Something About Nothing ... #12

And just like that tomorrow is Monday! Ah well slept in til 8. Coffee still hot. Definitely a bit warmer this am than past few days.
And just checked rates for HHN trip-and Royal pacific price dropped, like a lot???? Say what?? Grabbed the room, so now need to decide if keeping RPR or try a new to me place at SF...Will keep both for a bit to decide.

Charade that is scary-had that happen to me once a few years ago on way to MiL at the lake-fortunately I knew where the police station was in the next town and headed there-they pulled in too and but kept going when they saw me on the phone, and looking right at them then writing their license number down. I wasn't scared but really PO'd as they'd been tailgating then passing and slamming on breaks on the highway (just a 2 lane). The cops probably didn't bother to do much other than listen to me, and I didn't see them again.

ugh time to get moving-things to do!
Scary, Charade. That is what I told little one to do, go to a police station or some place with lots of people and report.

Ah, lovely in the shade with a breeze.
Charade glad you survived the neighbours!

Keishashadow yikes can’t imagine hairdresser didn’t know she was cutting your top. Do you still go to her? I don’t go to the hairdresser that spilled twice on my. Once, eh, maybe a mistake. Twice=careless! So I go to one person for haircut and another salon for colour!
Love that bangs = Botox lol!
Great Wolf is definitely not walking distance! We pass it on the way in to our place. I never took much notice on how long it took from passing GWL to our place. Personally I prefer to be walking distance from the park.
Too bad we’ll miss with our trip dates.

Monykalyn yup mugs seem a popular suvie! My morning coffee today is in Donald Duck mug lol. I’m so sad a few months ago I broke my Seaworld mug. Another fav is my Hawaii Starbucks mug before they went to the “you are here” style mugs. I don’t like that shape. More like a soup mug, that’s what I use mine for. I have a MK one.
Yes! Ply DH with beer, wine, he won’t know what hit him lol! Book those flights! Sounds like France trip is coming together.

Robo. sounds like some of my nights! But today managed to sleep till 5! Hope you got back to sleep.
Love the cartoons, I’d trick or treat for bacon!

Schumi enjoy your quiet day!

Poohls I need to make my pre trip mani pedi appt. Daughter wants to go to White Rock beach which is about a 45 min drive away, near the US border. her plan is to enjoy a.m. beach time, go to sidewalk cafe for lunch then go for mani pedi. Our fav mani-pedi person near us left a month ago to open up her own salon there. So we may do that, I’d like to see her new place.

Lynne enjoy your Shopping day in the AC!

Charade that is very scary. I’ve thought about that kind of scenario and what to do, and discussed it with my daughter who drives. Thanks for the reminder, it is good to remind them. I told her never to drive home, to drive to the closest police Dept. And of course to call 911. My oldest doesn’t drive and takes the bus. Once she was followed off the bus. Thankfully she ran into a friend from school. I’ll have to go thru the what if’s with her too. It’s a scary world we live in.

Getting ready to start breakfast! It’s oldest DD’s birthday. No church today. She wants to go to the beach with me. We have a beautiful lake in the forest with a nice beach area not 15 min drive away so will go there after breakfast. I need to be back by noonish to get ready for tonight. I think people will start coming at 5.
Beautiful sunny day out.
Happy birthday to your DD Sue...….hope it`s a lovely day.....sounds like it will be......

Charade yes, that's a scary thought we all have when our kids start venturing out on their own…..male and female. So many things to worry about......not just driving with idiots on the road. Common sense hopefully will prevail in a situation like that......

Monyk…..nice choice to have!!! No bad choice there.....have a great day....

Keisha hope your day of celebrations is going well....have fun!!!

mac....hope you`re doing ok........... :wave2:

It`s gone so damp here......warm though which is weird, foggy but hot....well, not hot but mild…...sea is very still, but trees around us are swaying slightly.....

Making sausage casserole tonight......strangely a winter warmer of a dish which is appropriate now as the fog rolls in...

Pleased with German GP result today....our guy came from way back in 20th after a disastrous qualifying to come 2nd. Good race......

And looking after friends puppy this afternoon......change of plans for both of I have a beautiful white lab at my feet as I type...….she is gorgeous!!! But, dog for us!!!!

Happy Sunday all...…..
Happy birthday to Keisha’s boy’s.



Happy Birthday to Sues daughter


Mom isn't driving yet after she broke her thumb.

Poohls hope your moms thumb is healing well.

I’m now offering a 56 year old human male in addition to the cat. I’m in the middle of cleaning when he asks me when I am going to the grocery store.


The tea was really nice and a lot more food than I was expecting

Nice pic of tea party items.

I always scrub the carpets. The mr refused to let me & manned the scrubber, saying i was still recouperating with my stitches looking a mite wonky

Mr. Keisha is a keeper......I thought you were supposed to be couch surfing. Take it easy.

Yeah I was told "no more mugs" too

Mugs are a easy travel gift to buy......I do like my HHN mug from 2017. It’s my go to mug in the morning. Haven’t used my Stranger Things one yet.

..I have lots of cabinet space.....that`s my argument and I`ll stick to it!!!


Robo...….hope you got back to sleep this morning.....although you can be quite productive surprisingly during the night when you can`t sleep..... ::yes::

Thanks Schumi....I did get back to sleep for about 3 1/2 hours and then got up in time for early church. Yep...early morning is a really good time to catch up on things.

Hope you and family will get better rest now that weather is calming down some for you.

Robo, oh no, hate that with a can’t get back to sleep night. Hope you finally did, and are still having dreams of happy things, sound asleep.

Thanks Lynne. Hope you and you kiddos are having a great time at carnival.

About halfway there a guy in truck started following her. He followed her all the way to Target. She was too scared to get out of the car, so she called her roommate and made arrangements to meet somewhere else, then she called 911.

Frightening situation. I’am so glad B is safe. Sadly we are living in a world were safety discussions with our children are must.

Robo. sounds like some of my nights! But today managed to sleep till 5! Hope you got back to sleep.
Love the cartoons, I’d trick or treat for bacon!

Thanks Sue. I love the Halloween cartoons. They keep me smiling.

I had the sweetest young couple that sat next to me in church this morning. They had a baby that looked to be about 5 months old and she was the cutest happiest baby. Great service today.

I named my doe who I have been feeding Olivia. She comes up to me when I’am in my backyard to let me know she wants corn. I have purposely not petted her as I’am afraid she will be killed by someone if she becomes to trustful.

It has been beautiful here today 86 degrees and nice SW wind.

We went out for lunch at our favorite Chinese restaurant. Food is always fresh and delicious there.

Made light dinner as lunch was pretty fillling.

Hope everyone is having a lovely restful Sunday.
Thank you all for DD’s birthday wishes. Keishashadow I must have missed your sons, Happy Birthday Wishes.

We wanted to go to the lake, got there at 10:30 and park rangers had baracades up, all the parking lots were full already. So we turned around and went to a small beach along the inlet, and spent a couple of hours there.
I had to get back home to get ready for tonight. And pick up the DQ cake!
It was a nice night. Everyone just left.

Robo, it’s always nice seeing deer. We occasionally see them here. But haven’t in awhile. Last summer when visiting a friend who’s on acreage in Princeton we routinely saw a doe hanging around. She was maybe 20 ft away from me napping in the shade. Once or twice she’d come thru the property with her 2 fawns.
Yes, hope Keisha’s double celebration went well yesterday.......I’m sure it was just lovely.......

Glad your daughters birthday went well Sue.......

Did have a good sleep last night........although there was no wind, the sea sounded rough so that is a lovely way to get to sleep listening to that......surprisingly soothing........but we had rain and fog during the night too, so not the nicest of mornings.......

But, off to top up our freezers this morning.......we are getting through that last lot fairly quickly........

No other plans today.....

But, it’s Monday...........have a good one..........
421084 yep, 421085 - ah, another work week starts.

And ooh, we have it warm here. No rain in sight yet, for us. A lovely 78 at 5;30am, and a light pink horizon was seen, which is now showing a perfect looking shining yellow sun just above the horizon. A sun soaking 90 degrees high temp today. And more humid, as the high weather system giving us those gloriously blue skies, was giving us a nary windy Northern wind. But that high is moving East, so that wonderful wetter Southern wind is coming in. Thus, by the time the High Weather goes, we get the rain with the hot, humid weather pattern from the Southern wind starting on Wednesday. So, for the next 2 days, we will enjoy that full sun and just hot enough, thankful for AC.

Keisha, hope the boys' birthday bash was a success. Hope you are recovering today. LOL

Sue, nice you were able to have some beach time, even if not the one intended. And so nice to host so many that helped your DD's birthday celebration until after the clock struck midnight. Hope you are having a good night's sleep.

Schumi, sounds nice to restock today, given the icky, wet overnight weather you are having. And fog, hey, are you getting ready for HHN? LOL

With that, tea is needed, and the sweater is almost ready to be removed from the chair. Almost too cool.

Have a marvelously wonderful Monday all. And hey, it's the last Monday in July. So that means, eat your cake. That's right, on 30 July, 421087 - and that's a yum from me.

Morning, everyone!

A very very happy birthday to Sue's daughter and to Keisha's sons!

It's a very Monday here.....I'm trapped waiting for the repair service to come look at the ice maker in our fridge. A time window of 8 to 5 is just ludicrous. Things like this just bug me to no end and it has me in a rotten me it just reeks of poor customer service. A day of accomplishing nothing outside the house when there are so many things I need to get done.

Saying goodbye to our nice weather comes the humidity with a bang. Ugh.

Absolutely no idea what I'm going to do for dinner shopping was one of the things I needed to get done today! LOL!

Hope everyone has a great.....survives Monday!! :-)
Up and ready early again today. Have a few extra minutes to post. Lazy day yesterday - went to church, took a nap, but did manage to finish my laundry.

Now little one is trying on clothes. Haha, DH asked if little one is getting ready for college, and did I get her a laptop yet. Yeah, and we have picked up quite a few things already.
I wish I could get B to get some new clothes. She hates shopping. She really needs new socks and underwear, but those are no fun. We really need to start college shopping. First day of school is just 3 weeks away,

I’m not a sewer, but like Monykalyn said, maybe it can be packed from the inside? They have that mending tape that you iron on from the inside. Worth a try, can’t make it worse!
I’ll look into that. I’m also going to call the zoo and see if they have any of the shirts left.

I’m not sure what we’re going to do. Was talked into staying @ great wolf.
I’m glad I didn’t know there was a Great Wolf nearby. B would have been asking to go there too.

Woke up at 2 am and couldn’t go back to sleep. So decided to read a little.
I do that far too often. I have started turning the TV on and watching old 80’s shows. Unfortunately, I often fall back asleep before I get to see how the show ends.

Charade, glad you enjoyed the tea......I`ve only ever had Darjeeling once...ironically in NYC.
They told me it was “the Queen’s tea”. It was good, but I will probably try a different tea the next time we go.

And just checked rates for HHN trip-and Royal pacific price dropped, like a lot????
Oh, I want to go back so bad. I wouldn’t do the HHN part, but I would love to go back to Universal and maybe meet some of y’all.

It’s oldest DD’s birthday.
Happy belated birthday.

Time to go to work and see what fun awaits me.
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:wave: everyone...Thank you for all the well wishes,it is much appreciated. I have had eczema for over 20 years, usually my hands or feet. I had read that when you get older it could shift to joints and eyes. I have been following my supplement and diet change pretty good. A few cheats here and there. I know now that I will always have to stay on this regiment with a little cheating here and there, if I want to keep it away.

I am so far behind but I tried to catch up the last couple of pages and peoples quoting has helped. It has been a slow but stressful week. I am still working on getting my eyes to feel better. It is coming along slowly. The sad part is this is my favorite season and the sun and heat really doesn't feel good on it. I did go to 6 flags on Saturday. We had plans for over a month to bring some friends of Liv's. I kept my sunglasses on and stayed in the shade. It seemed to help. Brian and I stayed off the rides and hung out. The teens had fun. They came back to my house for a bit after. Liv made a new friend. Her friend Dom's girlfriend came. It was our first time meeting her. Liv and her hit it off and she is looking forward to hanging with Liv. Liv was so excited.

This weekend is the New Jersey 6 flags trip with teens. I am hoping I feel good for this one. It has been warm here again, so the A/C is on. I liked before I had hot flashes I could handle keeping the A/C off more.

Tonight we are going to try a Mexican restaurant that Charlie went to on a field trip last school year. He was given some coupons to come back so we will try it.

Liv is all set with her books. Unfortunately we had to get all new ones, two of the course changed to new additions. Everything should be here before she starts school on the 12th.

Happy belated birthday to Keishashadow's sons and Sue's daughter. I hope they all had great days!
Agavegirl congrats on the prognosis, it should be a great trip.
Charade LOL I feel like that on many days with my cats. I always say after I would have to pay someone to take them!! My DH has done a few oopsies too.!!
Lynne Woot!! for 20 days till you are in Orlando!!
Pooh I hear you, I never understood such a long window. I hope you didn't have to wait all that time and it got fixed,
Schumi Woot 5 weeks to go!! Look forward to your report. I am enjoying working on mine going to try and finish it soon.
Robo that is so sweet! I understand why you don't touch her more I never thought about that. I love that name LOL!!!!
Monykalyn Nice score on the rates!! Woot!! That is a tough decision to make.
Mac I hope you are staying cool and doing good!
:wave: to anyone I missed. I am hoping as my eyes get better I can follow more again. I hope everyone has a great Monday!
:wave2: Just a quick stop in!!! I had a busy weekend, I didn't even get to stop in over the weekend to read and catch up lol. Sounds like everyone had some great times over the weekend - birthdays, haircuts, friends visiting for meals, tea ( which looked amazing ) and amazing warm weather!!!

It was a busy weekend filled with working a shift at Pier 1, going to niece's performance of Frozen 2 from her drama camp she went to, supper out with the sister and brother in law, shopping, going to the new Spiderman movie ( which as really good - highly recommend seeing it if you like any of the superhero movies ) and a little house cleaning as well.

I hope everyone has a great Monday. I seem to have the attention of a squirrel today. Can't focus on much. Thank goodness I'm all caught up on things at the day job ;)
Charade......I’m sure Darjeeling is a popular option with afternoon teas.......not one I’d choose.....I prefer Earl Grey, China or plain old breakfast tea which is my personal choice.......

bobbie....enjoy your meal out tonight........and continued good wishes with the eczema......

Pumpkin.......we all have those days don’t we! I always make sure I’m not tasked with anything important when I have a day like

One of those days today.........

Fog and rain this morning........sunshine and heat this took advantage and did three small loads of it out and dried quite unexpectedly.......all ironed and put away!

But, everyone seemed to want to call today........two separate friends called from abroad.....wanting to chat the day away........just hung up from one and the other one lives in Dubai, the other is in Paris.....then brothers called......nice to be popular!

Lovely evening........lazy evening too......but you can really see it’s getting darker earlier at nights’s not even August yet!

But........5 weeks today till are in airport hotel for overnight........ :cheer2:
Good evening. Today was a day of “Oh, you got your hair cut!” I think I will hear that from clients all week..
Therapist 2 has officially moved out of our office. The 2 new ones will be coming next Monday. I guess I’ll have to either re-number them or start using a,b,c.

I have had eczema for over 20 years, usually my hands or feet. I had read that when you get older it could shift to joints and eyes.

I had no idea that could happen. I have had eczema almost my whole life. When I was a kid I had it on my hands and feet. It’s just on my hands now. I use a cream that keeps it under control.

going to the new Spiderman movie ( which as really good - highly recommend seeing it if you like any of the superhero movies )
Did you stay for the very end after all of the credits? Too may unanswered questions.

TIme to do more laundry. I just got the rest of the bedding that I ordered for B’s dorm room. I want to wash it before she uses it.
My grouchy self found an attitude adjustment and the day wasn't a total waste. :-)

I keep a clean house but it always amazes me just how much dust one can find when you go searching. 😳 Took all the cushions off the sofas and hoovered away the morning. Got out the step stool to dust the top of the fridge and found a bank envelope with $140!! LOL! I'm sure it made perfect sense at the time when I put it up there.....clueless now! The repairman called at noon with a better estimate of when he'd be here so Corey and I were able to make it to the grocery store after all. Parts had to be ordered so we still don't have a working ice maker, but it could always be worse.

Bobbie.....glad you're seeing improvement with your eyes and hope it continues!!

Hope everyone has a great night!


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