It All Started with a Massive Price Glitch - Aulani Nov. 2014 PTR ~ Updated 12/6 - TR

Oh I hope you're feeling better now!! Rest rest rest!
Can't wait til you check in and we can hear how things are going!! Have a wonderful trip!!
I'm sorry about the poor timing of so many things. I hope that you feel better soon!

That really stinks that the pool and lazy river will be closing 2 hours earlier than anticipated.

Nice savings on the Polynesian Cultural Center!

Have a great time!
Sorry about all the bad timing! Aloha! I hope you have a great time and feel better before you get there!
Thanks for all the well-wishes! :goodvibes Just thought I'd throw a quick night-before update on here. Except for the things we can't pack until morning, we are all set to go. It was tough tonight, though, as both Dug and I had massive headaches. This was me until the ibuprofen kicked in:

Hard to be productive when you feel like that. I'm still not sure if my stomach is doing better. I thought it was last night, until I woke up in the middle of the night feeling like I had to run for the bathroom. :sick: Hoping things have run their course. No matter what, as long as I don't eat, I feel okay. Great pre-vacation weight-loss plan. :rotfl2:

A random thing, but I had to drive into work on Tuesday (the one day a month I can't take the bus - month-end) and traffic was awful:

Lovely view of St. Paul, though. At any rate, I was thinking that the next time I see that sort of traffic it will be in Hawaii! :cool1:

Okay, who wants more toddler clothes pictures? :confused3 :rotfl:

I have a few. Here's the swimsuit I ordered, thanks to a post here:

I found some Disney socks in the dollar section at Target today, so threw them in as spares for the trip:

I stopped at Carter's on my way home and found a few items in their clearance section to replace the items that never showed up from my Kohl's order:

I'm happy with replacing snorkel kitty with snorkel girl. :thumbsup2 (And I did get a kitty shirt too - no picture - not really for the trip, though maybe the flight home). I got a few pairs of shorts - they barely had any, but I got what they had, so we should be fine. I also couldn't resist the little dress - I like it better than the old orange one we had, so I will probably replace that day's outfit with it.

We checked in for our flight today. This is real! I think they're actually going to let us take this trip! :rotfl: :woohoo:

This time tomorrow night we will be on our way or pulling up to Aulani! :cloud9:
Have a great trip!! Can't wait to hear more about Aulani. Been thinking about my bucket list-Aulani is on it as is an ABD trip.

Have fun!!
Hope that the sickness does, um, run it's course :rotfl:

Travel safe no matter what and just have a good time :thumbsup2

'I think they're actually going to let us take this trip! " - wow, that would be like the worst prank ever if you went to check in and they were like "um, we were just kidding about that whole price glitch thing, but if you could look at that hidden camera over to my left that would be great!"
1. Get better soon!

2. What's up with the pool times changing? That's one of the best parts of the resort? Not cool.

3. I hope you all have a fantastic time!
The replacement clothes you bought at Carters are super cute and so Summery/Hawai'i-ey :)

I really hope you both are doing okay today. Hoping that you both slept off those headaches last night and you feel refreshed and ready to travel!

Take care and have fun!
OMG the snorkeling girl shirt is adorable! I might have to go look for it at our Carters!
So exciting! You're probably there and enjoying your wonderful vacation as we speak! Can't wait to read all about it!
Hi, all! Thanks for all the well-wishes! :goodvibes

Sorry, I thought I'd be on my computer more, but it's been pretty minimal - and that time has been devoted to making TR notes, which I still need to do tonight, but posting here first. (In case you're wondering about this middle-of-the-night update, I "went nigh-night" with Izzy around 8pm to get her down since we're sharing a room, then got up a few hours later to shower and do my notes, then I'll go back to bed for the rest of the night after this - I know, messed up! ::yes::)

We are having a great time! We miss Dug, but he is having a great time at his retreat and said it is beautiful there, so that is good. He had a really hard time leaving Hawaii so soon after arriving, but it's for the overall long-term best for him and our family. Izzy and I have had a lot of fun finding the characters the last few days. And using the pools and lazy river and splash pad.

We lucked out and got a fantastic room (no upgrades, but probably one of the best in our category). The resort is beautiful. It's very Disney, but in a Poly way vs. a Pop way. However, it puts the Poly to shame. It's really incredible. And the CMs have been great too. I'm actually kind-of glad we did some heavy-touring days first, because it's hard to tear yourself away from the resort after settling in. We will anyway, once Dug is back, but it really is a place you never want to leave.

However, it's worth leaving, because this is a beautiful island paradise and Disney only owns a tiny sliver of it. We've had great outings and looking forward to more! I can see just staying on property if you've explored Oahu before, but otherwise, I think everyone should have a rental car for at least part of their stay and do some exploring. The views are breathtaking all over the island.

What else can I say? I think I've been to Target 4 different times already - might have a problem. :rotfl2: Costco has magical powers that make even cheap little me go, "Hmmm, $10 for a bag of candy? Sounds good!" They also brainwash toddlers into yelling, "Mommy, IN the cart!" anytime you stop to look at an item. :lmao:

I still am not feeling entirely well, but it's not really impacting the vacation, other than me not eating a whole lot. But, when I do, I've been eating terribly (hmmm, just ate a giant piece of pie right before this...), since I might as well make my calories count taste-wise, as they don't really seem to be sticking too well anyway. :upsidedow I wasn't doing too well our first couple days (exhausted from sickness and touring combined, I'm sure), but have been feeling much better since.

Izzy and I had a really fun day for our "unplanned" day today. We finally tracked down Chip and Dale and she had SO much fun with Chip. I need to get the Photopass just for a couple of those pics (and the other 160+ so far, of course). We had a lot of pool time and she is getting much more comfortable with the water (she was terrified at first). And I was a "bad mommy" and had her skip a nap today to do the Chip and Dale thing and other character meets. She did great and even was well-behaved at dinner (yes, I took a nap-skipping 2-year-old out to eat and she did well!) The best part was that she fell asleep in her stroller after that, which means sweet freedom for solo mommy! :thumbsup2 :lmao: I had a blast walking the lagoon at sunset and doing some of the Menehune Trail scavenger hunt before heading up the room. I needed that "free time".

In general, the time change and our plans have been messing with her sleep, but she's doing pretty well. She has had some unusual cranky moments, but nothing too awful (more funny than anything). She's a good kid!

In other news, it looks like we are ON for our May land-and-sea trip! :cool1: (Disney cruise and WDW). Dug chatted with his supervisor at the retreat and he recommended skipping the conference that Dug was interested in and just doing the family vacation (The conference is in L.A. the week before our planned trip, so we were considering switching our land & sea to Disneyland or having Dug do both trips back-to-back). Dug is a bit disappointed, as he really wants to go to that conference, but after missing half of this trip, the family vacation time is a blessing to him too. So, yay, another trip to plan!! Super excited for that - I'll have to make a ticker soon! :yay:

Anyway, I've got to make my notes for today, then get back to bed. We've got Izzy's pony ride in the morning! Aloha!
Glad to see this update, though I have been enjoying the photos you've been putting up on FB

Sorry to see you are still not 100% but glad that overall it is going pretty well. I am sure Dug is bummed he isn't there (and you are bummed he isn't there as well) but looks like in a "blessing in disguise" sorta way it is "forcing" you to enjoy just being at the resort

Hope things continue to go well and you enjoy the touring when Dug is back.

And congrats on planning the land&sea trip! I am definitely wanting to do that some day, though leaning more towards when the kids are older (timing wise - it might coincide with my 40th birthday). Sounds like a good company if they are so encouraging Dug to be with his family rather than the conference. A lot of companies say they support that sort of thing but don't always walk-the-walk, so great to see they are really supporting it :goodvibes
I have been following your TR since the start. Your live update was great. Can't wait to read your total TR. Hope your flights went well also.
I hope you don't mind me asking a few family checks in on Nov 23. What is the ocean and pool temp? I'm hoping for the warmth. It's getting cold here on the east coast. What time does the pool and slides now close? My DS is 13 and love the pool.
So great to read the update- so glad you are having an amazing time! And you got in some great you time as well! It is much needed, and stroller-sleeping is the way to go! I've loved your facebook photos!

I'm sorry you are not feeling great, I must have missed an update you were sick? Hope it's nothing too serious!

Anyway so glad you're having fun! Can't wait to hear all about it!

OH andddd so awesome about May!! We will DEFINITELY have to plan to meet up, if you have the time! We are swapping raglan road on the 16th to T-Rex BTW. LMK your plans when you know them :)
Oh I totally know what you are talking about with the time change and a young one! We have been taking our kids to Hawaii from the Toronto area since they were toddlers and my dd was never too bad but my son was another story!
Once in Maui he woke up for days at 2 in the morning hawaii time ready to party!
So glad you are having fun and cant wait to see more pics!
Try the Lillikoi (passionfruit) cheesecake from Ulu Cafe-sooo delicious!
Yay!! I'm so glad you're having a wonderful time! I can't wait to see all the pictures!!

And yay for a new trip to plan!! And I'm glad Dug is enjoying himself still even though he's missing part of your trip.

I'm sorry you're still feeling kinda off.'re tired and kinda queasy? Is there something you wanna tell us? ;)


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