The ABCs of a New 'Ohana Adventure-G is for: Greetings From Teppan, Good-Byes, and Good News!!! - COMPLETED 1/7

It's our last day; I'm happy to change things up if they want and head to a different park. Or course, they'd love FOP, but....

I don’t imagine that we’ll brave another EMH Marathon for FOP, specifically. Why when we have a FiP for 1:00?

Well then I also dont really see you switching it up too much other than how early you go. You can't give up a FP for FoP!

My number 1 Must Do for this day is to prevent my children from returning to the table at the Dawa with $20 worth of fudge like last time we sat there.

Well they could always spend their own money! Besides $20 is really not that much. Fran and I do $50 worth of damage at Karamel Kuche!

One highlight that we’ve got planned is a lunch with @Jenny Sanders and Joe around noon.

Nice! DISmeet!

Are you annoyed with that yet? I can keep going… FiP for FOP

FiP for FOP

FiP for FOP

:music: La, la, la, la, I can't hear you.......

And heck, we’ll be right there, so the BFP includes getting 2 portions of the Twilight Feast:

I had never heard of this! Sounds like YUM!

we’re a normal, hard-working, red-blooded family who shares many of the same things yours does. Remember Friends, we have a lot more in common than what we disagree on.

Well except that I don't have any two legged kids that have to go through college. :p

and my VIP one from the EPIC trip that I lost and got back. Huzzah!

Yay! I'm so glad you were able to get that back, you'll have to tell about that sometime.

And now… it’s YOUR turn! Do you have any last day traditions? Parks you have to do last? Things you need to “say good-bye” to? Do you relax and pack slowly, or milk every minute out of park time? And what do you make sure you take home with you? A certain snack? Toiletries?

I usually leave the last day somewhat open (on a regular trip) so that we can see what we accomplished on the other days and plug in what still needs to be done on the last day. However on the last trip it didn't work out that way, nor will it for this one as it is shorter trip.

A VERY short, whirlwind trip to hang out with Fran and Alison, Su-Lynn and Steve, Lesley, and possibly Jenny. We've got some really fun things planned starting with Shabu-Shabu Saturday night after a day in the parks!

Yay! And it was so much fun!

the youngest 2 kids and I will be heading up to Beaverton to spend the night with Mikki and leaving from her apartment at 3:00AM for our flight Friday morning!!! It's getting REAL!!!!!

And now you're there and have been for a day or so!

I'll catch up as best I can when I get back!

It will all be here when you get back!
Everyone has their own way of enjoying the massive array of stuff to do at WDW, but I am a planner. It's me and, well... I'm old enough now to be okay for not speaking one word of apology for being me.

No need to apologize. I too am a planner, but I think you put me to shame.

I've been to 4 Festivals now and have a pretty good idea of the things I want to try again, and an even better idea of the few things I never want to eat again.

I think I'm going to try for a mix of old favorites and new things.....I've only got about a day and a half.

Let's face it, going into a Festival with over 30 booths is too hard to just show up and try to decide. Because stomach space is just as limited as your wallet capacity. In any given afternoon/evening my limit is about 5 or 6 dishes... fewer if I have a meal planned on top of that.

Yup, lack of stomach room is a real problem.

I mean who has enough undies to pack 10 pair before they acually leave?

:wave: Then again I only pack half the amount of undies for a DVC trip cause I have a washer and dryer in the room. I'll need to rethink that for this upcoming trip as the second half of the stay is in a regular hotel room.

I am up an hour before I needed to be at 5:30AM so my one last load of laundry can be done in order to get my undies in their assigned baggies.

I can't believe you micro plan your wardrobe to pack it in baggies. Well, no, yes I can believe it. :laughing: My daily clothes wouldn't even fit in a gallon baggie. I'd need 2 1/2 gallon baggies for my clothes. :lmao:

This year I decided to do PLACES (or areas) from A-Z.

Works as well as anything.

Until I return at the end of the month, adieu my Friends! Play nice, work hard, and leave me a frozen pizza for when I come home. I may put a FB photo up each day, but other than that.... over and out....

Have fun! And I'll be just missing you, I'll be taking off at the beginning of the month!

Because originally, pants were composed of two parts. One for each leg. So you always had a pair of pantaloons. Underwear also go on each leg (don't think modern), hence a pair of underwear.

Interesting concept. So when was this? Medieval? Renaissance? I know that by the Victorian era or American Civil War times pants and underwear were one piece, or at least for reenactors they were. Ladies underwear had a special feature designed to make certain tasks easier when laden down with layers and layers of petticoats. :laughing:
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Hope you have a magical trip .

Too lazy to go back and quote - yes it sounds crazy to be doing a dessert party at the Christmas party but I am going for it. I did the Frozen/ Illuminations one in May - my first dessert party ever - enjoyed it so giving this one a whirl . Cramming as much as I can into my short park time .
Hope you are enjoying your trip!!

To answer your question about a plan I definitely always have a plan! Although our MNSSHP was SO busy, my plan kinda went out the window!
Oh dear, was I ever behind!! Getting myself caught up now just in time for the TR-ing to get going. I hope you had a wonderful trip with your kids!!

And now.... your turn! What is your favorite thing to do or place to go at DTD?

Ohhh dear...tough one! So Erin McKenna's is probably my favourite little piece of heaven at DTD. (I guess if we're going to use old names for things here, [e.g. DTD] then I should probably call it Babycakes instead!) It's such a luxury to have amazing bakery treats that I can eat safely. I just discovered a new type of cupcake there on our last trip that was rocking my world! I also love Basin, even if I don't purchase anything. But I like their lotion, and Nathan likes the bath bombs, so we sometimes bring a couple of little luxuries home with us. I also remember that my favourite place here when I was a wee little one was Rainforest Cafe! I brought home one of those little pucks that you put in water and it turns into a washcloth, and it was miraculous to me!

It is NOT for the weak or faint-hearted. If you cannot jog, risk being jostled, have a short temper, or are claustrophobic, sit this out. No really. It was terrifying. I won’t do it again alone but will once with my kids.

It sounded horrifying! I'd find this very stressful. I'm impressed that you will have done it more than once!

Your turn! Have you been to the Food and Wine Festival? If so, what has been your most memorable (good or bad) dish? And more importantly, how can I design my car to beat my son?

I've finally been to Food and Wine! There are a lot of things I can't eat there, and others that I shouldn't eat but did anyway :laughing: I liked the crispy pork belly with black beans/tomato/onions from Brazil, and also the liquid nitro truffle.

Hopefully my flabby thighs won’t create too much of a seismic disturbance as we trot to the newly opened Land


This would, admittedly be a bad time for a repeat blood letting performance such as I had last year in Animal Kingdom. They may or may not have called ahead to let them know I’m coming so a spill kit can be ready.

Oooohhh I hope not!! That was quite the day!

After Sanaa, (Come to Mommy, My Sweet little Bread Service…)

Nom! I hope this happened.

And now, it's YOUR turn: Which trail do you prefer- Maharaja or Gorilla Falls? And why?

Tough call. I think I like Maharaja slightly more as well. I love the tigers, and I'm crazy about the theming and artistry. The prayer flags are beautiful. And I also find this trail tends to feel less congested when we go, compared to the bottlenecks we encounter on the gorilla trail.

Or, if you've never been on either of them.... which would you rather do with the evening at AK: wandering in Pandora, ROL, or watching the TOL Awakening? You can only choose one... No, really you can't do all 3 due to timing of park closing now.

TOL Awakenings for sure. I find it a beautiful and peaceful end to the evening, and definitely my favourite of the new-ish nighttime offerings.

Speaking of EPCOT’s entrance, y’all know that a LOT of EPCOT, including the entrance is going to be going through a ton of changes, right?

Yes. :( I'm sure it will be a wonderful overhaul. I'm just weirdly emotionally tied to Future World. I will be interested to see what comes next though! If I am being completely objective, I think it's probably time for a serious update. The only thing I'm really sad about is the loss of the Fountain of Nations.

Now it’s YOUR turn: What are your World Showcase traditions? First: Your favorite WS restaurant and, secondly, what non-food-related thing do you love to do? Pick-a-pearl? A certain show or attraction? A particular photo op?

WS restaurant...hmm...Possibly Teppan Edo. We don't eat habachi at home so it's a novelty, and our meals have been excellent when we've been here. We've also had great meals at Rose and Crown. We're trying La Hacienda for the first time in December! One of my favourite activities that's not food related is to splurge on a henna tattoo. I also love pin trading around the world and chatting with cast members as we go. :)

Do you take afternoon breaks and if so (or not) does it depend on whether you have/had little ones along? Do you find you really do recharge if you do? My bus luck stinks so I can count on a 30-minute wait each way. I hate to burn up an hour plus walking time!

Yep! Most days! (And we never have little ones along.) We've had a vehicle with us at the parks the last few trips though, so that helps. I find I have a hard time making it through the entire day without a bit of a recharge. But sometimes just taking it easy in a quiet attraction, or over a longer lunch is enough to do the trick.

So, for the sake of switching things up and, in the interest of having something different to write about, the plan is to hit up the Harbor House, CR’s, or a place I’ve, believe it or not, never tried, Pinocchio’s.

Nice! Where did you end up going? I love Columbia Harbor House, and I actually really like Pinocchio's too these days.

Now, it’s your turn: What is your favorite night-time show and how do you feel about the several recent changes (Wishes to HEA, Illuminations to whatever it is now (sorry, too lazy to look it up), the changes at HS with a new projection show, etc….)?? Do you often stay for them, or jet so you can get on a bus without a 4-mile long line?

Fantasmic! is my favourite of the current offerings. I was a big fan of Wishes before it was retired because of the nostalgia associated with it, the reliance on more fireworks, the fact that you could watch it from many places in the park, and because it was story-heavy. When we watch Fantasmic, especially, I always stay till the end. The very last moment of the show is by far the very best part, and I always feel bad for the people who duck out before it and miss out. I like to sit and wait for 15 mins or so after it's over if I'm not in a rush. The theatre clears out quickly and then you don't have to do the stuck-in-a-crowd waddle all the way down that long path.

Your turn: Do you have a less-visited, not-very-popular attraction that is a family favorite or must-do for you that you love to visit simply for scratching that nostalgic itch?

I'm not sure about what I'd pick for me personally, but for Nathan and I collectively as a couple it would definitely be the Winnie the Pooh ride in Magic Kingdom. It just so happens that it was the first ride I took Nathan on during his first ever trip.

I know many of my readers have collections, some very large and some very small or limited. Do you collect anything (in addition to a load of credit card debt) from your trips? Could be free stuff, or paid, any category. Do you display it, use it, wear it, etc...?

Like you, I also collect Disney pins! I have quite a pin problem, to be honest. I also trade, both in the parks, and in mail trades through online Facebook groups. My pin collection is ginormous and getting out of control. But most of my favourite pins are the ones I pick up to represent parts of our trips, like parties or EPCOT festivals, or resort pins. My pride and joy is my Merida pin collection. I also collect Animal Kingdom pins, Sulley pins, Bing Bong pins, current hidden mickeys pins, and sometimes mystery boxes/bags will catch my eye. I've also purchased a few Dooney and Bourke bags that are quite treasured. And even on trips where we're keeping a pretty tight budget, I've taken to bringing home one or two mini tsum tsum plushes from each trip since they're small and easy to pack/store.

And now… it’s YOUR turn! Do you have any last day traditions? Parks you have to do last? Things you need to “say good-bye” to? Do you relax and pack slowly, or milk every minute out of park time? And what do you make sure you take home with you? A certain snack? Toiletries?

We don't really have traditions for our last day, other than feeling depressed. :laughing: Often our flights end up being really early in the morning. So I guess one tradition is staying out later than we should at the parks the night before, even though we'll have an early wake up call, because it's just too hard to leave knowing that you'll be on a plane the next day headed home.

Who are the Planners here and who are the Just Wing-its? Planners? WHAT do you plan and how do you organize your thoughts and notes? Wing-Its? Do you go without any ADRs or FiPs? And do you plan out your schedule at all?

I'm definitely more of a planner. Even when we decide that a trip will be more loosey-goosey, the closer we get to the actual trip the more I tend to sneak in plans here and there until it's still pretty structured in the end. This November I've decided that we won't do ADRs quite as frequently as on past trips (at most one per day,) and I've made some FPs, but won't necessarily stick to them. ...we'll see how that holds as the trip gets closer.

AFTER the new (and hopefully improved, but probably not) fireworks at 10:45

I'm curious to see what you thought of them. I have an opinion, but I'll wait to share it until either you give yours first, or I get to mine in my eventual TR.

What are your top priorities at the parties (any of them) and what do you wish they'd change or add?

Parade!! After the parade, fireworks, and any particularly interesting shows. (e.g. I like the Tomorrowland show at the Christmas party, and the Hocus Pocus show at the Halloween party.) We don't really do much trick or treating because it looses its appeal for allergy folks like myself. I like the rides with overlays, and I also like to squeeze in a few magic shots (especially if we're dressed up for the Halloween party!) I'm also a character fan, so I like to choose one character meet that will likely have a longer line (e.g. Pooh and friends, or Moana,) and then whoever else we can meet with a sub-30-minute line is just a bonus.

At 10:00 I get a quick last nail job (Haunted Mansion Purple!!)

Nice choice!

I hope you had a wonderful trip! You absolutely deserved it. Can't wait to hear about it!
Ugh, sooo behind, no time to quote, but I SO enjoyed reading your plans. I'm loving following along as FB posts have popped up, too!! Hope you're enjoying all the wonderful-ness of your trip! I really can't wait to read all about it when you return! Safe travels, Liesa and crew!
After a long delay in Dallas, and more travel still tonight, I’m home-ish. Work oughtta be reeeeeeeally interesting tomorrow.

Nevertheless, suffice to say, there are loads of stories to be told. Hopefully this weekend, I can kick things off. :) I wish I could say I’m happy to be home, but y’all know it stinks coming back from Disney.
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Welcome -Home! Looking forward to seeing how your plans worked out! I just got caught up so I feel like my answers would be moot at this point, but I can't help talking Disney! am a planner, but it seems I help others plan more than my own lately. I'm starting to let the younglings take the lead and just tag along!

Jim's must do is Ohana. I like to try something new all of the time and don't really have a must eat as much as a like to eat. I like to try new cocktails, but revert back to a nice smooth can most often.

I was impressed with SWGE but disappointed with Smugglers. What did you think? Oh Spoiler! NM.
I'm looking forward to our June birthday trip to the world! More fun with babies!

Okay, get some rest and get this thing going! 😇
I was impressed with SWGE but disappointed with Smugglers. What did you think? Oh Spoiler! NM.
Kinda funny...I was the opposite.

I thought the decorations/theming were top notch, but once you've gone around and seen it, it's kinda just so much eye candy. I enjoyed SR simply because (as the pilots) you actually have some control over the flight. The gunners can have an impact on the overall score, but trying to target manually is TOUGH. The engineers are kinda just along for the ride. Again, I thought the theming was well FELT like I was on the Falcon. Would be interested to hear your thoughts. PM if you prefer.
Yes, we have about a dozen refillable mugs in the cupboard now. I don't have the heart to throw them out. I use them mostly around the house in the summer, especially if I sit in the backyard for a while to unwind, I'll take a cold drink with me in the mug (often fresh brewed iced tea, which I really got into this summer. I tried a bunch of fruit flavours and found I liked peach the best).

I brought 2 refillables home this year, but not from Disney, LOL! Well one of them at least. I got a free one... sort of.
OUCH is right! I had a sense they were going up, but I hadn't realized it was that much. I think for me I would like to do one just to say I did it and to see what the fuss is all about (the majority of reviews I've read are positive). But I can see it being a one and done thing, just based on cost.
It'll be a while before I can cross that one off, if I do it at all. Things are just so spendy now. But, as you say, the reviews of those who have done it say they are worth it.
Not in my book....I have nothing in the morning until we got to Epcot and nosh on the kiosks.

We did a little of both. :) Best of both worlds.
Neither do I. Seriously I just dont have the energy to exert all that adrenaline!
I like CHH, then again fried food is my jam.

I don't think, other than some fries this trip, I ate one single fried anything.

If you get the sampler, there may not be enough fried chicken there to split it. I think you get just one breast. But if you want the meatloaf and pot roast, then go for it.

We ended up with one fried chicken dinner and one meatloaf for the 4 of us, ordered an extra veggie and mashed potato and that was perfect for us.

Ours is 4PM, then again our Prime Time is at 1:15.
A perfect time for a drink!
That's nice that they are interested in what's happening.

I think that paid off!

Or who knows, they might get some 💵 on eBay. I bet like with Tiki Mugs there will be 1st generation droids, and when people can only get later generations, the earlier ones may become possibly valuable.

Hmm, you may have a good point!

I don't really have a favorite show at WDW. I'm kinda spoiled by the shows at DL and not having to fight the crowds. Illuminations became kind of a snoozer for me, our F! blows DHS's version out of the park. We were so far away from the action when we saw HEA, I can't form an opinion. I do have to say that the SWW fireworks we saw five or so years ago were awesome.

And I saw half of Illuminations this trip, the new Halloween show, and... that's it.

Just wait until November! You'll fall in love with the place!

About that.... will have to call soon and talk logistics. Might have a massive snag there. :(
So sorry to have taken so long to reply!!

I am definitely a planner. I travel a lot, but haven't been to WDW in 20 years. However, I will plan in generalizations, and then come up with a bucket list of rainy day vs. sunny day activities. I have been to NYC 12 times, and still have not made it to any of the art museums or the Museum of Natural History. I still walk 25000 steps every day! There is just so much to do that I can't fit everything in, or I am travelling with people who are not museum aficionados. It makes it worthwhile because I always have a reason to return and a goal to see how many items I can actually cross off my list! LOL!

You are sure going to love all the additions and changes. A LOT has happened in 20 years! You sure do sound like a planner and WDW is a Mecca for finding plenty to do! And yes, like you, there is still loads on my "I'd love to..." List there.

So, for my upcoming trip to WDW, which is not until November of next year, I already pretty much know which parks I will go to each day, and I will make fast passes based on those parks, and figure out restaurant options based on where we will be at a given time, but outside of that, I am fine going with the flow and stopping and enjoying the performers, people and activities going on as I walk by. I hope that works for this trip. I am the person who would rather walk both animal trails at AK vs standing in line for a second ride on a roller coaster, even though I love those thrill rides.

That is excactly how I plan too. A framework and overall plan with loads of wiggle room to stop and smell the roses. The parks are filled with music and scavenger hunts and details. Don't lose the joy of those with being too rigid.

My upcoming trip will be multi-generational, so that will add a new challenge to my trip planning. I seek advice from lots of sources, but have found that I am enjoying getting to know all the Disney folks in these forums, and appreciate all the valuable information they are sharing. Can't wait to read more in the upcoming months!

I agree, a multi-generational trip is WAY harder to plan to please everyone, but if the youngest set is old enough and able to strike out on their own for some of it, you can be free to split your time with the slower older folks and get some of those thrills in with the young'uns. Best of both worlds! I hope what I share is valauable and helps you plan the best trip for YOU! :hug:
Have an amazing time!
I sure did!!! A perfectly lovely couple of weeks with a few bumps in the road, but not enough to ruin it at all!
Well CM previewsare taking place Sept 23-26, so I think you're going to end up with some FOMO.

The FOMO is soooooooooooooooo real. Missed it by literally one day. It was open the morning I left but found myself doing other things. A good reason to go back.
The spicy garlic shrimp is very good, they served us that at a F&W lunch and also the lamb was very good. I'm sure you'll want the hummus too. The merguez (lamb sausage on the menu) is one of my favorite meats. I have some in my freezer for when I make Moroccan couscous.

Sounds so yummy!!! I'll be doing a Spice Road Table review at some point that will talk about the Moroccan options.

I would say COP for this one. The only nostalgia is that Fran introduced me to it and I think it's nostalgic cause Walt brought it to the World's Fair. Also one of our buildings is a Gold Medallion electric building. Even though the idea was passe by the time it was built, I find the attraction cute and I live the song.

I would agree. I absolutely LOVE that attraction every time I go.

We had a similar nachos at Trader Sam's and I did bnb ot like them but YMMV.

And in the end, we did not get them. :(

You realize they don't open until 4PM....

Nope, 3:00 at WDW Traders. We arrived at 2:40 and put our name in and were in the first seating.

We pay off our credit cards every month, so that's one thing we dont collect. But you've been to our house, we collect everything from mugs, to purses, to plushes, to pins, to figurines, and who knows what else!

I pay off mine every month too. Otherwise, what's the use of the Disney Dollars if you carry a fee on it? I do get more than the annual fee of $49 so worth it .

And yes, your collections are quite impressive. ;)


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