Is it okay to put family first? (Response to royal family stuff)

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My question.... their own brand of what?
Great question. But they already have a logo (using the crown in it) and trademarked the name "Sussexroyal" for it. So, financially independent, but parlaying off their royal fame of course.

I have no issue with them wanting to separate themselves from royal duties and live a simpler life, especially since Meghan seems to be struggling with it. Its a different culture which no American can relate to. But, I do think they could have handled it better. They seem to have sprung it on the royal family giving them no chance to discuss it or put a plan in place for when Meghan and Harry made their announcement. I understand that their mind was made up, but out of respect for their family and knowing what a s---tstorm would come from this announcement, they could have given them the courtesy of more advanced notice. Its my understanding M+H have had this in the works for a little bit, so it wasn't a spontaneous decision by any means.
Why does it have to be jealousy? Maybe she just doesn't like Catherine? Maybe Catherine doesn't like her? Or get this, maybe they just don't flow together. Everyone isn't for everyone. There are people I really don't care for and wouldn't work with. Doesn't mean I'm jealous of them. It just means they aren't my cup of tea. Maybe Catherine wasn't so nice to Meghan when she joined the family. There could be so many reasons that don't include jealousy.

Paying for security is a big issue but I don't think they should stay tied down for the rest of their lives over it. This is something Harry was born into. He had no choice in the matter. He is the son of Charles and Diana, the grandson of the Queen. He will need security for the rest of his life. Just because he was born a prince he should cough up 6.5 million dollars a year for the rest of his life because the press and regular people can't leave them alone? Or stay living a life he doesn't want to so someone can pay the 6.5 million? The whole situation sucks.
Great question. But they already have a logo (using the crown in it) and trademarked the name "Sussexroyal" for it. So, financially independent, but parlaying off their royal fame of course.

I have no issue with them wanting to separate themselves from royal duties and live a simpler life, especially since Meghan seems to be struggling with it. Its a different culture which no American can relate to. But, I do think they could have handled it better. They seem to have sprung it on the royal family giving them no chance to discuss it or put a plan in place for when Meghan and Harry made their announcement. I understand that their mind was made up, but out of respect for their family and knowing what a s---tstorm would come from this announcement, they could have given them the courtesy of more advanced notice. Its my understanding M+H have had this in the works for a little bit, so it wasn't a spontaneous decision by any means.
Losing the titles would kind of mess with their "brand" a bit. No Sussex, No fitting.
Telling your father I only want to do what I want, I want to be financially independent but still keeping getting 2.3 million and wanting the tax payer to pay the nearly 1 million a year for your security. How is Meghan going to manage without spending 1 million in clothes like she did last year?
I find it odd that they left Archie with friends in Canada.. Meghan flew back yesterday I believe. so is she stayingin Canada while Harry has to negiotate this mess?? all very odd.. unless who knows, maybe Archie had an ear infection/sick and couldnt fly back... and she is now bringing him back. maybe she is house hunting lol!

I love and trust my friends, but heck i wouldnt leave my babies with even my best friend at 8 monhts unless it was some emergemcy situation. Not to jet-set to europe back and forth.

I am curious how Canadians feel about them potentially adopting thesse two.
How is Meghan going to manage without spending 1 million in clothes like she did last year?

Is that sort of a 'chicken and egg' question, though? Did Meghan spend 1 million in clothes because she wanted to or because she was constantly in the public eye and knew she would be picked apart if she wore something twice or wore anything that was deemed unsuitable for royalty?
Is that sort of a 'chicken and egg' question, though? Did Meghan spend 1 million in clothes because she wanted to or because she was constantly in the public eye and knew she would be picked apart if she wore something twice or wore anything that was deemed unsuitable for royalty?
Good point. But royals can and do often recycle. I find 1 Million hard to believe. Jared’s was made public once years ago As a duchy expense and it was no where near that.
Prince Harry has a duty to the Queen and this country. He has failed in that duty.
Absolutely ! Treating his grannie and the queen in such a disrespectful manner all while claiming to want to be financially independent ( while still wanted 2.3 million a year from Charles and the house ) is insane .. shame on them .She wanted to be Diana 2.0 and it didn’t happen .. cue tantrum
That is not what he wants though he wants his dad keep giving him that £2.3 million though reports are his dad is considering cutting the funds

:thumbsup2 I'd like 2.3 million a year from relatives. I'd also like a pony. It might not be the image he intended to portray, but Harry is putting forth the image of a person who wants to have his cake and eat it, too. He wants the money but not the responsibility. Wants the free security detail and to not have to pay for it. Wants the free house from Grandma, complete with expensive renovations from the taxpayers.

It paints a picture of a very hypocritical person. If he really wants to go the non-royal lifestyle way, then he should pull out entirely like Queen Elizabeth's uncle did.
:thumbsup2 I'd like 2.3 million a year from relatives. I'd also like a pony. It might not be the image he intended to portray, but Harry is putting forth the image of a person who wants to have his cake and eat it, too. He wants the money but not the responsibility. Wants the free security detail and to not have to pay for it. Wants the free house from Grandma, complete with expensive renovations from the taxpayers.

It paints a picture of a very hypocritical person. If he really wants to go the non-royal lifestyle way, then he should pull out entirely like Queen Elizabeth's uncle did.

Also meant to add....

And this public perception could probably have been better managed and more smartly marketed/pitched to the British media if Harry had consulted with his grandmother on this. I mean, the woman has literally decades of experience now navigating through press & media minefields of various forms. Prince Harry, on the other hand, is just getting started and has sort of bumbled it all up at the moment.

He should do something like go work for an investment bank or venture capital firm or something like that. Something in private industry...the whole trademarking their "Sussex Royal" brand is...what's the right word...just not quite right. It feels like it's cheapening the crown in a way. Turning it into something you'd find at Walmart or in your local shopping mall.

And 1M a year on clothing? Good grief. From what I've read, Catherine regularly recycles outfits worn at previous events.
I put my husband and kids first and have caught flack for it. I get up in a very toxic home and always felt alone until I met my husband 20 years ago. Since I had kids, all of a sudden my extended family gives me a hard time about this (I can totally identify with Meghan!). I let them in and all of their drama. They make my kids uncomfortable with all of the arguing. I really immersed myself when my father was dying and all of it took a heavy mental toll (I would do it again for him though, no regrets--any price would be enough). Since, I have distanced myself for my mental health--I owe my husband and kids a healthy wife and mom. They've since tried to 'punish' me--having family reunions and get togethers where I am not invited to but sent 100s of pictures of after the fact (it doesn't bother me to not be invited, just that their intentions are to hurt me). I don't owe the game playing relatives anything. Meghan is lucky to have her mom, I grew up with one who hated me since birth and my father was rarely home. My brother and I were never close and I have a lot of distrust for his manipulative wife (his son doesn't even speak to him anymore due to this woman, so he has no relationship with his grand children). I think having a family like this makes it super easy to clip ties like Meghan did with her toxic family--but also with Harry's. Maybe they aren't abusive but they could also be very controlling. Meghan and Harry are human and have a right to live their lives. I'm obsessed with watching The Crown and think Princess Margaret should have done this when she was a young woman. It's really sad how her life turned out. She should have run off with the Peter Townsend!
Absolutely ! Treating his grannie and the queen in such a disrespectful manner all while claiming to want to be financially independent ( while still wanted 2.3 million a year from Charles and the house ) is insane .. shame on them .She wanted to be Diana 2.0 and it didn’t happen .. cue tantrum

What about Prince Andrew, though? Is it ok for him to keep any money he receives?
Is it really true that the queen has custody of any heirs? That is beyond screwed up if true. Get out Harry & Meghan while you can!!!!!!

If they still “work” in some capacity then they should get compensated. And who cares if they go off on their own and profit from their titles. He is a prince, he was born that way.
And I would bet they spoke to the Queen and informed her of their plans long before their announcement. Again, watching The Crown was very enlightening! Poor Princess Maraget, any time she wanted to do anything she was made to wait to make an announcement because The Crown always had something more important to announce (Kate's birthday in this case? Or just putting it off till forever?). For example, she could not announce her engagement for 6 months (?) because the Queen was about to announce her pregnancy. A slew of things like that. Prince Phillip's best friend's wife was asked to not announce her intentions to divorce as it would look bad for the Queen's marriage (she went against them!).
The cost of security is immaterial. It is necessary and needed in today's world and isn't a factor. Much like the US pays for all former presidents security, whether they want it or not. It is a non-factor in the discussion.

Harry has no choice in needing security and he and his family will continue to be protected regardless of where they live.
And I would bet they spoke to the Queena and informed her of their plans long before their announcement. Again, watching The Crown was very enlightening! Poor Princess Maraget, any time she wanted to do anything she was made to wait to make an announcement because The Crown always had something more important to announce (Kate's birthday?). For example, she could not announce her engagement for 6 months (?) because the Queen was about to announce her pregnancy. A slew of things like that. Prince Phillip's best friend's wife was asked to not announce her intentions to divorce as it would look bad for the Queen's marriage (she went against them!).
The Queen knew and encouraged them to wait to make the announcement. I'm glad they defied her.
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