The ABC's of Sauntering Through WDW- J is for: Just Like That, It's Judiciously Ended! (4/23)

I almost never play.
A very occasional scratch ticket... mmm... maybe one or two every year or three?

Me too. Well, I maybe get 3-4 a year.

Ah. Well... maybe some other time.
There are actually some people out there who have annual passes! Can you imagine that?

And there are some people who THINK they might have one but aren't entirely sure even after 7 hours on the phone or in person with Disney.

Bit gruff, is he?

He roars.

Really! Well... small miracles.

Yes, considering I spill coffee down my shirt most days.

Really! How does one go through life without ever having a nose bleed!?!?!?

No wonder you were scared!
(I get the sense that you were. No?)

Yes, I was a bit.

<Is this going to stop?!>
<Will it wreck a park day?>
<Is the Nomad going to frown upon my getting blood all over their couches? Cuz, I'm going to sit on them anyway.>

Yes, I gathered that too. Was (sort of) kidding. Then again, would have had gauze which might have helped some.

That is probably true. But TP is a lot more cost effective.

I disagree. I think the sky was great for your Gorge photos. Really adds depth to the photo, especially that first one.

Thanks. I wish the conditions in general would have been better so I could have diddled with settings more.

:eek: Holy crap! You'll blow away!

I didn't stick around long. Plus it was 41 or so out. So that makes the wind chill about -4 billion.

Beautiful! Especially like the first shot.


This is stunning.
And a bright sky would've just killed the photo.

Aw, thanks, that was my 2nd fave.

Awww... great shot.
Did Santa give you a candy cane? :)

No, I was naughty.

When I went to put my arm around him for a hug, my hand accidentally went up his sleeve. He probably thought I was making a pass at him and rolled his eyes to his elf.

1. You did lots that day!
2. I would've loved to have done the same!

I did!! It was a nice day!

And have a nice one planned for New Years as well with a trip to the beach and a nice brunch with friends at a nice hotel planned.


Like this shot too. :)
Like them all... but those are the standouts to me. :)

I like the patterns in that one. :)

Sorry, no I haven't. It's been (slightly) on my radar, though.

I have only ever known exaclty ONE person who has ever dined there. So am very curious.
That bloody nose sounds very scary! I can't believe that at "after 50", you've never had one before! I haven't had one in a long time (knocks on wood).

I KNOW!!! Seriously! I know I'm pretty lucky to have not had one by then, and hope it never happens again. I'm glad they are very rare for you too!

I hope that you had a nice Christmas despite it's differences. Your deviled eggs look like they came out very nice!

It was pleasant and had some highlights. :)

Sadly, they were only just okay. I over-salted them, which while still edible, weren't amaze-balls.
Me too. Well, I maybe get 3-4 a year.

About the same, then.
I guess it got stuck in my head because I bought scratchers for myself and the girls.
We all lost.

Stupid scratchers.
I wonder if I can return them?

And there are some people who THINK they might have one but aren't entirely sure even after 7 hours on the phone or in person with Disney.


Hope that's all resolved now, though. Surely it must be.

Yes, considering I spill coffee down my shirt most days.

That's right!

Yes, I was a bit.


<Is the Nomad going to frown upon my getting blood all over their couches? Cuz, I'm going to sit on them anyway.>


That is probably true. But TP is a lot more cost effective.

You were worried about costing Disney a few cents????

Thanks. I wish the conditions in general would have been better so I could have diddled with settings more.

Ah. Yes, I can see that.

I didn't stick around long. Plus it was 41 or so out. So that makes the wind chill about -4 billion.

Been there, froze that.

Aw, thanks, that was my 2nd fave.

What was your fave?

No, I was naughty.

I bet you were!

When I went to put my arm around him for a hug, my hand accidentally went up his sleeve. He probably thought I was making a pass at him and rolled his eyes to his elf.

You didn't!
Liesa copped a feel with Santa!!

I did!! It was a nice day!

And have a nice one planned for New Years as well with a trip to the beach and a nice brunch with friends at a nice hotel planned.


That looks nice! Right on the water.
Planning to stay for a night? Enjoy the heated pool, perhaps?
For the record, I have no idea to this day why I'd get my first ever, and only to date, bloody noses then. Animal Kingdom was changed forever on Oct. 5, 2018. Coincidentally, and ironically, NO LIE, as I came out of the bathroom, I saw one of these:


Not. Even. Kidding. Mounted on the wall, right by the bathroom.

OMG. That's brutal!! And so strange that you'd get one at this point!! I used to get them constantly as a kid, and my kids now get them pretty routinely, but that's weird for you to get it out of the blue...ugh!! Sucks though when they happen and you are least you were near a bathroom!! Ugh!1

Your pics are amazing though!!
they respond well to Kusifari’s Cinnamon Rolls),
I meant to try one of those but didn’t. I did have the one at Gaston’s and it was good. I expect they do just as good a job at Kusafari

Lovely area, isn't it? Best bathrooms in the park. Seriously. And I had NO idea they were even there!
I would have walked past that area on the way to Lion King I guess, but I never really noticed it. It looks like a great little spot to relax. Or bleed out. Whichever you choose.

Rivers of sanguineous liquid suddenly poured forth and soon the lions came over to check out what was up as rivulets began to pour down the walkway in a cascade of horror.
Sounds awful, and a bit scary I guess. I’m glad you made it through in one piece.
It sounds like nose bleeds my mother had, but hers were frequent and she had to get it cauderized. Not fun. Hopefully this was a one and done for you.

Neufs have a language all their own. :)
Someday I'd sure like to go there.
Well by’s let me tell ya, if you come here you’re sure to have a time. What a scoff I had Christmas. Started Tibb’s Eve when I was three sheets to the wind, but there was a fine blow on and nearly blew the screech out of my glass. Then the mummers came for a scuff, but mudder got off her head cause they dirtied the place up. Next day was a fine day on clothes though and we had a scoff. Some feed though, I was full as an egg after.
About the same, then.
I guess it got stuck in my head because I bought scratchers for myself and the girls.
We all lost.

Stupid scratchers.
I wonder if I can return them?

Probably about as easily as I could return/exchange my air ticket with Alaska Air for my May trip. Found one (same flight) for $50 less, but they wouldn't budge. Note to self: Always fly Southwest if possible.


Hope that's all resolved now, though. Surely it must be.

Time will tell.

You were worried about costing Disney a few cents????

Maybe if they saw me in such sad shape, they'd sport me some Anytime, any attraction FiPs.

What was your fave?

This one:
I like the foliage in the foreground with the slightly blurred falls behind. It was one of the few angles I could get all the falls in with the lens I used.

You didn't!
Liesa copped a feel with Santa!!

Hey, maybe he'll put me on the nice list!

That looks nice! Right on the water.
Planning to stay for a night? Enjoy the heated pool, perhaps?

No. Sadly, I got scheduled for both Monday and Wednesday. So, it's a no-go.
OMG. That's brutal!! And so strange that you'd get one at this point!! I used to get them constantly as a kid, and my kids now get them pretty routinely, but that's weird for you to get it out of the blue...ugh!! Sucks though when they happen and you are least you were near a bathroom!! Ugh!1

I knew a couple of kids that got them in grade school and always felt badly for them. And I agree, so weird that I'd not ever had one until I was in my 50's. That bathroom was a lifesaver for sure!

Your pics are amazing though!!

Thanks, Kathy! I've not been able to get out and do much photography lately, but am going to the beach on Tuesday and will have some more from there to share. :) (But hopefully and update first.)
I meant to try one of those but didn’t. I did have the one at Gaston’s and it was good. I expect they do just as good a job at Kusafari

I've tried both now and Kusafiri's wins hands down. Seriously amazing! I'm not a huge sweets fan, and would almost always choose something savory over a dessert, but this was so good. I had to try it after several great reviews, including @docsoliday1 's. It definitely lived up to the hype.

I would have walked past that area on the way to Lion King I guess, but I never really noticed it. It looks like a great little spot to relax. Or bleed out. Whichever you choose.

It really does. The tables and chairs were NOT there when I did my sidewalk painting, but you're right, I can see it as a nice place to take your Dawa (Bloody) Mary and sit for a bit chatting or catching up on Trip Notes.

Sounds awful, and a bit scary I guess. I’m glad you made it through in one piece.
It sounds like nose bleeds my mother had, but hers were frequent and she had to get it cauderized. Not fun. Hopefully this was a one and done for you.

Yikes! Any nasal procedures are NOT fun, and very painful. I don't want that so like you, hope it was a weird fluke.

Well by’s let me tell ya, if you come here you’re sure to have a time. What a scoff I had Christmas. Started Tibb’s Eve when I was three sheets to the wind, but there was a fine blow on and nearly blew the screech out of my glass. Then the mummers came for a scuff, but mudder got off her head cause they dirtied the place up. Next day was a fine day on clothes though and we had a scoff. Some feed though, I was full as an egg after.

WOW! Where's Google Translate when you need it?! That was extremely entertaining; thanks, Jeff!! Loved it!

(I think I got the gereral gyst of things. ;) )
Well by’s let me tell ya, if you come here you’re sure to have a time. What a scoff I had Christmas. Started Tibb’s Eve when I was three sheets to the wind, but there was a fine blow on and nearly blew the screech out of my glass. Then the mummers came for a scuff, but mudder got off her head cause they dirtied the place up. Next day was a fine day on clothes though and we had a scoff. Some feed though, I was full as an egg after.

That brings back memories. Spent almost a year with some friends from Newfoundland, back in the day. Every now and then the rest of us would hear something and all conversation would screech (;)) to a halt as we all said "What does that mean?"

Probably about as easily as I could return/exchange my air ticket with Alaska Air for my May trip. Found one (same flight) for $50 less, but they wouldn't budge. Note to self: Always fly Southwest if possible.

Well... poop.

Time will tell.


Maybe if they saw me in such sad shape, they'd sport me some Anytime, any attraction FiPs.

Totally agree!

This one:
I like the foliage in the foreground with the slightly blurred falls behind. It was one of the few angles I could get all the falls in with the lens I used.

Oh! I hadn't noticed that the falls were out of focus until you reposted. Very nice!

Hey, maybe he'll put me on the nice list!


No. Sadly, I got scheduled for both Monday and Wednesday. So, it's a no-go.

Too bad.
Hmm, came on to catch up on a couple TR's before Saturday Night Live. One thing I cannot stomach are bloody noses and I get........:faint: But at least it wasn't mine, how terrible for you! And so weird that it was your first and just that one day. Yet good at the same time!

You know my husband keeps mentioning Bongos. It's one of those places you never seem to hear reviews of. I think next month we're trying either Terralina or Morimoto so I'm not much help. What about The Edison? That might be fun for the kids with the entertainment if you're going for dinner?
Oh! I hadn't noticed that the falls were out of focus until you reposted. Very nice!

Hmm, came on to catch up on a couple TR's before Saturday Night Live. One thing I cannot stomach are bloody noses and I get........:faint: But at least it wasn't mine, how terrible for you! And so weird that it was your first and just that one day. Yet good at the same time!

On the bright side, I was very near a bathroom so I could bleed out there. ;) I'm really hoping this is a one and done on bloody noses.

You know my husband keeps mentioning Bongos. It's one of those places you never seem to hear reviews of. I think next month we're trying either Terralina or Morimoto so I'm not much help. What about The Edison? That might be fun for the kids with the entertainment if you're going for dinner?

I will try really hard then to get to my review of Terralina. Without too much of a spoiler... this was one of the BEST meals I had on the entire trip. I LOVED it and will definitely be going back!
V is for: Very Elegant Victuals with a View

Sunday is for lots of things, and if you happened to be in Disney on any given Sunday, brunch at the California Grill is a very good "one of those things". I was really looking forward to this morning after reading so many wonderful reviews of the Sunday Brunch. Let me cut to the chase and say this was one of the most pleasant dining experiences I’ve ever had at Disney World. But that’s hardly an adequate dining review, is it? My readers deserve more. (Not to mention I kinda enjoyed looking at all the photos again and remembering how amazing it all was!) So, without prattling on at ridiculous length, let’s get to the good stuff!!

I took a bus from POFQ to MK giving myself the usual hour to get anywhere on property. I have no notes from this day at all apparently so will have to go on my geriatric memory. Everything in this update will be either entirely accurate or completely made up. Or a mixture of both. I do remember I was stressing out a bit when walking from the bus to the Contemporary, so I’m going to speculate that I had to wait longer than I’d hoped for a bus from POFQ. I also remember thinking to my snarky self (I do that a lot) that I still don’t understand at all the need for double security if you walk, so was bracing myself for yet another hold up on that path. But they must have changed their policy/system because while security was there with a metal detector, they were letting people bypass it.

I stopped to take one photo before I hurried along my merry way. I even tried to wait until a monorail was ejected, but antsiness got the best of me and my saunter became a brisk let’s-get-a-move-on.

I checked in at the kiosk up the escalator and waited only a very few moments before I was shown to the elevator that whisked me up to the fancy pants 15th floor. I'm always duly impressed by the wine collection! (Sorry, no photo.)

After I got off, I was greeted by name- a HUGE indication that was this about to be an exceptionally elegant, classy, and very special event. The only place that’s ever done that before for me was V&A’s. My lovely hostess stopped on the way to the table beside a huge tray of pre-poured mimosas (Photo later) and handed me one to start off my morning. Not much screams wowza more than a fluted glass of bubbly with unknown balls in the bottom. I’ll get to that….

Straight ahead, in front of a breath-taking view, was this duo adding ambiance with soft jazz-style Disney music. Truly, elegance to the nines. (I giggled a bit when they flirted with the camera.)

As we made our way to the table, as my eyes shifted around taking in all the decadent goodies beautifully laid out on decorated tables. I tried to keep the drool in check as a courtesy to the other guests. @Captain_Oblivious, this is your cue.

I know that not all diners at Cali Grill get the privilege of sitting window-side (I wasn’t either for the previous times I’d eaten there for dinners) but today was one of those I got to. Escorted to one of the loveliest tables in the whole place, my chair was pulled out and held for me, and my napkin was placed in my lap. YES, I can do that myself but!, every once in a while, I enjoy being completely pampered and spoiled. The fact that I’d worn white pants was irrelevant. Maybe someone who knows me well called ahead.:rolleyes2

My view:

My server approached the table and quickly gave me some water and explained how the morning would work. It was emphasized that this was meant to be a very relaxed, casual sort of meal in an elegant setting. It was the very best of both worlds. Diners are free to come and go throughout the restaurant as they pleased with no limits to anything. Mimosas would be (and were) replenished generously as they were emptied. Not lying when I say this is a huge perk to the experience.

***Of note: There is also a Bloody Mary Bar with a HUGE array of choices for $15 a pop.

He also asked if I’d like some coffee, adding that lattes and other specialty coffee drinks are all available. Yes please, one latte with plenty of foam! I think I had two of them by morning’s end.

I got up at once and started with the charcuterie. Loaded with lavoshes and assorted crackers, house cured meats and sausages, and various pickled vegetables and mustards filled the station with mouthwatering amazingness. Seriously, every single item I chose was incredibly delicious. But I knew I had to pace myself.

My next plate was from the finger foods/hors d’oeuvres station where I chose deviled eggs, smoked salmon pate, greens with peaches and the best sushi I think I have ever had. The fish was so creamy and fresh, and had that been all that was offered, I’d have left a happy woman. Luckily, that was not all that was on the docket for the morning.

Between my first 2 courses, my waiter stopped by to ask if I’d had a chance to choose any hot dishes yet. I knew I wanted to try the Lobster Eggs Benedict, but he recommended that I begin with the Lamb Meatballs. SURE- those were on my list as well!

So, after I finished my 2nd plate of goodies, the meatballs and warm pita arrived. The sauce was so yummy and was perfect for sopping up with the soft, warm bread. The serving size was far too big, so I sent most back, but what I did eat was out of this world. They were slightly spicy, but not overly so, and the lamb was not gamey and very lean.

While I was slowly enjoying the meatballs, the Eggs Benedict arrived and as he set them on the table, he said that the house-made sausage and bacon were “to die for” so he thought I’d enjoy that too and brought it. Ummm, okay. While I did appreciate that he was being extremely generous, and I did enjoy a couple pieces of bacon and a sausage patty, it was becoming so much food that it was almost embarrassing. OY! I ate only one of the Benedicts as I was just getting too full for more. I also knew that dessert was something I did want to save SOME room for. By now, I’d been there for well over an hour and a half and was in zero hurry to rush or leave. The whole event was very, very nicely paced.

Sometime during brunch, this bird came over to check out the buffet and probably went home to tell his wife and kids what leftovers he’d pilfer from the dumpster for dinner.

The table to my right was quickly becoming pretty inebriated as during the course of that two hours I’d been there, they drank literally 6 bottles of champagne. I have no idea how many they’d already had before I’d arrived nor how many more after I left as they were still there when I got up. Clearly, they were either celebrating something akin to a royal coronation or had unlimited money to burn. I'm not talking about the "free" mimosa champagne; these were purchased bottles that were opened with a happy "pop" 6 times.

The view the other way from my table:

Dessert arrived, and it was as lovely as the rest of the special foods I’d enjoyed that morning. Here is my plate of goodies, and while I’d have liked to have said I tried them all, I simply could not. Nor did they all appeal to me anyway. I think I ate one of the cookies, some chocolate and one of the macarons. I did taste the jelly things, but didn’t want to waste the calories on them.

My server did offer to box the rest up, but I had my camera and didn’t want to be lugging a box of delicate goodies around a theme park the rest of the day. I also asked him to take my picture to document the occasion. :) I wasn't tipsy at all. (No, really. I wasn't. But the stupid grin on my face might make you doubt me.)

Note the bubbly with balls in it. Those were quite surprising as they turned out to be boba balls with a tart, refreshing burst. I loved it!!!

Steppe’s overall impressions? Amazing meal in every aspect. The view is exquisite, the ambiance including the live music, the attention to detail and great service, combined with excellent, fresh food makes this a meal WELL worth the high price tag. I had 3 mimosas ($36 alone if bought in any other, or this, place on property) that were included. I lingered for about 2 hours start to finish and took time to truly enjoy what I was paying for. The restaurant was not crowded, but busy enough to give the place some pleasant white noise and buzz. Would I do it again? 100% yes! In fact, I am. The EPIC Trip Ladies are going in May and I am excited to take my mom to this. I know she’s going to really enjoy herself as will I. Would I do this every trip. Yes, if the budget and schedule allows, yes, I would. There a few places I'd go quite often and this is on that list!

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if you happened to be in Disney on any given Sunday, brunch at the California Grill is a very good "one of those things".

I think I've heard of this? Maybe? Kinda ringing a bell.
Either way, enjoyed your review of it. :)

this was one of the most pleasant dining experiences I’ve ever had at Disney World.

Really! High praise indeed!

(Not to mention I kinda enjoyed looking at all the photos again and remembering how amazing it all was!)


So, without prattling on at ridiculous length, let’s get to the good stuff!!

Oh, no. Prattle away. Or should I say, rather, prose on. You're writing is hardly prattling.

I took a bus from POFQ to MK giving myself the usual hour to get anywhere on property.

Sounds about right. That's what I do too.

I have no notes from this day at all apparently so will have to go on my geriatric memory.

oh dear. I'll have more to say on this in a bit...

Everything in this update will be either entirely accurate or completely made up.

How does this differ from your other updates????


I also remember thinking to my snarky self (I do that a lot)

As long as you're not talking with yourself... out loud... in front of others... who don't exist, but in your mind.

but antsiness got the best of me and my saunter became a brisk let’s-get-a-move-on.

Neither a saunterer nor a sashayer be when haste may make waste.*

*Shakespeare (SloPolonius, in Hamlet)

I'm always duly impressed by the wine collection!

Not me. I don't see any wine at all. :snooty:

After I got off, I was greeted by name-

It was very nice of name to greet you.

My lovely hostess stopped on the way to the table beside a huge tray of pre-poured mimosas (Photo later) and handed me one to start off my morning.

Wow! Name is very generous with the bubbly!

Not much screams wowza more than a fluted glass of bubbly with unknown balls in the bottom.


Straight ahead, in front of a breath-taking view, was this duo adding ambiance with soft jazz-style Disney music.

Very nice!

(I giggled a bit when they flirted with the camera.)

Flirted? How?
Did they stop playing, or... ?

I tried to keep the drool in check as a courtesy to the other guests. @Captain_Oblivious, this is your cue.

:laughing: She knows you well, mark.

Escorted to one of the loveliest tables in the whole place

No way! Nice!

every once in a while, I enjoy being completely pampered and spoiled.

<makes a mental note for the next time (if there is one) we meet>

The fact that I’d worn white pants was irrelevant. Maybe someone who knows me well called ahead.:rolleyes2


Did you spill the bubbly, by any chance?

wow! Spectacular!

Mimosas would be (and were) replenished generously as they were emptied. Not lying when I say this is a huge perk to the experience.

That kinda is. Not many places that will pour "free" (as in no extra charge) alcoholic beverages.

***Of note: There is also a Bloody Mary Bar with a HUGE array of choices for $15 a pop.

meh. Make it a Bloody Caesar Bar and then we can talk. :snooty:

He also asked if I’d like some coffee, adding that lattes and other specialty coffee drinks are all available. Yes please, one latte with plenty of foam! I think I had two of them by morning’s end.

Impressed. Coffee... sure. But lattes? Huh!

Loaded with lavoshes and assorted crackers, house cured meats and sausages, and various pickled vegetables and mustards filled the station with mouthwatering amazingness.

Okay, move over Mark.


the best sushi I think I have ever had.

Really! That's... saying quite a bit!

Not sure if that appeals to me, though.
I'd try it, but... hmmmm...

but what I did eat was out of this world.

Well... okay. Definitely try it then.

They were slightly spicy, but not overly so

I was going to ask. It looks really spicy. Maybe just the colour?

I ate only one of the Benedicts as I was just getting too full for more.

Shame to waste one, but... I can already tell that you've had more than plenty of grub.

By now, I’d been there for well over an hour and a half and was in zero hurry to rush or leave.

:goodvibes I'm kinda liking the relaxed pace here. Contrasts violently with my GO! GO! GO! normal Disney pace.

OMG. A photo of Heaven.


Sometime during brunch, this bird came over to check out the buffet and probably went home to tell his wife and kids what leftovers he’d pilfer from the dumpster for dinner.


Holy crap! Great shot, Liesa!

The table to my right was quickly becoming pretty inebriated as during the course of that two hours I’d been there, they drank literally 6 bottles of champagne.

Whoa.... wait... How many were they? I assume a dozen or so? So that's not too bad... Still a lot, but.. not too bad.

I'm not talking about the "free" mimosa champagne; these were purchased bottles that were opened with a happy "pop" 6 times.


Dessert arrived

Arrived? You didn't have to go get it??

I wasn't tipsy at all. (No, really. I wasn't. But the stupid grin on my face might make you doubt me.)

I'll take your word for it. First time I saw you... well... let's just say you also had a grin on your face. :rolleyes2

Cute photo of you. :)

Note the bubbly with balls in it. Those were quite surprising as they turned out to be boba balls with a tart, refreshing burst. I loved it!!!

Interesting! I wouldn't have thought to put them in a mimosa. :)

I lingered for about 2 hours start to finish and took time to truly enjoy what I was paying for.

Excellent. So glad you had such a nice time. :)

The EPIC Trip Ladies are going in May and I am excited to take my mom to this.

Great! I'm sure she'll enjoy it as much as you did!

Would I do this every trip. Yes, if the budget and schedule allows, yes, I would. There a few places I'd go quite often and this is on that list!

Very high praise.
Most times I'm "I've done it, so let's try something new."

And yet... I do get a Dole whip every trip. Not the same category (or cost) but... what the heck! If you love it that much, you go, girl!
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I tried to keep the drool in check as a courtesy to the other guests. @Captain_Oblivious, this is your cue.

Well, I'd hate to disappoint you.


Escorted to one of the loveliest tables in the whole place, my chair was pulled out and held for me, and my napkin was placed in my lap.

Huh. So THAT's where it goes. Interesting.

Oh, wow. That's just glorious. Why would you ever leave?

While I did appreciate that he was being extremely generous, and I did enjoy a couple pieces of bacon and a sausage patty, it was becoming so much food that it was almost embarrassing.

Oh, come on. We all know that's not the real reason.

I also knew that dessert was something I did want to save SOME room for.

THAT's the real reason. :rotfl2:

The table to my right was quickly becoming pretty inebriated as during the course of that two hours I’d been there, they drank literally 6 bottles of champagne.

Holy cow. That must have been some achievement.

Those were quite surprising as they turned out to be boba balls with a tart, refreshing burst. I loved it!!!

I have no idea what that is, but I'm glad you liked it!

The EPIC Trip Ladies are going in May and I am excited to take my mom to this. I know she’s going to really enjoy herself as will I. Would I do this every trip. Yes, if the budget and schedule allows, yes, I would. There a few places I'd go quite often and this is on that list!

Sounds like it will be quite the treat for you all!
Looks like a fantastic meal! And who wouldn't like those views!
California Grill is one of those places I would like to go but have never been. It doesn't seem to be the place for a family meal, which is why I haven't been as of yet. Perhaps one day if I do an adults only trip.
Hi Liesa! I am REALLY late to this party, but wanted to pop in to say that I absolutely love your TR!!!! You are so creative and the entire report has been very well thought out.:P

I love the scavenger hunts, the bounding outfits, and your photography.

Can't wait to meet in person in May!!!
I think I've heard of this? Maybe? Kinda ringing a bell.
Either way, enjoyed your review of it. :)

I'm glad you enjoyed it. :)

Oh, no. Prattle away. Or should I say, rather, prose on. You're writing is hardly prattling.

Heh, I'll keep writing as my readership dwindles. Glad you'e sticking around. :)

How does this differ from your other updates????



My geriatric memory is like a steel trap.

with a sieve underneath.

As for my trip reporting. Um, er..... Tate tells great stories?

As long as you're not talking with yourself... out loud... in front of others... who don't exist, but in your mind.

John Nash is a great listener.

Neither a saunterer nor a sashayer be when haste may make waste.*

*Shakespeare (SloPolonius, in Hamlet)

HEY! We met on common ground! I like that!

It was very nice of name to greet you.

I feel there should be a horse riding in the desert somewhere in this update now.

Wow! Name is very generous with the bubbly!

Name can be generous with that anytime!


Flirted? How?
Did they stop playing, or... ?

More smiling, animation than when the camera was not there.

<makes a mental note for the next time (if there is one) we meet>

I expect crystal bowls to soak my feet in. Apparently that's all the rage. :laughing:


Did you spill the bubbly, by any chance?

Probably. That's how I roll.

That kinda is. Not many places that will pour "free" (as in no extra charge) alcoholic beverages.

I've not seen it anywhere else.

meh. Make it a Bloody Caesar Bar and then we can talk. :snooty:

I didn't wander over as $15 was a bit out of my willingness-to-spend range. It's quite possible that those were an option.

Not sure if that appeals to me, though.
I'd try it, but... hmmmm...

Eat lamb often?

Shame to waste one, but... I can already tell that you've had more than plenty of grub.

WAY More than enough!

:goodvibes I'm kinda liking the relaxed pace here. Contrasts violently with my GO! GO! GO! normal Disney pace.

I"m finding that Disney has so much more to offer... trying to find the "other" side of Disney.

OMG. A photo of Heaven.


I thought you might like that given all your talk of Bennies on your threads.

Holy crap! Great shot, Liesa!

Pure dumb luck.

Whoa.... wait... How many were they? I assume a dozen or so? So that's not too bad... Still a lot, but.. not too bad.



So that's a bottle each (that I saw).

Arrived? You didn't have to go get it??

I'll take your word for it. First time I saw you... well... let's just say you also had a grin on your face. :rolleyes2

Shush! You're giving away all my secrets!

Interesting! I wouldn't have thought to put them in a mimosa. :)

Me neither. Super creative!

Very high praise.
Most times I'm "I've done it, so let's try something new."

And yet... I do get a Dole whip every trip. Not the same category (or cost) but... what the heck! If you love it that much, you go, girl!

I like a good mix of new and tried.
Heh, I'll keep writing as my readership dwindles. Glad you'e sticking around. :)

Oh, pfffttt... I saw what @Jenny Sanders wrote.


My geriatric memory is like a steel trap.

with a sieve underneath.

As for my trip reporting. Um, er..... Tate tells great stories?


John Nash is a great listener.

Oohhh... nice one.

HEY! We met on common ground! I like that!


(Whether it will happen again or not... :confused3)

I feel there should be a horse riding in the desert somewhere in this update now.

'Cause there ain't no one for to give you no pain?

Name can be generous with that anytime!


More smiling, animation than when the camera was not there.

Ah! Okay, got it. :)

I expect crystal bowls to soak my feet in. Apparently that's all the rage. :laughing:

:laughing: You'll have to hit up Tracy for that. It's hers, not mine.

Probably. That's how I roll.

This I know.

I didn't wander over as $15 was a bit out of my willingness-to-spend range. It's quite possible that those were an option.

Bet they weren’t. ;)

Eat lamb often?

No. But it’s not the lamb, it’s the sauce that didn’t really appeal.

I"m finding that Disney has so much more to offer... trying to find the "other" side of Disney.


I thought you might like that given all your talk of Bennies on your threads.


Pure dumb luck.

Nope. Not buying that.



So that's a bottle each (that I saw).


Shush! You're giving away all my secrets!


I like a good mix of new and tried.

Me too! :)
Still here and reading but have not had much time to comment. Just wanted to let you know I was still around. I think you were sitting where we did at California Grill.


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