Three Cheers for Minnie Ears: A March 2019 Trip Report *Updated 7/15*



I think I musta shot 1/2 my soda thru my nose from laughing so much !:rotfl:

Cute TR - Luved the pics -:thumbsup2:thumbsup2
You are also giving me a few excellent ideas on how to plus my adventure when I head out to WDW n Oct -

Wow - so many great character meets! I LOVE that they added Kevin! I hope she's still around when I get a chance to visit next year!

Another wow to the FOP additional FP - I understand why you passed (and it was likely the right choice), but darn it! :sad2: Hopefully you can make up for it during your after hours event!
I’m loving your trip report. My family is doing a split stay between AKL, Kidani Village and Pop Century in August.
My sister also chose to wear shorts and not pack a jacket. Would we regret these snap decisions? Spoiler alert: kind of.

Yeah, it was chilly that day We did pants and rain jackets and were still cold.

It was definitely fun- but the raindrops kinda hurt when you’re going so fast! Even in such a light rain, we got fairly damp. But, it was worth it!

Even just a little rain can be super painful on a rollercoaster. My whole crew is squinting in our rainy SDD ride photo .

You have a lot of self control walking away from the same day FoP! I think I'd have screwed up my evening to stay for it
Wow! I don't know if I could have passed up that FOP FP! You must have really been cold :rotfl:

The food at Satuli looks so good, it is definitely on my list for our August trip!

I love all your M&G's - those dino chipmunks sure are adorable!

Turning down that FP was SO hard, but I didn't think we'd survive After Hours without a break! Plus we were both freezing lol. Satuli is amazing- you'll love it!

That stinks that it was so cold! But you guys were troopers and it sounds like a fun day. Love all the character pics!

It definitely was a lot of fun, even with the cold!

Haha I've definitely been in that boat before. Thinking you'll be fine and then you end up freezing the whole time! It was probably a good move to head back to the resort to warm up at least!

Lol it's the worst when you under/over dress for the weather. Thankfully we had enough time to take a resort break.

You just made my mind up on including Satuli Canteen - thanks.

Yay! I bet you'll love it. The food is so unique for Disney and so good.



I think I musta shot 1/2 my soda thru my nose from laughing so much !:rotfl:

Cute TR - Luved the pics -:thumbsup2:thumbsup2
You are also giving me a few excellent ideas on how to plus my adventure when I head out to WDW n Oct -


Hahaha, always glad to give people a good laugh :P I hope you have an amazing time on your trip in October!!

Wow - so many great character meets! I LOVE that they added Kevin! I hope she's still around when I get a chance to visit next year!

Another wow to the FOP additional FP - I understand why you passed (and it was likely the right choice), but darn it! :sad2: Hopefully you can make up for it during your after hours event!

Kevin is so fun. She's very popular, so I bet they'll keep her around! As much as I wanted to grab the FP we had After Hours plus another AK day planned later in the week, so I knew we'd have other chances. It was hard to pass up though!

I’m loving your trip report. My family is doing a split stay between AKL, Kidani Village and Pop Century in August.

So fun! I really want to stay at AKL someday.

Yeah, it was chilly that day We did pants and rain jackets and were still cold.

You have a lot of self control walking away from the same day FoP! I think I'd have screwed up my evening to stay for it

I really underestimated how cold it was going to be. But, I'd rather be chilly at Disney than hot. I'm so used to going in the summer, having to bundle up felt weird, but a good weird.

It took all my willpower to pass that FOP FP up, and I really wanted to just say "screw the break" and stay in the park until After Hours. But we probably would've frozen to death without our jackets lol. Luckily I was able to grab another same day FP for FOP on our second AK day.
Day 3, Part 2: Everest, Everest, and More Everest
After painfully waving goodbye to the same-day FOP FP, we took some tree of life pics on the way out of the park.


And a little bit of magic:


Soon enough we were back at Pop and ready to rest our chilly chilly bodies.


After lounging around for a while, we got dressed for the night and hit Everything Pop for a quick dinner. It was the first of several dinners we had there- and all were pretty good. I think I got a burger this time, and it was good. The food court wasn’t busy either, which was nice. Sure, it gives me school cafeteria vibes, but that’s kind of fun in small doses.

After dinner, we got a bus back over to Animal Kingdom. The plan was to start the evening with Rivers of Light- I grabbed us Fastpasses to make sure we didn't have to fight for a spot. We marked the beginning of our first of three After Hours events with some fun photopass pics at the entrance:



As you can see, we learned from the mistakes of the morning and bundled up.

Then, we went to get our wristbands. And our flyers!


This was the only After Hours event that actually had flyers. I was bummed! I wanted them all as souvenirs.

Speaking of After Hours, I think I should explain how we ended up doing all three. This wasn't by design. I laid out our park days long before I even knew After Hours existed. Then, sometime around October, when they announced the next round of dates for the MK After Hours, I went back and forth about booking it. On the one hand, we had 7 park days, and therefore ample time to see/do everything. On the other, tales of the Mardi Gras crowds were already starting to worry me, and I wanted to make sure we didn't have to spend a ton of time in line during the day in order to actually ride anything. Plus, all of my WDW trips end up being "go big or go home", since i never know when I'll be back. Who knows where After Hours will be in a few years? So, I decided to book MK After Hours for March 7.

Fast Forward to late December, when I'm back in the Disney planning frenzy in anticipation of our FP day on January 1. That's when I found out about After Hours at AK and HS. At first, neither appealed to me. But, the more I thought about it, the better it sounded. After booking our FPs I went back and looked at the dates, and saw that the AK After Hours coincided with that i had just locked in as our AK day. Hence why we ended up doubling up. But, all things considered, I think the scheduling worked out well since we got a full day to night experience at my favorite park.

With two After Hours events booked, I told myself I was done. But.... I also have very little self control. I convinced myself to buy the HS tickets a few day later, because why not? So, that's how our After Hours trifecta came to be.

Alright, now back to the report :)

We had some time before Rivers of Light started, but not enough time to ride anything, since the lines were rather long. So, we just took some time to enjoy the atmosphere.

We watched the monkeys:


This guy was swinging around and doing cool stuff... But of course he didn't do it for a picture.

Then, we watched Everest trains go by:


Then, it was time to take our seats. Well, more like, it was the earliest possible moment that our Fastpass started. Despite not wanting to sit around and wait for the show, we ended up doing just that. Oh well.


Rivers of Light is… a show. That exists. It’s not bad, but it’s not great. I understand they can’t do a big fireworks number at AK, but I think they could’ve still done more with what they had. Plus, removing the live performer in the boat really took away from the already meh experience. But, we can say that we did it. Side note: I wrote this before they announced the new version of Rivers of Light. I'm really interested in seeing what they do with it, and I 100% agree with their decision to retool it.

After the show, we made a mad dash for another ride on Everest- no FP needed, since most everyone was leaving the park.


After, we decided to start with Dinosaur and then circle back around. On the way, we passed the Dinoland dance party, which was cute. One dinosaur chipmunk was there and so was Pluto. We continued on, only to find that we couldn’t get on Dinosaur until the event officially began. So, I get why they have to do that, but it’s a bit annoying to have a limbo period where you can’t get on some rides but you’re already there for the event. But whatever. We decided to go meet Mickey and Minnie instead…. And we couldn’t get in that line either. So we stood there until they let us in around 8. I was a little bit annoyed at this point. At least we didn’t have to wait until 8:30.



These two are always a good time. They noticed that our ears have animal patterns and mined out different animals for us to guess.
Since it still wasn't 8:30 yet, we killed some time with more tree of life pics.

Then we headed over to Dinosaur, where they were letting people get in line. We ended up waiting around 15-20 minutes, which is far longer than I felt we should’ve at an event where time is literally money. Someone in the AK After Hours thread said there was a ride problem that slowed everything down. Whatever the case, we got on eventually. Thankfully, it was one of just two substantial waits we had all night.

Between the awkward 8-8:30 limbo period and the unexpected long wait at Dinosaur, I was more than a little annoyed at this point. But, I tried to put that aside and enjoy the rest of the night.

We headed back into Dinoland and decided we wanted snacks. But the line was long, so we rode triceratops spin twice while we waited for it to dissipate.

We then stopped for our first snacks of the night. We eventually stopped at all 3 snack counters and made sure that we tried everything. Soda, popcorn, and all the ice cream. After all, we paid for it!

We sat for a moment to enjoy our snacks before heading for Everest. We marked the occasion with a sleepy ride pose:


We paused for another snack break before heading back onto the ride.

There was NOBODY in line. They let us pick our row and everything. It felt surreal! This experience alone felt worth the money.

For some reason, I don't have the ride photo from this time around. But that doesn't really matter, since we turned right around and rode again:


We didn't plan this with the people behind us- they just happened to do a similar pose! I love it!

Annnddd we rode again:


We tried to make a heart, but we were laughing so hard that it didn't really work out.

We rode one more time for good measure:


We ran out of photo ideas :rotfl:
If you lost count, that’s 5 rides on Everest total. We could’ve done more, but my stomach was starting to rebel after so much popcorn, ice cream, and g forces. We never waited more than 5 minutes max. For this fact alone, the event was 100% worth it. This whole section of the evening really turned my mood around after a not so smooth start with Dinosaur.

Because we’re gluttons, we went to get more snacks. The cast member asked if we’d been over to Pandora yet, and we said no. She told us she heard the wait for FOP was only 20 minutes. I crossed my fingers that she was right, and we made our way over there, stopping to watch a tree of life awakening on the way.

As always, Pandora was gorgeous at night. I didn’t take any pics though, so use your imagination. We walked on to River Journey, and then got in line for FOP. Much to my surprise, the cast member was right- I timed it, and we got in line right at 10:28 and walked out of the link chamber at 10:54. Much better than I expected! For those attending After Hours in the future, definitely save Pandora for your last destination. It’s tempting to go earlier, but we got there at exactly the right time! Let the masses filter out and then enjoy the nearly-empty land for yourself.

Also, this was a sold-out event, but the park still felt empty. So don’t let that worry you! I notice a lot of hyperbole in the way people describe these events, and the parks in general, when it comes to crowds. This park felt EMPTY but I still saw reviews that said it felt super crowded. I don't consider occasionally seeing a group of people to be crowded. All 3 of the After Hours events we attended were sold out, and none felt anywhere NEAR what I would consider crowded in any sense of the word.

Also, fun fact, Josh from EasyWDW was in attendance the same night- I doubt we crossed paths, and if we did I wouldn't have known, but I still felt starstruck knowing he was there, because I read his site all the time!

I don’t remember if we rode River Journey again or just roamed around to enjoy the atmosphere- either way, at some point we got more snacks and said goodbye to After Hours.

All in all, this event was so, SO worth it. I’m so glad we did it. The park felt emptier than empty, we barely saw other people. Getting to ride Everest 4 times in a row with basically no wait was amazing and getting to ride FOP with a less than 20 minute wait was even more amazing! Plus, Animal Kingdom is so amazing at night. It feels so relaxed in a way that the other parks don’t. Our snafu with the Dinosaur wait had me nervous about what the rest of the night would hold, but it was everything I wanted and more.

Touring Plans says that AK was a 7 this day, and that seems about right. The park was busy but not super crowded. Actually, looking back, I don't remember thinking it felt crowded at all. The weather might've had something to do with that. From the chilly start to the late night finish, it was a great day.

I don’t remember if it took us long to get a bus back to Pop- probably did. Once we got back, we both passed out pretty much immediately. Thankfully, our next day was a “rest” day- in quotations because we still went to MK, but we went in the late morning and didn’t stay all day. I'’ll pick up with that next time. Thanks for reading!

Side note, but Disney related update: the hypothetical Disneyland trip my friends and I knocked around is a go! We'll be there June 20-23. This is the first time I've ever done two Disney parks in the same year! It'll be hot, it'll be crowded, it'll be FUN! Fingers crossed I can get a Galaxy's Edge reservation on the 2nd- send some pixie dust my way. :wizard:
We did HS after hours in January. Definitely was worth it. We rode SDD and TSM several times. It was a little late for the grandboys 5 & 4. But they were troopers and kept going!!!
I wish these after hours events would've been around when my sister and I used to travel together - we would've LOVED them! (I think they'd just started the early morning entry event around our 2015 trip, but I don't think the late-night version existed yet.) I laughed about you adding all three and think I likely would've had the same process! :laughing:

It's too bad your evening started out bumpy, but I'm glad you made up for it with plenty of good rides. It's so much fun to go on Everest multiple times in a row! Also, hooray for a ride on FOP after giving up the FP+ hours before! It sounds like you had a great evening!
Sounds like a fun time at the After hours! You can't beat multiple rides on EE plus a short wait for FoP!!
That's the way to do after hours: all the snacks and Everest rides!

If you lost count, that’s 5 rides on Everest total.

That's awesome. I can see why you needed a break, though. All of those rides back to back, especially with no need to wait in between, must have been a lot on your body.

Also, fun fact, Josh from EasyWDW was in attendance the same night- I doubt we crossed paths, and if we did I wouldn't have known, but I still felt starstruck knowing he was there, because I read his site all the time!

I know that feeling! He posted a video of people doing the wave while waiting to see Fantasmic and I was like, "That was our night! We were in that wave!"
We did HS after hours in January. Definitely was worth it. We rode SDD and TSM several times. It was a little late for the grandboys 5 & 4. But they were troopers and kept going!!!

So fun! Our HS after hours was tons of fun too. So worth it to ride big ticket attractions multiple times in a row when during the day you'd spend hours upon hours in line for them.

I wish these after hours events would've been around when my sister and I used to travel together - we would've LOVED them! (I think they'd just started the early morning entry event around our 2015 trip, but I don't think the late-night version existed yet.) I laughed about you adding all three and think I likely would've had the same process! :laughing:

It's too bad your evening started out bumpy, but I'm glad you made up for it with plenty of good rides. It's so much fun to go on Everest multiple times in a row! Also, hooray for a ride on FOP after giving up the FP+ hours before! It sounds like you had a great evening!

It was a great evening- honestly I think it was my favorite of all 3 After Hours events, even given the bumpy start.

Sounds like a fun time at the After hours! You can't beat multiple rides on EE plus a short wait for FoP!!

Yup! It was the best! Especially since Everest and FOP are two of my favorite WDW rides.

That's awesome. I can see why you needed a break, though. All of those rides back to back, especially with no need to wait in between, must have been a lot on your body.

Lol on our last ride, right when you go backwards in the cave and hit the sharp turn that always makes me think I'm going upside down even though I know I'm not,I had a sudden "oh yeah, I can't do this anymore" feeling. It was definitely a lot to handle. If my stomach hadn't been full of popcorn and ice cream I might've been able to go ONE more time.

I know that feeling! He posted a video of people doing the wave while waiting to see Fantasmic and I was like, "That was our night! We were in that wave!"

Lmao, I love things like that. Even if there's a ton of other people in the park that day it's so fun knowing that I was there at the same time as a Disney blogger/vlogger/etc that I like.
Enjoying your trip report! Especially the details on the After Hours. I haven't done that yet. I've been traveling with my sister too! It's a lot of fun because we just do whatever we want and we always agree on what we are doing.
Superlative trip choices. :)

Thank you!

Joining in! Sister Disney trips are great!

Yay! I agree, they're the best!

Enjoying your trip report! Especially the details on the After Hours. I haven't done that yet. I've been traveling with my sister too! It's a lot of fun because we just do whatever we want and we always agree on what we are doing.

Glad you're enjoying it! i love traveling with my sister for the same reason. Disney is so much more fun when you can do whatever and see whatever without having to please a bunch of people!
Disney life updates! After much anxious waiting and browser window babysitting, I managed to secure Galaxy's Edge reservations for my friends and I on our trip next month! I'm super excited. This is the first time in my life I've been to both Disney parks in one year! It's so interesting to shift from a WDW mindset to a Disneyland mindset. But having another trip to plan is helping the post-trip blues I still feel about this one! Speaking of, back to the report :)
Day 4, Part 1: Our "Rest" Day

One of the best parts of having a week long vacation was that it worked out perfectly for us to have a "rest day" right in the middle. I put that in quotations because we didn't quite rest all day, but we definitely slept in. I had us scheduled for a 11:50 lunch at Liberty Tree Tavern, and then from there the general plan was to spend the afternoon at Magic Kingdom and potentially call it an early night. I had this plan in place before I found out that Disney After Hours was a thing, and that there was one at Magic Kingdom on the 7th, aka the very next day. But, having shuffled through the other 3 parks in the previous days, I still thought it made sense to head back to Magic Kingdom on our "rest day". In a way, knowing that we had After Hours to look forward to helped us move at an overall slower pace (after our whirlwind first day, of course). This was true of the other two parks with After Hours as well. No need to rush around during the day when you know you'll have the opportunity to ride everything with little to no wait later in the week!​

It was nice to get a little more sleep. I'm not the type of person who can do a bunch of early mornings in a row, and coming off our late night at AK After Hours the extra snooze time was MUCH appreciated. We moseyed on over to MK around 11.

As you can see, we weren't the only ones getting a late start. The line wasn't too bad though.


We caught the tail end of the dance party and were once again audibly assaulted by the "get your ears on" song. I kid- it's a cute song. But wow, it's an earworm like nobody's business.


The park already seemed more crowded than it had earlier in the week. But, the weather was so nice! Sunny and bright but without being too warm. It was comfortable light jacket weather- perfect for a leisurely day in the park. I find that I don't mind crowds as much when the weather's nice. It's the heat that makes them unbearable. In most cases. As you'll see later, we were pushed to our crowd comfort limit throughout this day.

Even though we were a bit early for our ADR, we headed right to Liberty Tree Tavern and checked in. To my surprise, we were seated pretty much right after we sat down to wait! I love how they announce you with which colony/territory you're from. Although the host mistakenly said we were from Alabama instead of Arizona. That's quite the difference!

I was excited to try this place for the themeing and because my sister LOVES chowder.


The meal was off to a good start immediately- the bread was so good!! In the background you can see my sister enjoying her chowder. She said it was the best she's ever had!

We both had the bacon cheeseburgers as our entree, and we both thought they were very good. Overall, it was a very enjoyable lunch in a super fun setting. I liked hearing the host call new families over, and getting to hear where everyone was from. And it didn't break the bank too much, which is always nice. I would definitely have lunch here again! I think it's my favorite of all the places I've eaten at MK.

During lunch I was monitoring a few ride downtimes- first was mine train, which was set to be our first FP around 1. Then there was Space, which was to be our 3rd FP. Mine train fortunately came back online by the time we were done with lunch. Unfortunately, I got the "here's your anytime FP" email about Space not long after. For any other ride, I would've been fine with that, and would've said "ok, great, let's use this anytime FP on Space Mountain".... But, obviously that wasn't an option this time around. So we crossed our fingers that it would come back online shortly after we used our other two FPs.

I gave us a pretty generous buffer between our ADR and our first FP. Since we were seated early, and ate pretty quickly, we ended up with at least an hour gap. But, no matter- we saw crowds starting to gather for the next street parade and decided to check it out, fully understanding that we'd once again be powerless to get the "put your ears on" song out of our heads.

I didn't take many pics, but here ya go:


Since we had only seen the floats heading back down main street, we didn't realize how involved the whole thing was. It was a whole party! Which I suppose I should've known from the name, but still.

We were right in front of a stilt guy who looked at us and yelled "you're not dancing!". Like uh sorry buddy I don't dance in the streets.... At least not when I'm sober. We kind of bopped around to avoid getting yelled at after that lol.

Once that was said and done, we scooted over a little and had nearly front row spots to watch Mickey's royal friendship faire, which we hadn't seen before.

The show was cute, but there was one thing that bothered me:


Elsa’s wig was TERRIBLE! It was less “Disney princess” and more “Cheap Party City costume”. Since Frozen is so popular, I’m surprised Disney didn’t bother to throw a little more money towards her costume.
After the show, it was time for our Mine Train FP. And our ride photo was… Something.


Imagine waiting 90 minutes to ride and getting this as your memento. I’d be pretty annoyed. In fairness, the second photo was slightly less bad.


With Space Mountain still down, we had hours before our next FP on Big Thunder. The park was pretty crowded, so we had no desire to wait in long standby lines for other rides. And, with our anytime FP earmarked for Space, we couldn't go on the hunt for anything else. It was nearly two, so we decided to walk around and see what we could see before trying to find a spot for the parade.

We didn’t wander long before we came across The Fairy Godmother!


She was a ton of fun- we’re not usually that fond of face characters but she was great! We told her we were planning to go get dole whips and she was so excited and told us “that’s a beautiful idea princess”.
And she gave us a “business card”. Such a cute touch!


On a dole whip mission, we headed over to Adventureland by way of Liberty Square. On the way, we spotted a brave cast member doing what I consider to be one of the worst jobs at Disney:

Oof. As you can tell, she’s backed up a little way. I always feel so bad for these CMs because I’m sure they get some nasty comments and complaints when the lines get that crazy. But it’s not their fault! This was our first line sign holder encounter of the trip, but it wouldn’t be the last.

Even with the park being crowded, the line for dole whips wasn’t bad. We enjoyed our chilly treats in a shaded spot and then decided to go find a parade spot. Although I usually hate to sit and wait for a show or parade to start, since this was our slow-paced day it felt right.
We were able to get spots near the front and right at the beginning of the route.



So glad Maleficent is back in prime fire-breathing form!
I wasn’t a big fan of being so close to where the parade started, honestly. I wish we were a little further down. I felt like we didn’t get to see the floats as long, and part of the fun of a parade for me is being able to look down and “spoil” what float is coming next. But when everything starts right in front of you, you can’t really do that. But, the parade was great as usual, and being so close to the start made it easy to disperse once it was over.

After the parade, I figured since we were a stone’s throw away from Big Thunder that I would try and modify our FP so we could ride sooner. I didn’t want to use our anytime FP on it, as you may recall, because I was dedicated to using it where it was originally intended- on Space Mountain. So we posted up against the fence and I got to refreshing.

We were far from the only ones looking to take a turn on the wildest ride in the wilderness.
After refreshing for a little bit, I gave up because it wasn’t budging. We decided to kill the rest of the time doing what we do best- wandering around and taking photopass pics.

On our way back to the hub, we encountered what can only be described as “a looming mass of humanity”.​

Thankfully it looked worse than it actually was, and we were able to weave through the people just fine.

When we reached the hub, we kept our eyes out for any fun pictures. These ones ended up being some of my favorites.


I love the frame props!

We circled around and got some side castle pics:


And then some front ones thrown in for good measure:



Then, it was time to head back to frontierland. And on the way, we encountered the WORST crowd moment of the entire trip, and quite possibly my worst crowd experience at a Disney park ever!
Pirates of the Caribbean had just gone down, creating an awful bottleneck.


It was a literal sea of humanity, except unlike the sea there was no flow or movement. Everyone was slowly meandering and trying to get through. It was awful! We ended up following a woman who cleared a path with her stroller. But it still took us forever to get through. This wall to wall insanity is what I imagine Christmas is like, and it’s why I never use terms like “extremely crowded” lightly. THIS was extremely crowded, but thankfully it was the only time we experienced something like it. Still, it's the stuff of nightmares!
When we finally reached the end of the bottleneck and could finally breathe, we were greeted by only the slightest reprieve.


While this may appear to simply be picture of a crowd, look closely. In the distance, you’ll see a sign. It’s a fastpass sign. For Big Thunder Mountain. Which, as you may know, is not exactly located in this area. Which we were going to ride. So yes, we were walking towards that sign.
Where does the line begin, and where does it end? The answer to both of these questions is, “it doesn’t”.
It took us about 25 minutes to work out way up to the ride- not terrible and not nearly as bad as it looked. But I do feel for anyone in standby during this time. I think I recall hearing the “your wait may be longer than expected” spiel a few times as we worked through the queue.

Once we got off the ride, we got good news: Space Mountain was FINALLY back online! It was nearly 5pm at this point, so it was down for most of the afternoon. Excited to finally blast off, we booked it over to Tomorrowland.

I'll pick up next time with the rest of our very crowded, but very fun, rest day.​

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Ooof! What a crowd! :eek: It reminds me of the crowd my sister and I encountered back in 2015 when we arrived at MK right after the fireworks (we were on a boat from FW). The monorail was down so the hoardes of people were EVERYWHERE and confused on where to go without the monorail. It was also a lot of shuffling and slow-moving... and in the dark! I agree - it is not fun at all.

Other than that, it sounds like you enjoyed your low-key afternoon at MK! Liberty Tree Tavern is a favorite of mine - it's always so tasty. Their burgers are excellent!
Sounds like a nice time at MK! But ugh those crowds don't look fun, especially waiting that long for your BTMRR FP! Love all the PP pics though!
The park already seemed more crowded than it had earlier in the week.

Agreed. The crowds at MK were really rough this day.

It was comfortable light jacket weather- perfect for a leisurely day in the park.

We had a PPO at BoG and that was chilly! You picked a smart day to let things warm up before you headed into the park.

But, no matter- we saw crowds starting to gather for the next street parade and decided to check it out, fully understanding that we'd once again be powerless to get the "put your ears on" song out of our heads.

We were at the hub dancingfor that exact parade :-)

Imagine waiting 90 minutes to ride and getting this as your memento. I’d be pretty annoyed. In fairness, the second photo was slightly less bad.

I feel like my photos here always have one crappy and one good. Maybe it's a sun angle thing, only one will ever be well lit at a time?

I love your photopass pics. What a great way to pass the time.

It's weird, we rode space at about 1:15 and 2:30 on this day. Maybe it was going up and down?


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