I love credit cards so much!

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Man... this thread moves too fast for me.

There are DPs of being able to put two cards under the same Hyatt account number and actually getting 10 stay credits posting- 5 per card.

Not sure what happens if you get caught, likely just forcing you to open your own acct. But that’d be a risk/reward situation.

Note: this works with Hilton too, but not Marriott/SPG as they confirm names.

Hilton has points pooling so shouldn't need to try it on that, but interesting to know. The Hyatt is definitely going to depend on your risk tolerance with Chase.

Whew, took me an hour to catch up this morning after taking a few days away. Exciting to see we are not the only ones planning an Italy trip in 2020!
We are meeting MSR incredibly quick (Christmas, vacation, and five kids will do that) DH has opened 3 new cards since September. His credit score dropped 40 points. I was expecting a dip for a while but not expecting that much. Is this a normal amount for a new churner? Any idea how long it will stay down? We don't carry a balance or have any other debts. I guess I am leery of applying him for another card even though we really could use another MSR already.

What credit score saw the dip? There's the FICO score and a Vantage score. Most banks are still using FICO score even though they hand out the Vantage score for free on the sites. Each score handles new inquiries/accounts a little differently and you may find a bigger swing on one over the other.

My 2019 Churning Goals:

  1. Maximize UR for a Panama Canal Cruise 2020 or 2021 and acquire hotel points and stays for NBA trips
  2. Downgrade BCP to BCE 01/03 - not buying gc's for Disney so won't come close to recouping the $95 AF, and crummy AMEX offers don't come close to making up the difference
  3. Meet spend on SW Priority opened 12/03; Apply for SW BIZ @4/24, meet spend and acquire CP
  4. PC DH's CIP to CIC before 2/17 renewal date
  5. Go on Cruise/New Mexico vacation 90% paid with points and cashback
  6. App DH for a new card @2/24 for upcoming insurance premiums (thinking SPG BIZ to coincide with mine opened 03/27/18 and a CFU)
  7. Figure out what to do with DH CSR before 05/05 ~ PC to a CF or close? (He has quickly become a metal card princess and cried a little when I told him it was going away)
This takes us to about mid year, at which time I will eagerly await the upcoming NBA schedule to figure out our fall/winter mini-vacations, and reevaluate our cc goals.

I second PC to a CF. You never know when you need a second one and you can keep the metal card to use :) That's my plan for my CSP.
Went to Target. Got the Happy cards deal. Red Card Network went down. Couldn't get my extra 5% off on the other crap I had to buy and I needed cash back too. Grr.
Milk it for all its worth.

Well you're the one who gave me this idea so I blame you! LOL. I was just going to do the Hilton Biz and I wasn't going to do that until I had gotten the 0% one I need to get in Feb. That one is just for a balance transfer, so I'm not worried about a spend on that one. I guess I hit the spend on this one and THEN maybe do the biz one. I will FOR SURE be cancelling the Aspire as the CSR is my go to.
Wow! We really don't have any great trips planned, and I can I'm lagging behind on this thread. 2018 has been a very expensive year and we don't have the points to do lots of free trips in 2019, so I'm hoping we can do something fun in 2020.

Glad to see Iceland mentioned! Really looking forward to our trip. Australia's on my list too. Could even use our Wyndham timeshare. Too many places, too little time!

Iceland was fantastic! Such beautiful and surreal scenery. I'd be happy to go back since we didn't see it all in our 2 days there.

Man... this thread moves too fast for me.

There are DPs of being able to put two cards under the same Hyatt account number and actually getting 10 stay credits posting- 5 per card.

Not sure what happens if you get caught, likely just forcing you to open your own acct. But that’d be a risk/reward situation.

Note: this works with Hilton too, but not Marriott/SPG as they confirm names.

Hmmm. That is definitely interesting. Kind of afraid of rocking the boat too much, though. I'll have to think about this one. Thanks for the idea.
I'm interested in this as well. I haven't been but I've known people that enjoyed the Apostles Island in northern Wisconsin. I've been wanting to go and see the ice caves in the winter, but they haven't been open the last two years. Although it is a National Lakeshore, so I don't know if there is even admission. I have a third grader so we'll be doing National Parks in 2020. As much as I love Disney the National Parks have been our favorite vacations.
I don’t recall an admission fee when we were there, but it’s been over 10 years (pre-kid). Looks like now, there is no entrance fee, but some amenities have fees. We enjoyed Bayfield and were there during the apple festival. I’m not a huge fan of cold and ice so I think I’ll skip the ice caves. Lol.
My aunt owns land and has lived off and on for years, on Madeline Island. It’s gorgeous, but about one day, or one and a half is my limit. I am not a big nature gal LOL. I like to go go go on vacation and there isn’t a lot of that for me there. We spent a week there once with my husbands entire family. Thank goodness we had a huge house with all the amenities and cable/dvd player, or we would have died of boredom LOL.
I have to say, we had a bit of culture shock in Bayfield WI. There were only 3 or 4 restaurants. One was super nice, gourmet but pricey and not one we’d eat at every day on vacation. Another was a diner type which was wacky and had a new “special” cuisine of the week, and included food made from “Thai Kitchen” brand mixes.
Ok, just set up DH’s new Discover savings account. When I was establishing the account it said I had to fund with Discover after the fact. So now, I am trying to move the $25k sitting in my Discover savings account to his but when I try to click on Discover nothing happens. Do I have to give it some time?
im not sure what ur trying to do but hit me up if u need some GCs resold. HD GCs can be sold higher(maybe). depends on market.
Thanks man! I probably wouldn’t actually do this idea (Although it was a creative suggestion). I will either cash out my MRs with Schwab with or without a signup bonus OR I will get gift cards that I can use. I could use $2k in Home Depot pretty easily on things I actually buy/need.
Dh has never even seen the ocean before besides from a plane! The only bummer will be February is too cold to swim :sad:

My goodness! That makes me soo sad-but the beach is my happy place! Even if y’all don’t swim (I sure wouldn’t if Feb), you can walk on the beach, sit and listen to the waves, look for dolphins...did I mention it’s my happy place?:)
My goodness! That makes me soo sad-but the beach is my happy place! Even if y’all don’t swim (I sure wouldn’t if Feb), you can walk on the beach, sit and listen to the waves, look for dolphins...did I mention it’s my happy place?:)

Totally agree. It's my happy place, too. Of course it's always freezing over here (the water temp) so only kids and people with wetsuits tend to go out into the water, but I love just sitting on the beach and watching the waves. Might be one of the reasons this summer's cruise was so wonderful - just looking out at the ocean (which was freezing) was so lovely.
@Lain - DH heard there are crazy lines for the new Shake Shack today. We won't be going any time soon. I'm always astounded how new places get 1-2 hour lines around here when there is so much to choose from. We ended up very close to it today when we were out shopping for something for the house, but I didn't see it. If the lines persist I may end up trying it when we go to NYC, which is what DD and DH have done.
Nice. 11th, 12th or 13th is when we’ll be at Disney likely two days but might do all 3. Look for a tall white guy, Hispanic lady and two little girls. We shouldn’t be hard to miss. Hah

Are you Hilton Diamond by chance? Depending on your x/24 status, I would highly recommend a Hilton Aspire before end of year.
Haha okay we’ll have to look out for you guys.

No we aren’t Hilton diamond members. We just recently got an honors cc and a Hilton biz card and just finished the spends on those.
My goodness! That makes me soo sad-but the beach is my happy place! Even if y’all don’t swim (I sure wouldn’t if Feb), you can walk on the beach, sit and listen to the waves, look for dolphins...did I mention it’s my happy place?:)
We haven’t completely decided if we will go or not. We may decide to wait and save dh’s vacation days for something else. My parents stay the whole month and people always ask if they can come stay with them which ruins the point of them going down lol. I told my mom we definitely won’t be staying with them and we would want to do a lot of things on our own anyway. I guess we’ll just have to wait and see what happens.
2019 trips:

March - Kyoto
May - Paris & Versailles
August - London
October - South Korea

We want to get back to Hawaii at some point, but not sure if/when we can fit it into our schedules.

I got Amex Plat & CIP this year. Next year, will pick up CSR, one of the United cards, maybe CF? I want United points for flights to/from the ABD Danube Oktoberfest in 2020.
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