What is your not so normal item to pack, which is helpful while at WDW ?

If you have access to an egg, any kind of oil and a microwave, you can bring premade low carb baking mix and make Mug Muffins in your condo or even the resort food court. I make ours in a ceramic mug or a bowl. My baking mixture, which I bring premixed in a ziplock bag, is a Tablespoon each of golden flax and coconut flours, a half teaspoon of baking powder, and a teaspoon each (optional) of sugar and some kind of spice. Mix one egg and one teaspoon of oil (butter, coconut oil, etc) into the flour mixture. Stir it all together inside your mug or bowl and microwave for one minute. Instant muffin in 60 seconds!

Last trip we spent a week at Boardwalk Villas and had a full kitchen. I discovered that cream and eggs were relatively cheap at onsite Disney stores, so we had real cream in our coffee and bought eggs for breakfasts and mug muffins to take to the parks for snacks.

I still had leftover eggs and baking mix when we switched resorts and stayed at Port Orleans, so we made mug muffins at the food court. BTW, this same receipe works in our Belgium waffle maker. Just add a half a small packet of unflavored gelatin to the mix, otherwise the waffle is a bit crumbly. With the gelatin it's just like a normal waffle. Light and delicious and gluten free.

Thank you very much for thes ideas. We are on SCD, and will try the mug muffins.
I will start a list of not so normal items to pack for use at WDW.

We bring a McDonalds takeout cardboard 4 cup holder. We bring plastic Disney cups in 4 different patterns, whcih fit into the McDonalds 4 cup holder. What we use it for is a tooth brush holder. Everyone gets a cup assigned to them, to place their toothbrush in. The toothbrushes are organized and do not touch the counter. :goodvibes

We also bring a power bar with at least 8 outlets in it. We use the power bar to plug in our 4 cell phones, camera batteries, ipods, and anything else which needs charging. It helps when there are only 2 or 3 plus available to charge things at night. :goodvibes

We bring ziplock bags in quart and gallon sizes. We use them to store any food we bring back to the room (no bugs please) and our cell phones & camera's when it rains. :goodvibes

What do you bring and use at WDW which are not normal items like a brush, clothes, extra sneakers ?
Following! Great thread!
I'm going to try the McDonalds cardboard form for four cups, to use when sending the go-for person to get four refill mug refreshments. I purchased a plastic toothbrush holder with suction cups to attach to vanity sink mirror, from the Dollar store.
A portable usb charger (battery) to charge up the phone while away from the resort (these are pretty cheap lately).
A 6 port all high speed usb charger (instead of a power strip. we use them at home for our stuff so we just bring it with us. It's much smaller than a power strip + all the different chargers).
Extra cables needed to charge our stuff (we tend to break one when traveling, amazon has some pretty low cost generic cables these days)
hdmi cable for phone/tablet/laptop (connect to tv to review videos, photos, etc) from the room tv.

Not really strange but just in case:
- dr numbers
- medical cards
- etc etc etc. even if in full health, you never know when you'll need them.
Power bank! Also, blister band aids (for feet), baby powder, hand sanitizer, suntan lotion, etc......it's like a Disney survival bag!
A 6 port all high speed usb charger (instead of a power strip. we use them at home for our stuff so we just bring it with us. It's much smaller than a power strip + all the different chargers).
Extra cables needed to charge our stuff (we tend to break one when traveling, amazon has some pretty low cost generic cables these days)

We've swapped out our power strip for this as well.
Not so much a "what" to pack as a "how"...

Any time we fly, I take one entire outfit per person, from the skin out, and pack it in someone ELSE'S suitcase.

Should one suitcase take an unexpected detour, it buys us 24 hours.

I love this idea. Now, I just need to find someone to go to Disney with me, so I can pack a change of outfits in their suitcase. :-)
In every bag we pack extra ziplock bags. That way if something is wet we can put it in so the rest of the suitcase doesn't get wet. Or in our park bag we put our autograph books in them to keep them dry. Plus if you have them in your park bag you can put your desserts from lunch or dinner in them and take them back to the hotel with you.
We got our girls these LED glow stick/flashlights on lanyards for our first night in the parks. In pink, of course.
They could use them as a flashlight to read a map, or just leave it on the glow stick setting if they were scared by dark rides, or more likely the dark line for the ride. When all the vendors came out at dusk with their overpriced trinkets, our girls weren't quite as interested. (WIN!)
This is a great idea, thanks for the link.
white noise app for the kids
ear plugs & eye mask for the adults
Emergen-C vitamin packets (keeps you healthy & tastes nice)
black trash bags & painters tape (for putting over the windows to make it pitch black in the kids room - helps them sleep)
pack 24 hours of clothes & swimwear for each person in a carry-on - including PJs!
rental car & stay in a condo (no over packing - just buy what we need when we get there)

I don't own sneakers. Hate them. But I LIVE in flip flops - good ones with arch support & the whole thing, mind you. Wearing sneakers at Disney for me would yield the same results as you wearing flip flops all day: sore feet!

It's all about what you're used to rather than the "right" shoe for everyone. Heck, in high school I did Disney in heels & was just fine :cool1:
For footwear, I ONLY wear serious running shoes, every single park day. I see people all over wearing thongs and sandals, but not sure why anyone would do that to their legs. A day at Disney is a 10-mile day. Running shoes only. Never had a blister yet, and never been dragging as badly as I see most people dragging at nightfall. It just doesn't make sense to do endurance work in flip-flops.

Not to mention you're more agile in running shoes, and when people step on your toes in line it hurts less.
I agree. I always wore walking sandals, but my feet and back were always sore by the end of the day, and I would often get a blister. Two trips ago, I brought running shoes just in case it rained, but I didn't plan on wearing them every day. I wore them the first day because it was going to rain, and I felt so much better at the end of the day! Now I wear them exclusively. They also seem to be better for all of the standing around you end up doing.
I know there has been tons posted about blisters on this thread. I thought I would add my 2 cents worth. My DH suffered terribly from blisters, poor guy always huge blisters on our first day in the parks. After reading endless threads and much research we bought new skin aka liquid bandage. WOW what a difference it worked GREAT!! :thumbsup2 On a recent Washington DC trip. He applied 1 coat then let that dry then applied another coat let that dry then socks and shoes, after a full day of walking then walking some more (more walking than we have ever done at Disney) NO BLISTERS. My feet and legs ached terribly but he was unstoppable. :) It is sold everywhere and in small enough bottles that it is easy to bring along and not a problem with TSA.
If you spray the bottom of your feet with spray deodorant you wont get blisters ,keeps feet dry so they don't smell either!
Baby zinc cream for diaper rash not just for babies anymore. It will take care of a foot blister pretty much over night, always a risk with all the walking around WDW. We always have it packed for WDW trips. It also helped on one trip after a member of our party developed a bit of a painful and embarrAssing chafing issue from getting extra wet on Kali River Rapids and walking in the heat for next couple hours. Clears up many painful skin issues fast and lets you walk and sit comfortably again. And it's very inexpensive.
I always bring balloons and glow sticks. There are many ways to use them to entertain kids in the hotel room while the grown ups are getting ready or too exhausted to go anymore.
Baby zinc cream for diaper rash not just for babies anymore. It will take care of a foot blister pretty much over night, always a risk with all the walking around WDW. We always have it packed for WDW trips. It also helped on one trip after a member of our party developed a bit of a painful and embarrAssing chafing issue from getting extra wet on Kali River Rapids and walking in the heat for next couple hours. Clears up many painful skin issues fast and lets you walk and sit comfortably again. And it's very inexpensive.
Mix it with A+D ointment for a super quick healing tincture . The 2 together are amazing!
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