"Spring is in the Air" March 2020 W.I.S.H. Challenge

School is closed until further notice in the city where I teach. I was fortunate to have a double prep period and cleaned while the kids were in Art and Music. When they came back, I did a Smart Board lesson, and then recess so my Paraprofessional could take over cleaning. It's so hard with wooden blocks and other hard to disinfect surfaces. just my giant area rug alone...filled with cooties. The custodial staff is supposed to do deep cleaning, but honestly I don't trust them. I had a great lady who was moved up to the 3rd floor with the big kids. She was meticulous. Our new guy watches Youtube videos on duty and does the bare minimum. :rolleyes2 I'm glad we will be closed at least for 10 days so that germs will die off.

I'm trapped at school until 3:30, so I just sent my DD to the grocery store to pick up a couple things to get us through the next several days should the worse happen and we get quarantined. Because it is in my neighborhood, it is a strong possibility. Everyone is panicking and she said that the lines are long, and people are quickly clearing the shelves.

Living so close to NYC is kind of a disadvantage because lots of cases are popping up. I really didn't think we would be impacted so close to home...literally down the street. I'm not gonna lie. I'm kind of freaking out now.

Next week, I will definitely take time for myself and walk on the beach. Maybe that will help me to put it all in perspective.
How about a video?

EPCOT Entrance Park Bench - 5 Minutes

I'd walk right through the front gates of EPCOT to hear my favorite area music, and then I'd walk around the World Showcase. It would help me on my journey mentally immensely - I never feel more carefree than when I'm at Disney. It might not help my diet very much (hello yummy park foods :rotfl: ) but sometimes that's okay!
That’s a great walk! By the time I get all the way to France I figure I have earned that frozen Grey Goose slushy!
How about a video?

EPCOT Entrance Park Bench - 5 Minutes

I'd walk right through the front gates of EPCOT to hear my favorite area music, and then I'd walk around the World Showcase. It would help me on my journey mentally immensely - I never feel more carefree than when I'm at Disney. It might not help my diet very much (hello yummy park foods :rotfl: ) but sometimes that's okay!
Ahhhh... I feel better now! For probably the first 10 years of going to WDW I always started the trip at EPCOT and walking up to Spaceship Earth, with the music and the breeze under the ball was one of the I'm-really-here-happy-triggers that made me shiver with joy. Lately one of my favorite things to do is to walk back to Les Halles at RD... when you turn right and start to walk around World Showcase it becomes like your your own private park and is so lovely and peaceful. And the French pastries aren't bad either.

This morning I pulled the plug on my March trip. I am on the cusp of the high-risk-group ( just barely 60+, almost diabetic, history of high blood pressure even though it is currently under control), and just couldn't see how I could relax in to the Disney-bubble with the burden of the virus weighing on everyone. I re-booked for September, so there's that to look forward to. And for right now I cut my vacation back to one week and will go to Long Beach (to walk on that boardwalk) for two nights then will go up the coast to my Sister's for two nights.
Sorry I've been off-thread. Had a lot of stuff going on due to a death in DH's family (which was not virus-related, and was expected, but still sad).

* What/who were your influences growing up? - My mom, grandmothers, and most of my aunts (official and honorary) were all great influences - examples of mostly healthy choices (though some smoked back then :( ) and there was always one around to talk to.
* Who helped (or harmed) you develop your sense of self? - I think my dad was a huge positive influence there. As long as I can remember, he's made me feel like I was something special (but without making me feel arrogant). He always noticed my friend's best qualities, too.
* Are there "truths" you learned during girlhood that you still believe, that are adversely
impacting your adult life/choices?
- Only that girls can't mow lawns. :rotfl: I do rather cling to that one.
* If you could talk with your younger self about weight, health, her body, what who you tell her? - To be patient with that "chubby stage" in junior high, because the chest will stay, and the rest will stretch back to normal as you grow. :rotfl2:

And I'd like to tell post-baby me that the magic of breastfeeding weight loss won't last, so don't get used to that metabolism!!

I guess I'll jump in here - I'm Becky and I was part of this group a number of years ago. I feel the need again to hold myself accountable and this was a good place to do that last time!


@PollyannaMom, you have a son in college-are they sending him home?

Not officially, but they're on spring break next week (he's actually on his way now, as he doesn't have Friday classes!) and were told to take anything they really needed home with them just in case.

They also rearranged some students so the smallest dorm is empty in case they need to quarantine a group coming back from study abroad. That means a friend joined his room yesterday, so his double is a triple again.

As for my gratitude walk, it's back on my own college campus. I don't think I have a picture, but there was a path along the river, and this one spot dipped down a bit, and you could not see a single sign of civilization (even though you were so close) - not a road, not a tower, not even a telephone wire. It was so peaceful!!
Things hit the fan today around here. All schools closed until April 3rd in the state. My work is a mess. We are a scholarship/college access program. I am on the scholarship team and with schools out we can't get the documents that we need from the students. Deadlines are most likely will be pushed back. We have gone to working from home 2 days a week and no one but the original office staff is allowed in the office. I was doing really good at staying calm until this afternoon when several staff went off the deep end into panic. A few are now staying home starting tomorrow and I am guess that the rest will be soon. My chest is feeling tight but I am sure that it is because of the steroid and anxiety. I am giving it tonight before I make a decision to talk to HR about working from home as well. I don't want to over react. But I am worried and scared. I cried most of the way home and can cry at a drop of a hat. I think I have been keeping it together for a awhile now and it just needs to get out. Kids are handling things well right now. But they are already asking to go to friends which we have stopped for now. Rec centers are closed as well in the area and they will not have any activities until at least April. I am ready to just hibernate until this is over.
Things hit the fan today around here. All schools closed until April 3rd in the state. My work is a mess. We are a scholarship/college access program. I am on the scholarship team and with schools out we can't get the documents that we need from the students. Deadlines are most likely will be pushed back. We have gone to working from home 2 days a week and no one but the original office staff is allowed in the office. I was doing really good at staying calm until this afternoon when several staff went off the deep end into panic. A few are now staying home starting tomorrow and I am guess that the rest will be soon. My chest is feeling tight but I am sure that it is because of the steroid and anxiety. I am giving it tonight before I make a decision to talk to HR about working from home as well. I don't want to over react. But I am worried and scared. I cried most of the way home and can cry at a drop of a hat. I think I have been keeping it together for a awhile now and it just needs to get out. Kids are handling things well right now. But they are already asking to go to friends which we have stopped for now. Rec centers are closed as well in the area and they will not have any activities until at least April. I am ready to just hibernate until this is over.
From what I have read, things are being shut down to slow the virus down, not because things are are out of control. I really think/hope/pray that most of us will be ok-it’s overwhelming sometimes listening to the news.
I hope you can arrange to work from home, especially with your kids out of school. :hug:
Thank you @sjrec It has just been a rough day. I work with a lot of staff that are in their early 20's. Just out of college. This is the group that is panicking. I am sure this will change tomorrow and we will all be working from home. I do have a bit of good news and this news it what started the tears. My cousin has been working for Royal Caribbean and stations in the Dubi area and then was moving over to Europe. Got a message that she cancelled her contact and is now home.
The deciding factor for me to cancel my trip was some posts in the rumor thread that were saying the announcement that DL would be closing would be made by end-of-day and WDW would follow at some point. So, I'm glad I went ahead and changed trip plans yesterday instead of waiting to think about it over-night.

I spent some time setting up a proper desk/work area at home and signed up for wireless service thru my cable company. I rarely work at home so hot-spotting off my phone has always been adequate, but I've gone thru a lot of data this week so that wasn't going to work for the period of time we'll be working remote, which right now looks like will continue thru April.

One of my favorite IG accounts did a story yesterday on grounding thru working on gardening tasks... she was starting seeds in her greenhouse. Don't have a green house, and the weather is turning cold and rainy (even a bit of wet snow is forecast) over the weekend, but I'm also going to go get some seeds and seed trays, because it really resonated with me. I'll go for a walk in the local park and will support my favorite restaurant by going to get my usual weekend lunch. And I have Glennon Doyle's new book 'Untamed' to read... and I'll leave the TV off as much as possible.

I think all these things will help me get my brain around what is happening and how to deal with it long term.

Hope all of you have the time and space to take care of yourselves and your families this weekend.
We're going hiking this weekend, which will be a nice way to get moving, get some fresh air, and avoid crowds. I've got a recipe for homemade cheez-its that I think DD1 will enjoy making with me, and I like spending time in the kitchen.
And thanks to Disney+ we will probably have a family movie afternoon or evening. DD1 loves to have a family movie picnic and sit on a towel in the living room to eat a sandwich.
Well, this probably sounds awful, but my husband and I thought about what we really would need if one of us or both of us get sick. What kind of food should we have on hand, extra sets of sheets and towels set aside, over the counter medications. Have the guest room ready. Have a kindle and tv, so entertainment is taken care of. So working on that today and tomorrow. I’m not panicking, just remembering how I felt last fall when I had pneumonia and thought if I have everything on hand it’s one less thing to worry about.
The weather is beautiful, so will get out for my walks and having the family over Sunday for St. Patrick’s Day dinner. That means basketball with my bb obsessed grandson. I’m getting better at making those baskets!
Have a good and relaxing weekend, everyone!
The deciding factor for me to cancel my trip was some posts in the rumor thread that were saying the announcement that DL would be closing would be made by end-of-day and WDW would follow at some point. So, I'm glad I went ahead and changed trip plans yesterday instead of waiting to think about it over-night.

I spent some time setting up a proper desk/work area at home and signed up for wireless service thru my cable company. I rarely work at home so hot-spotting off my phone has always been adequate, but I've gone thru a lot of data this week so that wasn't going to work for the period of time we'll be working remote, which right now looks like will continue thru April.

One of my favorite IG accounts did a story yesterday on grounding thru working on gardening tasks... she was starting seeds in her greenhouse. Don't have a green house, and the weather is turning cold and rainy (even a bit of wet snow is forecast) over the weekend, but I'm also going to go get some seeds and seed trays, because it really resonated with me. I'll go for a walk in the local park and will support my favorite restaurant by going to get my usual weekend lunch. And I have Glennon Doyle's new book 'Untamed' to read... and I'll leave the TV off as much as possible.

I think all these things will help me get my brain around what is happening and how to deal with it long term.

Hope all of you have the time and space to take care of yourselves and your families this weekend.
Aren’t you glad you canceled before the announcement? You would have been on the phone for hours. Our trip is in August (on our DVC points) and hoping this pandemic is winding down by then. I’ll definitely be deciding by July what to do.
Aren’t you glad you canceled before the announcement? You would have been on the phone for hours. Our trip is in August (on our DVC points) and hoping this pandemic is winding down by then. I’ll definitely be deciding by July what to do.
Yes, have to admit I was feeling pretty smart yesterday. And relieved to have made a decision and taken action.
Well, this probably sounds awful, but my husband and I thought about what we really would need if one of us or both of us get sick. What kind of food should we have on hand, extra sets of sheets and towels set aside, over the counter medications. Have the guest room ready. Have a kindle and tv, so entertainment is taken care of. So working on that today and tomorrow. I’m not panicking, just remembering how I felt last fall when I had pneumonia and thought if I have everything on hand it’s one less thing to worry about.
The weather is beautiful, so will get out for my walks and having the family over Sunday for St. Patrick’s Day dinner. That means basketball with my bb obsessed grandson. I’m getting better at making those baskets!
Have a good and relaxing weekend, everyone!
I've been doing some of the same, making sure I have food in the house (which isn't always the case), cat food and kitty litter is stocked up, working on cleaning chores. Not panicked, just planning.
How is everyone doing... do you have any plans for the weekend to help ground and calm yourself?

When DH gets home from work tonight, we have to do our usual grocery shopping... I didn't feel comfortable waiting until Saturday morning to do it, but I'm also not optimistic tonight will be any easier/smoother. We'll see how it goes. We have to go to 2 grocery stores and Costco. :scared: Assuming we survive that, we're planning an at-home date night with a crustless keto pizza from Papa Murphy's and watching Knives Out.

DH's office has spent all week griping about the coronavirus hoax being perpetuated by the media to tank our economy in an election year and bring down the president :sad2: so I don't see them moving to work-from-home anytime soon. I'm not really worried about not having anything should we get relegated to not leaving the house. We're decently stocked right now. We load up on chicken whenever Sprouts puts it on sale so we've got several packs in the freezer now. We picked up some Emergen-C, Theraflu, a bottle of Dayquil, and a bottle of Nyquil just in case, and we've both been much better this week about taking our vitamins.

DH used to smoke (he quit about 4.5 years ago) but once every spring, without fail, he gets a cold that immediately turns to horrible bronchitis, so I'm worried he's a higher risk for picking this thing up. His general health isn't great and he works 2 jobs so he doesn't get great sleep ever. My dad is a former diabetic who had a heart attack a year and a half ago. His health got a lot better right after because he started really taking care of himself and his diet, which fixed the diabetes, but he's let it slip again so I'm worried about him, too. Of course, he doesn't take it seriously, either.

We have 2 confirmed cases in Memphis, and this morning the news reported that those 2 people picked it up when they went together to Mardi Gras in New Orleans. We were planning to be at Mardi Gras this year, and the only reason we didn't go was because my MIL was so sick at the time. :oops: New Orleans now has 33 presumptive cases. What really gets to me is that so many people are being denied tests - the actual number of infected people all over the country is SO MUCH HIGHER than we're aware of because no one can get tested.
:headache: I did read that Saskatchewan is already testing a vaccine, so fingers crossed for good things, and fingers crossed that maybe they'll be willing to share it.

I postponed my class for this session so that I can focus on other things. The pressure to do really well in these classes is a lot, and I wasn't confident enough in this one at this time to chance doing poorly in it. My mental health is already better for the decision, and there are several online certifications I'm planning to take in the meantime. I found my dream job position at what sounds like my dream company, and I don't feel ready experience-wise to apply for it at this time, but I'm going to do all of the work I can think of to make myself a more attractive candidate for it based on what the job description is calling for.
How is everyone doing... do you have any plans for the weekend to help ground and calm yourself?

Kind of sad, actually. We decided last night to pull the plug on our trip, and DH has been working on canceling things this morning. (We were supposed to leave Sunday, spend a few days with my folks, and then head to Universal for a couple of days.) The only piece he hasn't gotten through to is Universal, but we booked with insurance, so it should be smooth once he actually gets through.

The final straw for us actually came before the park closing announcement. I found out yesterday evening that the twins I take care of have a classmate with pneumonia and a fever right now. His mom is trying trying to get him tested for the virus, but meeting with push-back. I've been around multiple kids from the class all week, so I can't risk flying or visiting my high-risk dad until I know I am in the clear.

As for calming and grounding, I walked on the treadmill this morning, and plan on doing some reading. DS is home on spring break, so hopefully we'll have some quality family time as well. I see some Disney+ in my future, too.

I've been doing some of the same, making sure I have food in the house (which isn't always the case), cat food and kitty litter is stocked up, working on cleaning chores. Not panicked, just planning.

Thankfully, I had done a few of these things over the past couple of weeks as well - not to hoarding level, of course, but making sure I have the things I would normally buy.
I was up early and out of the house when Target opened. I checked in with the pharmacy to get extra asthma medication just in case. I have enough for a month, but with this case being in my neighborhood and potentially affecting town residents since none of the 300 people exposed at the school were told to stay at home and isolate. They were out and about like nothing was going on. >:(
So, I paid out of pocket for two extra weeks of medication because my insurance company wouldn't cover it. Such B.S. It wasn't expensive, but it is the principal of the thing. I could end up stuck at home in need of lifesaving medicine. I shouldn't have to pay for it when it would prevent me from hospitalization. Would they like to pay that whopping bill instead?

While at Target, I picked up canned goods (worst case scenario), toilet paper, etc. The shelves were empty, but I was fortunate to see an employee with a cart full. I only took one bundle because I'm not a jerk. Within 5 minutes, the cart was empty. She didn't even have a chance to put it on the shelf. Another employee had clorox wipes on a cart which disappeared moments later. I didn't get any. No big deal. I used them in school, and that is over for the foreseeable future. I can use bleach and water at home.

I was friendly with everyone I saw, and I tried to put a smile on their faces. At check-out, I made sure to thank the cashier for working when I'm sure she would rather be home. She appreciated the acknowledgement. I think we all feel better when we are nice to each other.

DH shopped at Stop & Shop and Big Y. No toilet paper at all. Everything was picked over. He came home stressed out. People were acting like animals.

DD's concert was cancelled, thank God. I talked her out of going to the Irish Pub tomorrow and the comedy show which cost $50. Unfortunately, she still has to walk in the fashion show, and more organizational responsibilities have fallen on her shoulders as other models have dropped out; catering dropped out; and the Emcee dropped out. I wish the company would just cancel it. Right now I expect that the only people attending this fashion show will be my husband, my friend, and me.

Tomorrow will be my last public event. After that, it will just be walking on the beach and the occasional trip to the store which I will keep to a minimum.

Take care, stay healthy, and be safe.


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