CM on tram arguing with lady best excitement of the day...


DIS Veteran
Feb 12, 2009
Just back and have to tell all out brawl nearly happened on the little tram car that picks you up at the carpark the other night and the CM on the back of the tram started it! She started screaming at a lady with a baby she had cut line in the queue...the lady was in front of us so we all know that wasnt true. The CM is roaring through the mic for her to get off HER tram etc...this went of for ages the CM shouting we dont tolerate line cutters etc...people on the tram were getting annoyed..some even offered to leave some offered to walk..people waiting were getting irate shouting came and then the CM started shouting at security cause they wouldnt get the lady with the baby off the tram! OMG it was unreal..finally our tram moved with the CM shouting at security to do her job! LOL It was unreal to watch. My kids were literally in shock! Leaving the park that night we were nearly at the exit and my son discovered he lost his magic band so we U turned to go back to guest services...a CM walked over to me and said "Lady unless your stupid thats not the way out its that way" !! after I regained my power of speech after a minutes shock I let him have it!! Whats going on in Disney these days? A full 10 days of noticing less than desirable CMs, housekeeping were not much better!
"What's going on?" indeed. My first thought was that crowded conditions are weighing heavily on infrastructure, resources, and tempers. But then is it really that much more crowded than in the past when service levels were much higher? It's hard to believe that a small single-digit percentage rise in attendance could double or triple or quadruple the likelihood of witnessing a rude CM or being the victim of poor service?
We were on a tram a few weeks ago where the driver kept lecturing people about the tram being full and to get behind the lines. Went on for about 5 minutes with driver getting increasingly snarky. It was hilarious.

Same thing happened at the Muppet show a few days later. CM wouldn't open the theater doors until people moved their children away from the lines. She kept going on about how she'd wait all day because she'd already seen the show.

We were pretty amused both times because we'd never heard snark from CMs before.
This fits right in with the snarky CM who told me "mam, I'm going to help you out the line goes that way" when we were already well into the que. Maybe she is the same one you encountered or maybe they are now training the CM's in snarkiness.
Yikes - what a - well I can't type it or else I'll get points.

Since you were already going to guest services, I hope you got the name of that CM that said the Unless you're stupid comment and reported them and reported the CM on the tram too.
Did better than that..I took the little snits picture...emailed it to guest services today along with our little tram ladys too!
What on this green earth was the CM hoping to accomplish with all that rude yelling and degrading comments??? And the "stupid" comment..... it would have infuriated me almost beyond being able to maintain my composer BUT I would have because that's what ADULTS do . While I'm sure there are ALOT of park goers that deserve to be booted from the premises, this type of CM behavior gives the entire Disney corp a black eye and should not be tolerated by whatever deparment or management is responsible for the CM's. I hope you got both of their names and filed a complaint with guest services and followed it up with an email after you got home. Sheeesh, customer service ain't what it use to be these days. Sorry you had to experience both negative situations.
I don't know if this is good or bad, but just got back from an 8 day trip to WDW and didn't notice the CM's at all. I did notice that almost every CM is now a college student who will be out of there in a short time. Also, I did slip and fall at Kidani because the carpet was wet (due to leaky windows) and as soon as I stepped on the smooth carpetless floor I went down fast and partially ripped a toenail off. Told a couple of uninterested CMs at the non-busy front desk and one of them gave me a bandaid to stop me from bleeding all over. As wife and I were talking it over a nice lady who I think worked in the cleaning crew and actually cared came over to make sure I was OK and find out what exactly happened. The next day they put a blow drier out with the carpet pulled back and added a rug to the smooth floor. That was actually a good thing to do because I'd be shocked if I was the only to have ever fallen at that spot.
Sorry it went rough with he CMs. They should be trained that even if someone did cut the line, it's better to just let it go and move on. It will get everyone taken care of faster. The "Unless you're stupid..." comment is really uncalled for!

If you need training to know that yelling at a customer and calling someone stupid is wrong, you shouldn't be working in customer service. I'm using the universal you, not directed at poster.
While I agree there is NO excuse for calling someone stupid, the other part I think I kind of agree with the CM on, to a degree. Assuming she made a mistake (she probably -did- think in her mind the woman had cut line) I think she was absolutely within reason to call that woman out and hold up the tram until she got off. Its a means to make a statement to line breakers - we're not going to tolerate it.

I do not agree with "just dont say anything and move on" as it encourages bad behavior in people like that to do it again, knowing there will be no repercussions. Since OP says this woman really didn't cut line, it seems she was collateral damage, which is unfortunate. But I do think they should use whatever means necessary to stop line breakers. If someone actually does break line, the other guests can put pressure on them to get off by voicing their dislike of waiting to the person if they refuse to get off the tram. People pressure works.
While I agree there is NO excuse for calling someone stupid, the other part I think I kind of agree with the CM on, to a degree. Assuming she made a mistake (she probably -did- think in her mind the woman had cut line) I think she was absolutely within reason to call that woman out and hold up the tram until she got off. Its a means to make a statement to line breakers - we're not going to tolerate it.

I do not agree with "just dont say anything and move on" as it encourages bad behavior in people like that to do it again, knowing there will be no repercussions. Since OP says this woman really didn't cut line, it seems she was collateral damage, which is unfortunate. But I do think they should use whatever means necessary to stop line breakers. If someone actually does break line, the other guests can put pressure on them to get off by voicing their dislike of waiting to the person if they refuse to get off the tram. People pressure works.

Note the OP said of the supposed line cutter:
the lady was in front of us so we all know that wasnt true
I hate to hear this pktbmouse. By your use of "car park" I'm guessing you traveled a long distance to get to WDW. While no guest should be treated with disrespect, it's awful when people visiting our country get treated like this. I can sorta see a CM making a light-hearted comment that "the exit is this way..." insinuating that someone is stupid is not cool. How long before a family with a special needs member thinks someone is calling them stupid...that will get ugly very quickly.

I've noticed some pretty intense moments with tram workers, but usually in the case where guests are totally oblivious (or just rude) continue to board the tram when the CM has announced several times "No further boarding!" You know that Disney drills safety precautions into those CMs, and when people just ignore it, that's got to be perturbing.

Finally, the combination of the heat/humidity in August and the minimum wage rate for CMs would do a number on the best CM. Like most people in central FL. those kids (and adults) just want to go to an air conditioned room and drink something cold.
I can almost see an excuse for a rude guest but a rude CM has no excuse. I would never be rude to a client/customer and I come by a lot who yell and a lot who are dumb. There is no excuse.

I have no clue what I would do though if a CM yelled at me for something I didn't do. Or called me stupid (though I've been inadvertently called this by a CM before just never out right.)

Supposing there had actually been a line cutter, this is precisely the reason that Disney doesn't really confront them often. It'll just cause a scene and put a damper on nearby guest's magical time. It is easier to discretely apologize to others for the mild inconvenience than to yell at the person making an infraction. They have always been discrete with this kind of stuff, as well they should. The problem isn't rampant enough to rise to the point of being a huge problem. Sure, it's annoying when someone cuts the line, but it's less annoying than a screaming & cursing match at Disney World.


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