Spring into a New Beginning- APRIL 2017 WISH Lifestyle/Weight Challenge

Hey guys I'm sorry for not chatting much these past couple of days. Just when I think we are out of the woods with this stomach bug someone else gets it. Today was the baby's turn :( Then DS10 came home with a fever and I think something totally different than the stomach bug. The fever quickly shot up to 104.7. That was super scary but the doctor said as long as it comes down with Tylenol it is ok. Thankfully it did.

In your life when things are looking good do you step in your own way? Are you a self saboteur? If you are why do you think that is?
I am so guilty of this lately. I have been on a roll with losing weight and slimming down for the past month but every chance I get I am eating something I should be. I also use being depressed or being angry as a reason I deserve to eat bad. Then I feel guilty and it's this nasty cycle. I'm not sure why. I know there has to be something behind it more than I just want to eat this.

My favorite Disney movie would have to be The Princess and the Frog. I love that they did it as a hand drawn movie and the soundtrack is just fantastic.
hi! How are you all doing?

Just back from a short spanish break, and planning for our DisneyLand California and San Diego trip. There isn't much time for participation in monthly challanges! I am doing ok. Most of the time anyway - but I think that's how it is. Feel more confident in maintaining my weight, but also have some level of realization that it isn't always straight line. Sometimes it just isn't priority

How are you all getting on?
In your life when things are looking good do you step in your own way? Are you a self saboteur? If you are why do you think that is?

Hmm...that's an interesting question. I'm going to say yes although I'm getting and learning how to love myself enough to help myself. Saying things like "I run to challenge my body, not to punish it" and "I eat well to reward my hard work". I just don't ever feel like good things can/should happen for me. So if they do I'm skeptical or feel like it can't last long. So that way when it doesn't I can say "told ya so" to myself.

Bonus question: What is your favorite Disney movie?

Tough question! If I could only watch one it'd be BATB.


Woohoo Wednesday! I worked out this morning because I'm going to be out late tonight and I knew that the chances of me waking to wake up early tomorrow were pretty much slim to none. So I had to get my workout in this morning. I weighed myself yesterday and I'm holding steady at actually a little bit under where I was when I started the process. Adding in running definitely helped. I'll weigh myself tomorrow morning to see where I'm at again. I'm starting to see some pretty cool muscle gains from lifting weights consistently. My mom told me my butt was looking tight over the weekend :rotfl2:An odd compliment from a normal mother but a normal compliment coming from mine lol. I'm tired of still feeling fluffy but I know it's all a process and hopefully by the end of May I'll be able to cut a little bit and lean out. I'm sitting at about 1850 calories which is pretty sustainable. I'd like to get up to about 2100 before I cut down again. That would be an extra snack to keep me going throughout the day.
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In your life when things are looking good do you step in your own way? Are you a self saboteur? If you are why do you think that is?

Bonus question: What is your favorite Disney movie?

YES! But it's not something I can pin point exactly other than a lack of self control. I think I see progress and then get all YOLO on myself and also start thinking that I've worked hard so I deserve a slice of cake--- or 3.... Now, I am actively incorporating sweets in my diet. I tried to quit and the sugar addiction is just too real. So I buy some sort of less than 200 cal per serving cookies every week-- and NOW since I am not keeping them from myself, I don't always crave them. There's something mental about it for me-- take it off the table, and I want the whole bag. Allow myself one serving (another issue I am over coming LOL)-- and it's not something I want every night.

Disney Movie: Hard, hard tie between Aristocats, Beauty and the Beast, and Up

I watched 'The Light Between Oceans' on pay-per-view and was so possessed by it that I watched it again last night before the rental expired. It's one of those films that really transports you to a different place and time

Oooooh! The trailer for this looked good and I forgot about it-- I'm going to have to check it out! I love movies and shows that transport you like that. One of the reasons I am still obsessed with Downton Abbey even though I've seen it a million times Haha!

WooHoo Wednesday--- Let's see... I am trying to come up with a NSV, but heck yeah, I have a scale victory so it's my woohoo today! I am down 3.5 lbs since last month. And I am freaking out because the scale hasn't budged down this low in maybe two years! I think I'm finally kicking the 179 plateau I've been stuck at. As of this morning, I am only 10.4 lbs away from goal and that seems so much more obtainable than the 15 that's been looming for some reason Haha!

Also I decided to wear jeans for the first time in a few months this morning and all my size 14 jeans were too big. I had to dig to the bottom of the closet to get the 12s out! Finally, finally finally something is working!
WooHoo it's Wednesday!

Tomorrow I'm out of the office for about 4 hours mid-day to get my hair done, and done right this time. Last time my regular stylist was on vacation and the person I saw decided I really shouldn't have a full trim since I was growing it out, so she just cleaned up around the edges. I've been looking like a ragamuffin and hating my hair since then. Plus I'm going to have the color lighten considerably, away from light brown and into dark blonde with light blonde highlights, so the stinking roots aren't so obvious. I put in for 4 hours of PTO, so I could relax while I'm there and not feel guilty about taking a "long lunch".

Friday it's wrapping things up at work and then I'm outta here for almost a week and a half. We don't leave for Texas until Wednesday, so that gives me Monday and Tuesday to putz around and get ready.

Saturday I have an appointment with my tattoo guy to get more work done. I'm adding a moth to my right hand, a buddy for my Bee, and then I'm torn on what the next new thing will be. I want a dandelion with some seeds blowing away... I think the flower will go at the base of my left thumb and the seeds will float across the back of my hand, and I think the phases of the Moon down the side of one of my fingers. Or it'll be a Sunflower on my left forearm. I already have another appointment booked with him for May, so whatever doesn't get done now will get done then, so the order doesn't matter that much, but I'm still contemplating placement.

Sunday my Niece is doing Easter and it is going to be nice to not be hosting and being able to just go and enjoy. I will be making some gluten free biscuits to take though... I did a trial run last weekend to make certain they come out right.

And today is elimination elimination day. I have my Chia seeds and fruit for breakfast, then I'm going to go out and get a Cesar Salad for lunch, and see how my body handles the salad dressing. I had nuts again yesterday and this morning had a damp throat, so that's confirmation that I either need to not have any or just a limited amount here and there. Overall the Whole14 thing has worked out really well. The biggest challenge was eating enough so that my body wouldn't go in to survival mode, and not feeling guilty about the quantity of good/allowed food I was eating. I'm definitely feeling better, and my body has liked the change... yesterday I had a chiropractic appointment and could feel my body responding differently.

Have a wonderful Wednesday everyone!
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My woohoo for today. My husband finally put in the vanity that we have had sitting in our garage for 2.5 years. We are also going to be painting the kitchen. I am also woohoo that my daughter is doing better today. I took her to the doctor this morning and it is just a cold with a good chance of an ear infection starting. She seemed to be acting better and no fever so I sent her to school.
Just getting back from the doc with DS10. It turns out he has pneumonia :( So antibiotics and lots of rest for him. I guess my woohoo for today is that we caught it in time for him to get better before our mother/son WDW trip next week.
What are you woohooing today?

Not having to go anywhere for the next 3 days and not having to stay up until after 1 am in order to go pick DH up from work at that time. By the time we go get a load of water and get home it is 1:30 which means it's 2 am before I get to bed and hopefully asleep.
The girls had their communication day activities in the evening yesterday. 12 year old got a red ribbon on her demonstration titled juice pops with loosing most of her points for not having an introduction and a conclusion. She also got a red on her short take speech on the topic of pets. In short takes they are given a subject have 3 minutes to jot some notes on a sheet of paper and than have to talk for a minimum amount of time depending on their age group which for her was 1 minute to a max of 5 minutes. She lost points on the intro and conclusion along with waving her paper and the pen and asking the judges for time. They hold a card up with 30 seconds left to the 5 minutes. She was fine with her red ribbons except that 9 year old got a blue ribbon for her demonstration How do I say in sign language. In order to help keep her focused our county extension agent did have me go up with her. She pushed the buttons we made on her proloque2go app on the ipad for her introduction and I lifted the flaps over the words she was showing the signs for ( all of them food words) and said the word for her. She showed how to sign each word and then pushed the button for her conclusion at the end. Only a few times of her turning her back to the judges which they did not take points off for due to her age, that it was her first year, and her special needs. One of the judges we know really well from rabbit shows and clinics. The other we know but not as well.
I worked out this morning because I'm going to be out late tonight and I knew that the chances of me waking to wake up early tomorrow were pretty much slim to none.
Nice job! and LOL on the comment from your mom :laughing: I wish my mom was more like that.

I am trying to come up with a NSV, but heck yeah, I have a scale victory so it's my woohoo today! I am down 3.5 lbs since last month. And I am freaking out because the scale hasn't budged down this low in maybe two years! I think I'm finally kicking the 179 plateau I've been stuck at. As of this morning, I am only 10.4 lbs away from goal and that seems so much more obtainable than the 15 that's been looming for some reason Haha!
WOOHOO!!! Keep up the awesome work.

Saturday I have an appointment with my tattoo guy to get more work done. I'm adding a moth to my right hand, a buddy for my Bee, and then I'm torn on what the next new thing will be. I want a dandelion with some seeds blowing away... I think the flower will go at the base of my left thumb and the seeds will float across the back of my hand, and I think the phases of the Moon down the side of one of my fingers. Or it'll be a Sunflower on my left forearm. I already have another appointment booked with him for May, so whatever doesn't get done now will get done then, so the order doesn't matter that much, but I'm still contemplating placement.
You know I'm going to want to see pictures :D

My woohoo for today. My husband finally put in the vanity that we have had sitting in our garage for 2.5 years. We are also going to be painting the kitchen. I am also woohoo that my daughter is doing better today. I took her to the doctor this morning and it is just a cold with a good chance of an ear infection starting. She seemed to be acting better and no fever so I sent her to school.
I'm happy to hear your DD is better! And Woohoo for getting stuff down around the house:)

@MommaoffherRocker Wishing a speedy recovery for your son!! How scary!
Thanks! He actually is taking it really well so that helps a lot.

Not having to go anywhere for the next 3 days and not having to stay up until after 1 am in order to go pick DH up from work at that time. By the time we go get a load of water and get home it is 1:30 which means it's 2 am before I get to bed and hopefully asleep.
I love when I have those days with nowhere to be, Enjoy your sleep!
Hello everyone!! Once again I kind of stopped posting. I am not even sure where I need to start catching up... But I loved reading all about Walt's life!

The weekend was a bit crazy with my father's 75th birthday. And then at the start of this week my scale decided to show me the highest number in 5 years or so. Very frustrating!! And of course instead of being motivated to do better, I had some horribly crappy eating days (well, I still tracked and only ate about 200 kcal over what fitbit said that I had burned that day). Yesterday was better and today so far as well despite some weird eating. But I went for a run this morning and than ran around like crazy in my lunch break and after work and I already have 21000 steps for today. So, no damage done.

My woohoo for today came out of a boohoo: My jeans gave up on me today. The only pair that still fit. Because I am too fat for most of my clothes right now. So, I had to go and buy a new pair of jeans. Luckily they still had exactly the same style in the size that I need, so that was easy. And then I found two really lovely tops. Both of them rather loose, so I know they will still fit once I lose the surplus kilos that I have right now because the size was more determined by my shoulders than anything else. Very happy!!
@MommaoffherRocker I hope your son gets better quickly. Also, hopefully all the sickness leaves your house. You have had a lot over the last week or so.
Thank you, it has definitely been a crazy week!

My woohoo for today came out of a boohoo: My jeans gave up on me today. The only pair that still fit. Because I am too fat for most of my clothes right now. So, I had to go and buy a new pair of jeans. Luckily they still had exactly the same style in the size that I need, so that was easy. And then I found two really lovely tops. Both of them rather loose, so I know they will still fit once I lose the surplus kilos that I have right now because the size was more determined by my shoulders than anything else. Very happy!!
I am so happy you were able to turn that boohoo into a woohoo!! I'm sure you will back on track in no time :)
Despite my super healthy day yesterday the scale moved up a pound... I am seeing my doctor today and need to ask him if my thyroid meds need to be adjusted. It is getting frustrating.

Had to go to the city hall this morning to renew my passport. I managed to damage it on my last trip. So instead of 10 years, I now got only 6 years use out of it. Currently am waiting for my number to be called. Afterwards I think I am going to treat myself to a Starbucks cappuccino!
For woohoo Wednesday I am woohooing that I've reached my step goal every day this week even though I've been super sick and feel awful. Also I am down 17 pounds from last month when I started eating healthier and working out. I'm definitely woohooing that cause it's 11.5 pounds away from 10% of my body weight lost.
Woohoo!! to you for getting in all your steps and not letting being sick be an excuse!!

Oh no... wishing for a speedy recovery!
Thank you :)

Despite my super healthy day yesterday the scale moved up a pound... I am seeing my doctor today and need to ask him if my thyroid meds need to be adjusted. It is getting frustrating.
I'm sorry, I know how frustrating that can be!! I hope the doctor is able to help you out today.
So last night I did the coolest thing ever and went to a Twister Experience at our local movie theater. It was interactive with props. Like we had a little white balloon and then white small styrofoam balls that were tossed around as hail. It was just awesome. I love Twister. My all-time fave movie. So to do an interactive experience made my day. And the cool thing is they do it every year and next year is the 5th year anniversary so it's bound to be awesome.

Last night and today are definitely going to mess up my macros and so I'm not going to make my goal this month. However, I am still counting calories and staying within my calorie goal. And I'll do my best to not be carb heavy, that's usually my problem. Tonight is a happy hour celebrating the promotion I received at the start of this week. Fortunately, the coworker of mine who is always keeping us out til late late has plans at 8 so it'll be an early n ight and not too much drinking. Staying within calories will be a breeze.

When we last left Walt he had quit his job to start Laugh-O-Grams Films Company. He had convinced Ub Iwerks to quit his job and they hired five other animators to work for them. They decided to make films based on fairy tales after the success of the Little Red Riding Hood cartoon. A buyer in New York liked the idea and paid a $100 deposit and promised $11,000 to Laugh-O-Grams to make six films. The whole Laugh-O-Grams crew had a love for animation, they worked long hours and didn't complain when their paychecks were short due to low funds. Walt also decided to purchase a Universal camera that he could use for cartoons as well as live action.


The fairy tale films they had worked so hard on were shipped off to New York in the fall of 1922 but no payment came back. Pictorial Clubs, the company that had promised to buy them, had gone out of business. After that the employees slowly found work in other places. Things looked bad for Walt. He had to live in the Laugh-O-Grams offices because he couldn't afford his rent. Once a week he would go to the railroad station where he could buy a hot bath.

But his luck turned around one day when a dentist came to him to ask Walt to make a film about dental health. After that film Walt got the idea of putting live action actors in with cartoons and Alice's Wonderland was born. He found a distributor for the film and set to work on it. However, the money started to run short again. He borrow money from anyone that would help. Halfway through the film he had to put the project on hold. His brother Roy convinced him to move on. So Walt claimed bankruptcy, sold his camera and bought a first class ticket to California. He was heading west to become a director.

Walt had a dream that he would not give up even when times got tough. This is how we have to face living a healthy lifestyle. Never give up! But sometimes we try things that may not work for us. What kind of things have you tried that didn't work for you? How long do you try something before you decide it that it isn't working?

Bonus question: Do you prefer Disneyland or Disney World? If you have never been to one, do you have plans to visit?


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