Flight of Passage + People of Size = Disappointing

To be honest I have... an opposite? people of size problem lol
I'm 5 feet tall, and have weird proportions on my body as far as torso-legs etc
I have an ample? chest (lololol) and the chest part of the chair is very uncomfortable for me, the back restraints just make it worse lol
So, someone in the disABilities board said there's a spot where you can watch without riding? Is this true? I think my husband would like to do that!

Another person posted in the thread with photos that there isn't a viewing area, just a waiting area for those who aren't riding. Only way to watch is to ride.
It's insane that this ride seat is more restrictive than an economy airplane seat. They could have made it to fit other sizes. They could have made it to lock in, but not have to be tight. They could have made it a seat in which you have to lean forward without making it a bike style of seat. They could have even had some type of harness surround you, but to make it something that so many people won't fit has got to be gravely disappointing. You shouldn't have to worry if your clothing will catch on the ride or your shoes are too big or any of the issues people are discussing. Very disappointing.
It is basic business. Unfortunate but true. Most companies who produce anything or do things that consumers will use or buy, will produce to the 95%, not the 5%. It comes down to $$$. Now, I dont know how much more it would have cost to have certain parts of the ride vehicle to be modified to the 5%, but, with all of the testing companies do, Im guessing they felt the 5% was not a value vs the $. I know that sounds bad, but, again, just knowing from a manufacturing point of view, producing and working to the 95% is the standard.
I don't want to say don't worry but here was our story. My husband and I both rode FOP on a previous trip and were excited to take two friends on our next trip. Know that the husband carried his weight in his middle area and we would have been mortified if he could not ride, we showed him the seat outside and the CM showed him how to get on. The CM politely told him that he would be iffy. He did talk about sitting all the way forward and where to place his legs. Well we went about our day enjoying AK until our ride time at 1pm. At ride time he got on was locked in not uncomfortable and was sad that he spent the whole morning worrying that he would not have fit. Unfortunately like any other ride seats they are outside and many are embarrassed to try them out. The CM was wonderful and remember you will never see these people again and it will make you feel better. That they do accommodate more than they reject. Good Luck!
Wow, that video above shows how crazy this design is. That man barely fit the test seat (although he was indeed able to ride) but he wasn't that big! I'm shocked at how bad this is. :-(
To some who have commented that Disney could have made the seats bigger...I wonder if it's a safety issue and they went with a seat that will fit the majority of folks and not be a danger to younger/smaller guests? Just a thought. Otherwise, why wouldn't they made it accommodating to all guests?
I found this Youtube - may help with the seat size and how you fit:

Wow! TY so much for that video. It really lets you see the multiple ways those seats might not fit someone. The gentleman in the video might worry about the belly area, where someone like me is going to worry about my derriere when they raise the seat back or my thighs when those weird leg wings rise up under your legs. (Do watch the whole video to see every piece from different angles.)
Srsly, is the seat comfortable for anyone, regardless of size?
Wow! TY so much for that video. It really lets you see the multiple ways those seats might not fit someone. The gentleman in the video might worry about the belly area, where someone like me is going to worry about my derriere when they raise the seat back or my thighs when those weird leg wings rise up under your legs. (Do watch the whole video to see every piece from different angles.)
Srsly, is the seat comfortable for anyone, regardless of size?

I found it comortable, I'm six foot one, about 190. I get what they're going for with the sizing, you're pushed into it so you feel all the extra things they've added, the breathing, the very quick movements. I think if it was loose it would literally hit you on some of those movements.

It's unfortunate but I think a previous poster was correct, they've gone with their ideal ride experience for people of a certain size at the cost of those who aren't that size. They may have been able to accomodate bigger people but didn't want to spend the money. Sucks :(
I'm a big guy. 5 11, and was about 300 lbs - all my weight in my gut and rode it twice last year with only minor discomfort. I've dropped 30LBS this year, so I'm looking forward to a more comfortable ride in January!
WAs so happy I got to ride FOP today. I was told I was on the cusp so when that thins clicked I breathed a sigh of relief. Then the CM came and pushed the back in more and nearly killed my back. That wore off during ride but I was just so happy to get to ride it.
Just sharing my stats in case it helps anyone. I’m super short (hence my handle!), barely 5 ft 2 inches. Weigh 230 and carry my weight in my middle. Very apple shaped. Wear a size 22. I fit just fine, without any CM assistance. And I was nervous, but I slid forward, sat up straight and everything clicked.

FWIW...I was also nervous about 7DMT but I was more than fine on that ride.

Good luck fellow Poohs!
I'm 5"1 weigh 200 and also carry most of my weight in my stomach. Would you say I should be OK on the ride?
My daughter is 5"3 weighing approx the same as me. Thing is, she carries most of her weight in her back side and legs. Do you think she will be fine?
I'm 5"1 weigh 200 and also carry most of my weight in my stomach. Would you say I should be OK on the ride?
My daughter is 5"3 weighing approx the same as me. Thing is, she carries most of her weight in her back side and legs. Do you think she will be fine?
I don't think you have anything to worry about it. I am 5'4 and was around 200 I think last time I rode it and there was TONS of room. Like nowhere remotely near being an issue. Unless they have changed something, from what I read when I was much bigger (I have lost 140 total and am about 180 now) I don't think it's really until you are above the top of the plus size range that it is an issue for most women, like a size 24 or higher. 200ish pounds is very much within average, the average woman is now a size 16. I was around a 16 or 18 at 200 and the ride was very very roomy.

It's not a super narrow range and really does fit many people. You do NOT need to be "skinny" to ride, though I will say at my top weight I probably would not have fit (I say probably because of where I carried my weight, there is a possibility I could have but i'm glad to not have to find out.) I would guess it's not until more like 250+ lbs that women even have to be concerned and even then how and where you carry your weight figures a lot into it and someone a lot higher than that could fit if they are taller for a woman and/or carry in in lower body rather than stomach and chest.
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I don't think you have anything to worry about it. I am 5'4 and was around 200 I think last time I rode it and there was TONS of room. Like nowhere remotely near being an issue. Unless they have changed something, from what I read when I was much bigger (I have lost 140 total and am about 180 now) I don't think it's really until you are above the top of the plus size range that it is an issue for most women, like a size 24 or higher. 200ish pounds is very much within average, the average woman is now a size 16. I was around a 16 or 18 at 200 and the ride was very very roomy. It's not a narrow range and really does fit many people, but I will say at my top weight I probably would not have fit. I would guess it's not until more like 250+ lbs that women have to be concerned and even then how and where you carry your weight figures a lot into it and someone a lot higher could fit if they are taller for a woman and carry in in lower body rather than stomach and chest.
Thanks. I started to worry.
Thanks. I started to worry.
Having been a much bigger person I have nothing but sympathy for people who have to worry about this but it really is just the extreme end. If you can buy clothing in a regular department store (including plus size) I'd say you will fit the ride. I couldn't even fit into a size 3x/24 at my top weight and probably would not have fit the ride. 200 felt absolutely tiny to me compared to where I used to be and although I felt some anxiety about it (not related to reality because I was sure I'd fit but just old habits die hard) but the fit was fine and I could have been much larger and it still would have been fine.
Having been a much bigger person I have nothing but sympathy for people who have to worry about this but it really is just the extreme end. If you can buy clothing in a regular department store (including plus size) I'd say you will fit the ride. I couldn't even fit into a size 3x/24 at my top weight and probably would not have fit the ride. 200 felt absolutely tiny to me compared to where I used to be and although I felt some anxiety about it (not related to reality because I was sure I'd fit but just old habits die hard) but the fit was fine and I could have been much larger and it still would have been fine.
I've just lost some weight myself, over 30 pounds, went down from size 24 to 18. I hope not to put too much back on during our trip :).


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