Marathon Weekend 2020

Marathons are stupid - but I feel strangely re-energized after mine on Sunday and am ready to get back at it! I really think the positive attitude helped (and I'm not a positive person usually!).

Come see me Friday after I attempt my first post-marathon run. My spirits might be dampened then...
So since my return to training took a bit longer than anticipated, I need to revamp my long run expectations - no way the 16 miles I had originally scheduled for Friday is happening. For those you running the marathon, what distance do you have down for this weekend? (I really hope it’s not 16. 😂)

ETA: I would like to join Team Marathons Are Stupid.
So since my return to training took a bit longer than anticipated, I need to revamp my long run expectations - no way the 16 miles I had originally scheduled for Friday is happening. For those you running the marathon, what distance do you have down for this weekend? (I really hope it’s not 16. 😂)

ETA: I would like to join Team Marathons Are Stupid.

I think 14. I top out at 17.
So since my return to training took a bit longer than anticipated, I need to revamp my long run expectations - no way the 16 miles I had originally scheduled for Friday is happening. For those you running the marathon, what distance do you have down for this weekend? (I really hope it’s not 16. 😂)

ETA: I would like to join Team Marathons Are Stupid.
My plan calls for a 100 minutes long run this weekend.
So since my return to training took a bit longer than anticipated, I need to revamp my long run expectations - no way the 16 miles I had originally scheduled for Friday is happening. For those you running the marathon, what distance do you have down for this weekend? (I really hope it’s not 16. 😂)

ETA: I would like to join Team Marathons Are Stupid.

Ha! I’ve got 16 on the schedule for this weekend! Full disclosure, it’s the max run on my plan and my marathon is in less than a month.
I am supposed to be doing 7 on Saturday and 17 on Sunday (I am running Goofy) - but because "marathons are stupid" I am still recovering from running MCM last weekend. No big injuries thankfully, but my legs aren't 100% yet and of course I came down with the crud a few days after the race as well. So now I am on a modified training plan thanks to DopeyBadger's insight!
Saturday I've got 30 min on the bike and then 20 min of easy running. Sunday I have my "A" half marathon of the training plan and fitness test prior to Disney. If the weather holds (no snow/ice), then I really want to see something in the 1:2X:XX area to have confidence in my Disney goal.

My peak weekend is 12/21 and 12/22.

Saturday - 6 hrs indoor cycling at Ironman bike pace (~90-93 miles based on my chainring in ERG mode) + 45 min (5.3 miles) of easy evening running
Sunday - 3 hrs running at LR pace w/ fast finish (~23.5 miles) + 47 min of 80 Day Obsession Cardio Flow (cardio + yoga) in the evening

It is a Goofy anniversary year but Goofy had 845 finishers last year. That 6071 number includes Dopey. I don't see how Dopey could've outsold 2018 this year.

The full has roughly 12000 finishers last year. No way they sold over 2018 for that either.

I could see the half being closer to the 2019 number but still not a sold out type number.

My best guess is they are waiting for charity and TA bibs to come back and/or they made these races smaller.

Now the worry with smaller races means smaller corrals which leads to less time for character and/or rides.


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