Leaving park to eat...good idea or no?


Jul 17, 2019
First time going to Disneyworld so I definitely want to make sure I try to see everything (FP all booked!). However as we all know, some of the good restaurants are not in the parks themselves. Is it a good idea to leave the park in the middle of the day to eat at a TS restaurant then come back? Or am I throwing away valuable time? I currently have
i) 1:25PM Sanaa reservation during our 1 day AK visit (8am-8pm park hours). Booked at 1:25 so its still light out and we can hopefully see wildlife..
ii) 6:15PM Jiko reservation during our 1 day HS visit (9am-9pm park hours). I want to go back to the park in time to see Fantasmic as well...

Also, one of our two Epcot days has park hours from 9am-11pm. As we are mostly night owls and will definitely be there until closing, does it make sense to take time out to visit Disney Springs and eat there? Not sure how long people usually spend at Disney Springs...
First time going to Disneyworld so I definitely want to make sure I try to see everything (FP all booked!). However as we all know, some of the good restaurants are not in the parks themselves. Is it a good idea to leave the park in the middle of the day to eat at a TS restaurant then come back? Or am I throwing away valuable time? I currently have
i) 1:25PM Sanaa reservation during our 1 day AK visit (8am-8pm park hours). Booked at 1:25 so its still light out and we can hopefully see wildlife..
ii) 6:15PM Jiko reservation during our 1 day HS visit (9am-9pm park hours). I want to go back to the park in time to see Fantasmic as well...

Also, one of our two Epcot days has park hours from 9am-11pm. As we are mostly night owls and will definitely be there until closing, does it make sense to take time out to visit Disney Springs and eat there? Not sure how long people usually spend at Disney Springs...

I think your your #i is agreat idea as it's an AKL ADR for your Animal Kingdom day.

BUT.... I would hesitate to go with #ii because that will take more travel time and since it is your 1st time going to WDW, I would suggest choose an ADR in Epcot for one of your 2 days there.

Personally, I like leaving the parks to eat at the resorts - it's a nice break from all of the chaos. I do think you could be cutting it a little close to get back to DHS for Fantasmic with a 6:15 Jiko reservation. Dinner could take two hours, and then who knows how long transportation back to the parks might take.

If you leave Epcot to go to Disney Springs, I'd recommend doing it in the early afternoon, rather than the evening. Disney Springs can get super crowded in the evenings - more so than the parks, and especially on holidays and weekends. 2-3 hours at Disney Springs is probably enough, unless you really want to do some shopping.
With it being your first time going to WDW, I personally wouldn't take the time to travel outside of the parks for meals.

We have been to Disney many times, and make a fairly regular habit of leaving MK for dinner at 'Ohana, but for a first time visitor, I would probably stick with dining inside the parks in order to get as much park time as possible.
A lot of people do like to leave the parks in the middle of the day to go back to the resort and relax a bit before heading back. It just depends on you. I have never done it only because I have kids and I know if I get them back to the hotel room where its cool and relaxing, I won't get them back to the parks. But try it at least one day during your stay and see if it's worth it to you.
We like leaving to eat but I probably wouldn’t recommend doing it on a first trip, especially a shorter one (not sure how long yours is). If you want to do it, I would keep it to a minimum. It can be a little tricky figuring out how you actually will be touring if you’ve never done it before, and resort dining might make it even trickier. Keep in mind you could be looking at almost 2 hours of transport time if you’re going to a resort to eat and then back to the park, depending where you’re eating.

We like keeping our resort dining close to the park we’re at that day, especially if we’re returning after we eat. For that reason I can’t even remember the last time we ate at a Disney Springs TS restaurant. I also don’t think you’ll be even close to making it back for Fantasmic after Jiko.
Everybody has their own opinion. For us, we like the time in the parks to ride the rides or whatever and leaving to eat can be a major time suck. If you have your own car, that will help but it still takes time. Even hopping from one park to another can take around an hour if you just missed the bus and then you throw in actual eating time. That being said, I know there are people that love the break from the parks.
I'm definitely a Sanaa advocate, but I wouldn't leave the park for a lunch there to see the animals. You'll see them while you are IN the park, most notably on the safari ride. That said, it's a great place but I think if I was going to "break"for a table service then I'd do dinner. Fortunately it's close enough to the park not to be a huge time suck getting to and from.

I think leaving Epcot for Disney Springs (if you rely on Disney transportation is also going to take a LOT of time.
Yeah, it depends. Going to AKL from AK is reasonable (though still expect it to take some time). If you are at MK, going to one of the Monorail resorts isn't a bad call. As others have said Epcot already has a lot of great restaurants, but you could always leave through the International Gateway to the Crescent Lake area for other choices. I would try not to leave HS for something at AKL - it will take a long time.
Ahh, thanks guys that's really helpful!! I kept Sanaa, but changed our Jiko's reservation so I can leave a full HS day untouched. We would probably just take an uber to avoid transportation issues if needed, but also never realized how long the actual service took...
Keep in mind that you can see the same type of Sanaa's animals that you can see on AK's safari ride. Personally, I'd either go straight to AKL for their quick-service breakfast at Sanaa and then take a WDW bus to AKL or just stay in the park and plan a lunch at Tiffin's that day for finer dining. We've been to WDW over 30 times and it can be timely to leave the park, experience a sit-down meal, and then return (plus you have to go through the security line again when you return). AK also isn't a park with in-park transportation to quickly whisk you from front to back (or vice versa). All together, it could take up 3 hours of precious park time. I highly suggest using this trip as a perfect opportunity to start planning for your 2nd trip. ;)

As for Disney Springs, if you love to shop, then definitely check it out! We aren't big shoppers on vacation, so we prefer to use our park ticket days in the parks (since we paid for admission). There are so many great restaurants in Epcot and the Boardwalk area and you can definitely find a place that you like! If you need a few suggestions, let us know!
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Both those restaurants are some of our favorites, but I don't think I'd give up park time to eat at them. Maybe the Sanaa is doable as the AKL is close, but it's still a decent time commitment to get to/from in the middle of the day. I would maybe suggest swapping out Sanaa for Tiffins for your AK lunch day. For your HS day I'd either do Brown Derby or someplace at either BWV/BC/YC/Swan/Dolphin. I would not go to DS during the middle of an EPCOT day. If you plan to go twice to EPCOT i'd probably sleep in one day and do DS for lunch...then head to EPCOT for the rest of the day.
I'm not a big fan of 'chasing food' at WDW. Now, if you're a foodie & all plans revolve around food, then my answer might be different. But, it will indeed eat gobs of time to travel in & out of parks, it is a long walk from attractions to front gates to transportation & then back again.

AK & EP have some of the more noteworthy options in park, from Nomad Lounge, Satuli & Flame Tree BBQ to Garden Grill and eating in any of the countries.

DHS is struggling for decent food right now but offers a very good selection at EP area resorts a short boat ride away, but really in the interest of time I'd call that a 'chicken strip day' and move ahead with plans.

Planning a mid-day TS at a park that will offer an a/c break to rest the dogs is a very good strategy.

I'd focus on getting a classic Disney experience of at least one character meal planned.

I'd choose resort dining for 'rest days' or arrival/departure days when you want an experience but don't want to spend a ticket day or a water park day when you end early & shower & dress for a nice dinner.

Lots of people love DS...I can take it or leave it. Unless you're staying at a nearby resort to walk or boat to DS, I don't think its a 'must do' for a first trip.
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All of this and then some! Especially for a first trip.

I'm not a big fan of 'chasing food' at WDW. Now, if you're a foodie & all plans revolve around food, then my answer might be different. But, it will indeed eat gobs of time to travel in & out of parks, it is a long walk from attractions to front gates to transportation & then back again.

AK & EP have some of the more noteworthy options in park, from Nomad Lounge, Satuli & Flame Tree BBQ to Garden Grill and eating in any of the countries.

DHS is struggling for decent food right now but offers a very good selection at EP area resorts a short boat ride away, but really in the interest of time I'd call that a 'chicken strip day' and move ahead with plans.

Planning a mid-day TS at a park that will offer an a/c break to rest the dogs is a very good strategy.

I'd focus on getting a classic Disney experience of at least one character meal planned.

I'd choose resort dining for 'rest days' or arrival/departure days when you want an experience but don't want to spend a ticket day or a water park day when you end early & shower & dress for a nice dinner.

Lots of people love DS...I can take it or leave it. Unless your staying at a nearby resort to walk or boat to DS, I don't think its a 'must do' for a first trip.
Unless there's a specific restaurant you're dying to eat at, I'd definitely avoid leaving the park with the exception of if you're going to a hotel restaurant a VERY easy way from a park (i.e. Boardwalk if you're at Epcot, a monorail resort if at MK). And even then - there are so many options in the parks that I'd think it's not necessary.

(However, I LOVE Sanaa and would potentially make an exception for that on an AK day especially if you've got a long enough trip overall to see everything and as long as you're going to order the bread service . . . )

100% don't do Jiko on DHS day if you're planning on returning to DHS. It's a signature restaurant and as such often has a more relaxed (read: stretched out) dining experience like many fancier restaurants.


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