Love is “Universal”: Our Awesome Anniversary Adventures in Orlando (May 2015 TR)

Yes the prices do seem very reasonable. We prefer a proper sit down in a/c rather than QS.

I've really enjoyed all your food pics and reviews (my favourite part of a trip report!)

Have you been to Teak Neighbourhood Grill? My burger loving husband loved it that much we went twice in October. They have a huge 'secret' burger menu and prices were great. About 10 mins drive north of Universal.

DH's heart of teak burger

Oh you wouldn't be out of place at all. Go for it! It's fun. And the food is quite good.

I think you may have just convinced me!! :teeth: Might be a fun thing to do on our final Friday, when the parks themselves are projected to be "busy". Nice to avoid the rides on those days, and take in other fun things like a character breakfast!

Yes the prices do seem very reasonable. We prefer a proper sit down in a/c rather than QS.

I've really enjoyed all your food pics and reviews (my favourite part of a trip report!)

Have you been to Teak Neighbourhood Grill? My burger loving husband loved it that much we went twice in October. They have a huge 'secret' burger menu and prices were great. About 10 mins drive north of Universal.

DH's heart of teak burger


Oh, my Lord....that's ridiculously huge! Wait until Steve sees it! What all was on that big boy, anyway? And how the heck does one eat it? :laughing:
Thursday, May 7th: part 5

Following our wonderful lunch, we were feeling rejuvenated and rested and wasted no time in heading back to the Marvel area. Within just a few minutes, the characters were back and we sought out the only two which Steve hadn’t met: Cyclops and Storm.

The line was very short for Cyclops, so we caught up with him first:

Storm was more difficult to find. In the hullaballoo of them all rolling in (and the small crowd clusters which now lined the streets), we had no idea which way she went….but a friendly TM was happy to point us in the right direction. They also noted we were lucky to have the chance to meet her today….apparently she doesn’t make daily appearances, and her presence for character meets is much more hit and miss than the others.

When we finally tracked her down (lol, it is much easier to find the super tall Dr. Doom in the midst of all the people!!) she was hanging out with Rogue, so both ladies got in the photo:

With all of the character must-do’s now scratched off Steve’s vacation wish-list (and not a moment too soon, I might add!), there was a noticeable spring in his step. It had been one of his favourite days of our getaway so far, and he was in a marvellously fun mood :p. He grabbed my hand and said there was one more thing he wanted to do before we left this park, and he started making very purposeful strides in the direction of Toon Lagoon.

Popeye’s, I asked? Nope, he said with a smile. He doesn’t feel like getting wet today.

Bluto’s again? Nope, he said. Didn’t I just tell you I didn’t want to get wet? ;)

Well then, what?? :confused3

Then he stopped, and out came his wallet for a $5 bill. He gives me a big wink: “I’m going to win you another minion…..the one with only one eye. We can’t let Bob be lonely, can we?”.

But….but…..they're so BIG :scared:. I can’t get them both home!!!

We walked up to the game, and there was a group of 4 fellows all handing over their money to the attendant , so we waited patiently while they each took their three swings. Despite their best efforts, there was not one winner among the 4, and they were beyond irritated. Once again, the familiar refrains of “it’s rigged!….it’s impossible to win!” were repeated over and over (with a number of unnecessary expletives, unfortunately) as they lamented the waste of their hard-earned vacation dollars on an obviously “fixed” game. Then it was Steve’s turn as that little group stayed to watch.
First swing….he winds up, and …..DING! 100! Winner on the first try! :banana:

He looks at the attendant and says, I know I can only win one prize, but can I take my other two swings anyway? Just to prove to these clowns it’s not rigged? She grins and says, “knock yourself out!”.

Ding! Second swing he hits 100 :cool1:. And Ding again! :woohoo: Three for three.

The 4 potty mouthed men skulked quietly away. And I became the proud Mom of Stuart :love2:.

From there, we decided to hit Universal for a bit and then call it a day. I was afraid to leave Steve anywhere near the strong man game at that point anyway.....this was getting ridiculous and he clearly could not be left unattended :rotfl: .

Heading into Universal, one of the Photoconnect photographers caught site of our massive new Minion and insisted on a few photos. He was a super sweet guy (and Steve was ridiculous proud of Stuart), so we obliged:

I asked Steve what he specifically wanted to do here, and probably knowing it’s my favourite of all, he headed straight to ET…..not an easy feat to ride with you-know-who in tow!! Thankfully, I had the outside bike and he hung off the handlebar. Then, we enjoyed a little time in Springfield, rode the Twirl ‘n Hurl (no waits) and Steve began grinning at me once again.

Dear God, nooooooooooooooo! :scared1:

He grabs my hand a second time, and starts dragging me toward the Sledgehomer game. I plead for mercy… more stuffies! :eek: We have no room! But he is undeterred….and three dings later, we are the proud owner of Homer and Bart :faint:.

Our hands are now full, our legs are tired, and we have accomplished an incredible amount on this final full day. We opt to head back to the villa with our winnings in tow.

Tomorrow, I would become a packing legend…..or be begging for mercy with Jetblue. Take your pick.

Dinner at Millers Ale House, and the conclusion of our Thursday, is up next!
Wow..........what a haul Steve won for them!!! I love my mini onions.............but theyre not as big as yours :D

Another amazing day of pictures........we like Confisco Grill too, never miss it on our trips. I definitely recommend Teak Neighborhood Grill too.........amazing place for food. We first went there when we took Metro West there about 6/7 years ago, he hadn't even heard of it.......loved it!

Looking forward to next day.......:)
I don't care about the Simpsons dolls but those minions are awesome!!!

I agree ... they are freaking adorable! (and they are quite the topic of conversation in my rec room when visitors come over)

Wow..........what a haul Steve won for them!!! I love my mini onions.............but theyre not as big as yours :D

Another amazing day of pictures........we like Confisco Grill too, never miss it on our trips. I definitely recommend Teak Neighborhood Grill too.........amazing place for food. We first went there when we took Metro West there about 6/7 years ago, he hadn't even heard of it.......loved it!

Looking forward to next day.......:)

Hmmmm .... Teak is sounding better and better :thumbsup2 . I showed the website to Steve over dinner, and his interest is seriously piqued!

Too cute! I am wondering how you got them home now lol.

:rotfl: I spent most of the rest of that day wondering that same thing!

The heart of teak burger was $20 and was 2 patties, onion rings and fried cheese. My DH is a 6ft 4 big bloke but didn't finish it. They do a challenge which is 2 of those - I think only 3 peoplehave managed it.

The normal burgers and sides were very nice and approx $10 or $12.

Link to Teak

Link to my dining review - we went to Teak twice so lotsof burger pics

I showed Steve your burger pic, and he was suitably wowed. We both thought the menu looked like a nice balance between some cool and unique foods (which appeal to Steve) to some nice, normal items (for boring old me ;) ). Very fair prices, too!

Oh wow love the update about winning another minion. The photo of the 3 of you is great.

Thank you! :goodvibes
Great pictures once again.

Based on Metro's recommendation, we dined at the Teak Neighborhood Bar too. Well, my kids still talk about going back there again. It was that good.

He he. All those big stuffed characters. I banned any more from entering my house. My DD was quite the collector for years.

Can't believe trip is almost over. You had a great time so far.

I finally decided I wanted to be onsite at USO, so I booked the PBR. Costly, but I really like the hotel, and I'm very familiar with it. I have a rental car booked, and not only a AP for Universal, but a Super Grover this year too, so hopefully we can meet somewhere this time. I am actually looking forward to the trip, as I have only seen Disney Halloween decorations. Not a big fan of HHN, but I would like to see the decorated parks.
I think your hubby must be related to mine and my kids LOL they love super heroes and I can see us trying to get pics with all of them. My oldest is a huge Capt. America fan, so I hope she can get a photo op with him at least, I am partial to Wolverine! ;)

I was just telling hubby about the strong man game last night, I don't know that I convinced him to play though :p we truly do not need any more stuffed animals in this house, we're trying to purge as is!
Great pictures once again.

Based on Metro's recommendation, we dined at the Teak Neighborhood Bar too. Well, my kids still talk about going back there again. It was that good.

He he. All those big stuffed characters. I banned any more from entering my house. My DD was quite the collector for years.

Can't believe trip is almost over. You had a great time so far.

I finally decided I wanted to be onsite at USO, so I booked the PBR. Costly, but I really like the hotel, and I'm very familiar with it. I have a rental car booked, and not only a AP for Universal, but a Super Grover this year too, so hopefully we can meet somewhere this time. I am actually looking forward to the trip, as I have only seen Disney Halloween decorations. Not a big fan of HHN, but I would like to see the decorated parks.

So your dates are confirmed? Woohoo!! Dismeet! :banana:

When do you arrive and when do you leave??? Am I allowed to say I am SUPER excited to finally meet you in person?? :hyper:

I think your hubby must be related to mine and my kids LOL they love super heroes and I can see us trying to get pics with all of them. My oldest is a huge Capt. America fan, so I hope she can get a photo op with him at least, I am partial to Wolverine! ;)

I was just telling hubby about the strong man game last night, I don't know that I convinced him to play though :p we truly do not need any more stuffed animals in this house, we're trying to purge as is!

Ha ha! You'll have to let him play at least once. Just for fun :) .

I can't quite they look more like their mother or their father?

Well, the Minions and I definitely share the same body maybe their mother? :rolleyes1
Thursday, May 7th: the conclusion

We were here…..our last dinner of this trip in Orlando (the one at the airport the following evening doesn’t count…..eating in the food court just isn’t the same). We had to cross another “new to us” place off the list, so we headed to Millers Ale House in Lake Buena Vista to see if we could snag a table. We tried to dine there on our vacation last August, but it was so jammed we couldn’t even get a spot to park the car, let alone a table in the restaurant. We were willing to wait a bit if needed, or even to try the I-Drive or Kirkman Road locations if necessary, so off we went :car:.

Happily, there were no crowds to battle on this trip, and we secured a parking spot and a table with no problems at all. A very personable young fellow named Kevin came over and greeted us as our server.

Now, let me take a little moment to speak about Kevin. Heck of a nice guy, and I’m quite sure that he’s the life of the party everywhere he goes. He was FUN….bouncing from table to table with endless energy to chit chat animatedly with guests…but oh my, was he scatterbrained :rolleyes:. Or (and I’m almost afraid to say this….’cause maybe we were totally wrong)…..under the influence? (ahem….not alcohol either….perhaps another substance? :rolleyes2). He was a hoot, no arguments there…..however, he was seriously out to lunch……but alas, he was ours for the duration, so we quietly raised our eyebrows at each other from time to time and made do with Kevin the Clown.

It was our last night, so we considered indulging in an adult beverage over dinner, and inquired as to the drink of the day. Well, didn’t that just throw Fun Kevin for a loop, because he had no idea. None. He skittered around the dining area, looking for something that might give him an idea of what the drink of the day might be, and even stopped to ask the table behind us if they knew. Lol, hey….why not ask another patron for answers??? When he resorted to asking other diners, we assured him it was no big deal, and I just ordered a lemonade while Steve just went for a beer….let’s keep it easy.

Or not :headache: .

Kevin reappeared a few minutes later with my lemonade in hand, but no beer for Steve….at which point he said (with a straight face….no joke) he wasn’t sure he could serve him just yet, and could he please see some proof of age? Steve, who’s only half listening as he perused the menu….smiles and nods and keeps on reading. I give him a good kick under the table, as sober-faced Kevin looks on, and once I catch his attention, I say “your driver’s license, Steve….he needs your driver’s license!”. Steve snaps out of his menu reverie and says with a huge grin.....what? He’s ID’ing me? To which Kevin says “Dude, I have to make sure you’re over 21”. Steve laughs…..a big, belly-shaking giggle… he whipped out his license. Steve turns 44 at the end of June, and its been a long, LONG time since anyone questioned if he was legal to drink a beer, so this made his day. Kevin apologizes…."Sorry Dude! You just look sooo young!”…..and promptly bounces off to fetch Steve’s beer. Back at the table a few minutes later, he excitedly tells us he figured out what the drink of the day was! Ding, ding, ding! Chock one up for Kevin! :laughing: And because he couldn’t tell us what it was when we asked, he’d give us one for free. A sweet gesture for sure, but we ultimately declined it (we had beverages in front of us by now, anyway), however in hindsight, Fun Kevin almost made me want to have a drink……so I should have taken it while it was offered! :rotfl2:

Hallelujah, we’re finally able to order an appetizer and our entrees. Let’s get this show on the road.

We had an email coupon for a free flatbread, so we asked Kevin which one he’d recommend (they all sounded yummy). He said his favourite was the barbecued chicken, so that’s what we ordered. He dashed off to the kitchen, and reappeared a short time later with this:

Absolutely at 10 out of 10 :thumbsup2. Super good, super hot, and it was super fast. The chicken was delicious, the sauce was yummy, and all the toppings just went together so nicely. We ate every bite.

Kevin stopped by at least half a dozen times to inquire about the flatbread. Did we like it? How was it? Did I give you a good suggestion? Honest, you really liked it? Was it big enough? Too much? Oh, Kevin, if I only had your energy :faint:.

Our entrees came out just as the remnants of the flatbread were being polished off.

I had the chicken parmesan and garlic bread (a massive portion!!):

Steve had the special of the day, the 12 ounce prime rib with loaded fries and coleslaw:

Now, he had ordered his prime rib with mushrooms and onions, but they were nowhere to be seen. Strangely enough, neither was Kevin :confused:. Considering he was at the table at least six times as we ate our appetizer, we figured he’d be by again in short order and we’d mention it to him then. Oddly, he seemingly had vanished into thin air, so after a short time, we went ahead and ate. It smelled soooo good……….and it was ::yes::.

Again, in both cases, our entrees scored a full 10 out of 10. Steve would have given his prime rib a better than 10/10 score if the mushrooms and onions had have been on his meat….he raved about how it was cooked perfectly and tasted amazing. Food quality was top-notch on everything we ate.

When Kevin did finally materialize, we told him how great the meal had been, but that the kitchen had missed Steve’s prime rib toppings. To his credit, he apologized profusely, and took full blame for the error (Dude, I am sooooo sorry!)….he freely admitted had forgotten to write it in our order (no surprise there :scratchin).

When we finished off our dinners, we waited for Kevin to arrive with the bill. And waited. And waited. Fun Kevin had pulled a second disappearing act, and we were getting antsy to get going….we had packing to do, and wanted to enjoy the pools and hot tubs that evening for one last time. Eventually, we flagged down another server, and asked her if she could locate Kevin and send him over to our table. He came flying over to the table a few minutes later, bill in hand and full of apologies once again (Dude, I am sooooo sorry!) :rolleyes:.

We covered the check ($32 including tax….crazy cheap!), gave him a tip (he was a source of entertainment if nothing else…..and Steve thought he deserved a gratuity just for thinking he might be under 21 :p ) and hopped back in the car. Before heading back to the villa, we pondered dessert (should we? shouldn’t we? …. heck ya, we should!) and drove on past the Vistana en route to Krispy Kreme in Kissimmee. Fresh donuts are a good cure for the going-home blues, and could be eaten later on when our fullness subsided. We picked up a half dozen of our favourites ($7) and then headed “home” to the resort.

Back in the villa, we texted my boss, who was staying at the Vistana in the Fountains with his daughter. We had a small supply of grocery items that we hoped they could make use of before they left on Sunday… juice, bottled water, coffee cream, cereal, etc. They dropped over a short time later, thankful for the extra nibbles.

Once they left, we got most of the suitcases packed and ready for check-out the following morning. The two minions filled Steve’s full sized suitcase all on their own (with a few small items stuck in the pockets of emptiness) so all of his clothes and personal items had to be jammed into his carry on. What a feat! Thankfully, we had the foresight to bring an empty carry on with us, or we’d have been out of luck. With the minions inside, we were BARELY able to get the zipper fully closed…..god help the TSA if they open and inspect that suitcase. They’d never get it re-closed :crazy2:.

Packing took us a good hour (maybe more). Getting everything to fit was every bit the challenge we expected it would be. We had to unbox several larger items (like Jake’s new Nike shoes that we bought him at the Nike Clearance Store) but somehow, mercifully, we managed it all. Our Simpsons friends were soft enough that we could cram ‘em in among my clothing. Steve’s carry on weighed almost as much as my suitcase did…..we just hoped it would still fit in the overhead bins.

Once the packing was done, we headed out to the hot tubs. It was quiet out there, and we didn’t really do much chatting. The heaviness of going home always sits on the heart….even if I would be deliriously happy to see my boy. We enjoyed the bubbles and the stars and the comfort of each other’s company.

Back at the villa, I started a final load of laundry, we devoured our donuts (and what was left of our milk) without guilt, and we hit the sack. Tomorrow, we’d begin the long journey home :sad:.

But there was still a little fun to be had. Part 1 of our last day is next.
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Off Topic!

Dates are arriving afternoon of 11 October and leaving afternoon of 16 October.

Perfect! That's our week, too!!

I see a Margaritaville date materializing! Or maybe dinner at Teak? (assuming your husband isn't scared off by the thought of meeting with two strange Canadians :teeth: ).
Perfect! That's our week, too!!

I see a Margaritaville date materializing! Or maybe dinner at Teak? (assuming your husband isn't scared off by the thought of meeting with two strange Canadians :teeth: ).

Actually, DH will be holding down the fort. So, little (well not so little) ol me is all you'll get to see. Either restaurant is great. I pretty much like all food except for fish.
Actually, DH will be holding down the fort. So, little (well not so little) ol me is all you'll get to see. Either restaurant is great. I pretty much like all food except for fish.

I think macraven is going to be there at that time, too. Maybe we can all get together, the four of us?
Quite an experience at the Ale House....I'm not sure if I would have been as entertained...well maybe I would have. I'm sorry this report is coming to and of my all-time favs:)


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