See what a little Wishin' can do? A very ENGAGING January 2015 trip! *COMPLETED 10/9*

January 11, 2015 - When Something Threatens To Ruin Our Night

It was nearing 3pm and since we had seen FoF the first day, we skipped it today. Why? Why would we make such a dumb decision? We will never know. FoF is not to be skipped next trip! Since when is the rule "once you do something once you don't have to do it again" in Disney World?! Answer: NEVER. Well, okay maybe except for Figment (sorry Figment lovers:blush:).

Since everything had a pretty long wait, we headed to something that we figured we'd get right onto.

Anna and Elsa.

:laughing:Yeah right.



The Liberty Square Riverboat! We also caught a bit of FoF from up there since...the boat wasn't moving. And didn't for close to twenty minutes.

Now, I have mentioned how strange the weather is in Florida in January. One day you're like this...


And the next day you're like this...

Well today, it was the latter. And we were on the Riverboat. Not moving. In the HOT HOT sun.

Now, Joe and I are two of the most indecisive people you'll ever meet. You should see us trying to figure out where to go to dinner...

Something like that.

So, needless to say, we spent far too long on that hot, stationary boat trying to figure out what to do - stay or go, stay or go. Well, thankfully, the boat operators made that decision for us when they announced the riverboat was having technical difficulties. So, off we went.

It just happened to be nearing the time we were supposed to meet up with my family friend anyway so we headed towards our meeting spot - Pirates! This is why I love Disney World. Where else can you say "meet ya at Pirates!"?! Besides Somalia.

On the way we took some castle pics since there's no such thing as too many castle pics (my disk space on my computer would disagree).


We met with her and her family at 3:30 and decided since we were right there, obviously we might as well ride!

We caught up while waiting in line which was nice in the A/C! I won't post the photo since you never know who does or doesn't want their picture plastered all over the internet (clearly, I feel strongly about my privacy and not posting photos of myself).

We hung out with them for an hour and then had to head to dinner which was somewhere I had eaten once before and enjoyed.


I was in love with our view:love:


And even MORE in love with my meal! I got the tuna salad sandwich with french fries and it was fantastic. The sandwich was such a nice break from the fried, greasiness of everything we had been eating. But don't worry, I balanced it out with the french fries.


Joe got the Angus Chuck Cheeseburger which I know he liked but apparently I was too enamored with my own meal to take a picture of his. #tripreportfailure

We paid out of pocket for this meal since we had used the extra credit at California Grill. It was $37 before tip which I didn't think was too bad for Disney standards. We spend more at home sometimes going out to eat. The Plaza is definitely a good place to pay out of pocket for:thumbsup2.

We decided we wanted an ice cream cookie sandwich, a dole whip, AND Casey's. We decided this right after finishing a full meal. You see, we were watching our caloric intake this trip. So we developed food strategy which is sometimes necessary in WDW. First we'd head to the Plaza Ice Cream Parlor for that sandwich so we could let it settle before our Dole Whip/Caseys. Food strategy. Sometimes you need it.

Before that ice cream sandwich, since we needed to let our dinner settle a LITTLE, we headed to meet Mickey at the Town Square Theater! Not just any Mickey...TALKING Mickey:scared1:! I was SO excited about this!

About halfway down Main Street though that excitement quickly faded and turned to dread. My debit card that I used to pay with at The Plaza? Gone. :eek: Now, I know that in Disney this isn't really something to be concerned about as CMs are probably not going to steal your debit card. But you know that feeling of dread when you realize you left something important somewhere.


Basically me as we headed back toward the Plaza.

I told the hostess out front what had happened, she asked what the card looked like and my name and went in to check. Me? Reference above photo.

And Disney magic...she emerged with my debit card. PHEW. Disaster averted. Disney magic, I tell ya:wizard:!

So, our talking Mickey plan fell to the wayside as we quickly realized we were back near that ice cream cookie sandwich...


It needed to happen. To calm the nerves, you know!

Up next...Tomorrowland, Mickey SPEAKS, and tour groups...OH MY!
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We hung out with them for an hour and then had to head to dinner which was somewhere I had eaten once before and enjoyed.

I thought about eating at the Plaza for my past trip this Spring Break, I loved the look of the menu, but then I got an ADR for the BOG lunch and I decided to go for that! I would definitely plan on eating there my next trip!:thumbsup2

I was in love with our view:love:

That is the best view in the world. Perfection. :goodvibes

And even MORE in love with my meal! I got the tuna salad sandwich with french fries and it was fantastic.

This looks fantastic, you are making this place look better and better Candace! :cool1:

And Disney magic...she emerged with my debit card. PHEW. Disaster averted. Disney magic, I tell ya:wizard:!

Oh gosh I would have been the same way. That is so scary when you loose something important like that. I had the same type of situation happen to me that I'll explain in my current TR, but it wasn't in the parks or on property so the Disney magic wasn't able to come through...:scared1:

That ice cream sandwich looks soooo good!!! :thumbsup2

And when you are in Disney, calorie intake is not a thought - you are there to eat and enjoy anything your dreamin' heart desires! :goodvibes
I agree that COP is one of those rides everyone should do - at least once. I feel the same way about One Man's Dream over at MGM - everyone needs to spend some time in there (though, the rumor it is going away has me none-to-pleased)

that's so great you were fans of the day and how cool that people were able to see you show up in the Red Wing's Twitter and Facebook feed! You are famous!

Bummer about the River Boat, but at least you didn't need to make a decision in the end ... being an adult and having to make decisions and junk sucks sometimes ;)

Glad you were able to meet up with and catchup with your family friend. Sounds like a nice meal at the Plaza - definitely seems like a good place when you want to sit for a bit but not a major, major fancy meal or something,

Glad you got your debit card back - I definitely would be freaking out and thinking of all the worst case scenarios - like someone found it and bought up every super expensive item in the gift shops - painting, giant crystal castles, ... the works!
Those that are great are REALLY great but I remember on previous trips, almost EVERY CM I encountered was fantastic and now it feels like they're the exception.
I won't get in to either.... BUT I agree to agree on this one. I hope it is not a long term trend.
Sounds like a yummy lunch. Yippee that you found your debit card! Can't wait to see what's next!
I'm going to offer you one piece of unsolicited advice: don't meet people at "Pirates" in Somalia. If you see pirates in Somalia, get as far away from them as you can. Those pirates aren't quite as fun as the ones at Disney.

Sounds like a good meal at Plaza - and well worth paying OOP.

Totally understandable why you had to get that ice cream sandwich ... that was a very scary situation, you deserved a treat!
is why I love Disney World. Where else can you say "meet ya at Pirates!"?! Besides Somalia.

So, our talking Mickey plan fell to the wayside as we quickly realized we were back near that ice cream cookie sandwich...


It needed to happen. To calm the nerves, you know!
OH HECK YEAH!!! You know it needed to happen!! I love those things.
Hi there- Ashleigh here. I come across your TR a few times so I decided to officially follow along. Congrats on the engagement! That's crazy that everyone knew about the proposal except you; my fiancé kept it a secret from everyone becuase he dint trust the, to keep their mouths shut!

Love how you guys googled Buzz tips. The fiance loves that and TSMM because he totally whips my butt! I think I have to start studying up for our upcoming trips!

Glad you got your debit card back- that is the WORST feeling. I definietly would have stopped for an ice cream sandwich to clam my nerves after that.
Anyways, great TR!
I thought about eating at the Plaza for my past trip this Spring Break, I loved the look of the menu, but then I got an ADR for the BOG lunch and I decided to go for that! I would definitely plan on eating there my next trip!:thumbsup2

That is the best view in the world. Perfection. :goodvibes
This looks fantastic, you are making this place look better and better Candace! :cool1:

Oh gosh I would have been the same way. That is so scary when you loose something important like that. I had the same type of situation happen to me that I'll explain in my current TR, but it wasn't in the parks or on property so the Disney magic wasn't able to come through...:scared1:

That ice cream sandwich looks soooo good!!! :thumbsup2

And when you are in Disney, calorie intake is not a thought - you are there to eat and enjoy anything your dreamin' heart desires! :goodvibes

I think you made a good choice going iwth BOG lunch over the Plaza. While I definitely enjoyed my meal at the Plaza, there is just no comparing to BOG! If you can fit in during your next trip, though, definitely give it a shot! It's nothing like super super memorable or anything but it's good food, with great views and very affordable.

Ooo I'll have to head over to your TR! I'm just seeing you have one going on! Uh oh sounds like you had a similar experience to Debit Card Goes Missing 2015...

The ice cream sandwich is AMAZING! I don't know if you watch See Ya Reel Soon but I just started too and in one of their videos the guy is eating one and it made me want to be there so bad!

See, my thoughts exactly about calories. They simply don't count on vacation!

I agree that COP is one of those rides everyone should do - at least once. I feel the same way about One Man's Dream over at MGM - everyone needs to spend some time in there (though, the rumor it is going away has me none-to-pleased)

that's so great you were fans of the day and how cool that people were able to see you show up in the Red Wing's Twitter and Facebook feed! You are famous!

Bummer about the River Boat, but at least you didn't need to make a decision in the end ... being an adult and having to make decisions and junk sucks sometimes ;)

Glad you were able to meet up with and catchup with your family friend. Sounds like a nice meal at the Plaza - definitely seems like a good place when you want to sit for a bit but not a major, major fancy meal or something,

Glad you got your debit card back - I definitely would be freaking out and thinking of all the worst case scenarios - like someone found it and bought up every super expensive item in the gift shops - painting, giant crystal castles, ... the works!

I'm so glad you agree on COP. At least once for everyone and multiple times for people like us...:laughing: I will be so disappointed if One Man's Dream goes away for MULTIPLE reasons...but we don't have to get into all that right now...

We were so excited about being Fans of the Day! We plan on doing exactly the same thing in September!

It was so nice being able to meet up with our family friend! They live 15 minutes from Disney and are "starting to get sick of it"... I might need to reconsider this whole "friend" thing...:eek:

That debit card fiasco really would have put a damper on our trip. I like to think there's nothing that could possibly get in the way of me enjoying Disney but not having money to spend there just might do it!

I won't get in to either.... BUT I agree to agree on this one. I hope it is not a long term trend.

I completely agree. It's a huge bummer. I feel like we could rant on this Pete Werner style...I think he actually HAS ranted about this.

Sounds like a yummy lunch. Yippee that you found your debit card! Can't wait to see what's next!

It was a VERY good lunch! The Plaza isn't anything SUPER special but it's a cute little place with great views of the castle and very good, affordable food!

I'm going to offer you one piece of unsolicited advice: don't meet people at "Pirates" in Somalia. If you see pirates in Somalia, get as far away from them as you can. Those pirates aren't quite as fun as the ones at Disney.

Sounds like a good meal at Plaza - and well worth paying OOP.

Totally understandable why you had to get that ice cream sandwich ... that was a very scary situation, you deserved a treat!

Hahaha something tells me "Pirates" in Somalia has a very different connotation than "Pirates" at WDW..:scared1:

Definitely a great meal at the Plaza! It's one of the few places in Disney that is comparable price-wise to where we'd eat at home...not comparable in terms of location...:laughing:


OH HECK YEAH!!! You know it needed to happen!! I love those things.

Those ice cream sandwiches can make ANY stress go away - and it worked like a charm! Debit card fiasco was quickly forgotten!

Hi there- Ashleigh here. I come across your TR a few times so I decided to officially follow along. Congrats on the engagement! That's crazy that everyone knew about the proposal except you; my fiancé kept it a secret from everyone becuase he dint trust the, to keep their mouths shut!

Love how you guys googled Buzz tips. The fiance loves that and TSMM because he totally whips my butt! I think I have to start studying up for our upcoming trips!

Glad you got your debit card back- that is the WORST feeling. I definietly would have stopped for an ice cream sandwich to clam my nerves after that.
Anyways, great TR!

Hi Ashleigh:wave2:!!

I'm so happy you're reading and thank you:goodvibes! That's too funny about your fiance keeping your proposal a secret from everyone for fear of them saying something:laughing: Knowing some members of my family, I'm surprised Joe didn't have the same logic!

TSMM is one I can NEVER seem to do well on! We actually googled tips for it and it was just too overwhelming to try to remember it all...our scores proved this! I think I just might follow your lead though and start studying on my own and Joe will never know what's coming...muahahaha

Ugh losing my debit card was horrible! And that ice cream sandwich worked like a charm! How can anything be stressful when you're eating ice cream on Main Street staring at the castle?!
January 11, 2015 - MICKEY! I KNOW HIM!!! (Credit to Elf - "SANTA! I KNOW HIM!")

Just wanted to quickly say I'm sorry for leaving this TR un-updated (not a word...) for so long! July was crazy with lots of commitments, weddings, busy weekends etc etc, you know how it goes. Plus I started a new job which has been keeping me busy!

Let's finish this TR so I can start my new one (!!) in a couple months! We leave for Disney *54* days from today! Eeeeee! Truly cannot wait. I don't know if I mentioned it here but we were able to add on a day to our trip...and instead of adding on a day to our All-Star Sports reservation we decided to look into renting DVC points. And next thing you know...we're staying at AKL CLUB LEVEL! We are SO.EXCITED. Can't even handle it.

Okay - let's go!

Since we had used up our FPs, we headed to a kiosk to see what we could get as a 4th. At 5:30 we ended up getting a Buzz FP that started in 20 minutes at 5:50. The SB line was 45 minutes, so I was pretty pumped about this! We spent the next little bit just enjoying the atmosphere of Tomorrowland...



There was a little dance party going on in Tomorrowland. Violet had it GOIN' ON! She was shakin' her groove thang like I've never seen. I wanted her dance moves.

Nice moves...OoOoO

To Buzz we go! Where we tried dutifully to become Galactic Heroes...


And failed again.

But we got this picture so...did we actually fail?


At 6pm we headed over to Monsters Inc Laugh Floor. I actually really enjoy this! I texted a joke to Mike Wazowski but it didn't make it in the show...why not, I'll never know. I guess no one wanted to know what the Buffalo said to his son when he left for college.

Bye son.

Bison, get it? C'mon that's a good one.

At 6:35 we headed to do something I was pretty excited TALKING MICKEY. WHAT. The SB line was posted at 35 minutes and we ended up waiting about 15. This line routinely had some of the longest posted waits throughout the day I noticed. We made friends with the little kids in line in front of us who were just FASCINATED by the animated pictures as we waited. It was adorable. Disney magic at work:wizard:

About this experience, I have in my notes "omg SO COOL" and it really was. This is like nothing I've experienced at Disney before. I wish I could remember exactly what we talked about but I do know he showed us a magic trick and I was completely and utterly star struck.

There are 15,000 pictures of this interaction and I absolutely hated how I looked (hey Candace, don't pair a dark shirt with dark shorts k?) but I loved this experience enough to not really care.


Those are the faces of excitement.



Mickey hugs, though:love:



Telling us a joke, I think? I was enamored.


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January 11, 2015 - Where We Accomplish An Important Mission

After this, we browsed at the Emporium for a bit then headed towards Adventureland and made a great decision.



At 7:20 we found a spot for the MSEP. It was already pretty packed but we ended up finding an empty space and squeezed in. Where we proceeded to get to know a tour group of teenagers way too well, and not by choice. I'm fairly certain one took a nap on my leg. There was lots of yelling for the next 40 minutes until the parade started. They were actually pretty cute once the parade did start, excitedly waving and blowing kisses to the characters. But the nap on the leg? Not cute.




I hadn't seen this parade in awhile and I enjoyed it! I quickly realized, though, how difficult it was for my 2008 camera to capture it properly.

The best part of the parade was when the Fairy Godmother pointed to our engagement buttons and then pointed to her finger like she wanted to see the ring. I, of course, was paying attention to something else (sensory overload during this parade) and Joe had to point her out to me. Where I proceeded to wave like a maniac and point to my ring finger excitedly. Then she made a heart with her hands. It was adorable:goodvibes

Then it was time to watch Wishes. Oh Wishes. Joe mentioned he would actually be able to enjoy it and pay attention this time since, you know, he was busy PROPOSING the first time:laughing:

This show...I tell ya. Water works EVERY.TIME.

When stars are born, they possess a gift or two...<cue :sad:>



See what a little wishin' can do?:lovestruc:lovestruc:lovestruc

After the parade and the beauty that is Wishes, we headed to Frontierland for a couple rides on BTMR. Our second ride was pretty memorable. You know the part in the ride where there's a little bit of mist and you're inside? Well, that happened and then the coaster went outside and the mist seemed to still be coming down but it was VIOLENT MIST. WHAT WAS HAPPENING. Everyone started screaming and CRACKING UP and it was absolutely POURING RAIN outside. It honestly felt like we were being shot with rain drops. Coasters + rain = :scared1: It really was a hilarious experience. When we got on the ride there was not a drop and now it was pouring, we were stuck on a coaster and there was no escaping. Truly funny. I wish I had the experience on video.

At 10pm we rode Haunted Mansion and I think this was the first time I had rode it at night and it was VERY cool! Definitely felt like a different experience! The windows looked really cool and the whole atmosphere felt even more eerie than usual.

Did I mention EMH was going on? I noted that they were going by REALLY fast.

Everything had short waits at this time. Even Peter Pan's Flight was posted at 20 minutes which means it was actually closer to a walk on. SDMT was posted at 30 minutes!

Did we head to either of these rides? The ones that NEVER have this short of waits?

No. Where do you think we headed?

Buzz Lightyear Space Ranger Spin.:o

We had a mission to accomplish! Galactic Hero, will we become you this time?!

With all the tips we could possible read in our heads, we headed to try.

And then...


So, I was REALLY happy one of us had finally reached the elusive Galactic Hero status. But... I was mostly happy that I captured this moment on camera...:rotfl:

Definitely one of my favorite pictures of the trip. Too classic.


I think I stopped playing and was just excited for Joe the rest of the time.

And then we got it!!!


Joe swears he's bringing this in September:laughing:


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January 11, 2015 - PhotoPass Nails It

Joe had this really cute idea which was to take a picture of our silhouettes in front of the castle. I was picturing this beautiful picture in my head. Well we knew we couldn't do it on our own so we headed to a PhotoPass photographer who could use their fancy settings to make this happen.

And this is what we got.


nailed it.jpg


I took a couple pictures to make up for that...




That's better.

It was time to head out of our dear MK. I thought this would be the last time I'd be seeing the beaut for this trip so I was kind of sad. I was mistaken though...

Back at Pop, we ate some of our snacks from Germany and Norway (skool bread and a Werthers chewy caramel bar - YUM).

By 12:30 we were in bed and asleep. We had a GREAT day at MK and accomplished so much ... most importantly we (okay, Joe) became GALACTIC HEROES!

Up next...exploring AoA and Hoop Dee Doo!
you got some great ride photos from Buzz! Congrats to Joe, oh, excuse me Mr. Galactic Hero Joe!

Glad you enjoyed your time with Talking Mickey - definitely is a cool concept.
Welcome back! Congratulations on Joe for becoming a galactic hero! That's one of my goals when we go next. I had the kids watching you tube videos on all the secret spots so we can beat Daddy! Haha he won't know what hit him. You getting wet on BTMRR made me laugh my dh and dad had the same thing happen on EE.
Congrats on the new job. And on AKL Club Level & an extra day - so exciting!

I like your bison joke ... even if they didn't use it. Sometimes they just don't pick the funny jokes!

Rain on BTMRR ... holy cow! Crazy!

Huge congrats to Joe on becoming a Galactic Hero ... and congrats to you for getting it on camera (just as important!)

Since I've never achieved Galactic Hero status, I have to ask ... do they give you the button or did you just get a button and write Galactic Hero on it?
Let's finish this TR so I can start my new one (!!) in a couple months!

YAY!!! :thumbsup2

And next thing you know...we're staying at AKL CLUB LEVEL! We are SO.EXCITED. Can't even handle it.
That's amazing! AKL is such an awesome resort! :goodvibes

We spent the next little bit just enjoying the atmosphere of Tomorrowland...

I love this shot, is this a panorama on an Iphone?

At 6pm we headed over to Monsters Inc Laugh Floor. I actually really enjoy this!
I love this show. I find as I get older, I enjoy it more, it might also be that the jokes have gotten better in the past years! I just think the technology they use for it just makes it such a unique experience.


Mickey hugs, though:love:
The best types of hugs! :wizard:

The best part of the parade was when the Fairy Godmother pointed to our engagement buttons and then pointed to her finger like she wanted to see the ring. I, of course, was paying attention to something else (sensory overload during this parade) and Joe had to point her out to me. Where I proceeded to wave like a maniac and point to my ring finger excitedly. Then she made a heart with her hands. It was adorable:goodvibes

Now, THAT is some Disney magic! :goodvibes This is why the characters at Disney are amazing.

Then it was time to watch Wishes. Oh Wishes. Joe mentioned he would actually be able to enjoy it and pay attention this time since, you know, he was busy PROPOSING the first time:laughing:
Too cute! :rotfl:

Coasters + rain = :scared1: It really was a hilarious experience. When we got on the ride there was not a drop and now it was pouring, we were stuck on a coaster and there was no escaping. Truly funny. I wish I had the experience on video.
This sounds really cool, especially at night!

Definitely one of my favorite pictures of the trip. Too classic.


And then we got it!!!

Whoohoo!!!! :cool1:
Galactic Hero! Yay lol my gf doesn't believe me that its possible, but in January we are going to try!
I'm following! Even though I'm very late, I'm all caught up! I can only dream that my proposal will be as magical as yours, congratulations! I'm also heading to Disney on September 22! I'm super excited. I can wait to read your HDDR review as I'm going to a show for the first time in September! :)
Congrats on the new job and for adding an extra day where you get to stay at AKL Club Level - Awesome!!!!

Love this picture! Looks like Joe is sleeping and you are blowing kisses. puckerup: It is great how you guys were determined to get the ultimate score.

he mist seemed to still be coming down but it was VIOLENT MIST. WHAT WAS HAPPENING. Everyone started screaming and CRACKING UP and it was absolutely POURING RAIN outside. It honestly felt like we were being shot with rain drops. Coasters + rain = :scared1: It really was a hilarious experience. When we got on the ride there was not a drop and now it was pouring, we were stuck on a coaster and there was no escaping.
Hilarious! This would have been a shocker!

first time I had rode it at night and it was VERY cool!
Love riding Haunted Mansion at night - it does feel eerier.

And then...

Love this picture - Joe is pumped and is a Galactic Hero!Practice and Determination pays off!
Just joining in and loving your TR! Congrats on your engagement! It sounded like the most beautiful proposal!! Can't wait to hear about the rest of your trip!


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