A grand adventure of a lifetime! May 2014 ( THE FINAL)

so glad that your planning seemed to work out and you got some great family pictures! I am sure getting 7 people all looking the same way and eyes open, etc. - especially with 3 boys involved

So glad you were able to find the memory card - that must have been very nerve-racking ... I know I would have been flipping out a bit.

Sorry Bill still didn't feel up to going into MK - but certainly better for him to make the decision at that point rather than try and have issues.

Glad the boys enjoyed their Pirate makeovers so much and I find it funny that they took the mermaid captive!

Bit of ominous foreshadowing though!
Wow, what a morning! The fruits of perfect planning.... And then you go and leave us with a cliffhanger! :lmao:

Those pictures are absolutely amazing! I am very glad that you were able to recover the memory stick after breakfast. I know I am planning on O'hana dinner, but now you've got me thinking about breakfast as well! I am just concerned about it taking too long to get there from CBR without a car. Do we really want to get up that early?

If your kids like any of those characters the breakfast is well worth it. However food wise the dinner may have better selections. The breakfast food was very good but I just prefer the dinner option more.
You would have to take the bus to MK first and then either take the boat or the monorail to The Poly so it may be a good idea to plan the meal on your MK day. The monorail was just a quick ride to The Poly.
so glad that your planning seemed to work out and you got some great family pictures! I am sure getting 7 people all looking the same way and eyes open, etc. - especially with 3 boys involved

So glad you were able to find the memory card - that must have been very nerve-racking ... I know I would have been flipping out a bit.

Sorry Bill still didn't feel up to going into MK - but certainly better for him to make the decision at that point rather than try and have issues.

Glad the boys enjoyed their Pirate makeovers so much and I find it funny that they took the mermaid captive!

Bit of ominous foreshadowing though!

Taking the pictures was fun but also very challenging to say the least.

OMG!!! Bill was my hero that day!!! Needless to say he took it back to the resort with him so we would not have a repeat of what happened that morning.

I was prepared for Bill to be hesitant about MK and since it was a half day there anyway I was fine with it. It would put him in a much better mood and we all planed on getting together that night. The boys were sooooo excited about the Pirates League that they hardly noticed his absence.

I have been a interactive mom since they were born. I have played army with them several times so being held captive was no different;). Actually I had a lot of fun too!!!!

No spoliers here LOL!!!!
I love the pirate and mermaid makeovers!! I was thinking about doing that for my son but he is just 3 so I think I am going to wait a couple of more years.
I love the pirate and mermaid makeovers!! I was thinking about doing that for my son but he is just 3 so I think I am going to wait a couple of more years.

I would highly suggest it!!! The Boy's LOVED it!!! I would do it when you get the pirate room wt CBR:thumbsup2
I love love love the pictures taken during the photography session! Even the one with Bill goofing off was great. Thank goodness Bill stuck around and asked about the lost memory stick again. Otherwise, it may have been lost forever. Bill to the rescue!:thumbsup2

The pirate league makeovers look so good. I've read that a lot of the little boys take the role of pirate very seriously and refuse to smile because they are a pirate. ARG!
I love love love the pictures taken during the photography session! Even the one with Bill goofing off was great. Thank goodness Bill stuck around and asked about the lost memory stick again. Otherwise, it may have been lost forever. Bill to the rescue!:thumbsup2

The pirate league makeovers look so good. I've read that a lot of the little boys take the role of pirate very seriously and refuse to smile because they are a pirate. ARG!

Oh yes he was my HERO!!!

Those boys had the time of their lives that day! I am so glad I had a good CM that told me about it when I was making our ADR's otherwise I may have never found out about it. Wish we could go back sooner while the boys will still enjoy dressing up but we save until we can pay up front and that takes some time to do. However I do have a spolier. Our ONCE in a lifetime trip may change to at least a second trip in the future:thumbsup2
The boys just had the time of their lives and I could not be happier. We were even making excellent time. Our orginal plans included The Swiss Family Treehouse, Tom Sayer Island and our FP+ for Big Thunder Mountain Railroad . Since we were making such great time we were able to add the Aladin Magic Carpet Ride. While the kids and I rode the ride mom and dad went into one of the shops to order a special Christmas gift to be mailed home for the boys.


After the ride we were to meet mom and dad by the benches. We waited for a while and did not see them. We then heard the parade and could see the floats. We decided to get closer to check it out. There is an overpass close to the Aladin ride and I can honestly say I would have prefered that spot to see the parade rather then the FP+ location if it was a hot and sunny day. You could stand under the overpass which was shaded and see the parade perfectly even with us getting there after the parade had already started. We did not stay long though because I was afraid mom and dad would be back and not see us. We were only gone a few minutes before making our way back to the bench and still no Nana and Papa. I was a bit worried they had come back in our absence but I was also afraid to leave again. We ended up waiting another 20 minutes when mom and dad showed up. They said they got held up in the store. So this put us back a bit but not too bad. We could still possibly make it to the treehouse and the island if we did not take to terribly long at either place. However while sitting and waiting for mom and dad it dawned on me that I was supose to get a print out of the boys Pirate League pictures for no additional cost since we had the Old Photo Pass Plus. We stoped back into the entrance and explained this to the girl at the counter. She spent a lot of time searching for our photos and finally went to ask some one. She came back to tell me that one of the boys entire photos did not come out and were blurry. She explained that they tried to find us but we hurried out. REALLY!!!! We had stoped at the counter for some time afterwards so we could not have hurried out to quickly. I was starting to panic!!! I told the girl I wanted to see what child it was since maybe we could get another photo taken. After some length of time she came back and no one could find ANY of the pictures!!! Now I was getting mad:mad: They spent more time trying to track down the photos and came up with Jaden and Alex's pictures but not Noah. Of all kids it had to be. He was the ONLY one that had his makeup already smeared. At this point I asked if we could at least see the pictures and if they were just a little blurry we would still take them. They told me there was no way and that they were never printed. with the time we wasted we were now at risk of not making our FP+ for BTMR.I was beyond mad at this point:furious: I also asked to talk with the manager and requested at least a discount on Noah's package. I had to start from the begining and explain the whole situation again to her. Then she also disappered for a good length of time. Finally some one had found the picture and it was not blurry at all! Not sure what happened but all I knew is we now had ten minutes to make it to our FP+ for BTMR and there would be no chance of fitting in either the Treehouse or the Island. We rushed to the ride ,placed our magic bands by the Mickey, and waited. We all watched as the first person in our group went in. To our excitment the Mickey turned green. YEAH!!!! The boys loved the ride! I kept thinking it was one step closer to more advanced rollar coasters in the future. When we got off we managed to slip in a photo op before heading to our ADR for BOG.


Once we arrived I got a group shot with the castle in the background.



Even though we all could not wait to get inside we could not help but admire the detail outside. For some reason this little guy reminded me of Thomas the Fawn from The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe.


And long and behold Aslan the Lion also from The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe.


When we were lead inside I believe our jaws dropped! It was just beautiful! The main ballroom was so cool! Disney even made it look like it was snowing outside the window. Unfortunately my picture does not capture the falling snow.


Even though we ran into a bump in the road over the pictures, this day was turning out to be the best day ever! We were lead to the West Wing which is where we would be seated. As much as I really liked the main ballroom the Weat Wing was just PERFECT for the boys! I loved the curtains where just behind them lie the rose with it's petal falling.

I attempted to get a close up of the rose but it came out blurry. No matter it will remain in our memory with the help of that picture.

Wish I would have come up with the idea of taking a picture of menus before now but at least we got one.

The great thing about Disney is they really pay close attention to detail. Even the napkins were beautiful!

While eating Dinner an announcement was made that the Beast would be accepting guests in the back room. While the lightning struck in the West Wing the Beast walked in and then back out. It was really cool! Meeting the beast was a highlight of getting the dinner reservation as well as getting to see the desert carts. They were just as beautiful all lit up! I know people debate whether to eat at BOG for either lunch or dinner but I highly suggest you do dinner at least once.

After finishing our meal we got to meet the Beast. He did not sign autographs and after seeing his giant paws I could see why.

While heading out Jaden wanted his picture taken by the knight. Now some say you can hear them talking.

Having a full day and full belly's we were all ready to head back to our resort to meet Bill and let the boys have some pool time. Before doing so I wanted to get a good picture of the castle.

Since I was transformed as a Mermaid and this would be our last day at the park we managed to get a couple pictures with The little Mermaid decor in the background. This was a picture of the boys holding me captive.

To my surprise the photographer said he had a surprise for me since it was obvious I was a Little Mermaid fan. He had me hold out my hand and at that moment I just knew it had to be a magic shot of me hold Sabastian the crab! I had to wait until we got home to see the shot and this is what I saw!

Obviously this was some kind of joke right? Actually I think the photographer was new.

As we made our way back to the resort the boys were really excited to show their father their new pirate selves. Jaden had worked sooooo hard to make sure his make up stayed perfect even throught out his meal just so he could show Bill. I arranged for Bill to meet us by the pool so the boys could display themselves with a pirate theme in the background. Since we were heading to the pool we got off at the Port Royal bus stop. I stopped to take a picture of how beautiful even the enterence was.

Once we got to the pool I never had to beg those boys to get these shots! In fact they were asking me to take the pictures.

Of course they had to ham it up for dad!

We all walked back to our rooms to get changed into our swim suits. I wanted to capture how beautiful this place was so I could forever keep it in my memory.

Our grand adventure of a life time was coming to an end. I knew we would be faced with the inevitable " Disney Blues" in which there is no cure. I was smart enough to at least come up with a plan to help reduce the symtoms which would start after the boys would fall asleep.
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This update makes it me say "Best.Day.Ever." ala Rapunzel, but I had to LOL a bit about the picture of you holding Chip, "seeing as how you are a little Mermaid fan" and all :lmao:

It's a shame about the pictures. I suspect that the "they were blurry" line is a standard response whenever they cannot find the pictures to print. It's a good job you asked to see them anyway! Now I know that if I am ever in the same position to go ahead and do just that! Maybe by asking to see them anyway they have to take the trouble to actually find the pictures. So, thanks for the tip! :goodvibes
This update makes it me say "Best.Day.Ever." ala Rapunzel, but I had to LOL a bit about the picture of you holding Chip, "seeing as how you are a little Mermaid fan" and all :lmao:

It's a shame about the pictures. I suspect that the "they were blurry" line is a standard response whenever they cannot find the pictures to print. It's a good job you asked to see them anyway! Now I know that if I am ever in the same position to go ahead and do just that! Maybe by asking to see them anyway they have to take the trouble to actually find the pictures. So, thanks for the tip! :goodvibes

Oh my Gosh!!! The boys say that a lot (The Best Day Ever!) Now I know where they got that from! That is one of their favorite movies.

Yeah that was pretty funny. Actually it makes the picture that much more enjoyable.

I HIGHLY suggest you try to see any picture you can before leaving the park. I think you can log on to your Photo Pass and see the pictures that are down loaded from you phone. Or at the least if you have time you can stop by one of their shops to look at them there. That way you know if you have to repeat a picture BEFORE you leave the park. This is one bit of advice I will also keep for myself on our next trip.:thumbsup2
Sorry about the issues back at the Pirates League - but at least, in the end, you got the pictures of all the boys ... even with the delay, that is the most important part

And yeah for the boys liking Big Thunder! Maybe they are getting closer to Expedition Everest :thumbsup2

We've never been able to get an ADR for dinner at BOG so have only done lunch. It's great for a quick service location but do want to try dinner there - at least once just to try it

Very smart to get pictures of the boys as pirates in the setting back at your resort!

So glad, in the end, you were happy with how the day turned out as I know you put so much effort into planning it :goodvibes
Sorry about the issues back at the Pirates League - but at least, in the end, you got the pictures of all the boys ... even with the delay, that is the most important part

And yeah for the boys liking Big Thunder! Maybe they are getting closer to Expedition Everest :thumbsup2

We've never been able to get an ADR for dinner at BOG so have only done lunch. It's great for a quick service location but do want to try dinner there - at least once just to try it

Very smart to get pictures of the boys as pirates in the setting back at your resort!

So glad, in the end, you were happy with how the day turned out as I know you put so much effort into planning it :goodvibes

The pictures added a little stress to our day but it still was one of our favorites. I was sooooo glad I got those pictures! It was worth the trouble to make sure we got them.

Finger crossed on the boys being ready for EE at AK. That is one I would LOVE to ride but have not yet done so.

Those pictures back at the resort were one of my favoritesof the boys.

Planning is sooooooo much fun! It is even better when those plans work out:thumbsup2
I love the pictures of your pirates back at the resort! How clever you are! And how amazing that they looked that good even after a busy day.
I love the pictures of your pirates back at the resort! How clever you are! And how amazing that they looked that good even after a busy day.

That was sooooo much fun!!! I was hoping to relive the moment by attempting to talk them into being Pirates for Halloween since we had everything. I Was going to play around and practice doing their make up. Alas as those young boys made it into the halloween store for the first time this season other costumes caught their eye. On the other hand those pirate props and hats sure got their money's worth at home for the last 4months:thumbsup2

Jaden tried soooo hard to keep his makeup perfect so his dad could see him. I think that was the first time I seen a boy try so hard to stay clean;) All in all that make up did a great job staying put through the heat and all the activities of the day.
There it is! Ariel holding Chip!! :lmao:

That really bites about the Pirate pictures. I am sorry it took you speaking to a manager and asking for a discount for them to "suddenly" be found.

The only cure for DWD (Disney Withdrawal Disorder) is go on another trip!
What the heck was up with the supposedly blurry pirate pictures? Sounds to me like they didn't want to really dig deep and find them. Good thing you talked to the manager and got results.

Other than the picture fiasco, it sounds like it was a great way to end the day at the Magic Kingdom. Lots of great pictures! Even the one of you as Ariel holding Chip is cute.

Ahhh, picture of Caribbean Beach! Makes me wish that I were there right now. The pool was a great backdrop for taking pictures of the pirates! Perfect!
What the heck was up with the supposedly blurry pirate pictures? Sounds to me like they didn't want to really dig deep and find them. Good thing you talked to the manager and got results.

Other than the picture fiasco, it sounds like it was a great way to end the day at the Magic Kingdom. Lots of great pictures! Even the one of you as Ariel holding Chip is cute.

Ahhh, picture of Caribbean Beach! Makes me wish that I were there right now. The pool was a great backdrop for taking pictures of the pirates! Perfect!

I personally think they missed placed them and had no clue. Or theyu mistaken us for other guests. Who knows. I am just glad we have them;)

Yes it was a great day! One that we all will remember for a very long time:thumbsup2

You have no idea!!!! I could at least close my eyes and imagine I am there. At one time I thought I would like to try the Poly but wilh all the changes there and with the fact I loved CBR I really don't think there will be any other place in our hearts for us.
I waited untill the boys feel alseep and then started packing everything up leaving only our clothes and shower needs out. I had done this in hopes it would help the boys not think about going back home so much. When morning came I brought out the special dounuts I had ordered from garden grocer. While the boys were showering my dad and Bill brought our luggage to the custom house to hold for us while we made a run for Downtown Disney before the boys could sheed a tear. The Secret to dealing with the Disney Blues is keeping every one busy. On our way to the bus stop Bill wanted a group shot in our Packers Attire.
Once we arrived at Downtown Disney we tok a family picture with Stitch in the background. I swear I felt him spit on us!

The boys also got the chance to go into The Lego Store one last time and purchased a gift to keep them busy on the flight home. I was very excited to take the boys to T-Rex and thought it was just what the Doctor ordered for the "Disney Blues"


Since we had one of the first reservations for the day it was no problem getting to sit in the cave. On our way to our seats I snaped a picture

It was sooooo cool with in inside changing colors as the metor showers tooke place.


Our waitress was the best!! She was sooooo much fun! She even posed for a picture.

While we waited for our food I took a few picture of the area.






The food was really good! So good in fact that I did not take the time to take any pictures until my belly was full. I did manage to get a picture of our desert which looked like a volcano erruption. The kids loved it!!!

With a full belly and toys to keep the boys entertained it was time to head back to the resort. We had gotten back just in time for our departure bus was loading everyone on. We had just enough time to grab our lugage and head on the bus. The kids really did not have any time to think about what was happening and were looking forward to playing with their new toys once we got on the plane. Thank God the ride back was not as tramatic as our flight to Disney. The boys were so exuasted that they never made one peep. We made sure to have them continue to chew on some Disney candy that we had bought with our extra snack credits. This really helped their ears and no one had any issues.

Once we were home I felt the "Disney Blues" start to creep up on me. I even developed strange behaviors like seeing hidden mickeys in places I never noticed before.

Thank goodness I had brough back a Disney treasure that I could litererally hold close to my heart or at least wear close to my heart.

We also managed to use our snack credits and bring one of these home from all 7 of us.

I was so glad to have bought this photo album and looked forward to adding our memories to it. It was all part of my plan to help the healing process.

It was not long before the boys had approached us about a trip back to Disney. Bill and I sat down and he had agreed that a return trip could easily be in our future. So our ONCE in a LIFETIME trip had transformed into the stong possibility of a FUTURE trip! This became instant healing power for those awful "Disney Blues"

We had many wonderfull surprises at Disney yet there was one waiting for me when I got home as well. Two days after we returned I was eagar to get back on my horse. It was one other way I coped with the "Disney Blues." I found this surprise waiting for me in my horses tack box. If you look closely you will see there is two heads. Well I guess love was in the air!

Disney would grab a hold of our hearts with such force that there was nothing left to do but plan a returning trip for the future. However to my surprise I never realized it would happen so quickly. Just a few weeks after our trip I was presented with the opportunity to take a trip to Tampa in order to work on my certification process for my Lab Tech position. Every three years we are required to do continuing education to keep our certification active. There are confrences all over the United States that offer this oppourtuity. It just so happens that there is one in Tampa this October. I got the text and at first thought nothing of it. Slowly but surely the wheels started to turn and a plan came into mind. I talked with Bill about going and possibly adding a side trip to Disney. Bill was all for it but explained that he would not be able to get the time off of work nor did we think it would be a good idea to pull the boys out of both school and football. I was left with the idea of a solo trip brewing in my mind. For a brief moment I realized this could be a strong possibility that I could make into a reality! The main road block would be leaving my family behind. So would I go for it or will my next trip report be one the some what distant future?
If you have to end a Disney trip, at least end it in a good way which is just what you did. Good idea going to Downtown Disney and eating at T-Rex. Go out with a meteor shower and some dinosaurs!

Your picture of the snakes scared the bejebbers outta me! I detest snakes! :eek:

So the trip will be a solo trip? I am sure that it would be hard to leave the family behind but I bet that I could do it.;)
keeping busy that last day makes a ton of sense - vs. just waiting around for the bus to come take you home.

Glad you enjoyed T-Rex. Our kids found it too loud and scary - but maybe on a future trip. My daughter did enjoy playing in the "dig" area out front though

Ok, I would have freaked out if I saw those snakes - they are one things that scares me ... probably because I got bit by one when I was a kid

And it is amazing how infectious Disney can be ... you haven't even finished your trip report for your "once in a lifetime trip" and already talking about the next one(s) - and now perhaps a solo trip coming up

I think if you can sneak in a short solo trip that would be great - get to explore things differently and perhaps a bit easier. And you can just think of it as research for your next family trip vs. leaving them behind ;)


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