I love credit cards so much! v2.0 (see first page for add'l details)

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Happy Thanksgiving, friends!

Our brunch (4 people):
eggs, scrambled or fried
chicken sausage
scrapple (talk about your regional dishes :laughing:)
gluten free cranberry bread

Dinner (8 people--we usually have 12+):
turkey from the farm where we get our meat
traditional bread stuffing
apple-walnut stuffing (vegetarian)
mashed potatoes, with and without dairy
roasted sweet potatoes
broccoli casserole
steamed veggies
homemade cranberry sauce
apple pie
pumpkin custard (dairy free)
layered pumpkin pie (pumpkin chiffon base with sweetened whipped cream in between)
layered pumpkin pie (dairy free; will whip canned coconut milk as a sub)
wine lol

We deal with many allergies (soy, dairy, buncha random stuff) and intolerances (all grains, gluten, cruciferous veggies) so we have to have a variety of food, even with a small group of people.
Happy Thanksgiving! And I did it! I just spent 237k URs (I already had 3k United points) on our return flight home from SYD. 8/20 was gone so we are coming home on 8/18 instead and going to SYD-IAH-ORD-BWI. We now have lie-down seats for longer and shorter flights in Econ. Although I was perplexed why there was no option for IAH-BWI on saver since I could have gone SYD-LAX-IAH-BWI. Now to start really planning since we know our dates. I am beyond excited to be making this trip happen in style thanks to CC!
Happy Thanksgiving, friends!

Our brunch (4 people):
eggs, scrambled or fried
chicken sausage
scrapple (talk about your regional dishes :laughing:)
gluten free cranberry bread

Dinner (8 people--we usually have 12+):
turkey from the farm where we get our meat
traditional bread stuffing
apple-walnut stuffing (vegetarian)
mashed potatoes, with and without dairy
roasted sweet potatoes
broccoli casserole
steamed veggies
homemade cranberry sauce
apple pie
pumpkin custard (dairy free)
layered pumpkin pie (pumpkin chiffon base with sweetened whipped cream in between)
layered pumpkin pie (dairy free; will whip canned coconut milk as a sub)
wine lol

We deal with many allergies (soy, dairy, buncha random stuff) and intolerances (all grains, gluten, cruciferous veggies) so we have to have a variety of food, even with a small group of people.
I make my pumpkin pie with whipped canned coconut milk too. So, so good!! I used to make pumpkin pies with dairy and without but everyone only wanted the dairy free ones so that’s all I make now.
I called for a retention offer on my Bonvoy Biz last week, and nada. I haven’t been putting much spend on the card, so that may be the reason. I’ll try again before the AF is due. The AF went up to $125, but I think I can find value in a 35k FNC even at that price.

I think I got mine around the beginning of the September. I hardly had any spend on it either. I think there were some higher retention offers, but I was happy with 10k/1k since I had some other MSRs too. I’ll probably hold onto the card as well.

A nice Southern style dinner and it sounds wonderful! I've lived in Maryland since the 80ties and have grown to love this meal, but have just not learned how to cook collard greens, but hopefully someone will bring them to the feast tomorrow.
I'm bringing the corn pudding, candied yams, stuffing, deviled eggs and baked ham, while the turkeys are being fried there, plus numerous other dishes will be had such as mashed potatoes, gravy, green bean casserole, relish tray, breads, and whatever others bring. There will be quite a few people, when friends are included and we are at older daughter's house. I told DD about the Nantucket Cranberry Pie and we are going to make that with the fresh cranberries she bought.

Thanks! I don’t eat any sort of greens, or as I call them-wet leaves, but apparently my DH’s are really good because everybody raves about them. He does them with a ham hock and everything. He’s also making fresh cranberry sauce for the first time this year!
I had hoped my dd would get CHH! I love the location and the costume 😍

I was excited when I found out that's where I would be working (back then you found out after you arrived). I ate there back in September and there was still a woman there that remembered me! It was a great location. We were the first group to wear that costume they switched to it halfway through my program.
Happy Thanksgiving, friends!

Our brunch (4 people):
eggs, scrambled or fried
chicken sausage
scrapple (talk about your regional dishes :laughing:)
gluten free cranberry bread

Dinner (8 people--we usually have 12+):
turkey from the farm where we get our meat
traditional bread stuffing
apple-walnut stuffing (vegetarian)
mashed potatoes, with and without dairy
roasted sweet potatoes
broccoli casserole
steamed veggies
homemade cranberry sauce
apple pie
pumpkin custard (dairy free)
layered pumpkin pie (pumpkin chiffon base with sweetened whipped cream in between)
layered pumpkin pie (dairy free; will whip canned coconut milk as a sub)
wine lol

We deal with many allergies (soy, dairy, buncha random stuff) and intolerances (all grains, gluten, cruciferous veggies) so we have to have a variety of food, even with a small group of people.
😍 this for the scrapple. I would not want to eat it everyday but I do miss that living in Ohio. I used to pick some up when we visited our parents in PA. Haven't had any for such a long time.
I was excited when I found out that's where I would be working (back then you found out after you arrived). I ate there back in September and there was still a woman there that remembered me! It was a great location. We were the first group to wear that costume they switched to it halfway through my program.
That’s so fun that you saw a CM who remembered you! Yeah, I’m all about the costumes and those are pretty high on my list. Though it would seem they’d get hot, especially for the ones standing outside handing out menus.
I think the CP’s typically now find out their role a week before arrival. Can’t imagine having to wait until you arrived!!
oh...right yeah..... I had $80 credit,paid another $19,total $99 back. Thanks!
soooo... update to my SWA AF story- I paid the bill on 22nd, on the 25th I got 6k anniversary points,minus the $80 that was previously refunded - so they gave the acct 5,920 points for anniversary..... now here's where it gets hairy again, what happens when Dh calls to cancel? do they give back the $99 fee? what about the anniversary points? just call it a loss? (it's not much but c'mon...) just thought I'd toss that out here in case any experts want to weigh in....
Todays menu:
Relish Tray
Mashed Potatoes
Sweet Potatoes
Sweet Corn
Cran/Rasp Jello mold (family tradition)
Broccoli Kale Brussels Sprouts Salad

Pumpkin Pie
Pecan Pie

This will all be consumed by four people: dh, myself, dd, and her bf's roommate from college, who now lives with dd and her bf. The bf will be going to his parents. 🙄 Weird....his parents freak out if he doesn't spend holidays with them. I had a MIL like that. DD is in for a tough row to hoe.

The other dd and bf will not be coming. They just got a new puppy Tuesday and don't want to expose it to the THREE dogs my other dd is bringing. Ugh. I'm ready for a vodka martini with 3 green olives. Is 4:45 am too early?!!?

it's 5:00 somewhere.

My son will be with his girlfriend's at her parents today. I'm okay with that. He came by earlier this week and he is trying to figure out how to do two xmas's. I have the answer but I'll let him stew for awhile. Xmas Day is at a family friend's house, who lost her mother and is just getting back into feeling the holidays. She wants to do this and we will all help.

I haven't announced yet, but I'll do 'family' Xmas Eve and all will be fine. Older DD is already not interested in doing anything at her house since she is hosting today. I want it to be small on Xmas eve so I'll stay quiet as. long as possible. Today is blown up to 20 plus people already. Son in law is busy inviting friends, but we are used to this so no biggie.
soooo... update to my SWA AF story- I paid the bill on 22nd, on the 25th I got 6k anniversary points,minus the $80 that was previously refunded - so they gave the acct 5,920 points for anniversary..... now here's where it gets hairy again, what happens when Dh calls to cancel? do they give back the $99 fee? what about the anniversary points? just call it a loss? (it's not much but c'mon...) just thought I'd toss that out here in case any experts want to weigh in....
What do you mean; “what about the anniversary points”? You got your 6,000 points. They were offset against -80 pts that are tied to a previous return. There isn’t a card issuer out there who doesn’t place negative points on returns, Chase/Amex/Citi certainly all do it...

You may not realize this, but had you not waited like this you apparently would have closed the card with a balance of -80 pts which is a good way to get Chase upset at you. They are not able to transfer a negative points balance on to the partner account (ie SW in this example) so they basically would’ve taken that loss. This one was small enough that I don’t think they’d have called you out for abuse but if you do that on a large enough scale they will deny future cards due to unacceptable prior relationship.

At any rate, just know that you got all 6,000 of your points. There’s nothing to be upset about there.
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