I love credit cards so much!

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How does everyone feel about closing old accounts as far as average age of accounts and your score?
I am particularly interested to hear how it has affected those of you who I consider pros at this. Ha!

I want to go for CP again late this year so thinking thru my annual strategy for apps this year.
I don’t want to close my SW Premier as it is one of my oldest cards. My options are to leave it open and get the SW biz and the SW plus again...or...close it and do the SW plus/SW prem combo. Even better, I could do the SW biz and both personals for more points. Haha... guess I don’t need to be greedy.
No, it's not the same and I think that Apple pay was first used on iPhone6/6s so 5 doesn't support it (I believe one of the posts a while ago discussed this and it stuck in my head!).

We're going to ToysRUs to try to use our Apple Pay for a GOC card. Kind of excited to see if it works :)
Did it yesterday. First time using Apple Pay. Only challenge was finding the cards. The cashier even said she'd never seen them before.
I am glad to see this discussion on Apple Pay. I loaded my Freedom onto Apple Wallet onto my iPhone 6s but have yet to use it! I am a little intimidated by the process! I get my phone ready and then get panicky and just pay with the regular card! But at least I know that it won’t work for Costco...that has been my main attempt.
...For the most part, we’ve far exceeded what we initially thought we’d get back in rewards, and now it kills me a little every time we’re not maximizing our spend.

... My SIL says, “that sounds like a lot of work,” before changing the subject. Yes. Yes it is. But oh so worth it.

Totally work but worth it. We don't have nearly as many options but we do our best with what we have and what I can get hubby to remember... he's not good with the quarterly categories. He just got fuel for the car the other day, he's got a big tank and not far to go to work so he effectively fills up once a month. Since I have the new Discover, but I didn't get a second card, he was supposed to take my card with him when he went to fuel up. But he forgot he needed it, had to do a last minute stop, but that wouldn't be so bad because he's AU on my Freedom and he was supposed to use that. So he tells me he fueled up and used the 80 cents in fuel rewards and I asked if he remembered to use the Freedom too. "Doh, no, but I still got bonus points anyway I put it on the SW for the spend"

So he's trying at least, but I still cringe every so often when we don't maximize :) Like the SW was a reasonable spend amount so he doesn't really have to use it for everything, he just got it in Dec so with x-mas we only have a couple hundred left already. But he likes to get it done asap and the couple hundred UR points missed won't make or break us.
How does everyone feel about closing old accounts as far as average age of accounts and your score?
I am particularly interested to hear how it has affected those of you who I consider pros at this. Ha!

I want to go for CP again late this year so thinking thru my annual strategy for apps this year.
I don’t want to close my SW Premier as it is one of my oldest cards. My options are to leave it open and get the SW biz and the SW plus again...or...close it and do the SW plus/SW prem combo. Even better, I could do the SW biz and both personals for more points. Haha... guess I don’t need to be greedy.
I really have thought nothing of closing cards. I do it in a heartbeat if it helps me get another card or bonus. From my understanding (and I think @Lain backed me up on this too) They will remain on your report for 10 years helping your AAoA. Despite all the cards I've opened I've barely seen a slip in my credit score - it basically hovers in about a 30 point zone (790-820) depending on my utilization at the time of the report.

I've closed Chase cards numerous times so that I can reapply. I've closed AMEX cards to stay under the 4 CC limit. I've closed a ton from all issuers to avoid annual fees. I think the first couple of times it was hard for me to go through with it but now it's just a part of the game.
How does everyone feel about closing old accounts as far as average age of accounts and your score?
I am particularly interested to hear how it has affected those of you who I consider pros at this. Ha!

I want to go for CP again late this year so thinking thru my annual strategy for apps this year.
I don’t want to close my SW Premier as it is one of my oldest cards. My options are to leave it open and get the SW biz and the SW plus again...or...close it and do the SW plus/SW prem combo. Even better, I could do the SW biz and both personals for more points. Haha... guess I don’t need to be greedy.

I closed our old SW premier so we’d be able to churn it again later this year. It was about 6yo. That was several months ago and the closing didn’t really seem to affect dh’s credit score (only in his name).
Nice to know when you are in the same boat lol. Even though I know the overall return of the purchase counting towards making the spend on a new card is higher, can't help after pulling out the new card, having buyers remorse. Its worse when you know you can make the spend without that purchase on the new card. This feels like a therapy session :hyper2::rotfl2:

Yes!! I REFUSE to meet min spend with purchases that earn 3%+ on another card. I drive myself crazy trying to figure out what to charge. I feel your pain.
How does everyone feel about closing old accounts as far as average age of accounts and your score?
I am particularly interested to hear how it has affected those of you who I consider pros at this. Ha!

I want to go for CP again late this year so thinking thru my annual strategy for apps this year.
I don’t want to close my SW Premier as it is one of my oldest cards. My options are to leave it open and get the SW biz and the SW plus again...or...close it and do the SW plus/SW prem combo. Even better, I could do the SW biz and both personals for more points. Haha... guess I don’t need to be greedy.

I really have thought nothing of closing cards. I do it in a heartbeat if it helps me get another card or bonus. From my understanding (and I think @Lain backed me up on this too) They will remain on your report for 10 years helping your AAoA. Despite all the cards I've opened I've barely seen a slip in my credit score - it basically hovers in about a 30 point zone (790-820) depending on my utilization at the time of the report.

I've closed Chase cards numerous times so that I can reapply. I've closed AMEX cards to stay under the 4 CC limit. I've closed a ton from all issuers to avoid annual fees. I think the first couple of times it was hard for me to go through with it but now it's just a part of the game.

I've been giving some thought to closing my PRG, which is one of my older cards. From what I've read, closed accounts remain on your credit report and are counted towards your AAoA until they drop off in 7 or 10 years. When a closed account does drop off, it'll negatively impact your average if it was one of your older cards and you've got a bunch of younger cards, thus skewing your AAoA younger. Presumably you should keep your oldest card(s) open to anchor your AAoA. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong.
Long time lurker here...my DH and I have been travel hacking for several years now and I love how supportive everyone on this thread is. I've learned a lot just by reading. But I do have a question for all of you. My husband currently has the CP for SW (he got his when you could still move Marriott points and get it as part of the vacation package) and I want to get mine as well. I'm currently at 3/24 with Chase. I want to apply for both the business and personal cards. The way I understand it I should apply for the SW business first, since you need to be 0/30 at the time that you apply. But how quickly should I apply for the personal? I've seen comments where you should apply for them both at the same time so that you only have one pull on your report but if I do that would it negatively effect my chances to be approved for the business card? Do I apply for the business and then the personal the next day or wait a month on it?
Long time lurker here...my DH and I have been travel hacking for several years now and I love how supportive everyone on this thread is. I've learned a lot just by reading. But I do have a question for all of you. My husband currently has the CP for SW (he got his when you could still move Marriott points and get it as part of the vacation package) and I want to get mine as well. I'm currently at 3/24 with Chase. I want to apply for both the business and personal cards. The way I understand it I should apply for the SW business first, since you need to be 0/30 at the time that you apply. But how quickly should I apply for the personal? I've seen comments where you should apply for them both at the same time so that you only have one pull on your report but if I do that would it negatively effect my chances to be approved for the business card? Do I apply for the business and then the personal the next day or wait a month on it?
Wait until you are approved for the business before you apply for the personal. You only double dip on the same day if your are automatically approved for the first card.
Long time lurker here...my DH and I have been travel hacking for several years now and I love how supportive everyone on this thread is. I've learned a lot just by reading. But I do have a question for all of you. My husband currently has the CP for SW (he got his when you could still move Marriott points and get it as part of the vacation package) and I want to get mine as well. I'm currently at 3/24 with Chase. I want to apply for both the business and personal cards. The way I understand it I should apply for the SW business first, since you need to be 0/30 at the time that you apply. But how quickly should I apply for the personal? I've seen comments where you should apply for them both at the same time so that you only have one pull on your report but if I do that would it negatively effect my chances to be approved for the business card? Do I apply for the business and then the personal the next day or wait a month on it?

I've read mixed information about whether double dipping a business card and a personal card on the same day results in just one hard pull; some people claim Chase pulls separately for a business line than for a personal line of credit.

Regardless, your idea is sound.

Start applying early during regular business hours of a non-holiday weekday.

Apply for the SW business card first because Chase has an informal 0/30 rule that denies approval for a business card if you've had any other credit card applications with Chase in the past 30 days. Make sure the business card is approved before you go for the personal card. If you aren't auto-approved and perhaps got the we'll let you know in 30 days message, call the automated status line at 1-800-432-3117 after an hour to check the status of your application. If you still aren't approved call recon at 1-888-270-2127 to get it approved.

After that first card is approved, use a different internet browser or an incognito window for the second application for the SW personal card, otherwise Chase may combine the apps thinking they're accidental duplicates. If it isn't auto-approved, call the automated status line after an hour, and if you still aren't approved call recon to get it approved.

If you want to double dip and possibly combine hard pulls, make sure this is all done on the same day.
Did it yesterday. First time using Apple Pay. Only challenge was finding the cards. The cashier even said she'd never seen them before.

It took me a couple of looks to find it, too!

I am glad to see this discussion on Apple Pay. I loaded my Freedom onto Apple Wallet onto my iPhone 6s but have yet to use it! I am a little intimidated by the process! I get my phone ready and then get panicky and just pay with the regular card! But at least I know that it won’t work for Costco...that has been my main attempt

LOL! I totally get it! I made DH come with me so he could ask the cashier. He also watched a youtube video to make sure we did it right. Clearly our neck of the woods isn't so tech savvy...

Then at checkout the cashier had to call over the supervisor who asked me if I had the card (um NO that's the whole point of a digital wallet!) and then made me show my driver's license. Sigh...I was totally laughing thinking that those checks and balances sort of defeat the digital wallet point (because a driver's license can be forged...unlike my fingerprint!). Anyway, if I can spend $3000 for gift of college (have 2 freedoms) AND get almost 5% back then it's a win, even if it's inconvenient!
Did it yesterday. First time using Apple Pay. Only challenge was finding the cards. The cashier even said she'd never seen them before.

It took me a couple of looks to find it, too!

LOL! I totally get it! I made DH come with me so he could ask the cashier. He also watched a youtube video to make sure we did it right. Clearly our neck of the woods isn't so tech savvy...

Then at checkout the cashier had to call over the supervisor who asked me if I had the card (um NO that's the whole point of a digital wallet!) and then made me show my driver's license. Sigh...I was totally laughing thinking that those checks and balances sort of defeat the digital wallet point (because a driver's license can be forged...unlike my fingerprint!). Anyway, if I can spend $3000 for gift of college (have 2 freedoms) AND get almost 5% back then it's a win, even if it's inconvenient!

im not too sure what u guys mean buy finding the card. Do you guys unlock the phone, search for the card, then place it on the NFC reader? It always works through the lock screen. it should automatically pull up and u can select your cards there. You can also set a default card so it will always pull that card out. mine is currently on the Freedom card.

A lot of people dont really know or do apple/samsung/android pay. Every time im using apple pay, they always question what the heck am i doing? im like apple pay... There are places that rejects them despite having the NFC reader. 7-11 last was one of them. tried it twice, it wouldnt go through. Some people just think they dont, like kfc, said they dont take it but an nfc icon popped up just as i was about to swipe my CSR and then i ended up switching to my phone and paying with apple pay.
Then at checkout the cashier had to call over the supervisor who asked me if I had the card (um NO that's the whole point of a digital wallet!) and then made me show my driver's license. Sigh...I was totally laughing thinking that those checks and balances sort of defeat the digital wallet point (because a driver's license can be forged...unlike my fingerprint!).

That’s so hilarious. I’ve had cashiers wanting to see the actual card or my driver’s license when using Apple Pay. And mind you, this is in the Bay Area where all this new fangled tech is coming from. There’s not even a cardholder name on the Apple Pay virtual cards, and the last four digits printed on the receipt won’t match the actual card numbers anyway because the real numbers are masked behind an encrypted token. I don’t know what these cashiers are trying to look for other than peace of mind. And now Visa’s joining the other card networks in not requiring signatures on mobile wallets. That’s going to throw some of these cashiers for a loop.

Every time im using apple pay, they always question what the heck am i doing?

That’s the reaction I get most times when I’m using MPX. Like, how is this guy just pulling a gift card out of thin air? But they’ll scan it and be like, “cool!” A lady at Petco asked me about it afterwards and I chatted with her for a few minutes about earning points and miles (slow afternoon). She was a debit card user, and I think I got her to at least switch to paying with a rewards credit card. Baby steps...
Apple pay question- I went into the wallet app to see what's available thru there, one option I found was not apply pay, but apple store....is this the same thing? I get the feeling it's not,and my Iphone 5s is too old to support apple pay
I got myself and DH new iPhone 6 last weekend. We both had 5s and upgraded for free. No charge for a new phone with a 2 year contract with Sprint and $30 activation fee
I am glad to see this discussion on Apple Pay. I loaded my Freedom onto Apple Wallet onto my iPhone 6s but have yet to use it! I am a little intimidated by the process! I get my phone ready and then get panicky and just pay with the regular card! But at least I know that it won’t work for Costco...that has been my main attempt.
I actually think it might work for Costco gas. I have seen the symbol at the pump but the line is usually so long I don't want to experiment
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