A Private, Romantic 30th Anniversary Trip- Just Ask My Friends! Last Afternoon: EP p. 37 9/19

lol until you pointed it out I hadn't noticed the arm coming from Mark's head but ... it is Halloween so maybe Mark was just being extra spooky!!!!:scared1::rotfl:
My hubby doesn't do silly very well either :confused3:rotfl2::goodvibes
Being the punster that I am, I really enjoy the Jungle Cruise.

I have quite a reputation as a punster in our community theatre company. I have to come up with cute names for the concessions that relate to our performances. There have been some winners and some duds. Our upcoming show is a showcase of Edgar Allen Poe tales. One of our snacks will be "Never-mOreos" People are raven about them!

Being the punster that I am, I really enjoy the Jungle Cruise. It's not necessarily the content, but the delivery. I remind Fedex of that every time!


I'm all caught up! I've so enjoyed reading so far and look forward to more tales of your night at MNNSHP! I passed on the opportunity to attend one solo a few years back and have deeply regretted it ever since! I must work to rectify that mistake! Love your matching shirts :goodvibes

Thanks again for reading!

I don't mind being at Disney solo, but the party was much more fun with a partner in crime. I do hope you get a chance to attend the party sometime in the future.


What great pictures of you and Mark especially when you're kissing :love2:
Yes that's the monster book from the Harry Potter film Prisoner of Azkaban ( had to ask DD which film)
You're matching shirts are cute looking forward to reading your report and see pics from MNSSHP :hmghost:

Aww! Thanks!

I didn't realize how similar the caged spider was to the Monster book of Monsters (picture from one of the shops at the Wizarding World of Harry Potter). They are both difficult to photograph well!

We had a great time at the party, I can't wait to share our night with everyone.


Your shirts are really cute! I'm not very creative, so that would be perfect for me.

I'm a fan of the Jungle Cruise. I love all the original rides and attractions that I feel Walt had a hand in creating.

In all of my fall trips, I've only done the MNSSHP once. I enjoyed it, but the tightwad in me hates paying the extra amount for the party ticket. Add in the fact that it was crazy crowded makes me think I'll never get my husband back. I know they only sell a certain amount of tickets, but it was so crowded that night. I wondered if people just stayed that were already there that day.

I knew that the shirts were about as involved as Mark would get with a costume. It was cheap and easy and it worked.

I enjoy the classics too- Jungle Cruise, Peter Pan. I have a renewed appreciation for It's a Small World. Still need to warm up to Carousel of Progress.

The crowds were not too bad that night, although the couple of rides we did during the party had surprisingly long lines.


Love love love the picture of the 2 of you in Main Street. The Halloween decorations are just gorgeous too. Looking forward to hearing more about your night:)

Oh and I LOVE your ears :)

Thanks. I am really glad we decided to wait for the photos in front of the Main Street decorations.

The ears embody two of my favorite things. They were easy to make and they were cheap. And they have a Disney connection!

The ears were and after-Halloween half-off purchase of red sparkly Minnie ears on a headband. All I had to do was shape them into pointy ears using tan colored duct tape.


The shirts look really nice on both of you. I'm glad he joined in the fun.

We've seen lots of families in matching shirts on this trip. It has become really popular.

Thank you. The shirts made for an easy and comfortable "costume"

I saw a bunch of couples with matching Hakuna Matata shirts on the trip- as I pointed out, there was a couple in one of our Everest photos wearing them. Mark was a good sport. I don't think I could ever get the boys to join us in wearing matching shirts.

I have finally had time to start catching up with my Dis friends and your report is the first one I started with. There is simply waaaaaaay to much to comment on so I'll just say that I am here, I'm caught up and I'm excited to read more.
Nice shirts. Love the added touch of the meerkat ears and warthog nose. The best thing about that costume is that withstood the FL heat!

Your party night is starting off well with trips on Jungle Cruise and Pirates. Two classics!
lol until you pointed it out I hadn't noticed the arm coming from Mark's head but ... it is Halloween so maybe Mark was just being extra spooky!!!!:scared1::rotfl:
My hubby doesn't do silly very well either :confused3:rotfl2::goodvibes

I think we will keep them anyway! :love:

Nice shirts. Love the added touch of the meerkat ears and warthog nose. The best thing about that costume is that withstood the FL heat!

Your party night is starting off well with trips on Jungle Cruise and Pirates. Two classics!

Our "costumes" really were comfortable and as a bonus we can continue to wear the shirts IRL. Just not at the same time.

You can't do Pirates too many times!

I think this was the one and only time we made it onto Jungle on this trip.


Great update, I DEF need to get those shirts for DH and I! I saw that Target has them!

I totally recommend the shirts. They are comfortable. And inexpensive!

Boo! A Parade of Regrets



I left off describing some of the things Mark and I were doing prior to the start of Mickey’s Not So Scary Halloween Party.

I’m going to back it up a bit and give a little more info about what brought us here and now.

This was our first time at Disney in the fall and spending part of the trip celebrating Halloween was an important part. You see, I was born on October 31, so Halloween has always been a pretty special holiday for me. That explains a lot, eh?

Parties that week were on Sunday night (our arrival day), Tuesday and Thursday. We got our tickets for Tuesday night. “Coincidentally” my friends Nannette, Janet and ~Ninja and Missy & Franklin all had plans to go to the party that night, too.


Nannette and I texted back and forth all night hoping to meet up.

7:14 N: Hey hey hey where you be?!?

7:16 D: Headed to jaunted.

7:17 D: Haunted. Red shirts.

7:18 N: We are directly in front of the castle. On the back side of the partner statue.

7:21 D: OK

Gutter Gals:


Side note: ~Ninja aka Jezebel really tried to get Mark and me to get matching bowling shirts. I could barely get Mark to wear a matching t-shirt. Was NOT going to happen!

We were around Pirates when the party started at 7 and we thought visiting Haunted Mansion was an appropriate thing to do. We headed there through Frontierland


We hit our first candy stop right around here. The candy stops are marked by these large inflatable candy-corn colored tubes.



Mark and I had so much fun Trick or Treating! It is great to be a kid again!

We made it to Haunted Mansion, went in and then as we were leaving decided to stay to have pictures taken.

7:40 In line for haunted photo, not too long. Will look for you when done.

7:43 Ok

7:44 Done

7:47 Ok we are right where the parade will pass in front of the castle.

We headed that way and tried to find our friends, but it was crowded with people watching the Villains show at the castle.

8:02 I don’t think we can get there. We tried but mass of humanity. We don’t want to be d****.

8:03 We are at Emporium in Frontierland.

I am super disappointed that we did not meet up with my friends. They had an incredible spot for the parade and for the Villains show. Missy and Franklin also met up with them there to watch the parade.

But Mark and I are just two high-strung and we didn’t want to make any waves trying to cut through the crowds to get to where our friends were waiting. Although as Nannette suggested, if we had waited until show was over, the crowds disbursed and we probably would have found them. But by then we were in our spot and the parade was about to start.

Our vantage point was lousy! I am short and we were behind a lot of people. I stood up on this curb-thing, which gave me a little height to take pictures, but it was really uncomfortable.

We didn’t see any of the ground-level stuff like the grave diggers.

Here’s what we did see:


^^^ Headless Horseman. Sad!







Mark was pretty disappointed in the parade. Boo!

I honestly think it was because of our spot.

I am so sad that we did not watch it with our friends.

When the parade was over, we decided to get a snack. Mark had been obsessing about the French fries he saw at Casey’s when we visited the MK on our first afternoon, so we headed there.

We passed by the castle and saw the parade passing by







Finally! French Fries!

After fueling up, we were ready for more party time!

Would we find tricks? Or treats?

Next up: Villains Show
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I love the Gutter Gals what a great concept :rotfl:
I can image trying to meet up during a crowded party would have its challenges.
I was struggling on our November trip to meet up in World Showcase. We kept texting and somehow were always moving in opposite directions. We finally had success when one of us stopped moving.
Love all the pictures.
Glad Mark got his fries we love Casey's.
That's too bad that you couldn't find the Gutter Gals, Missy and Franklin. The crowd is always huge for fireworks and the parade. We had really crummy spots the first time we saw the parade. We were also in Frontierland. The lighting was horrible and we couldn't really see the groups like the grave diggers. We headed for the exit after the parade passed us and discovered that the area in Town Square has great viewing. The parade travels around the circle before exiting and you have plenty of time to see them. It is really hard to do and see everything you hope to do and see. At least you had a great time trick or treating. We have fun with that, too. :)
Love the HM photos. That sucks you couldn't get to your friends. Interesting that Mark didn't like the parade. Many think it's the best parade Disney does. I've never seen it in person. Trick or treating in Disney world be so much fun!
I love the Gutter Gals what a great concept :rotfl:
I can image trying to meet up during a crowded party would have its challenges.
I was struggling on our November trip to meet up in World Showcase. We kept texting and somehow were always moving in opposite directions. We finally had success when one of us stopped moving.
Love all the pictures.
Glad Mark got his fries we love Casey's.

The Gutter Gals was a great group costume concept, but Mark was not down with being a Gutter Guy.

My pals had an awesome spot, but when we tried to cut through, there were so many people. I didn't want to be a jerk.

Such a different World with cell phones and texting. Meeting up used to mean staying at a designated spot until the other person showed up, and there was no option for changing plans if something went wrong.

I'm glad we made it back there. Mark was really craving those fries! And it was a quick little pick-me-up to fuel us for the rest of the party.


That's too bad that you couldn't find the Gutter Gals, Missy and Franklin. The crowd is always huge for fireworks and the parade.

Probably the biggest regret of the trip. :(

We had really crummy spots the first time we saw the parade. We were also in Frontierland. The lighting was horrible and we couldn't really see the groups like the grave diggers. We headed for the exit after the parade passed us and discovered that the area in Town Square has great viewing.

Wow! Deja vu!


It is really hard to do and see everything you hope to do and see. At least you had a great time trick or treating. We have fun with that, too. :)

There were some "bumps in the night" but more treats than tricks.


Love the HM photos. That sucks you couldn't get to your friends. Interesting that Mark didn't like the parade. Many think it's the best parade Disney does. I've never seen it in person. Trick or treating in Disney world be so much fun!

I was so disappointed that we couldn't find them. And even more when we ended up with a cruddy place to watch the parade.

Not being able to see the ground level performers was a big drawback. We are not really parade people, although I really love Festival of Fantasy.

Trick or Treating was so fun!

Great recap of the party night. It was a great evening, but not meeting up with you was a disappointment.

Trick or Treating as an adult is good fun! I tried to explain this to my non-Disney friends and they look at me like I'm taking candy away from the kids. I try to explain that Disney loves handing it out to adults but they still don't get it (until I explain that we paid a ridiculous amount of money for a party ticket and then they are okay with me taking the "free" candy.) :)

My boys aren't patient with parades either (nor fireworks). A highlight for me that night was sitting in one spot to watch the parade from start to finish and then joining Missy in her garden to sit and watch the fireworks.

I hope to make it back to Disney in October again some year. The combination of Food and Wine and the Halloween party makes for an extra special trip.
Like you, I would have been hesitant to wade through the crowds to find your friends. I don't like to ruffle other folks' feathers when it comes to popping into a spot last minute.

I hate that you didn't get a better parade viewing spot. I'm sure that was part of what caused your disappointment in the parade.
This was our first time at Disney in the fall and spending part of the trip celebrating Halloween was an important part. You see, I was born on October 31, so Halloween has always been a pretty special holiday for me. That explains a lot, eh?
So how does your family feel about that? Were you a trick or a treat?

We were around Pirates when the party started at 7 and we thought visiting Haunted Mansion was an appropriate thing to do. We headed there through Frontierland
Gotta go to Haunted Mansion for MNSSHP.

Mark and I had so much fun Trick or Treating! It is great to be a kid again!
::yes:: You're never too old to be gluttonous on free candy!

I honestly think it was because of our spot.

I am so sad that we did not watch it with our friends.
I'm sorry the parade didn't quite live up to expectations, but yes, I'd assume the less than spectacular vantage point and the crowds likely contributed to it. I always enjoy things less when I have to fight crowds just to see them.
I love the Gutter Girls & their bowling shirts. It would have been hysterical if you and Mark had worn the matching bowling shirts ... but hey, you did the best you could. You have to pick your battles sometimes, and I'm guessing that convincing Mark to wear the bowling shirt would have been an unwinnable battle.

Sad that you didn't get to meet up with your friends ... but MK is definitely hard to navigate when it's crowded. Pushing through people is not as easy as it seems, and I definitely understand not wanting to do it. As much as having a good spot really can make the parade experience more enjoyable ... it's not worth being rude to get that spot.

I'm glad Mark got his french fries. Sometimes it's the little things that matter the most...
Great recap of the party night. It was a great evening, but not meeting up with you was a disappointment.

Trick or Treating as an adult is good fun! I tried to explain this to my non-Disney friends and they look at me like I'm taking candy away from the kids. I try to explain that Disney loves handing it out to adults but they still don't get it (until I explain that we paid a ridiculous amount of money for a party ticket and then they are okay with me taking the "free" candy.) :)

My boys aren't patient with parades either (nor fireworks). A highlight for me that night was sitting in one spot to watch the parade from start to finish and then joining Missy in her garden to sit and watch the fireworks.

I hope to make it back to Disney in October again some year. The combination of Food and Wine and the Halloween party makes for an extra special trip.

It was really a bummer that we didn't spend any time at the party with you guys.

Right- don't make me calculate the price per piece of "free candy" after paying for the party tickets.

Ummm...I don't think I knew you watched Hallowishes from Missy's Garden. Now I'm even MORE disappointed. Although we watched the show from Main Street which is good because that is the first time Mark has seen the fireworks from there. And we got some cute pictures together during the show.

I think the fall is my favorite time to be at Disney. Well, my favorite time is when my friends are there. But when that happens in the fall it is a win-win!


Ahhh thats awesome!! Happy (very belated) birthday!!

I appreciate the good wishes. I prefer to think of it as you are very very early for my next birthday.


Sounds like you had a greet time trick or treating <3 <3

We did!!! There were a lot of spots to go collect candy in between the other party activities.

Fabulous photo! :cloud9:

Awwww! Thanks!


Like you, I would have been hesitant to wade through the crowds to find your friends. I don't like to ruffle other folks' feathers when it comes to popping into a spot last minute.

I hate that you didn't get a better parade viewing spot. I'm sure that was part of what caused your disappointment in the parade.

Mark really doesn't like to rock the boat or stand out, so trying to cut through crowds of people looking for my friends was not going to happen.

I'm sure the poor viewing location was a big part of our feelings about the parade.

So how does your family feel about that? Were you a trick or a treat?

Gotta go to Haunted Mansion for MNSSHP.

::yes:: You're never too old to be gluttonous on free candy!

I'm sorry the parade didn't quite live up to expectations, but yes, I'd assume the less than spectacular vantage point and the crowds likely contributed to it. I always enjoy things less when I have to fight crowds just to see them.

Treat, I think. My brother, on the other hand, who arrived a week before my first birthday- trick.

Absolutely! Haunted Mansion is so much better at night. And more so while celebrating Halloween.

Every piece of candy brought us just a wee bit closer to break even point. Just 9997 more pieces needed.

I agree- a parade is much more enjoyable without a parade of fellow viewers.



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