DDC XXXIV: The Original Home Of The DISDads!!!

but i typed the english spelling of a$$, which almost always shows up on here as I type it. On a separate note, If all you can see is a$$, I want your job. Even with the crazy hours.

I work for a very large Internet company. When I started, one of the things I had to sign was a notice that, as part of my job, I may be exposed to adult material - for example, if a site that specializes in pictures of women is having billing issues, someone on our billing team may have to visit the site while tracking it down. (As a more concrete example, I worked on an ebook reader, and had to debug issues with manga adaptations of Harlequin romances.)

The problem is that the sites that need help are never the ones that show anything you want to see.

I'll leave the examples as an exercise for the reader.
Afternoon boys from a Sunny(ish) London. It was the funeral of my best mate's Dad today, so that was tough, I've known him since I was 16.
It was nice to see some of my old school mates though, so we are all now resolved to book up a weekend away somewhere, before one of these things is for one of us.
Sorry to hear Dan
At work. Time for annual online sexual harassment training.

This afternoon turned a bit National Lampoons Xmas, as the cat trotted up the garden path and into the back room with a half dead squirrel in its mouth. Lady K went ballistic.
Classic :rotfl2:
The meet up could be a strange one, our group was very female dominated, there are about 3 guys and 8 girls, and the girls were suggesting no partners for the weekend. Hmmmm.
and ............... Lady K went ballistic
On a separate note, If all you can see is a$$, I want your job. Even with the crazy hours.
and yet again ............... Lady K went ballistic
Because if they were full of the good stuff they wouldn’t have trouble paying their bills?
There’s a lesson for us all.

More like...

Okay, ponder all the possible things that somebody could be interested in viewing on such a site.

All of them. That anybody would want to see.

Now ponder what percentage of them are things you'd like to look at.


200 more Mondays figuratively, or 4 years, until i retire. If there were literally only 200 Mondays, then I'd be dead.

Local place that has a unique way of making the ice cream (even more unique than cold stone creamery --- you can't get much more freshly made while you wait than this). I've already told pkondz about it when he's coming through. It's called the frozen cow. I would post a link here, but they tend to get taken away by the DIS or mods. Do a search for frozen cow Kennesaw, GA

There is Graeter's ice cream in Louisville that is good. I like those local places.

Yep. I'll make exceptions around breakfast (where 'fast and easy' trumps 'new and different') or for meal stops during long drives (where the selection is generally a few nigh-ubiquitous chains) but when I can, I try to avoid any chain we have at home.


Us too. My goal is to eat around Disney World on visits. But, we still return to some favorites.

So it's a how-to video? ;)

Oh yeah. Anti-harassment training.

Hopefully they don't come across any of our "deflowering a princess"

It was all animated. Click and don't pay attention until they make you look to find what you haven't clicked on.

Its always nice to brush up on the skills.

Yeah. They have these scenarios they read to you. I got some new ideas I hadn't thought of before.

I work for a very large Internet company. When I started, one of the things I had to sign was a notice that, as part of my job, I may be exposed to adult material - for example, if a site that specializes in pictures of women is having billing issues, someone on our billing team may have to visit the site while tracking it down. (As a more concrete example, I worked on an ebook reader, and had to debug issues with manga adaptations of Harlequin romances.)

The problem is that the sites that need help are never the ones that show anything you want to see.

I'll leave the examples as an exercise for the reader.

I just found a good picture. I gotta go. Give me 3 minutes.
Morning chaps from an overcast London. Halloween prep starts today. Looking for a theme. Maybe Mexican Day of the Dead. Gives us a good excuse to drink tequila and eat tacos. Or maybe Harry Potter. Or maybe Hocus Pocus.

Okay, ponder all the possible things that somebody could be interested in viewing on such a site.
All of the possibilities? Man, thassa whole lotta pondering.

I just found a good picture. I gotta go. Give me 3 minutes.
Ok, that was good. I'm back. What I miss?
Hopefully not the hand washing stage.
Grandpa is Yoda:yoda:, Father is Darth Vade:darth:r,
YODA IS VADERS DAD? There must have been some questions at that birth. He doesn't really take after him, does he?

Working the Freezer section is COOL this time of year:cool2::thumbsup2:woohoo:
Good point. Well, 2 of them actually.

But, we still return to some favorites.
We used to make a pilgrimage to 5 Guys, but now they are everywhere over here.

Have a great day chaps.
Morning chaps from an overcast London. Halloween prep starts today. Looking for a theme. Maybe Mexican Day of the Dead. Gives us a good excuse to drink tequila and eat tacos. Or maybe Harry Potter. Or maybe Hocus Pocus.

Raining over here, suppose to have heavy rains into tomorrow.

Are you decorating for Halloween now or just planning?
'Morning all...
Folks are in panic mode 'round here, so situation normal.
The track still has the storm heading northeast of us so our only issue right now will be potential flooding as the river systems become overwhelmed. The folks over in eastern NC though have the most to be concerned about right now.

We'll keep watching...
Always watching...

Hey Rob, not sure if you're doing keto like me...if you are and you need someone to help you along the way (bounce things off of, morale support, etc.), I'm here.
Appreciate the thought. I've only been at it about 10 days so there's a long way to go yet.
Not following any specific diet type, just significant cut backs. No sugar, no bread, limiting the rest of the carbs, minimal breakfast and lunch being mostly fruit and veg, light diner and nothing to eat after 8pm. It ain't fun, but you get use to it after a while.

If you need a bug out spot, we're only a few hours away and we have two extra rooms. If you're anything like @pkondz, we also have some amazing ice cream about 10 min from the house. ;)
Thanks, but unless the thing makes a serious deviation from its track, we should be good.
Will keep it in mind though.

It seems like such a good idea at the time to have another Dole whip, until you get home and your pants are tight going back to work.
It's always a good idea to have another Dole Whip.
You just have to ignore the consequences

At least up until they can no longer be ignored...
Sadly, I've reached that point.

Time to buy some bigger pants. Works for me.
Already got the bigger pants...
Several times...
Now even those are getting tight.

Don't plan to giving the clothing manufacturers the satisfaction of selling me more.
(Not to mention, it'd be much better on what's left on the wreckage that is my old body.)

It was the funeral of my best mate's Dad today, so that was tough, I've known him since I was 16.
Never a good situation.
Good that there were many folks to gather 'round and support each other.

Speaking of which...4 more lbs to go. At 96 lost thus far.
That's most impressive and the result of a great deal of work.

For me, what I really need to lose - health wise -is 35 more, so that's the goal.
But , twenty more after that would be a dang good idea if I'm honest.

This afternoon turned a bit National Lampoons Xmas, as the cat trotted up the garden path and into the back room with a half dead squirrel in its mouth. Lady K went ballistic.
What! No video??

well someone's updated the naughty word filter to include english spellings.......
How Victorian...
And a very recent change too, as I've even used y'all's version of the word 'round here with no problems lately.

Okay, ponder all the possible things that somebody could be interested in viewing on such a site.

All of them. That anybody would want to see.

Now ponder what percentage of them are things you'd like to look at.
That's... ummm... a somewhat disturbing thought...

4 years, until i retire
May the plan stay on track.
And may you find the right yard to park the RV in.

Gives us a good excuse to drink tequila and eat tacos.
We need an excuse???
Are you decorating for Halloween now or just planning?
Just planning. We have a party for about 50 or 60 on the weekend around Halloween. Its our big party of the year. Lady K does love a theme, and she likes to test my creative skills. Last year I had to build a 6ft Jack Skellington, a 4ft Oogie Boogie man, and a floating Zero as well as the rest of it. So it takes about 6 weeks of work.
Top O the Mornin Dads

Morning chaps from an overcast London. Halloween prep starts today. Looking for a theme. Maybe Mexican Day of the Dead. Gives us a good excuse to drink tequila and eat tacos. Or maybe Harry Potter. Or maybe Hocus Pocus.
You need an excuse for tacos and tequila? Hocus Pocus, at least its Disney but more importantly what do the kids want?
'Morning all...
Folks are in panic mode 'round here, so situation normal.
The track still has the storm heading northeast of us so our only issue right now will be potential flooding as the river systems become overwhelmed. The folks over in eastern NC though have the most to be concerned about right now.

We'll keep watching...
Always watching...
Stay safe Rob.
I just found a good picture. I gotta go. Give me 3 minutes.
Ummmm....we are just gonna pretend that didn't happen, alright?

It was all animated. Click and don't pay attention until they make you look to find what you haven't clicked on.
That is how they stared doing all of our annual "manditory" refresher trainings. Sexual harassment, active shooter, fraud prevention, robbery training. Just a bunch of random click thru animations and a multiple guess "test" at the end that you have to get at least 90% on.


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