Help! I've lost my Disney Magic!

Regarding taking family along, I just want to say that both my wife and I's parents were great. We never had issues getting along or anything like that. As a matter of fact they could all tell I wasn't having a magical time and they all tried their best but I was so hyped about doing certain things on the trip that nothing could of fixed it other than turning back the clock.

I probably hyped myself too much and set my expectations too high. Stressed myself out over the trip and ended up taking the little things to heart. Some CM behaviour was completely unacceptable but I should have let it go.

I didn't find I had any magical moments connecting with CMs or other guests like I always have, probably because I was too stressed to let them happen.

Thanks again everyone, it feels good to talk about it and get feedback. I think I needed to get it out. It's hard to talk about this with family because I don't want them feeling bad about my vacation. Friends and co-workers just think I'm weird because of my Disney obsession.

They probably were great but adding people ups the chances of complications. Waiting for someone, someone forgetting something, etc. I think some of your issues would've been minimized had your Group been smaller.
We haven't had perfect trips the last six years.. Several things have happened, sick pup (who thankfully ended up ok!), car transmission dying while in Disney, last year on our Honeymoon I got heat poisening and we had to spend a day and a half in the room... I try to ignore the other stuff like line cutters, rude ppl -- no one is ruining my vaca! I run into rude ppl all the time at home and ignore it.
What I did last year was just think I'm going back next year and I am going to have the best time! And I've been happily planning our next trip ever since!
...I just wish I could get that magic feeling back when I think about Disney or listen to the podcast. Hopefully with time it will come back, in the meantime I'll keep listening to the podcast, watching Disney movies and sharing Disney with my daughter.

Maybe concentrate on the old movies for a while (and old Wonderful World of Disney episodes) - connect the magic to your own childhood memories?
Maybe concentrate on the old movies for a while (and old Wonderful World of Disney episodes) - connect the magic to your own childhood memories?

I'm ESL so I never really experienced Disney movies until I was older, I have a stronger connection to some new-ish ones but I will take your advice and stick to the movies that resonate with me the most. :)
We have been going to WDW almost every year since 2005 (as well as 2 trips to DL and 3 Disney cruises-yes we are nuts lol) and some of our trips have been more magical than others and with each one there were hiccups and bumps in the road. From fights with family and friends, children melting down (from toddlers to teenagers), losing my dd, my dd running away (separate trip--that was fun:rolleyes:), delayed and cancelled flights due to hurricanes and snowstorms (one year our flight was cancelled and we had to take the train home--32 hrs of pure joy esp since our youngest dd was still in diapers), bad weather (too many thunderstorms closing rides and cancelling fireworks and parades and one year it was just freezing--we had booked the Wishes Dessert party and were under-dressed and couldn't enjoy it because it was so cold) to rude CM's and guests despite everything we keep going back. When we first started going I was high on the Disney Koolaid but I am a little more jaded now seeing all the ridiculous price increases (paying more for less), budget cuts so things are not as pristine and clean as I remember and this I think has led to more stressed, and in turn rude CMs and it seems so much more crowded now on our last few visits than ever before.

Maybe take a break from WDW and go to other places. When we have it's made us miss Disney and in the end we want to go back. :flower:
We went in Oct 2015, when I was pregnant with my second. It was supposed to be our last hurrah as a little family of three, giving us a chance to get in some quality time with our three year old DD before the new baby arrived. We had been on several magical trips in the past, and my expectations were high.

The trip ended up being pretty bad. There were several annoyances at our hotel that weren't handled well (Grand Floridian, so again high expectations), and the monorail was down several times when we tried to get to MK, resulting in long waits for boats and buses. Mostly, though, the trip was bad because DD behaved terribly the whole time we were there, and we were pretty much at our wits' end. I cried the morning we left because the trip had not been anything that I wanted it to be.

Last month, we went back for our first trip as a family of four. I was pretty nervous about how it would go, but it ended up being our best trip ever. In fact, we upgraded to annual passes and are planning to get two more trips in before they expire. So, we definitely got the magic back :teeth:
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Thank you for this, I will send them a message.

Thanks to all of you for your responses and kind words. We are going to take a break for a while, we had already decided that, I just wish I could get that magic feeling back when I think about Disney or listen to the podcast. Hopefully with time it will come back, in the meantime I'll keep listening to the podcast, watching Disney movies and sharing Disney with my daughter.
Might also tell them several other CM's were rude at MK. Let them know they need to step it up and make sure the CM's are treating customers kindly.
OP, sorry you had those bad experiences. I've gone plenty of times since I've been a passholder & have had similar experiences. A smaller group does not necessarily help either, only if it's people you get along with well. For an example, I went with a friend who I'd known for several years for the second time but this time, she insisted she Had to do every park, all major attractions in the two day weekend she was there. That did not fly with me as that was my only weekend off work for the week & I had a particularly bad week at work. Not to veer off subject too much...but I hope you do end up hearing back from Disney after you email them & that they offer some form of compensation/comfort. I've dealt with rude Cms before but OMG that one at Pirates takes the cake! They should definitely be reported!

I totally agree with what others have said & think there's nothing at all wrong with taking a break from Disney. It will give you an opportunity to see the country & the world instead of going to the same old place all the time. :)
I say be thankful. Your bank account will thank you. I'm itching to go back the moment I get home from my trip and I wish it weren't so. I might be happy the day I feel I'm done with Disney, but at the moment, it doesn't seem like it will be anytime soon.

This is exactly what I was thinking as I was reading through the thread.

Disney is EXPENSIVE. I wish our one trip satisfied me to the point of being done, but it didn't. And now I'm left trying to figure out where I'm going to conjure up the thousands of dollars to return.

I'd love to be done with Disney, to be honest. And I'm not being sarcastic.
The worst WDW trip we had was one DW and I took DN for her first Disney trip. We BOTH had VERY high expectations, wanting DN to have an absolutely wonderful time. However, it seemed to both of us during much of the trip that we were working against each other. We each thought the other was ruining the trip for ourselves and DN. We had one of the worst fights we ever had after we got home. We agreed to go back four months later, just the two of us, eat together, and only tour together if we both wanted to do it, doing MOST of our touring separately. That trip restored the magic for both of us. Later, we found out that DN had the magical trip we both wanted for her, despite our being at odds for most of the trip. I recommend going back as soon as possible with as few other people as possible agreeing to tour separately. You might be surprised just how magical that can be.
I haven't had a perfect Disney trip in a long while, so I feel your pain.

Even my last trip (for Pandora Opening), I could see the whole trip going sideways RIGHT before my eyes ... it was hot, communication was terrible, other guests were AWFUL and CMs (and their managers) were definitely not on the same page about things. My normally VERY sunny, positive attitude went in the gutter pretty quickly and reached a point where it was make-or-break if it would ever get back and if I needed to just pack it in and stay at home for the next couple of days and let my friend enjoy her weekend.

Just like the CMs that couldn't help me out or kept me from doing plans I should be doing, the CMs that "forgot" you at HM or may have misdirected your family at Soarin' ... they're just doing the best they can at a VERY busy time in the parks, when staffing is low and expectations are high.

So, for ME to keep the Magic (I have three more trips planned over a total of nine weeks), I need to focus on CMs that were outstanding and do my best to make sure they're recognized. I'm pretty sure WDWToday on Twitter got tired of me Tweeting out #CastCompliments multiple times a day, but it made me feel happier to know that I could spread a little of my OWN magic!

It's SO easy to get upset and be let down - especially when you're super-excited and plan a trip like this. You know, expectations and all that. But take time off, visit new places and make new memories - and when you're ready to think about Disney, you'll know it's time for another trip! Those GREAT and fond memories will come back and you'll be ready for more of those.

I will say, I won't travel with extended family anywhere. DH is usually lucky I travel with him. (I joke, sort of) Even bringing DD (adult) often ruins my trips to Disney. So we only bring her along every couple of years. She's just not fun to travel with. We have great fun with DGD though, we bring her once a year, the rest of our trips are just DH and I. They are really my favorite trips

^^ THIS. Travel companions make SUCH a difference. If I'm in Orlando for a month or so, I'll drop in daily by myself or on the weekends with my Mom and Husband - mostly for dinner at Epcot, or rides at AK or DHS.

If it's a long weekend trip that involves air travel? I'm ONLY going with my Disney Besties AND/OR First-Timer Friends that I refer to as "Luggage" when we travel - they're down for whatever, can go with the flow and will eventually find their way back to where they need to be when or if they get lost.
Might also tell them several other CM's were rude at MK. Let them know they need to step it up and make sure the CM's are treating customers kindly.

I did. Basically copied and pasted my original post, edited to be read as a complaint.

...but I hope you do end up hearing back from Disney after you email them & that they offer some form of compensation/comfort.

Definitely hoping for some comfort.
This is possible, but the CM who refused to let us on would of known about a delay right? I mean, 2 hours to ride Soarin' with a FP, something went wrong.

We didn't do the Rider switch because we were at the beginning of the FP window and we all had FP, certainly didn't expect the first group to take so long as to expire our FP.

Problem is we didn't have time to complain. With a large family and a baby, it's difficult to spend an hour at Guest Services to maybe get a couple FP that we're not going to use anyways.

I guess I don't understand why you didn't talk to a Soarin' CM as you were approaching the end of your FP+ window and you waited two hours until your first group came off? You simply could have gone up to one of the CM's at the beginning of the FP line, explained the situation ("we have FP+ and a child who can't ride but our first group isn't out yet, I'm concerned about them and concerned we won't be able to ride and I'm not sure what to do, can you help us?) and given them the opportunity to help you. Personally, if I had sent a group of people onto a ride with FP+ and waited that long, I would have been concerned for their safety (it sounds like you didn't contact them via phone or text either). WDW has rider switch in place for this very reason. Although you didn't expect it to take that long, ride delays happen. I really don't think you can pin this on Disney. Booking FP+ for everyone at the same time when you intended on waiting for one group to come off before riding (thereby significantly lessening your ride window), not using rider switch and not approaching a CM during your FP+ window to try to solve the problem was your decision. I'm not sure why WDW needs to make up for bad planning on your part.
Two points, both mistakes that we have made. Your schedule was too tight. This creates stress even if things go well, and nightmares when they don't. And you get out of anything what you put into it. When your feelings start to go sideways it is time to recenter because this has the potential to create a negative mental loop that feeds itself.

On vacation and in life, it is essential that we feed the right wolf.
I have lost the magic with MK! It's just always way too crowded and too many cranky people- both guests and CMs. When it's hot the crankiness rises. I still love the resorts, Epcot and AK, so I try to focus our trips on those things.
I guess I don't understand why you didn't talk to a Soarin' CM as you were approaching the end of your FP+ window and you waited two hours until your first group came off? You simply could have gone up to one of the CM's at the beginning of the FP line, explained the situation ("we have FP+ and a child who can't ride but our first group isn't out yet, I'm concerned about them and concerned we won't be able to ride and I'm not sure what to do, can you help us?) and given them the opportunity to help you. Personally, if I had sent a group of people onto a ride with FP+ and waited that long, I would have been concerned for their safety (it sounds like you didn't contact them via phone or text either). WDW has rider switch in place for this very reason. Although you didn't expect it to take that long, ride delays happen. I really don't think you can pin this on Disney. Booking FP+ for everyone at the same time when you intended on waiting for one group to come off before riding (thereby significantly lessening your ride window), not using rider switch and not approaching a CM during your FP+ window to try to solve the problem was your decision. I'm not sure why WDW needs to make up for bad planning on your part.

You're absolutely right, I should have done rider swap or gone to talk to the CMs when the window was closing. I didn't because we were busy with the baby and I honestly didn't think we'd have a problem getting on afterwards when the CM checked our group's FP and saw what happened.
I know it's heresy to say it here..... but being 'done' with Disney is just fine! It's a great place, and I love it, but most people I know aren't that into it- so what? It's just one place to vacation- there's a bazillion other ways to vacation that are wonderful- no worries! To me it doesn't even seem like a problem- it just is what it is- Go somewhere else, it'll probably be cheaper and you'll enjoy it more!
There was absolutely no excuse for the CM that rolled his eyes and made a derogatory comment to another guest about you. The fact that it was your parents made it even worse. I usually try to cut the less than stellar CMs some slack. It's hot, it's crowded, and who knows how many rude, obnoxious, unreasonable guests have yelled at them for things they really can't control. I've been in their situation and know I don't always handle it as well as I should. When I've gotten exceptional service from a CM, I try to let the manager know right away because I tend to forget things. :) They are usually pretty shocked when I compliment a CM rather than complain.

I'm sorry the trip was so disappointing and I hope you get the Disney magic back someday. As others have said, give it time, and if it never comes back, it's okay. Something else fun and enjoyable will come along.
You say you want to get the Disney magic feeling back - here goes: After you have reported the incident via email you gotta let go of the bad stuff. Focus on the positives - the way your little one lit up when she saw X? That time grandpa said y. If you only focus on the negatives (which I am not saying that you aren't justified in feeling that way) that's what will drive your memories.

We had a couple of bumps in our May trip and but the thing that I will remember about this trip is my 13 year old DD skipping into Adventureland after the good morning show. You see on top of all the lovely teenage girl issues, she had witness her dad battle brain cancer and ultimately pass away just 8 days after she turned 13, but 5 months later she still felt like a happy little kid ready for adventure.

That skipping and attitude of hers made up for anything that could have been thrown at us. Find the positives of any of your trips and focus on that. When you are ready book another trip and maybe you will have better luck. Until then, explore the world but don't give up on the magic, it's still there (maybe broken a little, but it's there).
I don't know what it is but when me, my Mom and my niece used to go many years ago we always had such a blast. We never had a bad Disney experience. I honestly mean that! We used to go every year and we had so many good things happen to us, from CM experiences, to being picked at a couple of the events at the MGM Studios, to just having these hysterical character moments (this was way before meet & greets which for me has ruined the spontaneity of the experience). That's when characters used to wander around the parks. I think most of the CMs now are way different than they used to be. I know they deal with a lot but some of things I've heard and seen would never have been tolerated back then. I always thought there that there was a Disney way back then. Customer service, friendliness, etc. If anything went wrong, they would make it right. Sadly, for the most part, that is not the case anymore.
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