Roxymama's 5k to Marathon, Time to Collect Another Castle

Well I'm still not feeling 100% (not even close) but all this sitting down and not running time has allowed me to do a bunch of spring 2018 race research. Coach and I kind of went over possible spring goals available a few weeks ago and after a lot of thought and talking with roxyhubby I landed on one I am feeling excited about.

So I've registered for the Naperville Women's Half Marathon on 4/22/18. My end game is to avenge my hot fall half and really try for that HM PR again. I've got some much lower than 2:27 numbers in my head and I don't mind working hard for it. I think it'll give me a lot of confidence heading into the summer training for the BIG RACE in October (come on lottery gods.) The best part is it was only $50 (woot) and I'm hoping the same kind of female empowerment vibes I got from Tink this year translates to this race too.
It's got 4000-5000 runners. Self seeding corrals. 4 hour time limit. Not too crazy of elevation. Seems like a bit of a downhill trend towards the back half. And the temps from last 5 years looked decent.

It also finishes on a college track, so cue me day dreaming I'm in the olympics for a few hundred meters.

Kind of excited about finally picking something. I knew that I had other 5k or 10k type options I could try for too, but the "get my half PR" bug just hasn't left my head quite yet.

So as of right now my spring has:
Shamrock Shuffle 8k 3/25/18 (sub 46 goal)
Naperville Women's Half Marathon 4/22/18 (sub 2:16 ideal, sub 2:27 to PR)

We will see if any 5k's sneak in before or after or during. TBD
I am planning to run a half on 4/22/18 as well and hoping to PR too. And if we both get into Chicago, we will likely have very similar @DopeyBadger plans next year.


We'll be solemates (get the soles of your feet...because it's a running joke?)

That actually is really cool!!! If things get tough at my race I'll just remember you are running with me...just not exactly right next to me.
As a little boy I dreamed of playing Major League Baseball, so I get the Olympic thing. Running through Angels Stadium during the 2011-2012 Disneyland Half Marathons and the 2017 Avengers Half Marathon was like a dream come true.

Are you doing any races prior to the half marathon? I'm trying to decide if I want to add anything smaller in there other than my March 8k or fit anything in prior to starting training for my half. I'm being decisive about some things and indecisive about others at the moment.

Oh and I'm running again and my cold seems to be pretty much over (knock on wood) so at least there's that!
There's the Groundhog half on Feb 3 that I'll probably do, depending on how I feel after Dopey. That one is usually in the snow and can be very interesting weather-wise. Last year it was only 8 degrees. We always take that one very slow with lots of walk breaks and picture taking. Last year I also ran a 15K in March as part of training, so I may do that again.

Glad you are feeling better! :yay:
There's the Groundhog half on Feb 3 that I'll probably do, depending on how I feel after Dopey. That one is usually in the snow and can be very interesting weather-wise. Last year it was only 8 degrees. We always take that one very slow with lots of walk breaks and picture taking. Last year I also ran a 15K in March as part of training, so I may do that again.

Glad you are feeling better! :yay:

8 degrees is chilly! I don't mind running in the cold but it's the waiting in the cold...brrrr. If I hunt out any smaller races I'll maybe go the route of local ones where I can just sit in my warm car until closer to race start. The annoying part is many of them have not committed to actual dates yet in the 2018 calendar (ugh!)

If you do run into any actual groundhogs at that half, please ask them to declare it an early spring this year!
As a little boy I dreamed of playing Major League Baseball, so I get the Olympic thing. Running through Angels Stadium during the 2011-2012 Disneyland Half Marathons and the 2017 Avengers Half Marathon was like a dream come true.

The closest I ever got to Olympics was having an olympic silver-medalist winning coach in college. But that is more "olympic-adjacent" than anywhere good enough to think about it. But it won't stop me from day-dreaming about winning one of those shiny medals!
I've walked around the warning track at a sox game once and I will say it was very very cool!

That race sounds great! I love women-focused races (so much girl power!!)

Me too! I still like stinky boys, obviously. But it's fun having a girl power race.
Love the idea of a women's only race! Going to survey the local options for 2018...adding yet more to my running list. :)
Happy you are feeling better and running again!!
As a little boy I dreamed of playing Major League Baseball, so I get the Olympic thing. Running through Angels Stadium during the 2011-2012 Disneyland Half Marathons and the 2017 Avengers Half Marathon was like a dream come true.

We finished the Stockholm marathon in the old Olympic stadium, so I get the Olympic thing too. Pretty cool experience.
Glad you're feeling better!

Me too!

Love the idea of a women's only race! Going to survey the local options for 2018...adding yet more to my running list. :)
Happy you are feeling better and running again!!

I've done one other women's 5k race (with my husband because he is awesome) and I really liked it. They since switched it to just an everyone race. The medal was a necklace but now it's a normal medal.

We finished the Stockholm marathon in the old Olympic stadium, so I get the Olympic thing too. Pretty cool experience.

That is epic levels of cool. I have all the jealousy!

So roxymama update for this week is kind of bare bones. I hadn't mentioned it here, but roxymamasmama has been in the hospital for what feels like forever but was since the beginning of last week. Right when I got sick and I was unable to go see her in person (couldn't afford to pass along any cold.) So my frustration at being sick was much more than just because I couldn't run (and didn't want to do anything to chance my cold not going away.) As of a few hours ago she has been cleared to come home because her numbers are back up to more where they should be!! So I get to see her tonight in person!! Today is hug a runner day (per @SarahDisney ) but I feel like hugging all the people around me that she's heading home!
If she lived closer I would just run there...but I'll go ahead and sit through rush hour traffic instead.
Yikes, what a tough week. Glad you and roxymamasmama are both on the upswing, and hope things continue to get better from here!
I'm way behind on the board and trying to catch up, but wanted to quickly say that I'm so glad that your mama is doing better and going home from the hospital. So sorry you had that to worry about as well as being sick yourself. Better times on the way though!
Love the idea of a women's only race! Going to survey the local options for 2018...adding yet more to my running list. :)
Happy you are feeling better and running again!!
Perfect 10 Miler is in the Fall, usually around October 20th? It is run by the same people who do the Love Run.
So glad to hear both you and RMM are on the mend! :hug:

I'm way behind on the board and trying to catch up, but wanted to quickly say that I'm so glad that your mama is doing better and going home from the hospital. So sorry you had that to worry about as well as being sick yourself. Better times on the way though!

Glad your mom and you both feel better!

Perfect 10 Miler is in the Fall, usually around October 20th? It is run by the same people who do the Love Run.

Thanks for all the nice thoughts for my mom and also I agree that everyone needs to do a women's race this year (well, all the ladies, but I'm not stopping any of the fellas either.)
But can I also just say I hate cancer. It's stupid and I hate it. I hate that people I love have it. Hate it.

But I have running and hubby is going to pick up kiddo and make dinner (swoon) while I go for a jog (swoon) and I'll enjoy all 32 degrees outside until it's time to snuggle on the couch and watch nonsense for a few hours.
Don't know how long or how fast I'll go, maybe I'll grab a mickey sticker and just saunter around the neighborhood. I'll get back to a plan soon, but for now...just gonna enjoy it.
Thursday is "watch the parade" day and some lunch at a restaurant. And then I'm gonna cook something yummy for roxymamasmama and roxypapa for day-late thanksgiving. And I'll run.

Also, I'm thankful for all of you. #sappy


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