Hippos and Tigers and Flowers, Oh My! - A Solo March '18 TR - COMPLETED 7/13 - Final Thoughts+New TR

Love it! Everything you tried is on my list, and I wasn't going to try the pretzel cheese thing until I too saw lots of raves about it. I'll be sure to eye the ones coming out of the booth first, thank you for the tip!
Hey guys, thanks for everyone following along! I’ll have to delay responding to comments because unfortunately I forgot Disneyworld is also The Germiest Place on Earth, so I’ve been pretty sick and miserable the past 2 days!

Of course that’s causing even more of a backlog in work than before I left for Florida!

I’ll get to updates when I can!
First, thanks for all the well wishes! I am feeling better, though still coughing and sniffling, but that's always the case for my colds! I don't think I properly replied to any quotes, so this will be a long one!

Great picture of you !
Thanks! There was a photographer in Epcot who did a mini photoshoot with everyone and tried lots of different poses! I'm glad this one turned out well!

So excited to hear all about it! And I so support your philosophy on solo trips. If I have the money now for a trip, I'm going, get more done being on my own and not have to worry about what another person wants to do. It's so relieving.
Totally! It's just so freeing and you can do whatevery you want!

This is my favorite TR teaser of all time :)
Haha, and there are 3 specific instances too!

Is it weird to congratulate someone on a solo WDW trip?! Because that's what I'm doing. I think it's cool! Can't wait to read more!

Following along. I am going in May - couple of days solo then brother and his family joining along. Going to try and hit as much F & G as I can on my own. ( don’t see the picky eater nephews wanting to slow down for that ). Thanks for the pictures and reviews.

Have gone solo twice now and must day I enjoy doing what I want when I want !
I definitely hope you get a chance to try most of the food! It was awesome!

Joining in, love all your F&G reviews. I am excited to hear about your DAH, since we had to miss ours.

I forgot to add that I love Frushi and Violet Lemonade.
Aww, that's too bad you missed out! I'm still craving the Frushi!

Joining! Just decided we will go beginning of March next year, and glad to learn we will be just in time for F&G!
Yay! You won't regret it!

We will be at BC March 4th next year - can't wait to waddle back from Epcot most nights filled up on snacks.
Sounds like a great plan!

I'm a little disappointed as they've taken away 3 of my favorite dishes from last year, so hoping something takes their place.
Aww, that sucks! I was hoping to try the candied strawberries, but they were gone from the menus this year.

Hmm :( Josh at easywdw did do an extremely positive review which made me think I'd try it, especially since it's replaced one of my aforementioned favorite dishes from last year; the curryworst. But now I'm not so sure. I probably won't bother on our first day doing the booths and see how I feel the second day.
They've started doing #pretzelbreadwatch2k18 on twitter, and all the ones coming out have looked like mine and been cold and icky! So disappointing!

Love it! Everything you tried is on my list, and I wasn't going to try the pretzel cheese thing until I too saw lots of raves about it. I'll be sure to eye the ones coming out of the booth first, thank you for the tip!
Yeah, definitely check! Maybe they will finally get their act together?
I decided to go ahead and update this TR at the same time as my September report, though this will probably go slower than the other one!

Day 0, Part 1 - Prep and Travel

The week before I left I was definitely itching to get away to Florida! It didn’t help that we were having a cold snap in LA, and I just don’t do cold (this coming from someone who lived for 6 yrs in Montreal, 1 yr in England, and 4 yrs in DC, before moving back to LA)!

The day before I left, it actually snowed in the mountains above my house! Not cool!


Anyways, that night, I had to finish packing, and let me say, packing cubes are legit! I was able to pack all my clothes for the trip in one of the medium-sized cubes; I didn’t take a photo of it in the cube, but all of my shirts, jeans, shorts, socks, underwear, bathing suit cover up! Of course it was a bit wrinkled, but nothing some wrinkle releaser spray and hangers couldn't fix. I am definitely using them for future travels!


Ok, back to my trip….

I woke up bright and early, but it actually wasn’t too bad from when I normally have to get up. The flight I originally booked was supposed to depart about 8:30, but that got switched to 10:00. Mom agreed to drive me to LAX, which saved me plenty! We did hit traffic, so it took a while to get there, but on the way I got a note that my flight was delayed to 10:30, so it wasn’t an issue.


I realized later I didn’t take any photos in the terminal (bad trip reporter), but I did stop to grab a Chinese Chicken Salad to go from Wolfgang Puck Express. I also switched into my super classy (rich in sarcasm here) Disney sweatpants, which were comfy, but I don’t know if they were that necessary for the plane...

I did end up sitting next to 2 Disney execs waiting for the flight, so I tried to overhear what they were talking about (thanks to the Dis, I know all the code words, Delos (Star Wars Galaxys Edge), as well as Hong Kong, and Shanghai). Nothing earth-shattering to find out, but I think I heard that they are close to bring Magicbands to Disneyland, which would be awesome (sounded like one of the guys was in LA for a meeting about it).


As they started to board the plane, I did one last email check and got a notification that my room was ready! They said it would be #2232 on the Kudu Trail; I had requested Zebra Trail, but when I checked touring plans the room still showed a partial savannah view, so I was still pretty excited! If only I knew…


Anyways, I boarded just fine, ending up in the window seat of second to last row of the plane. I was initially excited because no one was sitting in the center seat, but unfortunately it seems like United really pushed together all their rows, especially at the back, so there was even less legroom than usual! It was pretty uncomfortable, which was pretty annoying. Also, United has seat-back TVs, but they aren’t free like a lot of the other airlines, instead you have to pay $5.99-$7.99. When I checked online they had the option of pre-paying $4.99 instead, which I did, but of course, it didn’t work so now I’m trying to contact United to get a refund… Also their entertainment system is more like channels, not on demand. So, they only have a few movies, that are on at specific times on a loop. If you get up to use the bathroom you can’t even pause it.


In all I ended up watching Thor Ragnarock again, and watched most of Kingsman Golden Circle, but of course we landed before it was over.


I wasn’t too pleased with the United experience, so I don’t think I will be going back there unless I need to.

So, anyways, I had now landed in Orlando! Woohoo!


But... as soon as I turned off airplane mode, my phone started to blow up. Uh, oh!

Cont: my first evening, and who was texting/emailing/calling me?
Sounds like you had a fairly smooth start to your trip! That gif with the cars is so hypnotizing. I totally forgot what I was doing staring at it. But LAX/LA/Cali traffic, ew. DO I KNOW NOW!

MagicBands at Disneyland?! I have mixed feelings, mostly because that might mean they switch onto the FP+ system. I'd rather MaxPass forever. MaxPass is KING.

THOR: RAGNAROK. YAS to all the prep for Infinity War (although it will never be enough :sad1:)

I will never ever fly United. There's been too much bad publicity and after that whole thing with the pug in the overhead bin. Yeah, my loyalty will forever be with JetBlue and Southwest. Nobody else is worthy.

Omg, phone blowing up in Orlando?! I'm a-scared. :earseek:
I used to only fly United but recent experiences (and bad press) have steered me away from them!

Uh oh leaving us on a cliffhanger!!
Also their entertainment system is more like channels, not on demand. So, they only have a few movies, that are on at specific times on a loop. If
We only fly JetBlue and I don't watch their movies so I don't know if you can pause them; my boys do but I've never asked. I watch TV or sleep :) We love JB though and I do love that they have TV which is one of many reasons we only fly with them!

Anxious to hear who had been calling..........
I did end up sitting next to 2 Disney execs waiting for the flight, so I tried to overhear what they were talking about (thanks to the Dis, I know all the code words, Delos (Star Wars Galaxys Edge), as well as Hong Kong, and Shanghai). Nothing earth-shattering to find out, but I think I heard that they are close to bring Magicbands to Disneyland, which would be awesome (sounded like one of the guys was in LA for a meeting about it).
OOOOOOOOH, that is very exciting!!!! :) Also, totally something I would do LOL

Can't wait to hear who was calling!
Anyways, that night, I had to finish packing, and let me say, packing cubes are legit!

I love packing cubes!

which I did, but of course, it didn’t work so now I’m trying to contact United to get a refund…

You should! I hate when things aren't working on planes like that, sometimes Southwest has issues with the wifi. I haven't had good experiences with United flights though (and they have layovers from here to Orlando). I do remember liking the tvs on the back of the seats, but I'm okay with the tv on your phones too that Southwest has.
Count me in as never going to fly United due to recent press! Also your experience doesn't sound good, so doesn't look like I'll be missing anything. I'm a JetBlue girl anyways!
Oh LA traffic! My sister complains about it all the time! I have Boston traffic so not much better, so I get it. I love how you were creeping on the Disney execs! Too bad they didn't announce their resort parking fees until after your trip! Good to know about United and their tvs. I don't ever fly them, but I will know not to pay for their tvs and just bring my trusty iPad or a book.
Joining in for your fun. I am a lot like you. SoCal resident living close to Disneyland. Have a Premier AP. Went just after you last September (9/17 - 9/28) and then again in March (3/3 - 3/9). Seems I hit up a lot of similar things at Disneyland too (and because we can). My next WDW trip is in September again (16-27). Oh and I do have a stay booked at VGC (Villas at Grand Californian) for the anniversary in July.
Sounds like you had a fairly smooth start to your trip! That gif with the cars is so hypnotizing. I totally forgot what I was doing staring at it. But LAX/LA/Cali traffic, ew. DO I KNOW NOW!

MagicBands at Disneyland?! I have mixed feelings, mostly because that might mean they switch onto the FP+ system. I'd rather MaxPass forever. MaxPass is KING.

THOR: RAGNAROK. YAS to all the prep for Infinity War (although it will never be enough :sad1:)

I will never ever fly United. There's been too much bad publicity and after that whole thing with the pug in the overhead bin. Yeah, my loyalty will forever be with JetBlue and Southwest. Nobody else is worthy.

Omg, phone blowing up in Orlando?! I'm a-scared. :earseek:
Oh yes, MaxPass is awesome! I think when they first announced this paid fastpass option, I was really scared, but now that I've gotten to use it, I can't ever go back! I would like something like a MagicBand though to make it more convenient than pulling out the phone/ticket!

I've only ever flown Jetblue once, and it wasn't bad at all. But they don't fly direct to most places I visit. And I HATE connections (another reason why I don't use Southwest much).

Hopefully it was Mickey, Minnie and Donald calling.....
Well...it was one of Mickey's employees...

I used to only fly United but recent experiences (and bad press) have steered me away from them!

Uh oh leaving us on a cliffhanger!!
Yeah, I am learning from @StarWarsMomofGirls! Doesn't she always end a post on a cliffhanger!

We only fly JetBlue and I don't watch their movies so I don't know if you can pause them; my boys do but I've never asked. I watch TV or sleep :) We love JB though and I do love that they have TV which is one of many reasons we only fly with them!

Anxious to hear who had been calling..........
I love the whole TVs in the back ever since they started! It just passes the time so much faster! I normally wouldn't pay for it, but I just wanted to relax on the plane.

OOOOOOOOH, that is very exciting!!!! :) Also, totally something I would do LOL

Can't wait to hear who was calling!
It is cool when you can try and get sneak stuff!

I love packing cubes!

You should! I hate when things aren't working on planes like that, sometimes Southwest has issues with the wifi. I haven't had good experiences with United flights though (and they have layovers from here to Orlando). I do remember liking the tvs on the back of the seats, but I'm okay with the tv on your phones too that Southwest has.
Thankfully they did send me a refund pretty quickly once I complained.

I don't like the bring your own device, only because I like to multi-task (i.e. play a game on my phone while watching a movie)!

Count me in as never going to fly United due to recent press! Also your experience doesn't sound good, so doesn't look like I'll be missing anything. I'm a JetBlue girl anyways!
Yeah, I was not a satisfied customer!

Oh LA traffic! My sister complains about it all the time! I have Boston traffic so not much better, so I get it. I love how you were creeping on the Disney execs! Too bad they didn't announce their resort parking fees until after your trip! Good to know about United and their tvs. I don't ever fly them, but I will know not to pay for their tvs and just bring my trusty iPad or a book.
When I lived in DC I also thought, oh this is just as bad as LA. Then I moved back and realized, while DC at rush hour can be just as bad as LA at rush hour, LA will continue to have horrible traffic all day long! Like 1pm-traffic jam, 8pm-traffic jam, 3am-maybe ok but who really wants to be driving at 3am!

Joining in. Your snack previews look great!

Thanks, they were yummy!

Joining in for your fun. I am a lot like you. SoCal resident living close to Disneyland. Have a Premier AP. Went just after you last September (9/17 - 9/28) and then again in March (3/3 - 3/9). Seems I hit up a lot of similar things at Disneyland too (and because we can). My next WDW trip is in September again (16-27). Oh and I do have a stay booked at VGC (Villas at Grand Californian) for the anniversary in July.
So, you are also saying you just were stalking me! :P
Day 0, Part 2 - Arrival!

As I left off, my phone was blowing up once I turned off airplane mode. There ended up being 2 main things trying to get attention. And it didn't help that my service (internet and phone) was being absolutely horrible in the airport!

First-I got an alert on a touring plan dining reservation finder (I was trying to push back my Via Napoli dinner since I decided to skip Fantasmic). That ended up being a bust, because someone else grabbed it first. So, I had to go back into the website to restart the search.

Second-It was Disney calling! Turns out that email they sent, you know with the room assignment that would give me a partial savannah view, yeah it was a mistake (or so they say; maybe more likely they gave it to someone else or something, I'm not sure). Anyways, they had tried calling my phone, then texting me, then emailing me, then CALLING MY PARENTS! (I think I had that phone number in my MDE account). So then I also had my mom calling, and texting, and emailing... :eek:

I was able to figure it out that they reassigned me from the Kudu Trail to the Giraffe Trail, room 4013. Then I had to look up that view on Touring Plans (and of course I also kept mixing up the order of the room numbers since I was flustered, trying to get the internet to work, and getting off the flight, etc). So, it would be a lovely view of ... parking :sad:. I mean, I did pay for a standard, but I was really hoping for some animals! :sad1:

While trying to deal with all that, I eventually made my way to DME and it was pretty empty (you can see a short lineup to scan MBs, but the actual lines beyond the scan point were totally empty)!


I don’t have timestamped photos from landing and stuff, but I don’t think there was much of a delay, and we were on our way by 7pm (I think flight landed a little after 6:30). I also got the row right behind the driver, since I was one of the last people on the bus.


I was also in the process of giving a Fastpass over to a disfriend. I originally had a Flight of Passage FP for that evening from 7-8, with the hopes I would arrive early enough to use it. Well, no luck there, but I was able to use the Change Party technique to give it over to someone else who would use it!

We ended up entering Disney property around 7:20, with a short stop at Pop Century, before arriving at AKL at 7:36.


Once we got there I hightailed it over to the reception desk to get ahead of the rest of the bus (I think everyone else was also getting off at AKL), to try and figure out the room issue. I was hoping to get a pixie-dusted upgrade to Savannah view, or at least get a partial savannah view room, but they weren’t able to help with that (partially my mistake because I had done online check-in, partially because I had booked through Undercover Tourist instead of direct to Disney, and partially because the receptionist was still in training so wasn't as comfortable with the reservation system)...

Anyways, after giving up, I made my way over to Room 4013 to check it out.


I definitely loved all the details in the room. Just things like the curtain ties made it feel authentic! And the wallpaper in the bathroom was great; I would often just stare at it while brushing my teeth!

Though the room definitely felt smaller than the one at POFQ, and I looked it up later via **************. Turns out even though the total square footage for AKL is larger (344 vs 314 sf), the actual bedroom/living area is larger at the moderates (208sf for AKL/WL and 240sf for mod). So much of the square footage for AKL rooms is taken up with the large bathroom counter space and closet, while at moderates, they are combined together and pushed to the back of the room. I guess there is the addition of the balcony, but I really didn't use it, since it looked out over the front taxi and smoking area.

One thing I do need to say about the room though, while it didn’t have the best view, the location was great! There is a staircase that goes between 3rd (main floor)-4th floors, so I didn’t need to wait for elevators, and really only used them to go all the way down to Level 1. And I eventually discovered one room down the hallway, there was another elevator that could go to the first floor, lead direct to a side path, that goes right to a hot tub! Literally 130 steps from my room to a hot tub! I took full advantage of that…

After taking plenty of photos, I dropped off my backpack, and realized it was almost time for my dinner ADR!

Cont... A lonely dinner? Maybe not!
So many messages when you turned your phone back on! Glad it wasn't anything too serious.

Your room looks so nice! I'm sorry you didn't end up getting a view.


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