Is it okay to put family first? (Response to royal family stuff)

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I see things differently.

It was always obvious that Harry wasnt comfortable with the Royal way of life and he loved being in the military as there for the first time he was just one of the boys. He got a taste of what "normal" life was like and IMO has been seeking to find a substitute for military life

I see it more that Harry has found his Princess, he found someone outside of the Royal life, someone outside of UK.
I see it that SHE is his escape, , his way out of a life that was making him miserable. He always knew what life in The Firm would mean for him, and he wanted out.

He has been open about his mental health issues, how he has struggled with dealing with his mothers death, he was never comfortable playing by The Firms's rules and protocols. How can people not see that he clearly never fitted in with what was expected of him. All people see is Meghan, how SHE is different, how SHE apparently disrespects protocols etc etc. The negativity hurled at them for not being like the other Royals is astounding.

There has been a lot of negativity about how she moved in on Harry and snagged a Prince and how quick the marriage was after they met etc etc. But to me its the opposite, HE moved fast, as HE realized that Megan is his way out of The Firm. HE moved fast, so that she wouldn't get away and leave him trapped in a position he didn't want.

Now he has his own family and can live life on his terms, and not be constrained by protocol and the weight of generations and the expectations of a nation.

I just don;t understand what is so wrong with someone choosing their own path in life rather than being forced to live as society and their family expect them to live.
I don't much care what they do and all, but it seems like they blindsided the Queen with the announcement. The least they could do is have the discussions with her privately first. Don't disrespect your grandmother like that - even if she wasn't the Queen!
Recent reports indicate that this had been in discussion for months among the royal family, but the details hadn’t been fully worked out. The announcement came prematurely and without the Queen’s approval, because the story was about to be leaked.
Never knew who Meghan Markle was before her marriage to Harry. My impression of her was so-so, but generally got worse as the time went by to the point of annoyance. It seem like she just creates a lot of drama. Harry has also been showing a more short-tempered, negative image compared to before. Obviously this is all taken with the grain of salt bc I do agree that the media has it out for them. All in all, I think their decision is good news for everyone. They can finally do what they want (looks like they hated the royal life anyways), and we can stop hearing about them all the time (hopefully).

And agree with the posts saying they should give up their money that they're given with. Although i was the under the impression that's what they meant by "financial independence" but who knows
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BadPinkTink, I so agree with those points!!!!
But, that then begs the question, if that is true, at all... then why move at a lighting pace, fight to ingratiate Meghan into the Royal Family, go the sickeningly extravagant Royal Wedding. (which it is alleged that Meghan didn't get a good deal of what she wanted or hoped for), renovate and move into their little castle... and THEN..... T H E N.... "okay... ooooops... I'm out."
There is nothing okay about how any of this has gone down.
You don't have to be a Mehgan or Royal 'hater' to acknowledge, or have a negative opinion of that.
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It is ALWAYS ok for me to put my family first. As for everyone else...

Not my monkey. Not my circus.
The Duchess has no idea how to function in a relationship, unless it’s all about her.
"Interesting" analysis. Basing this on.Why..? Personal knowledge? Counseling sessions with her? Having been, or very close to someone, in a relationship with her?
but I always questioned her truth in the interview she did when she got engaged that she had no idea that Harry was "Prince Harry",
If she didn't know when/until they got engaged who he was, I agree she was untruthful she lied. But I believe the more likely she didn't know who he was when they first met.
"Interesting" analysis. Basing this on.Why..? Personal knowledge? Counseling sessions with her? Having been, or very close to someone, in a relationship with her?

If she didn't know when/until they got engaged who he was, I agree she was untruthful she lied. But I believe the more likely she didn't know who he was when they first met.
Think I stated it was my opinion. Period.
Half of my family are UK citizens as was my mom. I've been paying attention to their listings in Facebook. Most are posting the same articles. They could have stepped back like Edward did or relinquished their titles so it does seem like a cake and eat it too situation. Also the British are not stupid people when they say "financial independence" as they all know the $ they get outside the queen If you truly want independence , give up Frogmore, give up the tax free status, give up the titles but they did none of that. Worse, they patented the title to make money off it. That's the articles they've been posting and I happen to agree

My issue was Christmas. Again, not my decision but I do have an opinion whether right or wrong. I noticed her mother is everywhere including Christmas It was always noted that Harry was very close to Phillip. Both grandparents in their mid 90's and Phillip not in good health of someone that I was that close to was 90+ and ailing, I'd make sure my first child was spending perhaps the last Christmas with that person but they were in Canada with her mother. I may be completely wrong but it just feels like the woman who married a man and then all of a sudden, he drifts further apart from his family but her family is constantly around. I have no facts, just an inkly feeling in my gut. I know nothing about her, just got feelings. I could be 100% wrong
Half of my family are UK citizens as was my mom. I've been paying attention to their listings in Facebook. Most are posting the same articles. They could have stepped back like Edward did or relinquished their titles so it does seem like a cake and eat it too situation. Also the British are not stupid people when they say "financial independence" as they all know the $ they get outside the queen If you truly want independence , give up Frogmore, give up the tax free status, give up the titles but they did none of that. Worse, they patented the title to make money off it. That's the articles they've been posting and I happen to agree

My issue was Christmas. Again, not my decision but I do have an opinion whether right or wrong. I noticed her mother is everywhere including Christmas It was always noted that Harry was very close to Phillip. Both grandparents in their mid 90's and Phillip not in good health of someone that I was that close to was 90+ and ailing, I'd make sure my first child was spending perhaps the last Christmas with that person but they were in Canada with her mother. I may be completely wrong but it just feels like the woman who married a man and then all of a sudden, he drifts further apart from his family but her family is constantly around. I have no facts, just an inkly feeling in my gut. I know nothing about her, just got feelings. I could be 100% wrong
So I'm guessing your opinion is the same about Kate and William spending Christmas with her family?
I find it hilarious that some Brits ***** about the monorachy and how much it supposedly costs them in taxes (which is next to nil, btw), but now that Harry wants to become financially independent and make his own money, it's somehow a problem. :rotfl: Can't have it both ways, tootsies.
But that is what they want they want the expensive foreign royal duties and get paid for them. They want the multimillion house and they want the expensive security given but they want to make money on their title it doesn’t work that way. Lastly as the queens heir legally she has custody of their kids not them.
But that is what they want they want the expensive foreign royal duties and get paid for them. They want the multimillion house and they want the expensive security given but they want to make money on their title it doesn’t work that way. Lastly as the queens heir legally she has custody of their kids not them.

Harry is not heir to the throne.
But that is what they want they want the expensive foreign royal duties and get paid for them. They want the multimillion house and they want the expensive security given but they want to make money on their title it doesn’t work that way. Lastly as the queens heir legally she has custody of their kids not them.

No she doesn’t. Lol. Why do you think that?
I dare speculate that ALL of our OPINIONS are based on media reports and not personal knowledge.

Don't express "opinions" as facts and not expect to be called out for them. Writing "this is my opinion" doesn't make what you wrote before okay. What if you were written about like that, using the terms you used? Would you think it unfair because the person writing the "opinion" doesn't know you? Or would you dismiss it as you have above?
I never get when people pull out the last Christmas argument. How many "last Christmases" with a family member are expected to be command performances? That's not an argument I buy into at all. My dad is on about his 7th "last Christmas" if we were to admit trying to predict his death timeline and if I'd had command performances at each of them, I could have missed several other family members "last Christmases" for real. (each of whom was MANY years younger than him.) Taking turns visiting family is reality even when part of your family is aging royalty. So thankful my family understands that visits still count if they aren't on a holiday!
Don't express "opinions" as facts and not expect to be called out for them. Writing "this is my opinion" doesn't make what you wrote before okay. What if you were written about like that, using the terms you used? Would you think it unfair because the person writing the "opinion" doesn't know you? Or would you dismiss it as you have above?
I think I said it was my opinion. Did I state they were facts? I seriously doubt Meghan, Harry or the royal family care one whit about my opinion. And, I've been around for a minute. Folks have oppositional views.. I'm good with that.
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