A trip full of Triple Stay / Annual Pass / VIPassholder Fun - A Late Feb/Early March Trip

Day Seven: Time for an Annual Photoshoot!

So, after we parted way with Kari and fam, we headed to our next fastpass. Barnstormer.

Big Top Circus
I figured since we didn't get to do it the other day, that this was a good option. (from the choices that I had with the last minutes change up.

I want to say this was one of the first rides that the girls rode together.
Riding Barnstormer
Oh but how times have changed... We got off and they both looked dumb founded. Like how in the world was that ride THAT short. It was kind of funny.

It was fun enough, but we were ready to do some other stuff!

But first we made a stop in Big Top Souveigners. I think Gwen requested it to get her thing for the day. Gwen decided on a dumbo plush and proceeded to take FOREVER checking each and every plush out for just the right one.

Morgan decided to add to her long tail collection, and picked out the Pegasus from Hercules.

I had broken my new hat at the VIP night. And knew that generally speaking they would replace it. And I had remembered to bring it with me today. So, I found a new one, and when we checked out, had them swap it. The CM did seem a little hesitant to do so, but she went ahead and di it.

It was a successful, quick shopping trip.

We headed out and towards "The Best Bathrooms Ever". This has become a favorite tradtion of ours. Photo shoot in front of a bathroom! Ha.

If you have followed my other reports, you have seen a few of them, but it is so fun to see the growth and progression in one spot. It's our version of the pencil markings on the door, I guess.

Rapunzel Photo
The girls have had varing degrees of coporation with this. But this time, they were very agreable and we got the shot fairly quickly.

making of the photo
A behind the scenes shot of making the photo.... See the strollers on either side. This area was PACKED with strollers. I remember the first time we came and the birth of these photos, the girls danced and danced around to the Tangled music. Now, there was barely room to move!

Newest Version!
Here is the newest version. I mean look how tiny they were the first time we went!!!! We joked at one point that Morgan was one hook hand tall at one point.

After that was taken care of, we still had half an hour till our fast pass window opened up. So, we decided to go see the Country Bears.

Country Bears Sign
We had a little wait for the next show to start. It wasn't too bad, except we were sitting/standing next to a dad wiht 5 or 6 pre-teen boys. and they were well, being boys...

We also, saw Andy's BFF from Tom Sawyer Island and laughed because he had found another dad wearing a college hat and was talking sports with him. He also did say that he just loves working at Disney and talking to folks all day. He was truely happy and super nice!

Country Bears
Sooooo, this may be unpopular oppinion but I could do without Country Bears. It's fine. And I enjoy it but I am not chaining myself to the doors or anything.

Country Bears
Gwen LOOOOOOOVED it our first trip. Andy took her to watch it while, I had taken Morgan to ride Big Thunder Mountain. And she talked about the singing bears forever!!! So much so, that Morgan was kind of mad that she missed it.

Country Bears
She talked about these guys alot too!

Country Bears was fun, and nice and cool!

We still had time, so we headed to Tiki Room Next!

Tiki Room
Now this one, I would be super sad if it left!

We timed it well, and barely waited before we were left into see the show.

Tikit Todem Pole
The talking todem poles are always my favorite.

More tiki Birds
I don't know why, I just love this one.

After our visit with the birds, we decided to snack our way over to our last fast pass and then probably head out.

First stop was the Egg Roll Cart!!!
Cheeseburger Egg Rolls
We got one Cheeseburger Egg Roll and the Flavor of the Month? which was Buffalo Chicken. We really liked both. Andy really liked the Cheeseburger one.

Morgan got some popcorn from the cart right next to that. No picture... but imagine Popcorn!

Gwen was holding out for Churros. I wasn't completely sure where to get them but we said we would look.

Luckily, I found some at the stand in the hub, the one closest to Adventureland. I peeked at the one of the other side, and it did NOT have churros. I want to say maybe popcorn and pretzels? Or maybe just popcorn. It took FOREVER to get one, but we got one.
And Gwen was happy.

But then Morgan had snack envy, as she didn't realize it would come with chocolate sauce.

But once Gwen ate most of the churro, she let Morgan dip her popcorn in the chocolate. And all was well again.
Chocolate Dip & Popcorn
Also, proof of the popcorn! Oh and then once Gwen was officially done, Morgan poored the rest directly on the popcorn so we could walk and eat.

Disney Ducks
We had a couple friends wandering around while we sat and ate.

It was finally time for our last fast pass!!! Space Mountain!
We headed in.

Space Mountian
And straight to Space Mountain. Andy decided to sit the ride out, as his back was bothering him a little and didn't want to agrevate it. So, we gave him all the bags and we headed in.

A pre-teen boy snuck under the railings and into the Fast Pass line. And managed to squeeze by the CM at the second touch point while the CM was talking to a family right in front of him. He clearly had done it before. And Gwen was NOT happy about this. But I wasn't about to make waves about it.

After our ride, we met back up with Andy, left Morgan with Andy and I took Gwen to the bathroom.

After, I wanted to ride the people mover, but the girls were toast. But like all good dis moms, I made them go anyway!

People Mover

It had been a suprisingly busy day. And swimming yesterday was nice but still tiring being in the sun. And they were just tired.

But the people mover was a nice way to end the day! We headed out and straight to the busses.

We lucked out with a bus, as it was literally ready to leave and we hopped right on. And it was at the beginning of the bus row! Once we were on the bus, I checked out to see which stop we should get off at. I had gotten a room text at some point.

Again, we lucked out, and were the 1st stop once at Riverside. We managed to find our room even though it was SUPER dark! It got dark fast!

But we found our room and I called for our bags, as we were hoping to go check out the pool before it closed. Andy wanted to sit in the hot tub a little.

i took the usual pics of the room.

5th Sleeper
Gwen was happy that there was a pull down in this room again. And Morgan was happy to have a bed to herself again.

5th Sleeper Pulled out

So, the room was a HUGE let down. I know we just came from the Poly and I knew it wouldn't be as nice BUT this room was just not nice... The biggest issue... There was literally 3 outlets in the whole room. I had to charge my phone on the wall by the bed Morgan slept by and had to put it on the floor. The carpet was in desperate need of replacing.

Otherwise it was fine. And really we had a few busy days, so it wasn't like we were going to be lounging around.

Our bags came with a little time to go to the pool. The girls didn't want to go but Andy really wanted to get in the Hot tub for his back. So, we all got changed and headed down to the pool.

We were in a nice spot, kind of half way between the bus stop and the main area. And it was nice in the evening. And there was a quiet pool close by, but we never went in that one.

Night Swimming
We got to the pool AND the hot tub was closed!!! Boo! But we all got in the main pool. And it was super warm. So that still felt good.

This pool was fun and the slide was fun (according to the girls). It did have a lot of deeper areas. which was fine for us, as both girls are good swimmers, but I could see if being more of an issue if you had little kids.

Gwen needed to use the bathroom, so I took her and found it nice and close to the pool. Andy talked up one of the lifeguards while I was gone, and he said that he thought they turned the heat up since the hot tub was closed. And that the hot tub would be open tomorrow. So that was good to know!

We closed down the pool right at 8:00 PM. Which by the way is a HUGE bummer. Can't they stay open till 9:00 in the winter? I just needed a little more time.

We headed back to the room, changed and we all went straight to bed!
Thanks for the newest entries! I love that the girls took a pic of the grown-ups at TSI, and I really love how you've always taken pics of the girls in the same spot!
Mostly because all Morgan and Gwen do is yell at me for having my phone out.
Glad it isn't just mine that do this to me!
I really need to make time for those pulled pork nachos
Um YES-YOU-DO ::yes::
standing next to a dad wiht 5 or 6 pre-teen boys. and they were well, being boys...
I could probably make up a conversation here that would be pretty comparable to whatever that conversation was lol. Teen and pre-teen boys are not known for being couth in their public conversations!

Can't wait to see you and Andy again in 11 days and finally meet the girls :goodvibes[
I'm always looking forward to the latest Tangled picture. It's so fun to see the progression of the girls getting older each Disney trip.

Sorry to hear your room was a bit of a letdown. In this day and age, outlets are a necessity, and I'm always glad when I get a room that has the USBs one built into the nightstand. Sounds like it's time for these rooms to get a refurb and an updated look.

I think I mentioned it before, but 8 o'clock does seem really early to close a pool. I know it's winter and all, but it's also a highly visited vacation spot. People are gonna want to swim! Especially since the pools are heated.
And the gem of them all! A picture of the girls spying on the adults! I seriously laughed out loud when I saw this picture later.

If you have followed my other reports, you have seen a few of them, but it is so fun to see the growth and progression in one spot. It's our version of the pencil markings on the door, I guess.
Yes! I love that you do this :goodvibes


Sooooo, this may be unpopular oppinion but I could do without Country Bears. It's fine. And I enjoy it but I am not chaining myself to the doors or anything.
I have to say that I'm with you there. It's cute, but it's usually something I see once every couple trips or so.

We got to the pool AND the hot tub was closed!!!
Oh no! Bummer. Especially for Andy!

We closed down the pool right at 8:00 PM. Which by the way is a HUGE bummer.
That seems super early!? I agree - 9pm seems more reasonable as many folks are still in the parks until 8pm.

We're getting SO close to our trips!!! :hyper::hyper::hyper:
Catching up on your trip report! Sounds like a fun day at MK. If feel like every trip report from 2019 talks about how crowded the parks have been, I think there were a lot of us that wanted to go to DW before the SWGE madness only to create our own madness.

Sorry about the lack of outlets, I learned that the hard way too. I bought this for the home but have been using it for travel and it’s been great.
Looking forward to the rest of the TR.
Mostly because all Morgan and Gwen do is yell at me for having my phone out.

:rotfl: :rotfl: give it a few years and the situation will be reversed I'm sure!

The girls wanted to go to Tom Sawyer Island and it seemed like a good plan. So we headed to the rafts!

I've only gone over to Tom Sawyer Island once many trips ago. It's on my list to do again, looks like a nice relaxing break from the crowds. I wish the restaurant was open all the time though!

Here is the newest version. I mean look how tiny they were the first time we went!!!! We joked at one point that Morgan was one hook hand tall at one point.

I love this. What a nice memory and good way to see how the girls have grown.

A pre-teen boy snuck under the railings and into the Fast Pass line. And managed to squeeze by the CM at the second touch point while the CM was talking to a family right in front of him. He clearly had done it before. And Gwen was NOT happy about this. But I wasn't about to make waves about it.


So, the room was a HUGE let down

I agree. I stayed there in February and felt the same way about the rooms and the resort in general. We stayed in the royal rooms back in 2015 and thought the rooms and resort were gorgeous. This time it felt like the whole thing needed a refurb.
Oh but how times have changed... We got off and they both looked dumb founded. Like how in the world was that ride THAT short. It was kind of funny.
I get that look every time we ride.
Gwen decided on a dumbo plush and proceeded to take FOREVER checking each and every plush out for just the right one.
Well when they have 50 to choose from you can't settle for less than perfect!
We headed out and towards "The Best Bathrooms Ever". This has become a favorite tradtion of ours. Photo shoot in front of a bathroom! Ha.
Better than photos in a bathroom!
A behind the scenes shot of making the photo.... See the strollers on either side. This area was PACKED with strollers. I remember the first time we came and the birth of these photos, the girls danced and danced around to the Tangled music. Now, there was barely room to move!
That's the truth! That area just always seems packed from rope drop to park close anymore.
Sooooo, this may be unpopular oppinion but I could do without Country Bears. It's fine. And I enjoy it but I am not chaining myself to the doors or anything.
Well, I like Country Bears. One of the first things I remember from childhood visits. And even being such a big fan... I kind of agree.
Oh and then once Gwen was officially done, Morgan poored the rest directly on the popcorn so we could walk and eat.
That sounds messy... I'm just picturing chocolate covered fingers.
After, I wanted to ride the people mover, but the girls were toast. But like all good dis moms, I made them go anyway!
:thumbsup2 Working hard on that parent of the year award application!
So, the room was a HUGE let down. I know we just came from the Poly and I knew it wouldn't be as nice BUT this room was just not nice... The biggest issue... There was literally 3 outlets in the whole room. I had to charge my phone on the wall by the bed Morgan slept by and had to put it on the floor. The carpet was in desperate need of replacing.
That's disappointing! I'm a big fan of POR! The carpet shouldn't be in that kind of condition, that's unacceptable and something that should be addressed in any case. Although it seems recent, but I guess it has been a few years since the last refurb there now. Sorry about the outlet situation. I don't remember if we had problems with that the time we stayed there, but I have a multi usb hub that I take when I travel anymore. It has fast charge for up to 6 usb ports so the number of outlets really isn't something I have to worry about.
Thanks for the newest entries! I love that the girls took a pic of the grown-ups at TSI, and I really love how you've always taken pics of the girls in the same spot!
Thanks. That first trip, them dancing around thinking they were in Rapunzel's Courtyard is still one of my favorite memories!

Can't wait to see you and Andy again in 11 days and finally meet the girls :goodvibes[
I know!!!! I am counting down the days!!!!

Sorry to hear your room was a bit of a letdown. In this day and age, outlets are a necessity, and I'm always glad when I get a room that has the USBs one built into the nightstand. Sounds like it's time for these rooms to get a refurb and an updated look.
I think it is the last Moderate to get a refurb, so hopefully it is next in line. You can tell it used to be nice... And the outlet situation def just seemed leftover from the days when we didn't need a million outlets! The whole vibe was just not for us. I can see how folks love it but just not for us.

I think I mentioned it before, but 8 o'clock does seem really early to close a pool. I know it's winter and all, but it's also a highly visited vacation spot. People are gonna want to swim! Especially since the pools are heated.
Right?!?! Another hour was all we needed. I will say, there really wasn't anyone at the pool when we got there. But we did show up half an hour before it was closing.

We're getting SO close to our trips!!! :hyper::hyper::hyper:
YEAH!!!! I need to PM you about your plans. I have lost track of when I am seeing everyone!

This makes me tear up! Probably because DD is Morgan's age. But my goodness, they're getting so big! You've got some sweethearts.
Oh! If your DD is the same as Morgan's then you KNOW the pain!!! So quickly becoming a teen! And I don't like it! It's crazy.

Catching up on your trip report! Sounds like a fun day at MK. If feel like every trip report from 2019 talks about how crowded the parks have been, I think there were a lot of us that wanted to go to DW before the SWGE madness only to create our own madness.
I also, think the word got out that Feb was quiet. We might need to find a new time of year to go. Maybe January?

Sorry about the lack of outlets, I learned that the hard way too. I bought this for the home but have been using it for travel and it’s been great.
That does look handy!

:rotfl: :rotfl: give it a few years and the situation will be reversed I'm sure!
Probably. Morgan starts 6th Grade this year, and will be coming home by herself, so we are getting her a phone. And so it begins.

I've only gone over to Tom Sawyer Island once many trips ago. It's on my list to do again, looks like a nice relaxing break from the crowds. I wish the restaurant was open all the time though!
It really can be! And I wish they did too! Even if they just had prepaged mickey bars and sodas. I mean how mine to sit in those rocking chairs and eat a mickey bar? right?

I agree. I stayed there in February and felt the same way about the rooms and the resort in general. We stayed in the royal rooms back in 2015 and thought the rooms and resort were gorgeous. This time it felt like the whole thing needed a refurb.
I def think it has to be next in line for refurb. They have done all of the other moderates.

I get that look every time we ride.
The good news, I don't think they will be asking to ride it again anytime soon.

Well when they have 50 to choose from you can't settle for less than perfect!
Spoken like a true dad!

That sounds messy... I'm just picturing chocolate covered fingers.
Messy eating is a Morgan specialty! To my DH's dismay.

That's disappointing! I'm a big fan of POR! The carpet shouldn't be in that kind of condition, that's unacceptable and something that should be addressed in any case. Although it seems recent, but I guess it has been a few years since the last refurb there now.
I said it before, but it has to be the last moderate to get a refurb. And hopefully it is next in line. I could see how it used to be nice, it is just ready for an update! it doesn't help that we now travel with a million electronics!
Hello Everyone!!! I am just chugging along with these updates! Not sure what next week will bring, so might as well keep going while I can.

Day Eight: Playing Hooky

So, the girls were super tired the day before, so Andy and I agreed that we would play the day by ear. See how they were in the morning and go from there.

Luckily they woke up in fairly good spirits, so we decided to go with the original plan and see where it took us!

The girls checked out what tink left, like every other day. I am pretty sure Morgan is getting more and more of bed head each day.

Today, Tink left "coupons" for Pick-a-Pearl in Japan. And necklaces to put the pearls in as well. We have never done this before, so we had to explain it a little. But once they got it, they were SUPER excitied about it.

But first we were headed to Hollywood Studios!

We managed to get to the park 2 minutes before 9:00.
Untitled by Ariella Saucier, on Flickr
I took this as a huge win for the day!

Gwen and Andy were going to ride Tower of Terror, so I sent them through the no bag line. And me and Morgan waited to go through bag check. There was a fairly big line, but they started opening up extra lines, and Morgan and I scooted down to one of the new ones, and got through fairly quickly.

Andy and Gwen hustled down to ToT, while Morgan and I just walked slowly and just took our time.

I am not sure how long they had to wait. But Andy snapped a few pictures.

Even a ceiling Pic! I didn't even tell him about my "plan"

Morgan and I found a bench to sit at outside of the exit of the ride and waited. There was a Joffery's cart and I debated getting something, but we were going to RnR next. So, I thought I would wait.
Our view while we waited.

While waiting, we saw friends of ours who was also in Disney. They said a quick hello but we trying to hit ToT and RnR standby before heading to AK for the day.

This was the first time Gwen was riding ToT. She LOVED Guardians of Galaxy in Disneyland. She said it was fun and NOT scary AT ALL!

She loved it. I think this is hilarious, she looks like "What are you going?!?!"

We met up again outside of the ride and it was time to use our fast passes for RnR! So, we headed over. We told Andy and Gwen about seeing our friends but didn't think we would see them again. (or so we thought!)

We scanned our bands and headed in. We got to the front of the fast pass line, where they blend the stand by and Fast Passes. And we saw our friends literally at the front of the standby line! We seriously couldn't have planned it better! We ended up in the same grouping, and got to chat a little while we waited.

I got a picture of the 4 girls,(Gwen, Morgan, Claire, & Brooke) as it was a school day and they were all playing hooky. (which non of them knew what that meant) Although, they did have a delayed opening that day, which was great, cause we had the school robo-call us super early that morning about it. We commiserated about that a little too!

We were ready to ride. I believe our friends sat in car in front of us.

I swear I have the same face in all of these rides!

Clearly they are more fun than us! Ha! Of course, you can't even see poor Claire.

As a side note, and completely off topic, the girls swim with Morgan and Gwen this summer, and did great! Gwen and Claire were in most relays this summer, ironically, even though Brooke is in the same grade as Gwen. (Gwen is young for her grade)

After our ride we said goodbye to our friends, as they were off to Animal Kingdom. And we headed to Toy Storyland for some breakfast!

Up Next meeting up with MORE friends!
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I was hoping to finish this before we leave, which is 10 DAYS AWAY!!!! Woo hoo! Guessing that isn't happening BUT I am going to try and get a few good posts in before that. (I hope)
I'm in the same boat. At this rate it will be Christmas before I get the next one started.

BTM Lamp
I see I took another "ceiling" pic...
Stunning :P

After that, we went out and tried to spy @kastoney and family on Splash. It was HOT waiting for them, but we were rewarded with some waves!
Hey that us!!!! Thanks for waiting for us. It was so great to see you all from the boat.

Becky was being piloted by an older gentleman that struck up a small conversation with Andy, I think about Syracuse and the Big Ten and football, as he was wearing his Syracuse baseball hat. (I was completely unaware of this at the time)
We must have been deep in conversation because this doesn't even sound remotely like something I remember happening

TSI Barrel Bidge
Zoomed in for maximum Casey Viewing in the back there!
Oh my shrining violet

TSI Horse Butt
Horse Butt in a stable somewhere in that area, I guess.
This may rival your ceiling pic!

TWI_Adults Talking
And the gem of them all! A picture of the girls spying on the adults! I seriously laughed out loud when I saw this picture later.
This is hilarious! I had no idea they even had a camera let alone snapped a pic of us

Citrus Swirl Float
I LOVE this, now that it is more creamscile than before. Which is really the only reason we got 3 treats between the 4 of us. Andy says I have crazy eyes in this pic! Crazy for the Citrus Swirl!
:rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2: I think I had a citrus swirl once and liked it, but I'm totally crazy eyes for the whip!

Oh but how times have changed... We got off and they both looked dumb founded. Like how in the world was that ride THAT short. It was kind of funny.
Casey still loves this stupid thing an we refuse to ride it with her anymore.

Newest Version!
Here is the newest version. I mean look how tiny they were the first time we went!!!! We joked at one point that Morgan was one hook hand tall at one point.
Oh I love this!!! So smart to have started this back in the day and kept it up. Wish I had thought that far ahead back in the day.

So, the room was a HUGE let down. I know we just came from the Poly and I knew it wouldn't be as nice BUT this room was just not nice... The biggest issue... There was literally 3 outlets in the whole room. I had to charge my phone on the wall by the bed Morgan slept by and had to put it on the floor. The carpet was in desperate need of replacing.
Ugh. Sorry to hear this. Going from deluxe to mod is always hard, but a room in need for refurb certainly is never going to help

She loved it. I think this is hilarious, she looks like "What are you going?!?!"
Love her face! Good for Gwen for doing this. Casey won't even think about it

We got to the front of the fast pass line, where they blend the stand by and Fast Passes. And we saw our friends literally at the front of the standby line! We seriously couldn't have planned it better! We ended up in the same grouping, and got to chat a little while we waited.

How fun for the girls!!!!
Oh my goodness, I got super behind.

Great MK day. Those treats look yum! I love the height photos: such a special tradition.

Sucks about the outlets in Riverside. I think it was always going to be a bit if a let down after Poly, though.

Glad you made it to HS in time for a short wait for ToT. How fun bumping into your friends!
Today, Tink left "coupons" for Pick-a-Pearl in Japan. And necklaces to put the pearls in as well. We have never done this before, so we had to explain it a little. But once they got it, they were SUPER excitied about it.
Great idea!
Even a ceiling Pic! I didn't even tell him about my "plan"
Clearly you've been married long enough to figure each other out.
This was the first time Gwen was riding ToT. She LOVED Guardians of Galaxy in Disneyland. She said it was fun and NOT scary AT ALL!
Awesome! I'm glad she enjoyed it!
We scanned our bands and headed in. We got to the front of the fast pass line, where they blend the stand by and Fast Passes. And we saw our friends literally at the front of the standby line! We seriously couldn't have planned it better! We ended up in the same grouping, and got to chat a little while we waited.
How about that luck... Nice that you got to chat with them for a few minutes in line.
Gwen is so brave to ride ToT without any fear! Love her! How perfect to meet up with your friends in line. I love all the thought you put into planning and the Tinkerbell gifts!
How fun to see regular-life friends in WDW! Haha!

What a bummer about POR being a let down. I would like to stay at the PO resorts, but who knows when that will happen. I'm glad y'all got more Hei Hei cones! I guess I'll never get to try them 🤪😭.
Good Morning Everyone!!! I am going to try and get another post in this morning before I start packing!!! I am probably too excitied about this whole packing thing. But it just means vacation is almost here!

But first a few replies and then hopefully another post.

Love her face! Good for Gwen for doing this. Casey won't even think about it
It's funny which rides they like and don't like. Gwen is becoming a little dare devil. Which I have not idea where she get that from!

Oh I love this!!! So smart to have started this back in the day and kept it up. Wish I had thought that far ahead back in the day.
It kind of just happened. Which I think why I love it even more.

Casey still loves this stupid thing an we refuse to ride it with her anymore.
Can we send the 3 of them by themselves?

Oh my shrining violet
Ha. That she is not.

Sucks about the outlets in Riverside. I think it was always going to be a bit if a let down after Poly, though
I am sure it would have been. But I feel like if I had stayed with French Quarter, we would have been happier. The whole resort just wasn't for us. It wasn't bad, it just didn't fit with us. It's like someone not liking Grand Floridian for being too fancy for them. There is nothing really wrong with it. Just not write for them.

Clearly you've been married long enough to figure each other out.
pretty much!

I love all the thought you put into planning and the Tinkerbell gifts!
It's like any of the fun things I do for the girls. It had a purpose the first time. And now I stress about it. But they really look forward to the extra magic.

hat a bummer about POR being a let down. I would like to stay at the PO resorts, but who knows when that will happen. I'm glad y'all got more Hei Hei cones! I guess I'll never get to try them 🤪😭.
I know... I saw it's a float now. And not a good looking one at that. blek.
Day Eight: Meeting up with more Friends!

After we left our friends, we headed to Toy StoryLand. We wanted to try breakfast from Woody's Lunch Box, so we had to get over there before 10:30, so we hustled over that way.

We made it with time to spare.

I Mobile Ordered us some food, and we found a table to sit down at.

I wanted to try the Smore's Sandwich to share. It was just ok. Not enough fluff in my oppinion. We will def stick with the tots and eggs dish.

Morgan wanted a Raspberry Tart. I have never tried b ut Morgan likes them to keep getting them. So, there is that.

And of course I had to get my adult lemonade. So good!

While we enjoyed our treats, I was texting with some dis-celebs to meet up. @kastoney & Family showed up and ordered a Smore's Sandwich to split as well. (They agree with our assement on it being meh) And then @chunkymonkey & DH showed up as well!

We chatted for a bit, had a bathroom pit stop, and then headed to all ride Slinky Dog! We all managed to have Fast Passes at the same time with no coordinating! I guess great minds do think alike!

Bathroom wall heading into the ladies room.

Green Army Men came by while we were gathering to head to Slinky Dog.

Celing in the load area of Slinky Dog.

Gwen and Casey wanted to ride toghether, which of course made Morgan sad. But I asked her to ride with me. Which only helped a little. But then when they lined us up, we ended up towards the back and Kari graciously switched so Morgan could have the very back and that made all good in the world again!

I stole this from @chunkymonkey - She is the queen at the Chunky-Rides!!!!

And our selfie of the butt of the ride...

I love Slinky Dog, it's a great coaster, just long enough and super fun. Unfortantly I wasn't able to get us fast passes for it this trip! The fast passes situation in HS is going to be a bit of mess for a bit I think.

The middle area with the "fire" is amazing.

And who doesn't love Squeezy singing?!?

But all too soon, our ride was over....

We got one last picture together. (Again thanks to Su-Lynn) and we all went our seperate ways...

We were headed to EPCOT next, but I wanted to get a Toy Story gift for my sisters little boy. So, we checked out the toy truck in the land.

Gwen found these but no toys that we wanted to purchase, so we moved on.

I wanted to try come of the other snacks in the incredibles "area". So, we made a pit stop.

We ordered Morgan the Mrs. Incredible Soft Pretzel, even though she said she didn't want it.

She seems like she likes it...

Gwen wanted the drink with Cotton Candy on it. Which was the Secret Identity one.
Secret Identity
Frozen Coca-Cola® with Cherry Cotton Candy topped with a surprise Candy

But Gwen does not like Coke, or soda. So, I asked if we could get the Frozone slush with cotton candy instead of whipped cream.
Frozone Slush
Fanta® Blue Raspberry with Whipped Cream

Which they gladly did for Gwen! (Although this picture above does look like Frozen Coke... So maybe I was wrong) It didn't matter, she just wanted the cotton candy and fun pick!

And then what I wanted to try... The Key Lime Pie on a Stick!

First bite...

Deciding if I liked it of not... Ha.

I liked this. The chocolate coating is pretty thick, but I liked it enough. I am not dyeing to get it again, but I would get it again. If that makes sense. We shared it, which was good as well, as it is alot for one person, I think.

We took our treats to go and started walking towards the Brown Debry. Where I left Andy and the girls to sit and eat there food. While I ran into the store around the corner.

Where I found some plush toy story characters.

I loved the Aliens.

But eneded up getting the Buzz one, as my sister's boy is obsessed with Buzz. I also text my sister for a shirt for him as well. Made my purchases and asked to send the package back to the resort. A first for me!!! I have to say, it's kind of a pain! There is a form to fill out and it felt like it took forever. I am sure it wasn't that bad but I just wasn't expecting to have to fill anything out.

I rejoined the fam and headed to the front of the park.

Andy suggested we stop for a photo. To Morgan's dismay, we stopped.
But it came out nice except the smoke basically hidding the Chinese Theater.

We continued on out, AGAIN.

BUT... we did stop for a PP photo.
There was only one person in front of us and there was no boat. Again Morgan didn't want to stop but we did. Why not!

We still managed to get the last space under the Canopy. So, that was nice. A boat came shortly, and we were off!

Up next our fun in EPCOT!


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