Another 18 nights RPR, just the two of us & HHN (2015 Trip)

hello to you! :flower3:

i have been enjoying your trip reports for quite a while now, and i must finally say that you are a good deal of the reason why my family and i will be visiting universal this year around christmas! your pictures, commentary, wonderful descriptions of the progression of your days along with your happy family and the catalyst that sent me over to universal, quite happily, from disney. even this september, while you were enjoying your time in universal, i was in wdw for a short trip, and while it was nice, i can't say that i had as much fun as you! too busy, too crowded, too everything. thanks for your trip reports and advice. i am sure i'm not the only one who appreciates the time you take to share your wonderful tales!

and btw, i love purple too!:flower:

Yay.......another purple fan.........we`re almost a group on our own!!!!

Nice to have you along for the ride.......thank you so much for the lovely comments.......I`m so happy to read what you wrote about visiting Universal..........I`m going to bet you will adore it....and will go back again and again. Christmas there will be just lovely........

Again, thank you for taking the time to reply.....I appreciate it.......hope you enjoy the rest of it.......:wave2:
Ooh, more updates. I am seriously loving them and I am so much more excited for our April trip now (even though I know it is going to be horrendously busy).

Young Anthony from the club lounge is very easy on the eye, isn't he? ;)

I cannot wait to get back to Diagon Alley. We only rode Gringotts once on our last visit as we were only at Universal for 2 days and the ride was having serious technical difficulties, meaning we waited over 90 minutes for it. None of us really wanted to spend any more time in line for that ride then so we are all excited to ride when we go back in April.

@keishashadow the brick wall picture, I believe, is taken from just inside of Diagon Alley looking back towards the entrance. It's a great shot Carole :thumbsup2

How cool was that character interaction with Gru and Stuart. I am embarrassed to admit that I haven't seen either of the DM movies but I will endeavour to do so before our next trip. My son, however, loves them so would have been in his element there. We have 4 nights at RPR in April so we might have to include a dinner at Islands on our ever-growin list of things to do.

Nice to see the picture of Kyle - a little way of including him, even though eh wasn't there with you. Funnily enough, my daughter posted a 'Timehop' picture on FB yesterday, from her last trip with us in 2013. I told her she should come with us at Easter, because I know she would absolutely LOVE to see Diagon Alley and all the new stuff at Uni. We are now talking about taking a trip, just the two of us, for a week (it won't be long enough but it's all she can manage to get off work) in October next year. It would be fabulous if it comes off.

Thanks!!!!! You will still have so much fun when it`s busy......EP??? No problems!!! I know where I`d rather be at Anthony was lovely......had done so much in his life....was interesting listening to him......really nice guy.

Gringotts had no such issues this time, so hopefully it will be the same for you in April.....90 you liked it after that wait!!

Gru in Islands was seriously best interaction ever.....yep, even better than Scooby and we loved those have to watch the movies, 1st one is the best, 2nd one is ok.....haven`t seen the 3rd yet.......but it would be nice to know the movies a bit.....oh I hear you on the ever growing list of things to do and places to of our friends from the hotel has told us so many places that are off the grid.....we need to go for two months at least!!!

Oh that would be nice if you could do that with your daughter.......I love my trips with my mum to NY, even though she`s 80 she`s fit as a fiddle.......walked me into the ground!! Hope she does manage Easter is odd first time without them isn`t it? I was so dreading it, but once we were there and settled, yes we missed him, but it was easier than I thought.....Skype saved my

Glad you`re still enjoying it.....getting closer to the end least favourite bit....but not yet!! :wave2:
So after riding Gringotts we went back out to get some water from the stand in DA.....we didn't get a favour, or potion......just plain case anyone doesn't realise water is more expensive at this stand......can`t remember how much, but a few dollars more anyway. I think.

This area is so nice, and so many little things to wasn't too busy again today so we could take our time and absorb every little thing.......we did see the puppet show......not our thing at all. Didn`t like it at all. But many do, so I always like to give suggested things a try..........

I do think this area is much better than Hogsmeade, and I do like that area......but this has just gone up a notch for us.......













There is so much to photograph, and most of it has been posted a million times, but we never tire of taking and looking at these pictures......however, one fun thing to do in this area is go and exchange money from chief don`t have to buy anything of course, you can just walk through....but if you do prepare some questions for him.....he will answer you......maybe not the answer you
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We went in and we bought $100 worth of Gringotts`s can buy smaller denominations too......we planned to give some to my nephew and girlfriend who were coming back you go in and everyone asks him different guy asked if he could get a loan to keep up with his wife`s spending......Tom thought he had met his soul brother!!! It`s eerily hypnotic watching it interact with can see a pause at times.....but it`s a little disconcerting when it seems to be poring directly into your soul.......we asked it a generic Gringotts question and he was quite funny in his reply........he also mentioned taking pictures of him...did we think he should charge




It is weird this experience........but $100 lighter we came out........someone asked what it was when we came out....told him and he said oh is that it........told him he really shouldn`t miss it....didn't have to buy anything......he went in

we bought another drink and just stood around for a bit.........then thought 10,000 pictures was probably enough for the headed out and we had planned to just get something from Moe`s for lunch started to wander around, we were hungry now......


All we fancied was to share the big pink donut.......


We also ended up sharing a little pizza......and only ate half the donut between us......

It was nice, and still hot....I hate eating things that are cool when they should be hot.....but they filled a small hole for a cheap lunch...........we sat for a while and just people watched for a while, then as we couldn`t stand the same repetitive Simpsons episodes......can`t they change them......we left for a go on ET. Such a fun ride and never lets you down....we actually got a set of bikes to ourselves today......first time I think.......nice and cool too........

It`s nice to walk through this zone during the day as it`s so different during horror nights.......quite peaceful and a nice area to kick back for half an hour if you need somewhere quiet......





We had timed it right and did Horror Make up Show.......this was still as good as the first time we saw it......some say you can`t do this show more than once.....I disagree......we loved it as much as before.......we came out laughing anyway......we now looked as though we were thought we would give taking any more pics a miss apart from one or two......we could see Marilyn and Betty Boop......I certainly felt a bit ratty looking to appear beside Marliyn that's for sure........






Then it all changed............
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So we see The Mystery Machine parked up where it usually sits........Tom asks if I want any more pictures it`s my turn to be pictured think we will head out of the park as we will be back tonight for horror nights......when we see Scooby and Shaggy.........OK......I`m a pushover for Tom yells, yes yells at me to get over quickly........I don`t run. Well unless it`s horror nights.......but when I look up I actually do run..........I see Velma with Scooby.........

We take a picture of the three of them, then Velma shout me over for a picture.......Tom takes about 100 snaps of this whole encounter.......I love Scooby Doo!!!! Although again, the ones of me hugging Scoob are missing.......



Just as I get over to the door........the rest of the gang appear!!!! In all my years of being at Universal I have never managed a picture with all of them together......and the best part is.....there`s no-one around at this point, so I get them all to I said Tom is snapping this whole interaction and there really is about 100 pictures of us just talking......Daphne was hilarious....kept asking me how her hair looked and did I think she was the prettiest girl then said he wanted to talk to me so he was chatting and asking if I liked his hair better.......they were brilliant......and no-one was around......Fred asked if I thought he was handsome......well what could I say.....Shaggy was like Oh Man........








Now I didn`t really care I looked like I had been dragged through the proverbial hedge backwards.......I had gotten pics with the whole gang........there wasn't really one where I did look tidy.....but hey`s a park day and I don`t really bother with that at the parks......I was so happy!! And they were all so good.....everyone of them played their character perfectly.......I could have stood there all day......but after about 5 minutes a little girl appeared and it was time to move with another hug from them all I rather reluctantly let an excited little girl take my place.........we both loved this today!!!! I asked Tom if he wanted his picture taken with them, but he was ok with taking the pictures for me today..........

We did take this one though.........


So much for no character pics today. But, this was the best character interaction with my favourite childhood cartoon character and it was amazing!!!

We headed out the park and noticed the sky was getting bluer by the minute.....was looking good for horror nights again tonight......hoped so as we were meeting my mate Vicki (tink1957) For now we were headed back to hotel to freshen up then over to Total Wine for another gift for a friend.
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I'm still here, and loving it! I am a tad jealous though, I have yet to run into the entire gang! Looks like you had a great time with characters this year...seems like every time I see one, there is a line, so you don't get the full experience of chatting with them in character.
Can't wait to see the next installment, and I loved that you added your son in on the pictures, since (thanks to Skype) it's like he was kind of there! really scored with the Scooby gang, I've never seen them all together much less had them all to myself...great pics and you look lovely as usual :flower3:

I can't wait for the next partpopcorn::
I'm still here, and loving it! I am a tad jealous though, I have yet to run into the entire gang! Looks like you had a great time with characters this year...seems like every time I see one, there is a line, so you don't get the full experience of chatting with them in character.
Can't wait to see the next installment, and I loved that you added your son in on the pictures, since (thanks to Skype) it's like he was kind of there!

Aww thanks Kivara.......I really was about that and grub night before I did feel I scored big time........yes Skype was a godsend for us seeing and talking to Kyle......couldn't help but add him.....just a little picture.......

Thanks for the nice comments.....glad you're still enjoying reading along........:) really scored with the Scooby gang, I've never seen them all together much less had them all to myself...great pics and you look lovely as usual :flower3:

I can't wait for the next partpopcorn::

Yep......I really was awestruck a little.......I kept thinking anytime now a queue will appear.......but there just wasn't......then after I had my time, a queue seemed to appear from nowhere.......just lucky I guess.......thanks for the compliment, but I felt so untidy that part is coming up soon......:thumbsup2
Quiet day for me so catching up with your trip report!

Wow I didn't know the whole Scooby gang hung out at the Studios!

We bumped into just Shaggy and Scooby way back in 2011 just as our camera gave up for good! No pics but a great interaction.

DD not into character meets these days but I would have been as excited as you to meet the whole gang!

I can not wait to see the the extended Harry Potter area......last visit to Universal was just Forbidden Journey.

Your pictures are making me wish we had more than 5 days allocated to US and IOA!
Quiet day for me so catching up with your trip report!

Wow I didn't know the whole Scooby gang hung out at the Studios!

We bumped into just Shaggy and Scooby way back in 2011 just as our camera gave up for good! No pics but a great interaction.

DD not into character meets these days but I would have been as excited as you to meet the whole gang!

I can not wait to see the the extended Harry Potter area......last visit to Universal was just Forbidden Journey.

Your pictures are making me wish we had more than 5 days allocated to US and IOA!

Glad you're enjoying it!!

Yes seeing the whole gang was new to me too, I really was like a child in a candy you'll love the new Potter is spectacular, and even though I loved Hogsmeade........Diagon Allley is a notch'll be so impressed with it.........5'll be fine with that.....more is always better, but I'm sure you'll have a wonderful time at Universal........

Thanks for the comments.......appreciate it........:)
I was high as a kite from meeting the whole gang........and for it to be so personal, and last so long was wonderful.....most meets are over far too quickly, but this one was a real highlight for the inner child in me. But we started to head out the park and just thought how beautiful a day it was and how good the whole place looked........




And a quick wander in the store.....mainly to cool down a little!! And to have a quick look at Jack........what a guy!!!!


It was another hot one, and we felt it now......we both looked absolutely lathered!!! But decided we would walk back today instead of the boat, we were in no particular rush to do anything. The walk is always lovely and today as Tom was cameraman......I just mooched along behind him....although a few people did ask me to take photos of their particular group.....of course I would, always happy to take pictures for people anytime.......

Once we got away from the Globe we noticed there was a boat waiting for RP.......typical when we were was too tempting though so we hopped on.

Citywalk is a great place, day or night.....but it is so much fun at night if you have never been. Very family orientated lots of fun for little kids too. It`s not just about clubs and drinking the way some see it.......I`ve heard people say oh we don't go there.......not quite sure why!!




The now closed`ll be missed by many.



We were so disappointed not to get to NBC Grill before we looked so good and it`s getting good reviews from folks I know that have gone.....will look forward to going there next year!!


Got a few of the Plane before they move`s very synonymous with RP so hope they find somewhere appropriate for it rather than just having it disappear completely. But the expansion to include the new water way for Sapphire Falls means needs must for room to expand the boat route.

Went up to our room and had some cold water and got changed to head out for some shopping for gifts for a friend and few other bits and`s only now looking back I can realise why our luggage may have been over the allowance!!! I kept saying we hadn`t bought that much.............oops!!!!
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I love that walk from Citywalk to RPR - even when my feet are aching and I'm tired and sweaty, sometimes we will still choose to walk as it is so nice.

What great character interactions with the Scooby gang. I think we have only ever seen Scoobs and Shaggy before, I will have to keep a look out for the rest of them next time. My son would really get a kick out of meeting the whole gang.

And now I am going to check out the menu for NBC Grill ;)
So we head to Mall at Millenia and pick up some more Bath and Body products, couple of things from Macy`s and things from Godiva chocolate to put in a gift.





Then it`s over to Total Wine for what we are really out for today.

This store is amazing........if you drink alcohol!!! Thousands and thousands of wines from all over the world and any type of liquor you can think of, and then some. We are not big spirit drinkers, but we do like cocktails and boy could we make some cocktails from what is on offer in here.........we were amazed at the differing flavours of vodka alone that we just don`t get in the UK......maybe a good thing!!!! We were both like kids in a candy store........once we had picked up what we were getting for gifts we perused affectionately round the store..........

Non drinkers may want to look away........everything was so cheap!!! Some were huge bottles for less than a third what we would pay for a much smaller bottle in the UK.........and the flavours......oh my.........









Again, when we were paying we spoke to the girl and commented how cheap everything was with alcohol compared to us.....I`m not sure she believed us actually. But it`s true. But hey ho.........not complaining...just observing.......

Headed back to hotel and got gift box parcelled up ready to deliver when we had chance, and then got showered and changed and headed up to lounge before our next HHN.
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Now you're talking, I am definitely going to have to pay a visit to Total wine in April.
I love that walk from Citywalk to RPR - even when my feet are aching and I'm tired and sweaty, sometimes we will still choose to walk as it is so nice.

What great character interactions with the Scooby gang. I think we have only ever seen Scoobs and Shaggy before, I will have to keep a look out for the rest of them next time. My son would really get a kick out of meeting the whole gang.

And now I am going to check out the menu for NBC Grill ;)

Now you're talking, I am definitely going to have to pay a visit to Total wine in April.

That walk is always lovely.....sometimes it`s easier to keep walking than stand and wait for a boat.......yes we were thrilled with the meet with them.......I hadn`t heard anyone say for years they had got the whole group so was definitely going to take advantage of it!!! So much for a no character picture to make an exception for them.....your son would love it I`m sure!!

Total Wine is nice!!!! If only we could have liquids in hand luggage...........:D :D :D

Glad you`re still reading along :wave2:
wow! my kiddos would be so excited to meet the crew from scooby doo! my husband and i watched it growing up, and introduced it to our mystery loving kids. what a bunch of fun!
wow! my kiddos would be so excited to meet the crew from scooby doo! my husband and i watched it growing up, and introduced it to our mystery loving kids. what a bunch of fun!

Me too.......Scooby was my favourite cartoon growing up. Our DS was a huge fan too, so I got to relive them again through him........

The gang were just amazing! One of the best meets we ever had in all our visits over the yes, I hope you and your children get to meet the whole gang too......they'll be thrilled.

I have to say I had a peep in one of your trip have a beautiful family!!! Looks like you are a real fun group too........and I hope you don't mind me saying.......your husband must be in line for best looking husband on the Dis!!! Although don't tell my husband I said

Glad to have you still reading along..........:wave2:
All showered changed and freshened up we headed up to the lounge for a swift drink. Looked to be a nice evening outside, although they did tell us in the Lounge rain was forecast for later!!! Typical......

As we were in no rush tonight, we had some snacky things in the lounge........we had some of the lovely Chinese chicken style salad, dressing ......also had some roasted veg as it looked so nice.....all with blue cheese dressing of course......the lounge was not too busy tonight and we were sat at the big tv...... Anthony asked if we wanted a movie on, so he got the selection they have and we chose Ghostbusters....this was popular with those around us too. So we sat with our wine and watched the movie till we went for the boat.

Always time to take some pictures though........



The boat was fairly busy tonight, we just got on, but there was another appeared before we left........only takes a few minutes to get there, but such a pretty ride.....

We got off the boat and could see how busy it was in Citywalk tonight......but we headed down to Studios and used the hotel guest entrance that saved us some time, we got through quickly, except Tom set off the buzzer again......not quite sure why, but usually one of us or both do it........but we get through and go buy some water. Then straight to Jack`s house........this was a total walk on for us.....queue was fairly large and we saw our first crying children of the night........very young, tired and obviously quite intimidated by everything around them.......but we went on in and thankfully had no children around was excellent as always, the folks in front of us went zooming ahead, so we kind of became pace setters which was nice as we got plenty of scares......Tom is good remembering where they jump out at you......I had no clue......the "Jack" that jumps out at you and shouts his name got me every time.....I swear I had that target on my head........such a good house!!

Freddy had too long a queue so we went down to Body Collectors......there was a big queue for this tonight, cannot remember how long but we didn't stop till we got our passes scanned at the entrance to the house.....fantastic.......this is why EP is worth every penny!! This house is amazing, got some wonderful scares much to my husbands amusement.......and the little scary guy at the end was there, so Tom again, helped propel me out the door as I just kinda froze again........then shouted he`s behind you......I can run when I have to!!!

Now it was time for us to meet up with Vicki and Trey......I had said outside the boulangerie, but it was so hot and so loud we ended up inside.....where Tom bought himself a cake.......a white and dark chocolate cheesecake.......I didn`t take any of that from him......did buy some more water though and waited for our buddies.

Wasn't long before I saw Trey come in the door.....hadn't seen him for two years as Vicki`s daughter was with her last year, with her famous ankle injury, bless we all sat down and had a good old catch up. As usual we yammered away about anything and everything...thoughts on HHN and how much they were enjoying Cabana Bay......was glad to hear it.........they don't mind you just sitting in there although it was fairly quiet. It`s a nice place to grab something to eat for horror nights as they do some nice croissants......we planned to grab something later in the park from one of the stalls. But for now we all headed out through Icons scare zone........not before a picture though..........


We wandered through Icons together and got some nice scares along the is such a fun zone this one......but we were headed to do The Purge and WD tonight.........we did get a couple of pictures though.......


I did get a picture with Pumpkinhead but it`s so blurry as someone jolted Tom`s arm as he was taking it....


I think at that point we went our separate ways as I think Vicki was doing Bill and Ted was so nice catching up with her again.......emails are ok, but it's nice to chat in real life.......we were giving bill and Ted a miss, once was enough, but you gotta see it, least once. We headed round to Purge and WD.......did the Purge first and this was much better tonight, wasnt bad before, just tonight was better.....loads of scares and we caught so many more little details. Came out and the rain was on........quite heavy. But we decided to hang around.......on to WD and this I really wished we hadn't bothered with.......we were drenched by time we got round. Not quite sure why this was a long, really long queue but we were in it so we would keep going, but at the entrance we were drenched........then the people in front...two couples....dragged their feet all the way round.....we did encourage them to move, but they didn't........we wouldn't queue jump in case we got put out, but wow they were maybe that has an impact on us just not enjoying this house at all. There were no scares and I hate to criticize SA, but they just weren't feeling it tonight. We were less than impressed by it.


So we came out and decided we were a bit hungry and thirsty.......first stall we saw was selling spicy chicken tenders and fries......that would do, we would share one.....we also ordered 2 beers......she asked for, yes I know you`re supposed to have it regardless of age...... but neither Tom or I could pass for under 40 never mind she let it go......we got our beers in souvenir glasses and went and sat on a wall and munched on our little was actually very nice.......and the beers went down well!!!

At this point we saw Insidious was like a three week queue, so we headed back out the park and back to hotel........we would be back tomorrow night and planned to make a full night of it permitting of course.


Not the best night time pictures.........we were back in the hotel quickly and for some reason we were shattered tonight. So straight to bed for us....we wanted to be up early again tomorrow.
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Today was going to be our last full on park day as we had plans for the weekend. We skyped Kyle as soon as soon as we were showered and dressed......he was starting to look forward to us coming home soon I think, although it had gone better than I had thought it would......but it was getting to that time. He was doing great and was keen to hear everything we were doing and where we were eating, and especially about HHN. He loved it as much as we did, so he was keen to see the pictures.

Headed to lounge and had a lovely fresh breakfast. We had so many conversations with guests in here on the mornings and evenings, I forget most of them, but there were some lovely people we spoke to. But, this morning we were back to the room quickly and got suncream on as it looked very sunny today.....yay.......walked as usual and were there just before gates opened

We waited till the queue had an empty space, which wasn't long at all then headed down towards our favourite rides once more. We always take our time here and savour the beauty that is Port of Entry......when we take pictures sometimes people look and see what we`re was no different and we told a family again to listen to the windows at the top of the buildings.......they had never knew you could hear`s not a magical thing or anything but cute, and adds to the wonderful theming that is Universal.

Park didn't seem busy at all today, even though it was Friday there was no rush to get anywhere



I think we must have thousands of pictures by now of Universal, but every year we take the same old ones as well as all the new projects Universal are turning out at a speed of knots, and all to such a high standard. To which I always answer when people ask if we get bored at Universal, the answer is always no.


Straight to Dr Doom this morning as usual........we adore this ride.......and there was a 15 minute queue already today which was confusing as there didn't seem to be anyone around, but when we got up to the EP area, yes there was a bit of a queue for the regular queue.......


We rode Doom about 5 times, each time we had the countdown guy today who is brilliant!! Every ride was different when he set it off.....and he altered his countdown method too at you really didn't know when you were being propelled into the air above you........always a good view from up here however short it can see for miles!! I just don't look down.....and never have.....although I do love the air time you get as you are sharply separated from the comparative safety of the seat. love it!! Tom is always relieved to walk off this ride.....every time......he loves it really.

Now we do our usual Spiderman only once today and head round to do JP........very impressed with Kong progression here, this is going to be amazing.....cannot wait to see it next year.......



We get on JP straight away too.........again, this is such a cool ride.......and best to keep the bar a bit looser as you get a better drop at the end!! It is so nice to just drift slowly round to those amazingly recognisable huge gates......and you really are in to see first timers get a shock at a certain bit before you start to climb the hill..........but the drop on this is so good......I do wish it was higher though.......but that`s me. Used to be terrified of drops as I`ll go on anything.......we don't get wet at all today and decide its a one and done for this ride and wander round to Potter........

We really do take our time today and as always take in every little detail and savour it. We passed the raptor experience but didn't bother, not much of queue this time, but maybe next year........then into Potter. We don't take any more pictures of the Castle today.......think 10,000 is enough......but even Hogsmeade is still impressive going onto it.......





This was where everyone was.........I think that was quite an unfortunate picture with timing as it really wasn't that bad at all........we rode FJ using single rider as the queue was 30 minutes or similar, I never took that much notice of wait times....I only did this once today, but Tom went back on and got straight back on. When he came off we went into the 3B`s and had a fizzy pumpkin juice which was nice and wasn't too busy at all.
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The 3B`s is a nice place to get some respite from the`s very cool and although it`s far too early for us, if you like some nice beers they do have a good choice.........fizzy pumpkin juice is fine for us.......






Theming again is top notch. It never appeals to us to eat in here.......but it does look nice. We head back out and have a bathroom break and listen to Moaning Myrtle for a bit......again, so many people don't know about this little slice of information.......again, a nice touch. We mooch into the candy store now, and this place is always busy, but doesn't take many to make it so. It`s vast array of colours and scents always make for a pleasant visit........

Kyle and Tom love chocolate fudge. Not so much for me, it`s far too sweet......but it`s nice to look anyway.






Back out and decide we will get the train to Studios and do Gringotts then head out the park.
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