The $6,688.00 Disney World Trip - It's a wrap 6/30, Has it really been a year? 3/2 Link to new TR 4/18

Day 2

I woke up around 7ish and since we didn't have any morning plans, I closed the curtains in the living room to block out the morning sun, and went back to bed. It wasn't until around 9AM that I woke up feeling rested enough that starting to wake up made sense. It was still 6AM on my body clock, but since I went to sleep around 9PM my time, it was OK, I would eventually adjust. I opened the curtains and finished unpacking the suitcases. Since we were staying a while I always like to unpack and put things in the closet and drawers and such. If we are staying 4 nights or longer I don't want to live out of a suitcase.

While I was unpacking there was a knock on the door. It was housekeeping and they wanted to come in and change the towels or do something. I thought that was odd since we don’t get trash and towel service until the 3rd or 4th day of the stay. She seemed adamant about doing it, and I told her that she could come back after noon. I hoped we would be gone by then since our FP opened at 12:25PM.

When packing the days before, I had forgotten to get the whole bean coffee from my garage freezer so I was going to need to have someone else prepare my caffeine this morning. Fran had pulled the covers back over her head so I knew she wasn't ready to get up yet. I went down to The Petit Cafe and got myself an Americano.

They also had some pastries in their case, but they didn’t appeal to me that much.

Then I went to wait for the front desk so that they could activate my new Marie MB. It came out in December and I was lucky enough to have a friend pick it up for me and then through the friend of a friend network it was delivered just a week before my trip.

Back in the room, I told Fran it was time to get up. She'd had plenty of sleep by now, and I was going to make breakfast. Now remember this is the "unplanned" trip. Tonight on the loose schedule we were going to Trader Sam's and trying to get 'Ohana bread pudding. Fran said she didn't care what we did, or if we even went there. Ugh, I hope I can get her out of this funk.

But since she said that I decided to do some research. You see when we couldn't get into Topolino the night before, I made a reservation for 9PM on Monday night. Last night, dining that late would have been fine cause we were still on West Coast time, but one week into the trip that would be pretty brutal to eat that late.

So I opened up the app and looked for what was available for tonight and lo and behold there was an 8:20 reservation available, so I snagged it and canceled the Monday night one.

I fixed us a small breakfast. I wasn't feeling like eating eggs, I just made some bacon, the pastry we got the night before, and V8 juice on the side.

The ice maker in our fridge wasn't working so I headed down the hall to the ice machine to get ice to fill my water bottle. On my way I ran into a gal from maintenance and asked if the ice maker should be working. She followed me back to the room and took a quick look at it. She was pretty sure the water had never been hooked up, but to fix it she would need a work order. She had me call the front desk and within moments she was back to fix it (she just waited in the hall). Another guy came up a few minutes later and she admitted that she was unable to move the fridge herself, but the water line not being connected was indeed the problem.

We took down her name so that we could give her a good word, that helps CMs a lot. Her name was Mirana

At this point we were pretty much ready to go. Our FP started at 12:25 and the first and last were throw away passes. The only option for transport from this place to Epcot and DHS is the skyliner. While many of you might think this is cool. I'm still a little traumatized that it's first accident happened the first day on my arrival of the last trip. Plus the fact that Fran and I have to ride in separate cars and several cars apart. Only one scooter can travel in the gondola. I have separation anxiety and the fact that I could be stuck alone in a car is a little disconcerting. Even more so is the fact that Fran could be stuck alone and have to be helped out without me being able to be there to help and comfort her.

But we do what we must do and if we have to ride the dang skyliner to get anywhere, we ride the skyliner.

It was kinda cool soaring up over the tops of the resorts.

However, it was definitely a little disconcerting as the gondolas entered the terminal. The cars approach the stopped ones rather quickly. But the braking mechanism does kick in quickly. I can see how the accident happened. I suppose after a few dozen rides, I will be OK with the whole thing.

Here is me being brave taking a selfie in my solo car.

We took one car from the Riviera to the CBR and then we had to disembark. The CBR is the "hub" for the Skyliner and they have three different lines converging here. Once we finished our leg from the Riviera, we had to transfer to another line for the Studios.

We arrived at DHS without incident and I was only slightly traumatized waiting for Fran's car to arrive.

When we got there it was just before 1PM and she had a thing we needed to take care of online for DL CA at 10AM Pacific so we went through security and then waited while she took care of business on her phone right at 1PM. You know how these Disney things work, they sell out in less than minutes.

Business taken care of we headed to our first FP which was Star Tours. They had all new scenes, at least to me! It was very cool! She checked out the dump shop with no purchases! Shocking! And then we went to our next FP. ToT.

It was very cool. I love this version. It's so much better than ours was. Ours is much better as Guardians.

We checked out RnRC but the standby was 75 minutes. I was scared off by the fact that the single rider line could be as long as the standby line sign. Plus we were both feeling a bit peckish and wanted something to eat. We didn't want to wait in a line, so we checked the app for mobile ordering. Rosie's American Grill won with the Chili Cheese Dog inspired by @Steppesister even though hers was from Cosmic Ray's in MK. It was a huge amount of food. I'm not sure how one person eats this much alone!

We did a little shopping. I found some Dark Roast coffee in one of the shops, and we found Mickey hand corn holders. Fran won't use those little yellow corn ear holders that we have at home, but she said she would use these.

We decided to head to Disney Springs and Jock Lindsey's Hangar Bar. We could get there on a bus and get back to our resort via bus. While the skyliner might be cool, it's kinda lonely riding a by yourself. Even if we don't talk to each other on the busses, the fact that we are in a space together is calming.

Bus service started to DS at 4PM and we headed out of the park and in that direction around 3:45. When we got to the bus stop there were already two scooters waiting. At 3:52 a bus pulled up and they boarded. The driver said he would send another bus our way. Sure enough at 3:59 another bus to DS was pulling up!

We exited the bus to this sign and I took that as an omen that we made a good choice on our next activity.

We missed getting to sit in the diving bell by less than a minute. The host outside was talking to us as we parked our scooters and sort of delayed us walking into the bar. Just as we started to walk in a family strode in without saying hello to the guy and made a beeline for the diving bell. Later they were joined by folks who doubled their party in size, and they moved outside, but we were almost done so I didn't move to snag it.

I ordered the Fountain of Youth, cause it was a blue drink. It had vodka, blue curacao, white cranberry juice, and sweet and sour. It was really sweet, I didn't care for it, Fran liked it a lot and offered to finish it for me

We contemplated some appetizers and she almost ordered the queso, but I wanted to eat our fancy dinner that evening.

She got the Monkey mug drink.

When they bring you the collectible mug, the waitress told her to give him a name and feed him twice a day.

Looking around the room, they have all kinds of interesting stuff on the walls.

Our waitress told us fun stories about some of the stuff on the walls, the only thing I remember was the coin that got seared into one of the bad guy's hands was on a wall somewhere.

When my first drink was too sweet, I ordered a Florida Mule, and this one was very good. It was much better.

The room has all kinds of neat stuff going on, we were seated near this ancient ice making machine. It would bubble, make some noise, and then it put out one of those cool sphere ice cubes like they serve at 1901.

We finished our drinks, paid the check, and headed back to the bus.

I swear for this day we had @pkondz's bus pass cause the moment we pulled up at the bus stop, I turned around to see a Riviera bus pulling up to take us home.

Fran took a nap, and I worked on my notes, took a shower, got dressed, and generally futzed around until she got up and did the same.

Since dinner was in our hotel, I just walked from the West Tower where our room was located to the East Tower where all the restaurants were located.

We took the elevator two floors up, and Fran asked, "Where do we go?" And as soon as we got out of the elevator she said, "Oh, it's just like the Fantasy." Tell me if you understand that reference cause I had the exact same thought!

We put in our name in at the podium, and they told us the various locations we could wait. We chose the Terrace and headed across the restaurant to the door. Now I knew that Ellen (podsnel for those who remember her), was going to be dining here tonight. She had a reservation at 7PM with all her TA folks as they were on a business trip. But she didn't know Fran and I had made a reservation for this evening. Those of you who know Ellen will remember her as a shy and reserved kind of gal who doesn't get overly emotional and do crazy things, right? Haha who am I kidding? As soon as she saw us, she jumped out of her chair, came running over giving us big hugs, and saying, "Oh my god! I haven't seen you in forever," and all sorts of other nice things. As we were getting reacquainted, the hostess came to tell us our table was ready. She followed us to the table and we chatted some more until one of her bosses came over, so we said we would catch up later.

They brought us bread and oil with balsamic while we perused the menu.

We started off with the Ricotta, the description says: Tomato, Aged Balsamic, Cracked Pepper, Basil, Epi

I'm not sure what we were expecting, it was not this, however it was absolutely delicious. They make it in house, and we really enjoyed it. We ended up taking some of it home to save room for our entree.

While we were waiting, the fireworks at Epcot went off. They gave us some notice to go out on the terrace so we could watch them. Not the best pictures, but what I could get from my cell phone just to give you the idea.

Our next course was the Linguine Scampi, Shrimp, San Marzano Tomatoes, Garlic, Lemon, Italian Olive Oil

It was a huge portion. This picture is after we split it in half. The sauce and pasta were very tasty. The shrimp were overcooked. It was a little disappointing. Last October, for half the price, we had a lovely scampi at Tony's with perfectly cooked shrimp. This dish was rather unfortunate. We ate it anyways because I think for somewhere around $40 we weren't going to let it go to waste. As I said the sauce and pasta were very good.

We contemplated dessert and the chocolate cake with a warm center was tempting, but we weren't really hungry after stuffing ourselves with pasta, cheese and bread. We could have eaten it, but we were smart and passed on dessert.

Ellen and her party were just finishing up, and I finally met Brooke, TA extraordinaire, and all around nice person. FB has been suggesting that I add her as a friend for quite a while now, and we agreed that since we have met, now we can actually be friends!

Ellen insisted we take this picture.

They were heading over to the Boardwalk to have a drink with MEK. We were too darned tired to do anything but go back to the room.

Fran ate some of her cookies in the room, and had some of the raspberry pastry for a midnight snack.

I took a bath and went to sleep.
“We are NOT skipping a visit to WDW in 2020!!!”

YES!!!! Woot!

Well, we pulled the trigger, booked it, booked the airfare and the trip was set. I really wasn’t too interested in making a bunch of plans, we didn’t want to be tied to an itinerary and just kinda wanted to wing it.

Uh huh... after reading the chapter, I"m not buying it. ;)


Are these on the 10 towards Palm Springs? Indio? I've seen these before...

Even though Fran didn't give me her clothes until that morning, I was pretty much all packed by 1:00PM

A record!!


Every single time we fly the TSA searches my luggage and they never relock the locks. There are thieves out there, and I don't want them stealing my stuff! I carry my jewelry and meds in my carry on, but still there is stuff in there I like!

They ARE the thieves. I am 99% sure they took my VIP Tour pin and a recent small trinket I traveled with. I don't trust them as far as I can spit.

I had picked out my travel outfit in advance so that was easy

You're starting to sound a little like me. Let's hope you have underwear....

Plus I realized that they have a spa, and I had booked a nice milk bath treatment with a sugar scrub and massage. By the time the trip rolled around I had embraced my SSR reservation, and now this woman wanted to take it away from me!

Noooooooooooooooo. LOL:!! The nerve!

No box cutter nightmare here


I always get so fun struck when I can see my house from the plane. OK maybe I didn’t actually see my house, but I did see my neighborhood and could make out the busy street that runs behind my house. See that little yellow circle that’s the proximity of where my house is located.

I did too when I could see my HOUSE from Soarin' Cali.

It tasted kinda funny. I guess that's Texas airport Chinese food for you. Doesn't taste like California Chinese food. We didn’t finish it and ended up dumping it at the airport in Orlando.

You may have saved yourself from food poisoning.

I used my free drink coupons for a glass of wine.

I wish I could get more of those. I'm SERIOUSLY considering getting a new credit card like the Southwest or the Chase Sapphire. Still need to do more research.

It was Michael @Flosbolna's husband who echoed my thoughts. "They likely are using the SSR renovations as a handy excuse to move Guests they feel are most likely to spend on Riviera." Well, we will see. I have my 1000 points and don't really need anymore, but it will be nice to experience this brand new resort at SSR point prices.

I think I'd have to agree with him on this one. A new resort at a discount for you is a nice gesture, but I think getting the high rollers to spend at a swankier place is a good marketing move. And you can BET they track your spending. Still... I'd be okay with it. You're gonna spend anyway, no why not?

The bedroom is very spacious, and somewhat elegant. Notice the picture on the wall behind my lamp. There is a white cat which alludes to being Marie and the cat in the Grammaphone alludes to Berlioz. Also notice the hidden Mickey in the wrought iron. I thought that was a nice touch!

I'd stay there. It looks really spacious and nice!

They were already on the cost saving shampoo that you can’t steal. Disney says they are being environmentally conscious and that’s why they are doing it…..

That's a lie. I just saw a really cool and informative documentary on how Disney, Hilton and I believe Westin recycles all of their soaps and single use ammenities to make into new, sterilized bars and is shipped all over the world to hand out in 3rd World countries. It's a cost-saving measure. Just like them asking you to not ask for towels daily.

I had never seen a Croque Monsieur made quite like this. And it was odd the ham was thicker in the middle than on the edges and as a result I kinda ate the middle and left the sides of the sandwich

Nor have I. And I noticed the weirdness of it too.

When you say "non-dvc" studio room, does that mean that you are paying cash for a studio, or do they have hotel rooms there not designed as dvc rooms? I thought the whole resort was intended to be DVC.

I am so spoiled when it comes to staying at Disney. I love the jetted tubs and we always get a one bedroom because we want the kitchen, tub, and washer dryer. Not to mention we both like having some sort of nightstand on our sides of the bed. I don't like that one side of the studio pins you up against the wall in most resorts. I'd be interested in seeing a picture of the studios at Riviera, just for kicks and giggles.

No, the Riviera is available to rent from Disney on their website. I used my Disney Visa to get a 40% off discount. :) I would have loved to have done a 1 bedroom (we are a family of 5), but needed to keep the budget more reasonable since we are doing several trips this year. I usually try to rent points through a DVC point rental website, but have had bad for most of my requests for 2020. I will try to remember to post some pics here for you. We go next month.

I too like to bring a liquid soap (I like the foaming kind) to use instead of bar soap. Bar soap is so gross. I laughed at your wife using an old ketchup bottle to consolidate. I have my own stash of hotel soaps/hair products, so I understand her desire to keep them all! :)
Is this for 2021?

We plan to be there for the 50th, so October 1st will be in the middle of our trip. I need to get Fran to figure out how long we want to stay. We have enough BLT points to stay six nights there. We need to decide if we want BCV, BRV, or SSR, at 11 months, and then if we want to try and move to a non home resort at 7 months. But we will be at BLT for the actual anniversary. We aren't planning on going back this October.

Is that this year or next year?

OK, I'll take a look at my schedule. You said the 22nd - the 25th right? Sunday or Monday afternoon would probably be best. We can meet up and have a drink and some food. I know a place! ;)
Yes both trips are for 2021. We could possibly stop at WDW on the way to Switzerland to break up the long flights towards the end of September.

Yes you have the correct dates for next month. Since it's just the two of us we're winging it so pick which day and time works for you. You know we're always up for drinks and some food.😀 I'll call you once we get to San Diego on the 20th that way you can see which is better.
When packing the days before, I had forgotten to get the whole bean coffee from my garage freezer

Say what?! :scared1:

Tonight on the loose schedule we were going to Trader Sam's and trying to get 'Ohana bread pudding. Fran said she didn't care what we did, or if we even went there. Ugh, I hope I can get her out of this funk.

Ruh roh!!!

We took down her name so that we could give her a good word, that helps CMs a lot. Her name was Mirana

Aww, nice of you!

It was very cool. I love this version. It's so much better than ours was. Ours is much better as Guardians.

I wished I could have ridden the the CA version before they deep sixed it for Guardians. Then I could intelligently comment.

Rosie's American Grill won with the Chili Cheese Dog inspired by @Steppesister even though hers was from Cosmic Ray's in MK. It was a huge amount of food. I'm not sure how one person eats this much alone!

I don't know either. It's gluttony in your face. No pun intended.

I found some Dark Roast coffee in one of the shops

Crisis averted. That was a close call, Lady.

We missed getting to sit in the diving bell by less than a minute.


She got the Monkey mug drink.

Love mine!

When they bring you the collectible mug, the waitress told her to give him a name and feed him twice a day.

I am staring at mine right now. I used it on my coffee table for pens and charging cords.

Our waitress told us fun stories about some of the stuff on the walls, the only thing I remember was the coin that got seared into one of the bad guy's hands was on a wall somewhere.

Seriously?! I need to spend more time in there looking at stuff.

The room has all kinds of neat stuff going on, we were seated near this ancient ice making machine. It would bubble, make some noise, and then it put out one of those cool sphere ice cubes like they serve at 1901.

What in the actual heck?! I need to find this!
Ellen and her party were just finishing up, and I finally met Brooke, TA extraordinaire, and all around nice person.

I recognized her before I even read it was her! MY BEAUTIFUL TA!! She's amazing!

They were heading over to the Boardwalk to have a drink with MEK.
Now THAT'S a group I'd LOVE to have a cocktail with!!
While I was unpacking there was a knock on the door. It was housekeeping and they wanted to come in and change the towels or do something. I thought that was odd since we don’t get trash and towel service until the 3rd or 4th day of the stay. She seemed adamant about doing it, and I told her that she could come back after noon. I hoped we would be gone by then since our FP opened at 12:25PM.
So did you figure out why they wanted to change the towels on your first day?
We took down her name so that we could give her a good word, that helps CMs a lot. Her name was Mirana
That is so nice of you guys.
We did a little shopping. I found some Dark Roast coffee in one of the shops, and we found Mickey hand corn holders. Fran won't use those little yellow corn ear holders that we have at home, but she said she would use these.

I would use those Mickey corn knobs as well.
When they bring you the collectible mug, the waitress told her to give him a name and feed him twice a day.
So did she name her mug and does she feed him twice a day?

When my first drink was too sweet, I ordered a Florida Mule, and this one was very good. It was much better.
That drink is something I would try. I love getting a Seabreeze at our Keg restaurants here in Canada. Vodka, orange & cranberry juices. Yum
We took the elevator two floors up, and Fran asked, "Where do we go?" And as soon as we got out of the elevator she said, "Oh, it's just like the Fantasy." Tell me if you understand that reference cause I had the exact same thought!
Nope no idea as I have never been on the Fantasy.
Great update!

I agree our ToT is much better as GoTG! I do miss ToT though; the I love the theme.

Fun seeing Ellen, she's so sweet!

Dinner looked good, sorry the shrimp was a disappointment.

Cute Marie band!

The Skyliner looks a little scary to me. Cute selfie!

We like Tony's too! The few times we have gone with the kids we ate there and had good food and service each time. Does it still get a bad rap?
I'm glad you came out of lurkdom! It's so much more fun when people comment! Please continue to do so!

Yes it was Thursday, there were three of us, around 6:30-7:00PM.
Yup, my mom and I were there at the same time! It was quite a trip, it was my mom's first adventure with a scooter and my first adventure trying to play road block to make sure she has room to move. The Saturday before we left at Epcot was tough.

Have you had things stolen from your suitcases leaving them unlocked?
I never lock my suitcases either. I figure there is a set key that will unlock them all so if someone really wants to steal from it they will find a way. I've never had an issue and don't typically get searched, but I fly out of PHL and I'm sure they aren't as meticulous as LAX.
It came out in December and I was lucky enough to have a friend pick it up for me and then through the friend of a friend network it was delivered just a week before my trip.
Bravo! What a nice community.
I ordered the Fountain of Youth, cause it was a blue drink. It had vodka, blue curacao, white cranberry juice, and sweet and sour.
I love blue drinks. My kids don't understand it, but there's something extra special about a blue drink. I just ordered one a few days ago at Craftsman and was told that there weren't any blue drinks on the menu, but my waiter offered to get me a Blue Hawaii. He said he had to walk the bartender through how to make it, but woot! I got my blue drink.
Hi!! I feel like I've known you and Fran forever. I've been reading your TR's for a long time now, but never commented before. My interest began due to Fran's scooter and how she negotiates the World and DCL with it. I'm amazed that she goes off by herself (especially on the ships). How does she get on and off the elevators and in and out of doors by herself on the scooter?

I bought a Pride Victory10 shortly after reading the first TR of yours that I had discovered. Needless to say your adventures took away alot of the fears I had about owning my own. We usually drive from South Jersey so it travels with us in the SUV. I missed what happened after Fran's Scooter died and you had to dispose of it at OKW.. Did she get a new one?

Also, I'm a long time Band Parent. My daughter marched in high School as a clarinet player, but transitioned to the Colorguard during College and eventually marched with an International World Class Colorguard in WGI. I admire anyone who can play an instrument and move along at the same time - KUDOS to you!

Well, Nice to "meet" you and Fran! Loving the trip reports!

Yey! another Franandaj trip report! Love them. After a long Hiatus we are 90% likely to be heading back to WDW this year so lapping up all the details, especially everything that has changed since we were last there (Magic Kingdom was 2012 and the others 2009 :sad2:). Although I am also trying to persuade my husband on a California or Paris related Disney trip first 🤞😉 Thanks for taking the time to do these, I really enjoy them :flower:
So here is just a little plea to all the previous lurkers or folks who don't post often....please join in on the dialogue! It makes it so much more fun when we can have an interaction together.

I'm here, just lurking away and enjoying all of yours and Fran's trips... As you can tell, I've been on the Dis boards a long time, I just don't post much... I'll try to do better...

Your Marie magic band is adorable!!! :love:
YES!!!! Woot!


Uh huh... after reading the chapter, I"m not buying it. ;)

Well you will see there are still plenty of opportunities for spontaneity!

Are these on the 10 towards Palm Springs? Indio? I've seen these before...

No, they're in Anza Borrego. The year when we had the super rainfall we went out to see the flowers.

A record!!




They ARE the thieves. I am 99% sure they took my VIP Tour pin and a recent small trinket I traveled with. I don't trust them as far as I can spit.

Obviously I don't have stuff they really want. I'll often pack some wine in the suitcase, and I wonder if that triggers them.

You're starting to sound a little like me. Let's hope you have underwear....

I actually loosely plan my outfits daily. Especially travel day. I DON'T put them in baggies for each day. :rolleyes1

Noooooooooooooooo. LOL:!! The nerve!

I know. Now I need to set up a Burke Williams session.

I did too when I could see my HOUSE from Soarin' Cali

Wow! That's cool!

You may have saved yourself from food poisoning.

I think I ate enough that I still could have been sick. It just had weird seasoning.

I wish I could get more of those. I'm SERIOUSLY considering getting a new credit card like the Southwest or the Chase Sapphire. Still need to do more research.

We are putting all our eggs in our Southwest credit card basket this year. We are trying for Companion status. By Fall we should be able to book flights a I fly free!

I think I'd have to agree with him on this one. A new resort at a discount for you is a nice gesture, but I think getting the high rollers to spend at a swankier place is a good marketing move. And you can BET they track your spending. Still... I'd be okay with it. You're gonna spend anyway, no why not?

Guess what? You have already seen our sum total of spending at our resort. OK I may have bought some brownie bites in an upcoming chapter, but in my recap, I'll share my full thoughts on the resort.

I'd stay there. It looks really spacious and nice!

The room itself was very nice, but the room at Saratoga is nice too. Maybe not quite as big, but they have a spa. :sad: I'm still bitter about that.

That's a lie. I just saw a really cool and informative documentary on how Disney, Hilton and I believe Westin recycles all of their soaps and single use ammenities to make into new, sterilized bars and is shipped all over the world to hand out in 3rd World countries. It's a cost-saving measure. Just like them asking you to not ask for towels daily.

I guess my sarcasm didn't properly come through in the writing....

Nor have I. And I noticed the weirdness of it too.

I couldn't really put my finger on it so I googled it and clicked on images, definitely doesn't look like a normal one.
No, the Riviera is available to rent from Disney on their website. I used my Disney Visa to get a 40% off discount.

Interesting that they are renting points instead of just offering up cash availability.

I would have loved to have done a 1 bedroom (we are a family of 5), but needed to keep the budget more reasonable since we are doing several trips this year.

I can understand that. I dont think I could handle that many people in a room, we are spoiled spacewise both at home and on vacation. I feel inconvenienced when we have to share a bathroom. We have our own at home. :laughing:

I usually try to rent points through a DVC point rental website, but have had bad for most of my requests for 2020.

I need to look into my points. I may go ahead and rent some out. I doubt we will be going back in 2020, but we might go twice in 2021, especially if we get that Companion status of Southwest!

I will try to remember to post some pics here for you. We go next month.

I'd be interested in seeing a studio layout!

I too like to bring a liquid soap (I like the foaming kind) to use instead of bar soap. Bar soap is so gross. I laughed at your wife using an old ketchup bottle to consolidate. I have my own stash of hotel soaps/hair products, so I understand her desire to keep them all! :)

I've gotten into using bar soap at home only because we have so much of it and I feel guilty.
I meant we paid cash to rent a room, so it has nothing to do with DVC points. If you wanted a room there, Disney has them available in the regular hotel website. Sorry for the confusion.
Holy Cow!! You've done loads already!
Ok, I just took a break and got up to part 1 of the first post...

I GPS tracked her all over Epcot shopping and “doing her thing.”

do remember this! :lmao:

get a lot of caramels in Germany,

I gotta get back to WDW just to try the marshmallow ones!

visit Trader Sam’s

We realllyyy gotta try TS's too!

It was either going to be February or November. I really didn’t want to wait until November to tell the truth.

Man it was hard waiting til Dec for our last trip...

Of course we made our 1900 Park Fare reservation

Need that Strawberry Soup!

Lol! Is that the peanut butter one?

She may or may not enjoy her tiki mugs and might possibly be willing to wait 4 hours in line to get one.

I love this "tickled pink" pic of Fran!

an arthritis cream that our Dr. had recommended Fran try.

Is it any good?

I actually laughed out loud at this! Good thing I have my own office!!

I had picked out my travel outfit in advance so that was easy.

I always like to do that

It took nearly half an hour just to get to our terminal!

Wowzas! When we left in Dec, our driver totally took us to the wrong one..rather annoying!

It took me a solid 40 minutes to go, park, wait for the bus, and get back to the airport.

Wowzas again! Busy? Or just the distance?

Plus I realized that they have a spa, and I had booked a nice milk bath treatment with a sugar scrub and massage.

That sounds just wonderful

No box cutter nightmare here

Box cutters and plastic knives...

I had brought us lunchables to eat on the plane

I have a secret love of bologna lunchables..weird hey? I rarely get to a store other than Costco, but if I do, and I'm hungry, bologna lunchables it is!

Oreos?! Yum! Ours have Kit Kats!

See that little yellow circle that’s the proximity of where my house is located.

You're pretty close to the beach!

That looks pretty good, but Chinese food is funny that way- can look good but not be...
Say what?! :scared1:

I know. I should have put it in as soon as I got the suitcases out.

Ruh roh!!!

Yeah, I'm hoping this will all blow over eventually.

Aww, nice of you!

I wish they would send me a survey or something. Otherwise we are going to have to initiate contact.

I wished I could have ridden the the CA version before they deep sixed it for Guardians. Then I could intelligently comment.

It was OK. There was none of the part where you go through the Twilight Zone, you just went up and down. Every time I ride it at WDW I realize how much better that one is.

I don't know either. It's gluttony in your face. No pun intended.

I couldn't even finish my half of this dog!

Crisis averted. That was a close call, Lady.

I know. Having to drink that Joffrey's swill another day would have been :crazy2:

Love mine!

I think she has three of them now.

I am staring at mine right now. I used it on my coffee table for pens and charging cords.

Her first one is on the Tiki mug shelf which is completely full, all the rest go in storage.

Seriously?! I need to spend more time in there looking at stuff.

I need to walk around instead of just staying in my seat.

What in the actual heck?! I need to find this!

Well I dont think it really makes ice cubes, but it gives the illusion that it does. It's a big machine on the left as you enter. Had it not been so quiet when we were there I might have missed it. Every few minutes it would shake, make some noises and then you would see a sphere pop out of a contraption near the bottom and roll into a hopper of sorts.

I recognized her before I even read it was her! MY BEAUTIFUL TA!! She's amazing!

Even though I only met her for less than 5 minutes, she seemed really sweet!

Now THAT'S a group I'd LOVE to have a cocktail with!!

If I hadn't been so tired, it would have been fun to tag along!
So did you figure out why they wanted to change the towels on your first day?

That will all come to light in the next update......

That is so nice of you guys.

I have to make sure to do that, I was hoping they would send us a survey.

I would use those Mickey corn knobs as well.

I use the little corn ear ones, but these are going to be way better. I can't wait for corn to come into season now!

So did she name her mug and does she feed him twice a day?

She did not name the mug, and it's probably dead by now from starvation! :lmao:

That drink is something I would try. I love getting a Seabreeze at our Keg restaurants here in Canada. Vodka, orange & cranberry juices. Yum

That sounds like a drink I would like! I need to visit a Keg next time I'm in Canada.

Nope no idea as I have never been on the Fantasy.

OK, I kinda meant that for anyone who been on one of the large ships, but thanks for answering! :)
Sorry, you'll have to wait as it unfolds.

Use Year.
There are several UYs. Almost all my points are September UY points. But my new BLT contract has an Aug UY. The points become available on the 1st of the month of your UY. Also you have to bank any unused points four months before your UY.

Other UY I'm aware of are October, December, February and April.
Oh! I had no idea. I just figured it was the anniversary of the purchase.
Speaking of going back in 2020...dont you need to get some more use of that AP?
Well... If I do, it'll literally (figuratively speaking) a whirlwind tour. Like... fly down one day. Stay a day, two at the most, fly back.
I'm done with "DO ALL THE THINGS". Now its do my favorite and try some new ones.
Leave it to the Canadians to serve a huge meal with very little choices for the Vegan/Vegetarian types!
I'm totally okay with that.


Even if I enjoy it, I still have to go lay down after eating it. :sad2:
Ice cream and nap? Sure!
The door is essentially the same door you used to go in, and the color scheme is similar, but that's the only things that are the same.
Really! I liked the old layout... hope I'll like the new one.
Yes! At least on the way there.....
Uh, oh... foreshadowing...
Actually I wasn't stressing because we left with plenty of time. It was later than we "set" as our time to go, but we always set that knowing we will be 30-45 minutes late. The plane was boarding at 9:10AM, and I was on the way back to the airport by 8:25AM. All the heavy lifting had been done and all we needed to do was go through security. With TSA PreCheck that's pretty easy. As long as she doesn't have box cutters in her carry ons! :lmao:

but okay... I don't have PreCheck, so that would make a huge difference for me.
Did I say that I was happy with the switch? :rolleyes1
Uh... I was under the impression that it was a pain at first... but after you got used to the idea, you liked it?
Because of the location of LAX, all Eastbound flights generally take the same path which is a U turn south and then to come around the Palos Verdes peninsula, past San Pedro and Long Beach. I actually dont really pay attention after that, but we generally go northward and east because we often end up flying over the Grand Canyon.
Actually hoping to finally see the Grand Canyon this summer... but I have my doubts. Ask me why in an email or PM if you wish. I won't share on an open forum.
For us it's not a matter of elbow room. We both are too big for the seats, so the only feasible person who could sit between us is a scrawny 12 year old girl. The last time we flew coach in a regular situation was home from Seattle. We had a little old lady in the window seat. I had to sit in the middle, and I ended up wrenching my back trying not to lean all over her.
I know it's not "elbow room" per se... but just needing/wanting the space. I get that. Sorry about the Seattle leg, though. That sounds... very unpleasant. :(
I just bring one from a previous trip. I keep them all in my travel dresser. I put one in my carry on for when I get there for DME.
My trips used to be years, even a decade apart. So bringing an old band wouldn't have been an option.
It's not a jetted tub. They called it a Bubble Tub. I took this picture because Angela said the same thing. You can just make out the little holes in the bottom of the tub. They put out some good bubbles.
I saw you post that earlier. :)
Personally I'm happy they have done away with the little bottles. Fran steals every last one of them from every hotel we stay at. At home in my bathroom under one of the sinks I have bins FULL of them. I have them sorted into shampoo, conditioner, body wash, facial soap, body soap, lotion...
You'll never run out!
She doesnt seem to use them either so they just keep filling up and filling up. :sad2:
Perhaps... can you donate them?
The only thing I can guess is that it's for families with young kids who make messes. But all the one bedrooms and up have them.
Nope. I had young kids. "Oh, look... she dumped her cheerios... Good thing we have maid service!"
I thought of you when I saw these and thought, "I'm sure pkondz could make a better one."
Actually it was a fellow Canadian of yours who got me to try wine in a can. Allyson in BC takes cans of wine out when she and her friends or DH are riding their horses.
I don't see why not... just never seen them before.
It had our last names not the first names.
Figured as much. Good job, though. :)


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