Police in Georgia use "coin flip" to decide whether to arrest someone over speeding

No one is saying she didn't deserve to be arrested, but the police are supposed to be professional in what they do. Plus the officers didn't appear to concerned about her speed since they made a farce of it.

This kind of conduct taints the arrest and investigation. Given the circumstances, they probably would have had little had they simply arrested her for reckless driving. They probably had dash cam video that would have made it too easy.
Despicable really. That must have been a traumatic experience. I hope she's compensated somehow for this. The giddy and flippant attitude of those officers should cause them to be banned from policing. They don't have the maturity that it takes.

She deserves to be compensated? Are you kidding me? For going 85 in a 45? The only compensation she deserves is losing her license. I don't understand what's happening in this thread. People are willing to excuse her breaking the law but have zero tolerance for the cops whose "crime" was nowhere near as bad.
I saw this Friday and I couldn't believe my eyes. Kristee is a friend of mine. We haven't been in touch for a couple years since she moved to Georgia. I advised her to get off Facebook since her aspiration was to join the FBI. She was a sweet kid. Stuff like this probably happens all the time. It was a lapse in judgement and I hope she can redeem herself.
She deserves to be compensated? Are you kidding me? For going 85 in a 45? The only compensation she deserves is losing her license. I don't understand what's happening in this thread. People are willing to excuse her breaking the law but have zero tolerance for the cops whose "crime" was nowhere near as bad.

A lot of people have seen the long video, which shows her in the back of cruiser and where she's looking rather distressed. However, I don't sense that it was anything other than a reaction to being arrested. She had no idea they were discussing anything about a "coin-flip" deciding her fate.

However, it's easy enough for any civilian to tell that it was highly unprofessional. But there's nothing that says the arrest was unjustified, even though the body cam footage basically gave the prosecutors no other choice than to drop the charge.
A lot of people have seen the long video, which shows her in the back of cruiser and where she's looking rather distressed. However, I don't sense that it was anything other than a reaction to being arrested. She had no idea they were discussing anything about a "coin-flip" deciding her fate.

However, it's easy enough for any civilian to tell that it was highly unprofessional. But there's nothing that says the arrest was unjustified, even though the body cam footage basically gave the prosecutors no other choice than to drop the charge.

I agree it was unprofessional of the cops. That part is not in dispute. But while many are rushing to ruin the careers of the officers, they seem to be forgetting that this situation was brought on by the woman's bad decision making. As far as I'm concerned, her behavior was as reckless as getting behind the wheel while intoxicated.
I agree it was unprofessional of the cops. That part is not in dispute. But while many are rushing to ruin the careers of the officers, they seem to be forgetting that this situation was brought on by the woman's bad decision making. As far as I'm concerned, her behavior was as reckless as getting behind the wheel while intoxicated.

However, that video footage was her get out of jail free card.
I have a feeling most of us on occasion are guilty of being unprofessional at work. It just wasn't caught on camera. The women speeding was a complete idiot. They should have been flipping coins to see who got to do the arrest not wether she was arrested.
Despicable really. That must have been a traumatic experience. I hope she's compensated somehow for this. The giddy and flippant attitude of those officers should cause them to be banned from policing. They don't have the maturity that it takes.

Traumatic? Compensated?

She could have killed or maimed someone, like ur family.. would you feel the same then?
she Broke the law..
she got lucky, case dropped for the actions of the Officers... which was a ridiculous action.
How is it abuse of power? She could have killed someone.

Yeah, I’m curious about that as well. They were well within their authority to arrest her, but apparently decided to joke about the possibility of NOT doing so.

Unprofessional? Absolutely. Abuse of power? Nah.
Yeah, I’m curious about that as well. They were well within their authority to arrest her, but apparently decided to joke about the possibility of NOT doing so.

Unprofessional? Absolutely. Abuse of power? Nah.
I work in the ER. I see a lot @#$#@ everyday. Yes sometimes we joke around, say things we probably shouldn't, and it may seem unprofessional to outsiders, but it's a way of dealing with all the bad stuff we see. I'm sure it's like that with cops. How many accidents have these cops been called to where they've seen dead bodies, dead kids etc. They didn't harm the women in anyway. She deserved to be arrested.

I don't understand why this is even news except the media likes to promote stories like this to feed into their anti-cop narrative. Three police officers were killed in Kansas City today. Why isn't that being talked about.
Does a 4 week suspension scream tolerance to you? It doesn't to me. It sends a very clear message that this behavior will not be tolerated. Why does our society expect everyone to be terminated when they make a mistake?
Making a wrong turn isca mistake. Calling someone the wrong name is a mistake. Doing something this stupid DELIBERATELY, is not a mistake.
Yeah I get the flippant attitude, but in the end they didn't actually use any random chance to decide and arrested her as a judgement call. It was an arrest for going 85 MPH in a 45 MPH zone, so arrest wasn't unjustifiable. It may have just been an inside joke - kind of gallows humor. But they did it - on camera.

That they would even say all that stuff while body cams were running is a little bit nutty. Anyone remember the nurse arrested in Salt Lake City. The body cam footage is what buried them.

You make a good point. 85 in a 45 is absolutely arrest worthy. Frankly I'm more concerned with making an example of her than the police. Only one of them was endangering lives and it wasn't the police.

I also remember reading somewhere they didn't have any radar to see how fast she was actually going, they were GUESSING she was going 85.
Many of you seem to think this is an either/or scenario. It's not. Both the driver and the cops are wrong here.

OF COURSE the woman shouldn't have been driving so fast. And it's not unreasonable that she got arrested and I wouldn't be upset if she receives a large fine or a suspended license for reckless driving.

But also...

It's pretty clear the cops were unprofessional and abusing their position of authority. They damage the trust of the citizens of their district. They should be punished for that. I wouldn't be upset if they got fired - they are entrusted with *immense* responsibility and clearly aren't up to the task. At the very least they need a whole ton of new training before they are allowed on the streets again.
She deserves to be compensated? Are you kidding me? For going 85 in a 45? The only compensation she deserves is losing her license. I don't understand what's happening in this thread. People are willing to excuse her breaking the law but have zero tolerance for the cops whose "crime" was nowhere near as bad.

Any crime or misconduct committed by police is dangerous. We've already seen too many people killed or badly hurt due to bad cops with poor training. Police should be held to the highest standard.
Both sets of people were in the wrong. The speeder needs to be arrested and charged. She gets no sympathy if it is true she was going that fast.

The police need to learn not to be unprofessional and use chance to decide on what the law should determine. I think termination is a bit too far if they have otherwise good records.

People are allowed to make a mistake, be punished, and learn from it. No one was killed and it appears no actual abuse of power existed. It was likely a joke that shouldn't have happened (or frankly shouldn't have happened when a camera was rolling) but it didn't seem all that malicious.

She deserves nothing IMO.
I work in the ER. I see a lot @#$#@ everyday. Yes sometimes we joke around, say things we probably shouldn't, and it may seem unprofessional to outsiders, but it's a way of dealing with all the bad stuff we see. I'm sure it's like that with cops. How many accidents have these cops been called to where they've seen dead bodies, dead kids etc. They didn't harm the women in anyway. She deserved to be arrested.

I don't understand why this is even news except the media likes to promote stories like this to feed into their anti-cop narrative. Three police officers were killed in Kansas City today. Why isn't that being talked about.

I'm a nurse who floats to the ER often. Yes, we have weird coping skills but we still have to keep it professional. I hope you are smart enough to keep your voice down and make sure anything you say isn't in front of "outsiders".

I believe the guy who killed those cops has been killed. So that's being tended to as the crime it should be. Questioning a suspect killing, assault or action by people that are supposed to enforce the law isn't anti-cop. It's actually pro cop because we expect better of our police and want to weed out incompetent or corrupt ones.
The police officers should be fired. Get a new job. This is not a line of work for them. They did not make a mistake. They were very unprofessional on purpose.

With that being said, what they did should be tried and taken care of separate from the speeding woman. She should still be charged. 80 in a 45? As far as I am concerned, that should be a felony. And to see her and her snotty attitude ripping her keys out of the ignition all annoyed that she got pulled over. She should have been charged.
I'm a nurse who floats to the ER often. Yes, we have weird coping skills but we still have to keep it professional. I hope you are smart enough to keep your voice down and make sure anything you say isn't in front of "outsiders".

I don't know if you're old enough to remember the TV show Trapper John, MD which was a continuation of the character on M*A*S*H. I remember one episode that was devoted to a patient's family suing the hospital. They had a scene of a resident (son of the title character) who was on rotation for hours and hours, and he went outside and in his exhaustion blurted out "So this is what sunlight looks like." But then they later replayed the scene later from the dad's perspective, which was apparently of a stoned doctor coming out the door saying the same thing.

These cops did do it well away from the suspect, but then again they had their required body cams running. The University of Utah hospital case with the SLC Police was almost too easy because all the cops had their body cams running and were required to release them with a public records request.


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