Single Rider Line Experience


DIS Veteran
Mar 7, 2012
Last summer my 20 year old son and I utilized single rider lines whenever we could - we don't care if we ride together. On Test Track I got in my car with a group.

He was in a car with a family. He went to get in and the father was adamant he was not riding with them. Had stuff on the seat. My son is non -confrontational and didn't say anything but the mother knew my son had been told and told the father to let him in. Of course he felt uncomfortable.

So those who do single riders have something like this happened to you? On the other side does it bother you to have a single rider put with you on ride with your family?
We often travel with 3 and I'd never, ever have a problem with a single rider joining one of us.
And if it were TT, and a trip with just DH and I and they were to add a 3rd to our row I would never have a problem.

And on the other side, when DH and I decide to ride single rider we've never had anyone say anything about us riding with their group.

Now, am I surprised someone was rude enough to make a stink about it? No, not at all. There are jerks, even at Disney
My son never would say a word but it was great the wife knew the husband was being a here!

We've had fun as single riders chatting with people we are by and when the 4 of us in our family had single riders on TT had no issues.

We are going again in and will use the single rider line to our benefit.
We use them often and never had an issue, on the flip side we don't mind when a single fills in our empty seat either as we are a party of 3.
I have told my dd's if there is ever an issue to step aside and ask the CM for assistance rather than to ride with an unwilling party

FWIW we only use the SRL on TT and EE as we find the RNRC line unreliable as far as wait times and it often takes longer then standby.
Never had that happen before. I don’t mind if a single rider gets on next to me- I just know that’s one less person who had to wait an hour or so (unless it’s RnR)
I’m 43(m). I was a single rider once and was next to a young girl (8) on EE while her parents were behind us. Thought it was weird that one of the parents didn’t offer to sit with me, but oh well. The girl and I became instant BFF’s daring each other to keep our hands up the whole ride while she was making fun of her parents for being scared. She wouldn’t stop talking to me the entire ride. We had a great picture.

I love when single riders join me on roller coasters because I can usually get them to put up their hands.

Never had a negative experience with single riders other than the multiple times I’ve seen a pair of single riders argue with CMs about not being able to ride together.
The only time I've heard of people refusing single riders is TSMM when there is a young child single, but that is because the pair is truly alone for most of the ride because the others face the other direction. However - I would happily sit next to anybody on TSMM so they have a playing partner.
My dd 8 at the time, and I rode test track in the single rider line. We ended up in the same car with a family of 4. We all became fast friends.
Wow, never had that experience. Mainly, families/groups I've been paired with in the single rider line keep to themselves or are welcoming.

The only awkward one was on Primeval Whirl when I was riding solo with a teenage couple. They were getting flirty and kissing before the ride reached the lifthill which was pretty awkward. Not sure if they were annoyed by me in the car, but they didn't seem to care since they were making out.
Yeah, Primeval Whirl can be a bit awkward. Last time I rode it solo there weren't any groups of 2 in line so I got to ride all by myself. I have done several solo trips and never been paired with anyone on TSMM. The most awkward for me has been the family type water rides at Volcano Bay, but everyone has been very nice about it.
Yup this happened to me on Test Track a few trips ago. I was a single rider and they put me in a row with a father and son, I was behind them so they got on first and the father and son took both end seats and left the middle seat open so I couldn't get on. The CM was yelling at them to move down and they just ignored her. She apologized to me for their rude actions and I got on with the next family and they were happy to have me on with them. People are so rude, it is mind boggling.

For your second question, no it does not bother me at all to have a single rider sit with me. I have met new people that way and most people are actually really nice.
My DH has used single rider plenty of times (especially when DS was little, and I didn't care if I went on or not). He says everyone has been fine to him.

I am not confrontational at all, so I would definitely have talked to the CM rather than argue with the family!
That was so weird (and rude!) of the dad. His poor wife, I bet she has to deal with those kind of embarrassing situations a lot.

I've ridden as a single rider many times and never had a situation like that. A few times, someone has looked a little surprised to see me get on the ride with them--like they didn't know there was such a thing as the single rider fill-ins...but no one has ever said anything or been rude.
Once on RnR the person sat in the first seat so I couldn’t get in. The CM forced them to move to the other side. They were also a single rider so not sure why they thought they’d get the car to themselves. Another time the person got in the far seat and pushed the lap bar down on the other seat. Again, the CM intervened.
I just recently returned from a trip and for all of my rides as a solo traveller I had no problems at all *except* for one instance on Big Thunder and another on EE. On Big Thunder I was paired with a middle aged guy who was part of a larger party, and seemed uncomfotable with me being there (although to be fair most times I've done Big Thunder solo I get put on my own because of the size of the carriages). On EE I had the silly "pass the single rider around" situation where they near enough draw straws to decide who gets the seat with the random stranger. It was fine, but for a party of adults you'd expect a little more maturity about it all.

In both instances it wasn't a huge problem, just makes that ride a little uncomfortable.
Never had a problem with it and sat with all ages of folks. Not shocked it happened, but not cool either.
Wow these stories are crazy! I've never had an issue with single rider. In fact, I've had really enjoyable experiences. Most of the time, the other riders are really funny and great to talk to.
That is awful. And a CM should have come over. I am often at the parks with my daughter and a friend. My daughter usually opts to sit next to friend (usually good friend visiting us from NYC, we live near Disney). So I am usually the one with a single rider on EE and Mine Train. Never would it occur to me to be upset. I usually get teen girls on EE and they are always super chatty. And on Test Track I never ever have an issue with a single rider. Most of the time it's a fun experience. Back in Feb I was at MK with 2 friends and on Mine Train my friend got paired with an older gentleman. She had the best time sitting next to him. It was his first time, he was laughing at everything.
I sometimes wish they would put someone next to me.

When I rode Frozen a couple of months ago the standby line was 90 minutes.

I was through the FP line and at the loading gate in under 15 minutes.

I was directed to the last row of the boat and rode solo in a seat that holds 3-4 people (depending on size)

The two women I had been talking to in line were seated in the row in front of me, also with empty space.

If I'd known how the CM was going to load the boat I would have suggested to my line mates that we board as a trio.

I don't recall how full the remaining rows were but our boat launched with at least 4 empty seats.

How many boats an hour are they feeding through that ride.

How many of them have unfilled seats?

How much shorter could that wait time have been?

I had a similar experience with two separate rides on POTC. Although nowhere near the wait time that Frozen had, I was still given an entire bench to myself while others waited for the next boat.

I remember going years ago as a kid with my family and we all were impressed with how the CMs never sent out a ride vehicle with empty seats if there were people waiting.


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