Something About Nothing ... #12


Friday it is. And all are awake. DH is still congested, but I think with not sleeping well last night, all were passed out by 11. Older one had a late field trip, the day before, and he got home late, then last night, late night at camp. So he was tired, and little one knew early rising today, so she was in bed early too. Usually the kids are the last to bed on weekend nights, as midnight or so is their normal time I holler get to bed.

Schumi, I hope you feel better quickly. Hope a nice cup of tea helps. Hope your DH feels better too.

MonyK, nice that you get more time on the lake. A very happy birthday 🎁 to your DH. And hope Daisy hen is back to herself eating and being an egg laying chicken.

With that, it’s the dad alarm today. Thankfully it is him to do the help with little one’s college stuff. A few things need to be straightened out, in person. So both are college bound this morning. Older one has camp, so me, ah, a lovely, quiet morning, with some tea, and will make some eggs and bacon too. So nice to be relaxed.


Hope all are enjoying this August day. And ah, sorry TinyD, will miss ya by a week or two, and oh, I thought maybe u were still in GA. My DH did training in Jax one year, when older one was a baby. It was the first time older one got oohed at, and held by Hooter waitresses. Hope you do move there, it would be nice if you could meet up, as a shorter drive would u have.

Ah, dad alarm is sounding louder. Good go. The mom alarm may be more of a hurry one.
Sending mummy dust to all those not well now
Hope all recovery quickly so you can enjoy the upcoming weekend
Quick morning drive by!
Thanks for baking the cake Mac, and bday wishes for the hubs! Reminds me I gotta pick up his giant cookie from Cookie Company today on way home. Middle has band til 9pm tonight. Told DH he and boy can take off earlier for lake, I will wait for middle kid-this way he can haul the jetski back up to that lake in daylight. Middle and I will go up when she gets home, and I work today anyway.
RPR from 17-21
Tink i think will be there the middle of the month.
And Pattyw (9/21-9/30) and I will be there in middle too-my dates are 18-23rd (either at SF or RPR-haven't decided yet but probably at SF)
Suppose I should actually work now...TGIF!
Quick good morning before going shopping.

Happy birthday to Mr. Monyk. Hope y'all enjoy the lake.

TinyD - My husband used to live in Tallahassee. He got 2 of his degrees from FSU.

Hello to everyone else. Hope y'all have a great Friday.
We are heading out to Roanoke to shop. Hmm...Red Robin or Smokey Bones for lunch?
Has Patty changed her dates then??? I think I have her coming and leaving later on the September thread, didn't think she was leaving till the 5th Oct and doing the tours???? .........okaydok…..

Lynne...…..thanks we all better too....hope your DH feels much better for the to be poorly then!!! Bacon sounds nice.....will have some tomorrow...…..

The heat is back!!! Yep, we have sunshine and warmth.....and a full two loads of washing out drying, and two sets of bedding done too ...….always makes me happy!!!!

And I have made a curry....been simmering away all day!!! Now I wish we had grilled.....but forecast was rain.

Never believe the forecast.…...
Has Patty changed her dates then??? I think I have her coming and leaving later on the September thread, didn't think she was leaving till the 5th Oct and doing the tours???? .........okaydok…..
Yes she bumped her trip back a bit, hoping to catch up with her on our overlapping days :)
Hi just dropping in for a quick :car: to say hi... I have a lot of stuff going on here so trying to work on it without getting stressed. Have to get ready to leave on Sunday for NJ. The weather has been in the high 80's and sunny. We did have a short storm on Wednesday. Have been eating out the last 3 days with so much going on, plan on heating up some pumpkin sauce over pasta tonight, quick and easy.

My eye eczema is a little better and hoping it keeps going!

Happy Belated Birthday to Tink and Monykalyn's DH... I hope everyone had a great day.

Sending :flower3: to any family not feeling up to par!

I did have a chance to look at the new "Epic Universe" it looks amazing. I think Universal is going to out do themselves on this one.

Have a great Friday and a nice weekend.
:wave2: Just stopping in for a quick stop!

Happy belated birthday Tink

Monykalyn your chickens sounds absolutely wonderful I have several friends who have chickens for eggs. If we lived out of the city, I'm sure I would have a few as well. We had chickens growing up ( only we raised them for food :scared1: ) and it was my job to feed and water them. They would recognize me walking out to feed them and hurry to the pen opening waiting for their food. I don't think my parents would have liked me to make any of them my pet...although the thought crossed my mind. Enjoy your lake time as well. Summer goes by so fast, then poof it's gone and you realize you still want lake time. I know it happens to me

Schumi...I'm glad Tom is feeing better. I hate when any of the house is sick. Your curry sounds delicious...I will be right over for a bite. Enjoy that warmth...we have had grey cloudy cold weather here.

Bobbie...I'm glad your eczema is getting better. I used to have it as a child, and it does flair up once in a blue moon for me, but nothing too bad. It's not fun when it does flair up.

Hopefully we get some warmer weather here soon. It was a cold and gloomy / rainy July here. I'm hoping we start to see some warm weather soon. My feet are tired of being cold. The days are already getting shorter :sad: which means fall is coming...which is always short lived here. I need some summer!!!!!

We have family coming to visit this weekend. It's a long weekend, so I'm looking forward to having an extra day all to myself. The hubby will probably go into work to get some things done without being bothered by the phone or emails. And the boys...they just do their own thing. Going to enjoy some down time with family, a meal out probably and some laughs.

I hope everyone has a great weekend!
I am officially off the family-duty clock until sunday evening. Plan on doing as little as possible :). Will say I had a ton of fun doing tie dye earlier this week, even transformed a few of my kitchen towels lol

have a loaf of sourdough bread baking, then going with breaded zucchini along with the first batch of garden tomatoes nom nom.

I saw a cute meme comparing popping bubble wrap to drugs, but I can’t find it anywhere.

Haven’t seen that one either.
Haven’t seen that one either.
I must be related to Charade.
Haven't seen those movies either.

In fact, its been too long since I went to see a movie.....
well, well, well...what have we here? Let me do the best I can (yes, i went there lol)

You’d like HP, it has a black cat :).

Well, third amusement park universe. We will definitely go to Orlando when it is completed. Why we are doing cruises these next 2 years to wait it out.

No parks for 2 years, that’s a looong time :). What cruises did you book? I was surprised to see that DCL has been running some sales. Well, sale prices for them lol
Janet.......mix me with the compelled group.......bubble wrap is one of the best things about getting parcels through the post! Although every time I hear the word compel.......reminds me of that line from The straight to Austin Powers who needs a young priest and an old priest :rotfl: Love those actresses.......except SJP! Even in niece however loves

Mr Big elevated SJP’s performance lol
And Pattyw (9/21-9/30) and I will be there in middle too-my dates are 18-23rd (either at SF or RPR-haven't decided yet but probably at SF)
Suppose I should actually work now...TGIF!
Might want to get something on paper, although many reported their mid Sept rates have dropped at the onsite resorts

Very surprised to read patty has decided to come in earlier. Good for her, that long stretch of time should give her a chance to connect with many I’m sure, but we were so disappointed when she changed her plans for early October.
Congrats to your daughter on a safe drive Charade.......her confidence will soar before you know it......

Pumpkin.....thanks......he is much better and loved the curry! Hope your weather improves soon though.......

Janet.......your cooking always sounds so good!! Yes, quiet weekend for us deserve a good chill out....been a busy week for you! We plan to do nothing all weekend too.....we can be couch buddies this weekend.......and anyone else is welcome to join in too.........

Bathrooms all cleaned, ironing all done, kitchen is immaculate as are all the other rooms.......not one bit of housework this weekend........I just won’t look at the inside of the windows to the rear of the house.......might just do the bifold doors at the back and that’s it..........

Tom just poured me a large red wine in a glass that would frighten the French!! Love it........asked him why it was only half :rotfl:

Gorgeous wine a Friday night........
I’m waiting while B tries on some clothes. A girl of about 13 or 14 comes out of the dressing room with several dresses, some of them formal. She hangs them on the return rack and says, “I’m so glad I play sports. That was hilarious.”
Guess she’s not a dress wearing kind of girl.
I am officially off the family-duty clock until sunday evening. Plan on doing as little as possible :). Will say I had a ton of fun doing tie dye earlier this week, even transformed a few of my kitchen towels lol

Keisha....enjoy the weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love those weekends!!!!! I'm desperately needing one of those to just recharge without anyone needing something or expecting me to be doing this or that!!!!! I so whatever I want on MY schedule!!!!!
Tom just poured me a large red wine in a glass that would frighten the French!! Love it........asked him why it was only half :rotfl:

Carol....that's hilarious. My hubby doesn't drink, so when I actually sit down with a beverage he always asks why it isn't bigger...and I say...don't worry...I will drink your share after this one :tilt: :laughing:
I'm hoping the weather man is right about some warmer weather coming our way. It's the perfect weather...nice and warm...but not too warm...around 25C or 77F. Which I'm sure some of you are like What the Heck...that's cold. That just makes it so my house is not too hot to sleep. Our back yard gets direct south it's always about 10 degrees warmer and can get close to 38C ish or around 100-110F . but I will NOT complain in it's warmer than that!!!!

I forgot to mention the new Universal announcement. It looks like it will be amazing. I'm pretty sure they will hit it out of the park. I think they know what people are wanting, and they learned lots with the HP addition and what it did for them...I really can't see them NOT try to achieve that again.

The manager left early...looks like the kids are now I can sit back too...what to do...what to do lol. I'm sure I'll find something to keep me occupied.
Might want to get something on paper, although many reported their mid Sept rates have dropped at the onsite resorts
Well I did check SF under the HHN tab-and yep a good drop! So cancelled the other SF and RPR reservation! Can't believe how much it dropped. Surprised my CC didn't get a fraud alert LOL-although last time I called in late May to put a notice on my account we'd be traveling the rep said it was already there=- Must go to Florida so often it's not a surprise...
Keisha....enjoy the weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love those weekends!!!!! I'm desperately needing one of those to just recharge without anyone needing something or expecting me to be doing this or that!!!!! I so whatever I want on MY schedule!!!!!

Carol....that's hilarious. My hubby doesn't drink, so when I actually sit down with a beverage he always asks why it isn't bigger...and I say...don't worry...I will drink your share after this one :tilt: :laughing:
I'm hoping the weather man is right about some warmer weather coming our way. It's the perfect weather...nice and warm...but not too warm...around 25C or 77F. Which I'm sure some of you are like What the Heck...that's cold. That just makes it so my house is not too hot to sleep. Our back yard gets direct south it's always about 10 degrees warmer and can get close to 38C ish or around 100-110F . but I will NOT complain in it's warmer than that!!!!

I forgot to mention the new Universal announcement. It looks like it will be amazing. I'm pretty sure they will hit it out of the park. I think they know what people are wanting, and they learned lots with the HP addition and what it did for them...I really can't see them NOT try to achieve that again.

The manager left early...looks like the kids are now I can sit back too...what to do...what to do lol. I'm sure I'll find something to keep me occupied.

Lol.......I hear you!! 25/77 is almost tropical to us over here........then folks wonder why I’m cold in Orlando at that temp!!! I’m bulk of our land at the rear faces south west so, yes, like you it can get warmer......we hit 103F out there last week in the area surrounded by trees but still in the sun.......everywhere else was 91F.

I tell Tom sometimes I wish he didn’t drink........then I wouldn’t have to share........ :rotfl:

Yes, the announcement was as will be an amazing park when they do the full announcement. I’m sure it will be spectacular........I believe this will be a game changer for parks!

Hope your day passes quickly...can’t be long to go now.......:thumbsup2
Charade I tried one time taking my boys out for driving hours practice
It lasted about 3 blocks and then I took over the wheel

Their dad took over with them for the hours needed to drive to get their license

I am not a good passenger with teens being the driver

Is everyone ready for the weekend !

I’m waiting for the predicted storms that will hit here within the next 12 hours
Only plans I had for Saturday was to shop for a new purse and whatever else was on sale
And go buy cat food....
Charade I tried one time taking my boys out for driving hours practice
It lasted about 3 blocks and then I took over the wheel

Their dad took over with them for the hours needed to drive to get their license

I am not a good passenger with teens being the driver

Is everyone ready for the weekend !

I’m waiting for the predicted storms that will hit here within the next 12 hours
Only plans I had for Saturday was to shop for a new purse and whatever else was on sale
And go buy cat food....

I’m ready to do nothing this weekend plans at it!!

Did you get a new computer or are you sorted with the one you have......hope you get your new purse.......and anything else that takes your eye! Hope the storms aren’t bad!!!

Is it common for folks to teach their kids to drive over there...........over here it’s common to use a proper driving instructor.......costs a pretty penny, but worth it.....they use the driving school cars......Kyle did have his own car ready for when he passed and for practice......but the instructor did most of it........saves any tension!

Been watching some tv from a few years ago.......a program called Hamish Macbeth.......Robert Carlyle (if you know him) is in it.....very Scottish funny......some of my English friends don’t get it....but it’s clever. Always makes me a little homesick.........or that might be the wine........:ssst:

Clear skies so Kyle and friend have the telescope out.......might go and have a look later when it’s completely dark. She wasn’t as keen at the beginning but now she enthuses about seeing planets up close as much as we do.......she’s one of us now!!! Lol.......
Janet.......your cooking always sounds so good!! Yes, quiet weekend for us deserve a good chill out....been a busy week for you! We plan to do nothing all weekend too.....we can be couch buddies this weekend.......and anyone else is welcome to join in too.........
It sure hit the spot! Lol
Tom just poured me a large red wine in a glass that would frighten the French!! Love it........asked him why it was only half
Never heard that saying, good one
s it common for folks to teach their kids to drive over there...........over here it’s common to use a proper driving instructor.......costs a pretty penny, but worth it.....they use the driving school cars......Kyle did have his own car ready for when he passed and for practice......but the instructor did most of it........saves any tension!
A rite of passage, for the parents that is. I taught my mom to drive too. Give me a kid any day!:scared:who ever coined the expression “...drives slow as an old lady...” never met her

The high schools in our area used to offer driver’s ed. Liability/insurance issues put an end to that a decade or so ago.
It sure hit the spot! Lol

Never heard that saying, good one

A rite of passage, for the parents that is. I taught my mom to drive too. Give me a kid any day!:scared:who ever coined the expression “...drives slow as an old lady...” never met her

The high schools in our area used to offer driver’s ed. Liability/insurance issues put an end to that a decade or so ago.

Yeah, I grew up hearing that “frighten the French” as an every day expression, but never understood the meaning behind that expression till I was maybe 11 or made sense then.

It does seem to be more common in America than did well teaching your mother! My mother has the attention span of a gnat......wouldn’t work....thank goodness she doesn’t want to drive.......

Almost bedtime for us over here.........Kyle and friend are still outside watching Andromeda in the sky......we came the wine was waiting....... :rotfl:

Planning to sleep late tomorrow......we’ll see.........
Yep, I taught both my kids to drive, and little one has driven so much everywhere, that her friends are amazed how much I have let her drive. It has been over a year for her now. I like being a passenger, as get to see more of what we go by, then when I drive. The comments on the driving still sometimes sound, usually it is a sound. Annoys her, but I just can’t help it.

Steak on grill, as I had picked up another one, Baked beans and fresh tomatoes was the rest I had for dinner. Older one said he was not fond of steak again, my response was to get your own whatever to eat. He had the steak. Full now, and relaxing,

Score for lower price hotel bill, MonyK. Thinking for our trips in a double of weeks, we could meet up near the mouse, or wherever you think would work for you, any time on the 17th. That day is the first full day we have, so other than most likely getting a later start, due to our late night arrival the night before, we are game. Though little one said, she would get up early if you wanted a breakfast meet up. If you don’t have my cell number, let me know. I respond to texts and calls significantly more than I do by checking the Dis, when I am on vacation.

Have a lovely night. I would go to dinner at Keisha‘s and sip wine with Schumi. Lovely way for all of us to spend a Friday night.

And Charade, you can borrow little one, she is a good driver, and enjoys clothes shopping, Today, we ended up with only a sleeveless tank for her. And she actually said, guess I should get started getting my stuff ready for school. DH is still asking why she needs to stay in a dorm, but I said hey, what we are paying for that is not that unreasonable. At least we agreed for this first year semesters.

No wine for me, but some tea. Rich dinner needs that smooth cup of tea. If I had coffee, may not sit right. And hey, I need to go to bed tired, not wound up.



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