Lunch with co workers or other groups

We don't have enough time to eat elsewhere for lunch, but we do all take lunch at the same time so yes, I'm always sitting at a table with my coworkers. Every once in a while we'll all go out to our go-to bar after work. I work with a pretty small group of people so even our boss joins us. It helps that I consider most of my coworkers my friends as well, and we often have group nights out, game nights, house parties etc. I feel very lucky!
I'm a school librarian. Two of my fellow teachers come down and we eat in the Library. We used to eat in the lounge, but we decided we preferred to eat in the Library so we could vent more freely about things :-)
Well no but I work in a building by myself, lol.
Years ago when I did work with a large company & my department all had the same lunch hour, a few of us would go out for lunch maybe once a month or so.
I'm a school librarian. Two of my fellow teachers come down and we eat in the Library. We used to eat in the lounge, but we decided we preferred to eat in the Library so we could vent more freely about things :-)

Smart cookie I am forever thankful my new volunteer position is half day do my job go home eat lunch relax a little and hit the gym for evening classes
I’ve only ever had one job where the employees actually took breaks for lunch. It was a retail job and I worked there at a stage of my life where I essentially couldn’t afford food, but we were required to clock out for lunch every day so no one went over 37.5 hours a week. Breaks were staggered, so no one was eating together, and I would just sit in a back room somewhere and wait it out.

Beyond that, the jobs I’ve had have been the kind where people were usually just shoving bites of food in their faces while on their feet, if they got a chance to eat at all while on shift.

Now I’m a SAHM and my DH works from home, so we all eat lunch and dinner together every day.
I do when it's like a work event but almost never if it's just a group going on our own. I prefer to take my lunch for myself.
No I do not hang out with co workers, I did not like out of town ones either. We had to go to Reno, and I sat at the end of the table . When we returned I had the HR call me and ask me if I heard a conversation. I was so grateful to have been sitting at the end so I did not hear anything. I did not like getting involved. And it happened in a meeting once, just so much drama. I was made to do things I did not want to do.
I prefer to eat my lunch alone. My job is crazy busy and overstimulating, and I just need that 20 minutes to not interact with anyone and hit reset.
I only go into an office one day a week, and I have lunch with my two work BFF's on that day so we can catch up on our lives since we don't see each other any other time. Most weeks, another coworker who recently left our group to work for the division that houses us that one day per week, will join us. It's a fun group and something we all look forward to since we are essentially isolated from everyone/everything the rest of the week.

When we *were* all in an office together every day, and there was a food court on the 1st floor, we would go together to get food, then bring it back and eat at our desks for the most part. That building was huge and was a pain to leave (10th floor, long walk to the lobby, then even longer walk to the parking deck, then a 5-10 min minimum drive to wherever you wanted to go) so we didn't really leave unless we had to. But we are a busy group and don't usually have time for lunch, so most of the time I would just work and eat. I had enough interaction with these people at the time and wanted to be left alone at lunchtime lol Now I miss seeing them everyday!

My whole team - at least the ones who live in this state and come in once a week, will go out to lunch or dinner together once every few months. My boss is very outgoing and "mom"-ish, so she is very good about treating us like family. It's a nice, comfortable atmosphere, and we usually have a good time.
Only when it's a work event, typically 2-4 times a month. Maybe once a month on a Friday we'll all order take-out and eat together. There are only 5 full time and 1 part time employee here and we can't all be gone at the same time. I typically eat at my desk or run errands. Occasionally I'll meet my sister or a non-work friends for lunch.
We used to do birthday meals at work for the office ladies but when we grew to more than five we stopped. I do have a monthly dinner with teammates from a roller derby league I used to play for; none of us play anymore but we have been meeting for our monthly dinners for about five years now.
I've spent my adult life working in offices where the group occasionally goes out to eat, but most eat in their office. What we usually see are clicks that go out together, this can be frustrating at times. I think the last time that I went with the group was about a year ago. I do miss lunch with my old colleagues.

Lunch time is my time. I have four kids at home, so my lunch hour is me time. I can take a nap or watch something on my ipad. Occasionally I run errands.
I'm a school librarian. Two of my fellow teachers come down and we eat in the Library. We used to eat in the lounge, but we decided we preferred to eat in the Library so we could vent more freely about things :-)
That seems weird to me. Is the library closed at that time? Is it routinely used for eating? Are the students permitted to eat in there? :upsidedow
That seems weird to me. Is the library closed at that time? Is it routinely used for eating? Are the students permitted to eat in there? :upsidedow

It’s just us in there. It’s an elementary school, so kids only come to the Library with their class.

The kids eat with their class in the cafeteria.
Do you break bread with them ?, not me, I would always try to get out of it, I dont know why,my personality would be to go to all of them, but I ducked out.

I do have a small group of friends, we get together for breakfast once a month or so. worked with them forever, and we in a fantasy basketball league together, every time i organize it, I text out in the group text, her nerds, lets do a nerd breakfast, I think its best we know who we are

Not now, but at a place where I used to work a bunch of us co-workers would go out to lunch 2-3 days/week and also do a Friday happy hour most Fridays. We were a younger crowd and it built morale in that group.

Where I work now the younger employees will do that, but I'm a supervisor so I just eat on my own. Which suits me anyway, because I prefer to brown bag it and just eat at my desk.

Our office does do a monthly birthday breakfast pot luck so we all get together at least once/month.
We have a nice staff room and about 25 employees. I eat there and socialize with whoever happens to be in there when I am.

On occasion a random coworker or two or three and I may eat out.
I used to go out to eat with co-workers a fair amount. Now that I manage the same people, I tend to shy away from going out to lunch with them very often. Too many times, they would just complain about other co-workers (who I also managed) and it just got uncomfortable for me.


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