwich. We luckily were well prepared for the family seating.

The inside is just as precious as the outside.


Set ‘outside’ in a courtyard surrounded by facades of German buildings.


The waitress took our drink orders. Sam and I both ordered a cold pop and a water. While everyone got up to get food, we patiently sat in our seats waiting for that water.


We were literally was dying. I couldn’t have wished for anything more at that moment. We chugged that ice water so fast, it’s not even funny. After we were cured, we made our way to the buffet. I started some potato leak soup and pretzel bread, as did Sam.


Shoot! It was so delicious.


Second course was a whole lot of food including sausage, spaetzle, veggies, potato dumplings, beef, and more.


It was all very good and better than Sam expected it to be. The buffet was full of food like my grandma makes, so my dad and I are huge fans. Even the dessert was heavenly. Pastries, cakes, and apple strudel with vanilla sauce.


I was very concerned Sam wasn’t going to like it but she really did!


Especially the yodeling, and German musicians who have been there since before I can remember.


We really enjoyed it when we raised our glasses and chanted Ziggy Zaggy Ziggy Zaggy Oy Oy Oy! Pop of course, no beer for us.


After dinner we switched our fastpasses for a little later and headed to Norway, since we were still busy stuffing our faces during the time slot. I played with some soccer balls and drums on the way around the showcase. My bad, I tried to bounce the ball on my knees and shot it across the oncoming traffic of people.

Mom took in the breathtaking view.


We also played with the puppets in China because we are children. Now we got there just as the Flower and Garden festival was ending. So we would see topiaries in some places still on display, where others were being hidden in order to be taken down. As we were walking around the showcase Sam spotted this gem.


I literally died a little. I was cracking up. It was like Rafiki was holding Simba up so that he could have a better view of what we were doing. :rotfl:
We then road the maelstrom and it was a good reunion.


Browsed the shops afterwards, again children. Sam bathed in Laila, her favorite scent.


We then took a trip into staves church and read all the interesting facts about frozen. We had no idea really why people were going in and out of the place (although we knew it had to do with frozen). It just seemed like the thing to be doing!


A child came in and said real loud "it's just a frozen museum" he was obviously unimpressed. It was kind of interesting actually. A very small and quiet place with things like clothes and artifacts on display with descriptions. There were so many good facts about how closely Frozen is based on real Norwegian culture. We left and stood around deciding if we should get a spot of illuminations, which would be in about 40 mins or do something else. We ended up going to Mexico. We romped around the shop and did some planking.

Nothing like planking on a fountain in a crowded Mexican city. Please note dad in the background like 'is that my daughter? well yeah not surprised..'


And some sombrero wearing.


Silly Dad! Again.


Of course we had to do the boat ride where we had a boat all to ourselves.

Three Caballeros!


Pretty much my parents were not amused. After that we found a place to stand for illuminations 15 minutes prior to the show. At this point in the night, things began to go really sour.

Love the updates!!

Mk looks like a lot of fun obviously, and dinner is definitely a place I want to go!! It sounds like a blast, and looks like the food (and beer lol) are good, so that's a bonus!!
Biegarten looks good! And the Frozen 'museum' sounds really interesting. Ooh, cliffhanger! popcorn::
It's actually ticki tocki ticki tocki hoy hoy hoy. I'm german and didn't even realize this until I went to a german Beerfest. :rotfl: I actually really want to eat at Biergarten so i'm glad you enjoyed it.
I so wish I knew about what the real purpose of those FP+ kiosks were. I thought it was just to rearrange the three you had per day, I didn't know you could add MORE. Ugh, that would've been SOOOO useful over a week ago. :P

Biergarten looks really cool! I never even really thought to look there when I was searching for a place to book a World Showcase ADR. I'd totally be into a "Ziggy Zaggy Ziggy Zaggy Oy Oy Oy" chant. And those German desserts look fantastic! YUM.

Love the photo of Simba over the refurb wall! So random lol

:thumbsup2 to riding Maelstrom and the Gran Fiesta Tour! I hope it wasn't GFT that made your night that sour. :/

Can't wait to read more! :mickeyjum
All caught up now ! Biergarten sounds like a lot of fun. I really want to try it one day but I'm not that adventurous of an eater so I'm a little concerned. :confused3
congrats so exciting!! Do you know what your role at Disney will be yet/ What are you most hoping for?Looks like a great time!
Ooooh, das Biergarten. I always enjoy eating there; the wife not so much. I do love the cucumber and tomato salad and the Black Forest cake. Had a grapefruit beer at Sommerfest in March. My wife don't like beer but even she had to get her own. It may not sound good, but it certainly was. The Stave Church is a stop I make every trip. They used to play the prettiest music in there. I would think about my ancestors as the music played and I looked at the displays. Anyway, the Maelstrom and El Rio Del Tiempo are two of my favorites at EPCOT. Always enjoy those planking photos. But was your Dad thinking, "She gets that from her Mother or she's a chip off the old block?"
Loving your report and your video!! Keep up the good work! :goodvibes
And congrats on your DCP acceptance!! :woohoo:

Thank you! It is coming up so fast!

Love the updates!!

Mk looks like a lot of fun obviously, and dinner is definitely a place I want to go!! It sounds like a blast, and looks like the food (and beer lol) are good, so that's a bonus!!

My parents really enjoy the beer there, I am not a fan. But the experience and the food is so worth it!

Biegarten looks good! And the Frozen 'museum' sounds really interesting. Ooh, cliffhanger! popcorn::

It is very interesting, surprisingly. The struggle!

It's actually ticki tocki ticki tocki hoy hoy hoy. I'm german and didn't even realize this until I went to a german Beerfest. :rotfl: I actually really want to eat at Biergarten so i'm glad you enjoyed it.

AHH! I have been going there for years and I always put a z in there for some reason. Thanks for the insight! Now that I re-watch our video you are so right! You should definitely try out the food there, it is really worth it.

I so wish I knew about what the real purpose of those FP+ kiosks were. I thought it was just to rearrange the three you had per day, I didn't know you could add MORE. Ugh, that would've been SOOOO useful over a week ago. :P

Biergarten looks really cool! I never even really thought to look there when I was searching for a place to book a World Showcase ADR. I'd totally be into a "Ziggy Zaggy Ziggy Zaggy Oy Oy Oy" chant. And those German desserts look fantastic! YUM.

Love the photo of Simba over the refurb wall! So random lol

:thumbsup2 to riding Maelstrom and the Gran Fiesta Tour! I hope it wasn't GFT that made your night that sour. :/

Can't wait to read more! :mickeyjum

The kiosks are useful and a pain in the dupa at the same time. I just wish the app would work and you could do it on there. We used the My Disney Experience App quite often, when it chose to behave. The Simba still cracks me up.

Congrats on the graduation!! I'm a recent HS graduate

Yay congrats to you! Thanks!

All caught up now ! Biergarten sounds like a lot of fun. I really want to try it one day but I'm not that adventurous of an eater so I'm a little concerned. :confused3

It is a blast! Disney always has options for everyone. I am sure you could find something to eat, even Sam did. Even it turns out that the food isn't your favorite the experience will make up for it.

congrats so exciting!! Do you know what your role at Disney will be yet/ What are you most hoping for?Looks like a great time!

I am officially an attractions cast member! Well almost. That was in my top three roles so I am very happy with it.

Awesome review and video! Thanks for sharing.


Ooooh, das Biergarten. I always enjoy eating there; the wife not so much. I do love the cucumber and tomato salad and the Black Forest cake. Had a grapefruit beer at Sommerfest in March. My wife don't like beer but even she had to get her own. It may not sound good, but it certainly was. The Stave Church is a stop I make every trip. They used to play the prettiest music in there. I would think about my ancestors as the music played and I looked at the displays. Anyway, the Maelstrom and El Rio Del Tiempo are two of my favorites at EPCOT. Always enjoy those planking photos. But was your Dad thinking, "She gets that from her Mother or she's a chip off the old block?"

My mother also enjoys that salad. The dessert was slightly lacking this trip. I just cannot get into drinking beer. Someday I'm sure it will just click, just like coffee. My mother is no where near as adventurous as I, so definitely not from her!​
**Life Update**
We are getting closer and closer to our check in date for the College Program! We are exactly 30 days out from checking in and setting up in our new apartment. We couldn't be more excited! We have gathered so many items to make our apartment feel like home, it is almost unreal. We even have hotels booked and dinners planned for our last encounters with our families for a few months. Can't wait to update you all on the process!

PS don't forget that the video is up and ready for viewing, smiles guaranteed :cool1:
Rock Your Disney Side - A Royal Graduation

A Rumble Outside the Mill

We stood strategically behind some scooters/strollers hoping that no one would stand up and block the view of Illuminations.

We go on
to the joy and through the tears


We go on
to discover new frontiers


Moving on
with the current of the years


We go on
moving forward, now as one

Moving on
with a spirit born to run
Ever on
with each rising sun
To a new day
We go on!


It is not our favorite fireworks because the middle seems to drag a bit and it is difficult to see the images on the earth. But the song was stuck in my head for the rest of the night, and I really enjoy how the pavilions are involved in the show!

Here is where the night began to go sour. We all know that family vacations require a little drama. I could tell something was off since my parents stopped talking and my dad was being a huge crab. We left the showcase and high fived all the custodial members, just Sam and I trudging through the crowd with my parents somewhere behind. Of course, we jammed out to ‘We Go On’ during the walk out. Because the crowds were so crazy, and the stroller people were playing hit the guests, we walked into Mouse Gears. We browsed more merchandise to pass some time, then walked to the bus stop.

This little 5 year old child with a British accent at the front of the park was running away from his parents near Spaceship earth and Sam and I found it pretty hysterical as the dad was shouting “Get back here!!!” with a thick accent.


He also was 5 and still had a bink, which I am not okay with. The wait for the bus seemed to take forever, and we crammed on the next one that came. We walked back to the room and in Sam’s words, ‘it went down.’ Dad and I had a little spat about his absurd crabbiness and my parents decided to leave our Royal sleeping arrangements. So Sam and I picked out our clothes for morning and then went down to retrieve our mugs. Mulan was playing for movies under the stars, but ended shortly after we started walking. Otherwise we probably would have been all over that. When we got to the Mill, I saw my parents and chose to ignore them and continue to walk right on in.

Note to Self: That was a bad choice, do not ignore parents when they are angry on vacation.

There were definitely no good colors left for mug choices, when we got in to look.


But a lovely cm saved the day and brought out a blue mug for Sam as well as a purple one for me from the back. We grabbed some cold pop, and headed for the pool.

Outside, the rents had been waiting for me. I was then cornered by mom and we had a rumble outside the Mill.


They looked mad, but mom strutted over to me. Pretty much mom agreed with me that the crab needed space and time to cool down. All seemed to be well, except for that fact Dad and I were not speaking at this point. So Sam and I walked to the big pool and all these kids were still up swimming! We were having none of that. So we walked to the quiet pool near our Royal room and hung out there instead.

Too tired for real swimming, we settled for our feet.


For some reason some Olympic swimmer was practicing with their trainer/mom? I am just guessing, but this person had a cap and goggles and on and the mom trainer person was just sitting in a chair watching them continuously swim back and forth like in the Olympics. Sam told me she wanted to be a mermaid, but only with clean water and no fish. So basically a mermaid in a pool, but with some mermaid friends to keep her company :rotfl:. After a little while, we walked back to the room, showered, made plans with Alish for the next day, and went to sleep.

AHH! I have been going there for years and I always put a z in there for some reason. Thanks for the insight! Now that I re-watch our video you are so right! You should definitely try out the food there, it is really worth it.

Next time I go (hopefully if i get to do the DCP like I want) i'm gonna drag my father with me he's German and loves all the wursts and sausage stuff.
You Can Only Eat Cupcakes for Breakfast in DISNEY

This morning we woke up with all tensions diluted. Mom decided she needed to stay in the room for a bit to finish getting ready. So Sam, Dad, and I made our way over to Hollywood Studios. We walked to the first bus stop again and there was yet again a very long line of people waiting. This time there was commotion and the extremely long line prevented us from seeing what the real issue was! It turned out to be an older lady who tripped getting on the bus and was bleeding! Everyone was so curious and trying to catch a glimpse of the EMTs, but she passed us in a wheelchair with blood in patches on her bandaged knee. The EMTs patched her up real good. No need for stitches! We got onto the bus and the sweetest bus driver helped a man in a scooter into his spot. He did it very quickly and without causing stress or irritation so sweetly directing the scooter man. During the ride, a guest spilled their Mickey mug everywhere! There was nice orange liquid now seeping all over the floor. When we finally got to hs, we were getting off and the man who spilled told the sweet bus driver and of course he said not to worry and to enjoy their day! That is some real Disney magic. We got into the studios and found Alish and Andy on the corner of Sunset Blvd.


We all had fp+ for tot (Alicia somehow figured out how to copy our fp that we had previously made with the app!). So that was going to be our first act of the day, as it usually is when we spend the day in Hollywood.

I always tease Sam about taking this same pic over and over but I seem to do it too. It is just so beautiful!


It was a super quick line and ride. There was a tiny girl with a princess hat was close to the tv and she was so scared of this dark room with a creepy movie and a crowd of people. We sprawled in the back row because we met up with my friend Leah and her boyfriend who were also visiting wdw. Leah didn't know about the picture so she is looking at me like I am a nut posing for the pic! This often proves to be true.


After this Sam and I were so hungry so we dragged everyone to Starring Rolls cafe for some food. They had all Star Wars weekend stuff! We are big fans of Star Wars weekend even though we are not so much fan of the actual Star Wars. So of course Sam had a YODA chocolate cupcake and I had a peanut butter Darth Vader, FOR BREAKFAST! Only in Disney, on vacation where all your dreams come true and wishing on stars bring you cupcakes for breakfast, does this happen.

Hello, Yoda breakfast chocolate.


Nice to meet you Darth chocolate peanut butter Vader.


Leah tried the red velvet and the love birds had a bagel and split it (still no snack credits for them). Then we headed over to Animation Academy to draw. I was so excited because Dad had never been to a drawing sesh before and I thought he would really enjoy it. While waiting in line we reminded Andy of when he said FLOUNDER! And it was really nemo while playing the “guess the pic” game in the queue. We had a guy who was all into trivia. He asked us about the pets of Disney characters. Alish was all about answering those Disney questions! Unfortunately she got it wrong about the Siamese cats, from Lady and the Tramp and another girl got to take the animator’s drawing home. Dad really digged drawing! So did we.





We departed from the love birds and went to find mom near the front of the park. We made a pit stop at the bathroom while singing ‘friend like me,’ like we often do. We then took a walk to Toy Story Mania for some fp.


This is moms all time favorite and I can honestly say that I never ever see her as happy as she is on this ride.


My mom was so excited she even danced for the video! Sam always, always beats me! I started off winning this time, but there was none of that. Are you kidding me!?


Dad won too. After that we took a leisurely walk around the back.





Best friend's singing in the rain! Honestly one of my fave pics.


Mom was super excited too about this umbrella that produces magical rain.


It looks like I am pointing at Star Wars, but really I am aiming for this next photo op.



We saw that Star Tours was a short line so we decided to hop on that.


Darth and some Storm troopers were doing a show for the younglins.


We sped through the line and all the cool Star Wars stuff because it was so short of a wait. We even saw Darth and the Storm Troopers enter the building for some pics and Jedi training. Mom was nervous because the sign said no one should ride with high blood pressure. Those signs always over emphasize. But she was so excited to try it which was out of character for her, so we rolled with it.

Ew, gross.


I always think about that one time where I asked Sam ‘Why don’t these bend!?” thinking they were something different than all the other 3D glasses we receive.


We got to our seats and went on a tour of the stars. The simulations usually make me a little sick, but I didn't have too much trouble this time. Mom thought it was so much fun. No one was the rebel spy in our party. Boo. We got off and took more of a leisurely walk to Indiana Jones.


We got into the fp line and waited about 10 minutes to get awesome seats in the front.

Our Friend, Paige Turner

We got to our seats which were dead center and about 5 rows up from the set. It was the closest I’ve ever been to seeing this show. Usually we skip this one on the YOLO trips but mom and dad wanted to see it. Honestly I hadn’t seen it in so long and neither had Sam so we were actually looking forward to it.

Tempting gold.


Run Indy!


The stunts in this show are always so cool. The performers are so talented in gymnastics! or acrobatics?


This show never fails to keep my full attention, especially because it is similar to the real movie set and I imagine how they made the movie.


There is even awesome audience participation. Like people actually get to be a part of the show. There are also many comedic moments that make the show equally as funny as stunttacular.


I really enjoy how the set continues to open up too! There just so much depth to this sound stage.


I mean come on. A jet!?


And it wouldn't be Disney without some explosions and fireworks.


We all enjoyed the show and decided to get some hot dogs from Fare Fax. On the way there we spotted citizen of Hollywood Paige Turner and I encouraged Sam to ask her for a pic! She is her favorite after all. I pushed her in Paige's direction and she happily obliged.

Wow, I am a good photographer.


She shouted after us "I don't even know you!" to which I cracked up a little. We met up with Alicia and Andy for lunch, but since they just has chicken at Backlot, they were just their for good company. Ever since we had these magneficient hot dogs on our YOLO part cruise trip we have been wanting to go back ever since. If you are a foodie these are truly divine. Mom wandered off to the bathroom so I was left with the task of ordering for her. Dad, Mom, and I got hot dogs with pulled pork and cole slaw on top.


Sam got one with mac and cheese and bacon on it.


We were eating our dogs and mom said ‘you mean there is a hot dog under this pork??’ Well yeah mom! We discussed the possible auditions for our cp for Christmas time. I would dig that. Then we decided to see Beauty and the Beast. But the next one wasn't until 4:15 so we re-trudged over to the Great Movie Ride. Earlier had too much of a line that we would not be willing to wait in, but 20 min we could do. We had a real cute cm for our car and we got the gangsta scene. We then departed to catch the Beauty and the Beast show, a personal favorite of mine since I was obsessed with Belle as a child (and still am).

Dad's hat!!!


We snagged some nice seats near the back, behind some tall old men who kept switching back and forth. Lovely! We took some obligatory selfies of the YOLO crew.

We all look hot and tired, which we were. But still very happy to be together!


Oh, shoot. That's rough.


That's better.


And the show began.

There must be more than this provincial life!
Just watch....I'm going to make Belle my wife!


There's something sweet and almost kind
But he was mean and he was coarse and unrefined
And now he's dear and so unsure
I wonder why I didn't see it there before


Be our guest! Be our guest!
Put our service to the test
Tie your napkin 'round your neck, cherie
And we'll provide the rest


It's true, my dance teacher used to be a performer in this show as a spoon. He was also friends with Aladdin in Tokyo.


It's a beast, he's got fangs razor sharp ones.
Massive paws, killer claws for the feed.
Hear him roar, see him foam,
but we're not coming home,
'till he's dead, good and dead. Kill the beast.


Tale as old as time, song as old as rhyme, beauty and the beast.


I had recently been with Alicia, Andy, and Sam to see their brother as Gaston in their high school musical. Sam and I also saw it at our local theater in Buffalo a few weeks before we left. They are so different from the movie and this show was also different than all the shows I had recently seen. So it confused me to see all the mashed up scenes for a hot second. It was still beautiful. After the show we headed to the Backlot Tour. On the way there the citizens of hollywood were telling some jokes and after Paige got out she decided to pop a squat on the ground with this little kid.


They crack me up. We stopped for a lemonade slush for mom by tsm and waited forever. The alcoholic one came quicker for the man behind us! I did not see this monkey business going on behind me.



See what I did there?


We tried to catch some mist from the coke bottle when Andy exclaimed very frustrated “it never comes out when you're under it!” I proceeded to laugh out loud. We walked into the line and saw that they added some pirates artifacts from the set which was cool. We watched the pre-show, which we were previously a part of. We tried to stand as close to the rail as possible for some spray because of the heat. Mom stayed back. Unsuspecting us watched the show as Alish candidly took our video. We got on the tour and selfied all through catastrophe canyon.

Great updates!!

Too bad you had a bit of a spat with your dad/parents, but hey even stuff like that happens on a magical vacation, boo to that! Lol.

Looks like a pretty great day at dhs so far!! The pb cupcake was one of my favourite treats of the week! YUM!

Also need to try that mac & cheese hot dog!!

I can't wait for ya'll to start on your cp's!! What role are you in again? Hopefully we'll see each other again too! Lol. Can't wait to hear all about it!


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