Something About Nothing ... #12

Ah I remember those days almost 18 years ago, Kfish. Thanks for checking in here. I bet she is so cute, still.

Quiet night. Older one has not come home from the field trip he chaperoned with the campers, little one is at a pool party, and DH is teaching tonight, so a cup of tea for me, and control of the remote. Happy.

Pooh, glad you got a more narrow window for the repair person.

Charade, hope the 2 new will be a good fit in your office.

Schumi, I like a good English breakfast tea too. I tend to use a black tea bag most of the time.
Schumi GB in the news here with heat wave, 38c and now flood warnings. Crazy stuff. Hope your area isn’t as bad.
Love falling asleep to the sound of waves. Can’t hear them here, I overlook an inlet, no waves, and not close enough even if there were! But it’s nice to look at! Lol.

Lynne did someone say cheesecake :thumbsup2 Yum. Thanks, it was nice to have some beach time! Birthday was very nice. But they left around 9:00, not midnight lol. We’re on different time zones, so my time stamp on post may say midnight EST, but it’s 9:00 my time!

Poohls that’s crazy I agree. 8-4 pffft! Not even morning or afternoon. That’s bs.

Monykalyn I saw that price drop too! Both RPH and PBH, but nothing for HRH! And that’s where we want to stay this trip. My friend hasn’t stayed there and wants to check it out.

Charade hope you had a good day at work. Did the zoo have more shirts?
Cool Tiger pic.

Pumpkin sounds like a busy weekend!

Schumi lalalala :worried: I cant hear you! Can’t be getting darker already!

Poohls woohoo! Always fun to find “found money”

K star yes, I don’t miss those sleepless nights! Hopefully it won’t be long till little Hope sleeps thru the night.

We had a fire in town last night. I could see the smoke from our deck. Sadly it was our neighbours Bistro. I saw the husband, this morning on the lane. He said the man living above the grocery store next door was bbq-ing on the roof deck with a hibachi and when he was done dumped the coals on the ground in between the buildings. Who does that? Very sad.
Just a quick drive by for now.
Too much for me to go through and address everyone that has posted.

I'll start from scratch here tomorrow......

Leaving the porch light on in case Kfish comes to visit in the early morning hours.

Hope all the homies are doing fine and will see you all tomorrow.
A balmy good morning to ya all! A ooh, 80 degrees at 5:30 this morning. My little laptop decided 20 or so minutes to boot up was respectable. Sigh. But hey, the heat wave continues with a high of 94, warmer today, says the weather guy, and with the uptick of humidity, by this afternoon, you'll feel like it's 104 or so. And with that uptick in humidity, and more heat today, the chance for a thunderstorm is around. So far, he says, North and West of the City. I'm mostly North, but hope that chance stays way West of the City.

Oh, and why yes it is. A Taco Tuesday is here. So when Mac comes back to check the SANS, she'll have a taco in her hand, or maybe ready to make that Taco Bell run today.

Schumi, I hope the weather is better today. Yep, in our news it's about the English heat and flooding. Quite a summer you have had. And yay, your ticker is getting close to less than 30 days now.

Sue, ah, got ya. Time they did leave was more like I would have liked. Sad to hear the fire destruction, and yeah, how it started. People just don't think sometimes.

421371 - grab a taco or two. Get out, it's almost August, and the summer is almost over. Schools start next month. Crazy, how time flies.

Tick, TIck, Tick, minus 17 more sleeps, and the 18's will be in a hotel bed. Wooooot! Quick summer fun to enjoy that UOAP celebration.

Ah, email said something EPIC is coming, details August 1. Will be waiting to hear what is announced like many of us in the UO forum.

Oh tea, Oh tea, how nice, just for me. :music:
Happy Tacos!

Morning, homies! Popping in for a quick check. On my way down to hit the treadmill....then it's back up to shower and put my face on. The guidance counselor at the high school is meeting with the senior parents to go over schedules for next year and other odds and ends for senior year. I have to run out and drop off new patient paperwork at the office of a doctor I'm trying to get in with. I have autoimmune issues that require some out of the box thinking for treatment....finding a doctor willing to color outside of the lines is always a joy. 🙄

@Sue M How horrible for your neighbors. People truly do not think beyond themselves far too often.

Have a great Tuesday!
Good morning. I’m up and ready early again. Something must be wrong with me.
I’m going to be leaving work a little early today and taking B to the university to pick up her student ID. This weekend is going to be a tax free weekend, so we might brave the crazy crowds and do some shopping.

Got out the step stool to dust the top of the fridge and found a bank envelope with $140!!
Awesome find. That would make almost any day better.

Did the zoo have more shirts?
I forgot to call. I’ll try to remember to do that today.

We had a fire in town last night. I could see the smoke from our deck. Sadly it was our neighbours Bistro. I saw the husband, this morning on the lane. He said the man living above the grocery store next door was bbq-ing on the roof deck with a hibachi and when he was done dumped the coals on the ground in between the buildings. Who does that? Very sad.
How awful. I hope the damage wasn’t too terrible.

the heat wave continues with a high of 94, warmer today, says the weather guy, and with the uptick of humidity, by this afternoon, you'll feel like it's 104 or so. And with that uptick in humidity, and more heat today, the chance for a thunderstorm is around.
High of 90 here today. It is supposed to drop into the 80s for the rest of the week, but we are also getting more rain.

Ah, email said something EPIC is coming, details August 1. Will be waiting to hear what is announced like many of us in the UO forum.
Can’t wait to hear what this is about.
Hi everybody :wave2:

The popups are working overtime today...hope I can get this post in.

Just rebooked our SF reservation to take advantage of the lower AP rates and drop Austin from the trip. Saved quite a bit. While I was at it I purchased our ROF tickets so we're all set for September :cool1:

Just need to book the Scareactor dining and drop Austin from the WDW part of the trip...does anyone know if the new tickets are refundable? Poor guy lost his job and can't afford to go so I wanted to get back all the $ I can for him.

I can't believe the trip is so has snuck up on me.

I need to get moving to the tag office for the annual renewal.

Shout out to mac, Carole, Janet, Lynne, Robo, Bobbie, Sue, monyk, pooh, Charade, kfish, pumpkin and all the homies who are reading along...have a wonderful day :flower1:
Tink always good when UO hotels have a price drop!
I’m sure you are excited for your trip and hhn!

Hope Austin can sell his tickets
Not sure if wdw will do a refund

Probably not as I still have 4 park tickets left there
But they don’t expire for another ten years
Could not get a refund from them but this was back about 4 years ago
TInk, if you mean Mouse bought tickets, as long as they have not been used, I think you may get a refund, or else Mac's right, can sell it. I'd contact the Mouse and hope they will let you return for full refund. And yay! To get that better price at SF, always nice when you can save even more on a trip coming up.

Pooh, hope you find the doctor that helps you the most. And enjoy that senior year coming up.

Charade, wish we did a tax free week-end. I think NJ does it, but we don't, and Delaware is tax free. Nice B gets her college ID. Little one and DH are going down to the university on Friday, to make sure all is right with the upcoming semester. Less than a month from now, she'll be in her dorm room.

Good Morning Sue, hope it has been a nice one.

Hey Mac! Hope all is well, and you're feeling good. Just think in 2 months, some HHN fun.
Good morning. Distinct weather change here. Yesterday I was enjoying the patio, today it’s overcast and cool. Only 65 right now, going up to 70 for afternoon.
Heading out to meet a friend for lunch, then tonight meeting daughters to see Lion King. At the recliner theatre! Those seats are a game changer.
2 weeks till DL trip! And there’s a Hot & Juicy in Anaheim yay!

Lynne yikes that’s some weather you’re having. Try to stay cool!
17 days! You’re almost there. I wonder what the big announcement will be? A new gate? I know on August 1 they’re announcing the AP stuff. Hope they have some good things planned during our dates.

Poohls busy day for you, hope new doctor meets your expectations. Senior high school year is so busy, lots of activities.

Charade happy shopping!

Tink so sorry Austin lost his job. I have no idea if Disney refunds tickets. Is there a chance he will go in the future? My daughter bought DL tickets on the Canadian ticket special for last Christmas trip. But then started a new job and couldn’t go. Ticket expired but when we go in 2 weeks we’ll just go to ticket booth to exchange expired ticket to a current one. She’ll just have to pay the difference.
So if he will be going at another future date he can just hold onto the ticket.
If ticket is already attached to MDE I don’t know if you can sell it. If it’s not attached maybe you can sell it but it may be difficult unless it’s to someone you know. Most people won’t buy tickets from unknown person due to scams.
Congrats on price drop! Always nice. My DL hotel had 2 drops. Nothing for HRH yet but I’m still watching.
:wave2: Stopping in for a quick chat!

@Charade67 no we didn't stay for the credits. The boys were talking about it because some of their friends had seen it. Marvel is great at keeping us coming back for more with those little teasers. I'm sure we will watch it again once it comes out on video/ppv. We tend to rewatch all of these over and over and over and over again lol. I do enjoy Tom Holland as this spiderman. Life with boys and superhero movies!!!!

@schumigirl - I don't hear you saying that about the days getting shorter already!!!!!!! I really do dread winter and the short days we have. I'm just trying to enjoy the warmer weather ( which is not much this year so far ) and focus on that...and not that fall/winter seem to come rather fast here some years. Last year, we had snow at the begining of Oct...and it never really went away after that. it was a VERY LONG winter last year. I hope your weather gets better and that all the crazy weather related things are not in your neck of the woods.

@Sue M - wow...I'm blown away by people's lack of common sense these days. It's like if they don't see it, they don't have to worry about anything. The self entitlement and last of common sense these days is mind blowing. I hope you get some good weather soon.

@Lynne G - That is crazy hot and humid. I like to visit places that have those nice warm temps and humidity...but to have to work and do daily living in it, would be hard. As you have that weather...we are cool here, our air conditioning is on at work...and I have a heater on under my desk to keep my feet warm. I'm debating putting on some socks my feet are so cold again today. I hope you can get some relief from it soon. That is not fun either...too hot or too cold...neither is fun.

@tink1957 - that's great on the money saving part of your trip!!! I almost want to do a little happy dance for you lol. I hope you can find a solution for the Disney ticket.

@PoohIsHome - finding new doctors just plain sucks. There is no other word for it. I hope you find one soon that is willing to work with you. You know your body, it would be nice if sometimes Dr's would actually " listen " to what we are saying - and not just go off of some check list that they have in their head wit the symptoms we are having or not having.

Not much new on the home front here. Son started work as a shop hand/ welder apprentice - until he decides if he wants to do more schooling. There is such a lack of tradespeople here...and it will only get worse in the future. I'm hoping he finds his niche and likes it.

Had a busy day yesterday...worked both jobs, came home to a plate of supper waiting for me, clean kitchen and the laundry all done and folded. The youngest son had warmed up what I had prepared the day before for supper, he had the kitchen cleaned and laundry done. So I was very grateful for that. He usually does all the laundry for himself and dad. I tossed in a couple of shirts and pairs of yoga pants for him to wash with all their stuff. It's sooo nice that he does that. I want my sons to know how to do these things, so they can help out their significant others later in life - and so they can live on their own and know these life skills.

Hoping to get out walking tonight...but sounds like the rain might appear here again. Maybe it will be a night to get into the project room and work on sandwiching my quilt together. Trying out a new recipe in instant pot...or if it's not raining...grilled burgers on the menu for tonight. Hoping for a nice quiet evening. Have a great day everyone!!!!!
Hi everybody :wave2:

The popups are working overtime today...hope I can get this post in.

Just rebooked our SF reservation to take advantage of the lower AP rates and drop Austin from the trip. Saved quite a bit. While I was at it I purchased our ROF tickets so we're all set for September :cool1:

Just need to book the Scareactor dining and drop Austin from the WDW part of the trip...does anyone know if the new tickets are refundable? Poor guy lost his job and can't afford to go so I wanted to get back all the $ I can for him.

I can't believe the trip is so has snuck up on me.

I need to get moving to the tag office for the annual renewal.

Shout out to mac, Carole, Janet, Lynne, Robo, Bobbie, Sue, monyk, pooh, Charade, kfish, pumpkin and all the homies who are reading along...have a wonderful day :flower1:

What a shame Vicki, to lose his job so suddenly. I hope he does get something back........

Yay for the booking and RoF tickets.....we got ours last week......another box ticked!

Hey pumpkin......just saw you pop lovely of your son to do that!!! Yes, life skills are important.......Kyle was brilliant from a young age keeping things tidy and made his bed from a very early age! Some kids don’t......I’m always happy when we’re away knowing he’ll manage just fine......he doesn’t do much day to day as I’m here and he works somit wouldn't be fair to get him to come home and do stuff......that’ll come when he buys his own home........and yes, the nights are starting to get fairly dark’s like the seasons are moving forward by about 3-4 weeks.......have a great evening......

Weather is was warm and a bit cloudy.......brightened up lovely this afternoon. We’re lucky to have no flooding here. But yes, it’s been extreme for us in the UK.

Yes, lunch out was with a nice group of friends today.......I hadn’t planned to go to be honest, and had brought out salmon for tonight.......but one called and I said we’d go.......didn’t have a big lunch as it’s not a place I really like, so enjoyed the salmon with a small salad.......but 10 of us and tried not to be too rowdy.......we have such a giggle!

Then dropped a load of stuff off at the Charity store in the next big’s amazing how many clothes we acquire and don’t need...Kyle had plenty to get rid of.

So, glass of wine tonight.......and wait to see if we get the predicted lightning all day tomorrow........more rain!

Hope all have a good Tuesday.......
Humid earlier today but a storm rolled in and it feels much nicer now outside

(Inside the house is always the same temp
AC makes everything good...)

Taco Bell tonight

Many of you have had a full day.
Hope your evening you can relax and veg out at home

Lynne I’m sure you saw the thread about ap rates for September
What we booked at still beats those new rates

Hotels are trying to fill up September
Last week of September did not have the lower rates as rest of that month
I checked availability at RP and weekends are booked up for standard rooms
My smsm still beats the lower price Rp has listed today for S-Th

Glad I will miss Columbus Day period at UO this year
What I could find, hotel rates really have been increased from last year

I’m not one to go for bargains but it does feel nice having a sweet hotel rate for this year

And less crowded park
Mac, yep I am very happy with my RPR rate that beats all I have seen since. Did get a great AP rate at SF though, that beat the rate I had before, since I could not get those earlier days added to my long ago booked rates at RPR.

Thinking if going earlier in September next year, if these great AP rates show up next summer. Otherwise, I have already booked for end of September into early October next year. At least SW allows changes in bookings. And that, for this year, airfares has got much more expensive since booking, even with the darn taking of 6 hours of fun I would have had, I will be sticking with what I booked as changed, including the 5:40am flight to the fun, as any other way coming home would be more time changing planes or more expenses if I stayed another night or took a different airline.

Warm night, and yes rain has still not arrived, so I guess it did stay West so far.

Schumi, hope the rain is not keeping you awake tonight. And nice to donate clothes not needed.

Tink, hope he finds another job, hopefully soon and one where he makes more.

Pooh, we had grilled burgers tonight too. I had some ground sirloin that we had bought the other day, since all wanted the steaks I had also bought and cooked last night. That was when I made mashed and gravy. I was hoping mashed would be left over, but no, so a quick mac and cheese went with the burgers.

Oh my, 83 out, and just heard my AC go on again. At least I will be comfy sleeping in the cool, not humid air.

May sweet dreams an a good night’s sleep be had by all the homies, including little Hope.
Good evening. I survived another night with guests over for dinner. This time it was one of dh’s colleague, her husband, and their 3 children ages 10, 8, and 8. Lots of kid energy that I am not used to.
Tomorrow we might get a new roof if the weather cooperates.

Tink - Sorry to hear Austin lost his job. I hope he is able to find a new one quickly.

Lynne - I don’t usually take advantage of the tax free weekends (stores are usually crazy crowded) but we still need to get B a laptop, so why not save a little money?
The university allows students to get their ID via mail or they can pick it up in person. All B had to do was submit a photo along with a form of government issued ID. She picked up the ID this afternoon.

Pumpkin - We watch the Marvel movies over and over too. Last night B wanted to watch the first Captain America movie. She has a bit of a crush on Bucky.
Tom Holland has become my favorite Spiderman.

I need to get to sleep soon. I have no idea what time the roofers are coming. I want to be sure to get up early enough the get my shower before they arrive.
Well charade since you are inviting everyone to your house for dinner, when are you inviting the peeps here?

We all will leave our kids at home when we come to your place for eats.
Well charade since you are inviting everyone to your house for dinner, when are you inviting the peeps here?

We all will leave our kids at home when we come to your place for eats.
We should probably wait until the fall when the temps are more reasonable.

I’m actually a little more annoyed with the parents than the kids. My neighbors kids are 4.5 and 1.5. I cautioned them about the cat, that he can be unpredictable and might bite or scratch. The kids still wanted to mess with him. When I reminded them and the mom that he might bite or scratch, the mom just said that her kids needed to learn about consequences. I wonder if she would still feel that way if the cat scratched her baby across the face.
Tonight’s kids were just very loud. There were times when the adults had trouble hearing each other over the kids, but the parents never told them to be a little quieter. I don’t like to tell people how to raise their children, but I did have to say something when they decided to play hide and seek in my house. I have the bedroom doors closed for a reason.

I guess i’m just turning into one of those cranky old people.
Hey all-quick catchup before bed. Yawning as I go lol
Disney's IT is a disaster and that is a fact. ugh. Been trying to reassign tickets I bought - going to have to break down and call I guess. You get all excited for a trip and then their systems fail.
But @Lynne G we will be there august 16-19! MNSHHP on 16th-and there in is the issue-bought tickets for Alysa and grandson Jacob and can't reassign to either. Once the frustration over the IT fades I will get the excitement back for staying at the Grand Floridian! And for the cost of the extra $25 night charge for extra adults. The Convention ticket I bought includes a water park visit, although not sure if will be able to use.

senior parents
Oh yes senior year is a fast blur! Still have to get Paige's senior pics arranged. And then it starts: announcements, cap and gown, diploma; all the college app fees...her grad party will be a very low key affair as so far the plan is to fly out 4 days after graduation to New York and on to Europe.
Just rebooked our SF reservation to take advantage of the lower AP rates
Hope Austin can finds his job soon! I have a great rate at SF (rebooked awhile ago from Endless summer) but now the regular queen rooms at RPR are back and good rate! So I right now I have both RPR and SF booked. I have the AP with after 4 EP, but didn't renew P's AP - got her the buy 2 get 3 days ticket. Depends on if we will go to parks at all during day for rides-I am thinking we prob won't make it. Have UtH for Saturday, and going to Disney on the 19th to see Galaxy Edge...
A new gate?
Yep that is what I am betting-fantastic beast land (enter through a time turner area so can have any time/place), Nintendo land, Classic monster land (with Dracula castle).
but we still need to get B a laptop, so why not save a little money?
We should have waited-but I needed a new laptop bad! Good luck on shopping for those!
Tom Holland has become my favorite Spiderman.
Mine too! and the credits were interesting...setting the scene for the new younger avengers/characters to take up the mantle.

Hey Pooh, Robo, pumpkin, Kfish, Mac, Schumi, and anyone else I am sure I missed!
Mac, yep I am very happy with my RPR rate that beats all I have seen since. Did get a great AP rate at SF though, that beat the rate I had before, since I could not get those earlier days added to my long ago booked rates at RPR.

Thinking if going earlier in September next year, if these great AP rates show up next summer. Otherwise, I have already booked for end of September into early October next year. At least SW allows changes in bookings. And that, for this year, airfares has got much more expensive since booking, even with the darn taking of 6 hours of fun I would have had, I will be sticking with what I booked as changed, including the 5:40am flight to the fun, as any other way coming home would be more time changing planes or more expenses if I stayed another night or took a different airline.

You got me beat Lynne!
I book a year and ten days out at the most.

With October crowds starting days before Columbus day weekend, I was done with going that time period last year.
I think I will like starting late September and leaving for back home before CD next year.

This is the first year ever I am not doing the Motherland before I hit the darkside.

You will not like that early morning flight coming home......
Last fall I booked Delta for a 5:45 am flight.
(I must have been crazy to do that and still don't know why I did.....)

Airport was empty when I got there in the early morning hours.
Went to the airport around 4ish and Delta counter did not open until 4:30
But I was first in

Sweet dreams to all the homies..
Hey to Keisha, Vicki, Schumi, Kfish, Pooh, Sue, Robo, Monyk, charade, Pumpkin, Real, Andy, agavegirl and all my other kids here.
I know there are more of youse but I only have ten fingers and toes to count on....
We should probably wait until the fall when the temps are more reasonable.

I’m actually a little more annoyed with the parents than the kids. My neighbors kids are 4.5 and 1.5. I cautioned them about the cat, that he can be unpredictable and might bite or scratch. The kids still wanted to mess with him. When I reminded them and the mom that he might bite or scratch, the mom just said that her kids needed to learn about consequences. I wonder if she would still feel that way if the cat scratched her baby across the face.
Tonight’s kids were just very loud. There were times when the adults had trouble hearing each other over the kids, but the parents never told them to be a little quieter. I don’t like to tell people how to raise their children, but I did have to say something when they decided to play hide and seek in my house. I have the bedroom doors closed for a reason.

I guess i’m just turning into one of those cranky old people.

My kids were the worse of the bunch when we had a family with kids over....


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