“Rise” to the Challenge, FREAK!! Done and new trip report started 5/2/21

This means our trip has been canceled.
I had a feeling this may happen and a couple days ago I booked a trip for 4/25-5/2. I found an AP rate at POFQ.
I thought of you immediately when they closed the parks. I am glad you were able to reschedule.
will continue on with my trip report from January and hope to have it finished by the April trip.
The April trip works fine for Andi and she really won’t miss any school because her college, like many, will be doing all online classes through April.
Jack's university is going online as well. All public schools are shut down here for two weeks after March break. I won't be back in the classroom until April 6th!
Okay Everyone, stay safe out there and as a nurse, wash your hands often and for 20 seconds vigorously! Don’t touch your eyes, nose, or mouth especially if you haven’t washed your hands!!
Stay safe Caroline! Thank you for all you do. :hug:
Hello Everyone
As most of you all know, unless you live under a rock, Parks in Florida will be closed until the end of March. :sad:
This means our trip has been canceled.
I had a feeling this may happen and a couple days ago I booked a trip for 4/25-5/2. I found an AP rate at POFQ.
I was able to get good FP+ for the most part. I did get MM Railway, SDD, and 7DMT. I couldn’t snag a FoP, however, I won’t give up on this!
The Villians after hours will have to be canceled for the March dates. I did find a regular MK after hours for the April trip and I think I will book this!
I am happy with the booking on the fly for the most part. I would have liked to go on our original trip but it just wasn’t meant to be.
I literally did everything on my phone during a short work break, phew 😅 glad I am WDW savvy 🤣
I will continue on with my trip report from January and hope to have it finished by the April trip.
The April trip works fine for Andi and she really won’t miss any school because her college, like many, will be doing all online classes through April.
Okay Everyone, stay safe out there and as a nurse, wash your hands often and for 20 seconds vigorously! Don’t touch your eyes, nose, or mouth especially if you haven’t washed your hands!!
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Talk to you all soon!
Glad you were able to reschedule! I too have done a lot of switcharoos on my phone, people complain about Disney IT a lot but I'm pretty impressed with how much I can do on their website/MDE without a computer :thumbsup2. Hope you are staying safe out there too, hope things are not too crazy! Hard to believe what all is happening!

We decided to have appetizers for lunch. Andi chose the queso dip, red beans, and guacamole with chips. I also added the chicken flautas. The chicken appetizer was a hit for me! These were so fresh and delicious. The crispy tortilla had a nice crunch and the fresh herbs and cotija cheese added such a nice flavor. We shared the queso and guacamole. Both of these tasted delicious 😋 The food was so fresh, definitely not made ahead of time! Our waiter was nice and somewhat efficient. He did have a couple big tables and would disappear for awhile. :sad2: We were not in a rush and took it in stride. It did take awhile to get our check.
Frontera looks so good, we need to do more eating in DS. It is so spread out, we always end up eating at the resort when we plan on going to DS because we get too lazy, oops!

Once we finished up and paid, we shopped At Uniqlo again!

I did buy a couple more T-shirts. I will point them out as I wear them.
I hear there are a lot of cute new shirts, my friend in Chicago has a store and I am so jealous! We need a Uniqlo at the MOA, or maybe not because then my wallet would be empty. :rolleyes1

We did get a new bus, here is a picture of the inside of a new bus. There are charging areas all over the new buses. We rode on a Daisy bus to CSR.
I didn't realize the new buses had charging, that's awesome! I ended up buying a fuel rod my last trip because I remembered to bring my portable charger but not the cord to charge it...so bus charging would have saved me perhaps. The wrapping on the outside of the new buses is so cute.

Our room was in Casitas building 4. This was perfect. Very quiet and not far from the bus station and the main building. I didn’t take any pictures, not sure why?? The room was clean and I love the large counter surface in these rooms. It really is nice.
I love the big counters so much. On my solo trip I used the entire counter for myself though, not sure how families manage! :rotfl:

After an enjoyable evening with the Dis gang, We all departed and went our separate ways. I walked out with Molly and Steve had to give us directions, 😂 without Andi I am pretty bad at finding my way around DS.
Sounded like a fun evening! I am the same way with DS, there are so many little areas that I always end up going the wrong direction and have to pull out the map on my phone.

I headed to the bus area and headed back to our room. Andi was back and enjoying the quiet room. Not a loud kid in site, happy dance 💃! We relaxed and enjoyed some sweets from Goofy’s before going to bed. The beds 🛌 are so comfortable here!
Love the CSR beds so much. They had the exact same mattresses at AKL in the refurbished rooms, we were pulling the sheets off trying to figure out the brand and couldn't figure it out. Probably out of our price range anyways. :hyper: I have only stayed at CSR twice now but haven't heard a peep from kids either time, it is wonderful!
I'm so sorry about your March trip, Caroline. You know I feel your pain as I am supposed to be there right now myself. But good for you for your optimism and making new April plans. I hope this is all said and done by then :hug:

I wanted to bring Mike to Jock Lindsey's on this trip and get him one of those Cool Headed Monkeys…sigh. Perhaps we can try in July. So nice that you were able to catch up with our EPIC friends though! :love:
I know, I am hoping it works out because our AP’s expire in early May but if it doesn’t not a biggie at least we have been many times!
I heard that APs are extending by the length of time the park is closed...
The boat ride from the resorts is so relaxing 😎 I love it.
While we didn't take one from OKW... I do love doing that (from other resorts).
This restaurant is loud, it is not a place for a quiet meal.
Thanks for the tip. :)
The food was so fresh, definitely not made ahead of time!
Oh! But that certainly is worth noting!
Our waiter was nice and somewhat efficient.

Chicken Flauta
Cool presentation!
There are charging areas all over the new buses.
Oh! I didn't know that.
I headed back to DS around 5-6pm and met up with Molly at The World of Disney.
Nice. :)
We made our way to The Hanger bar and met up with Ariane, Steve, Melinda, R, Jenny, and Joe.
And then Su-Lynn and Steve!
What a nice DISmeet!
I totally failed on getting any pictures except my drink. I had such a fun evening with everyone!
Totally okay! Enjoy the time!
I walked out with Molly and Steve had to give us directions, 😂 without Andi I am pretty bad at finding my way around DS.
Caroline, still been enjoying your report and all it entails.....been quite bad at keeping up this last weeks or so.

It’s a shame your March trip has been altered, will keep fingers crossed for you for April.
So sorry your March trip had to be pushed back. Crazy times right now. But what a relief you were able to snag some decent FPs for your new dates.

What a fun night with DISers! It was like a little Epic trip reunion.
It is a crazy time right now! I am trying to be safe, practical, and positive!
I loved the challenge of getting FP on short notice for April, however, I am sure that trip will be canceled as well, boo 😒

The Dis meet was so enjoyable and it was a mini epic meet-up!
I thought of you immediately when they closed the parks. I am glad you were able to reschedule.
It sure is a bummer! I know it is just a little thing in a big world of uncertainty right now! I am very thankful we get to go as much as we do!
Jack's university is going online as well. All public schools are shut down here for two weeks after March break. I won't be back in the classroom until April 6th!
Here to, all our restaurants, bars, fitness centers, and nonessential businesses are closed now. I still have to work, however, all our office staff are working from home now. I am still taking my vacation days and staying home next week.
Stay safe Caroline! Thank you for all you do
Thank you! You as well Susan!!
Glad you were able to reschedule! I too have done a lot of switcharoos on my phone, people complain about Disney IT a lot but I'm pretty impressed with how much I can do on their website/MDE without a computer :thumbsup2. Hope you are staying safe out there too, hope things are not too crazy! Hard to believe what all is happening!
I’m thinking the April trip won’t happen now either, boo!
Stay safe in these uncertain times
Frontera looks so good, we need to do more eating in DS. It is so spread out, we always end up eating at the resort when we plan on going to DS because we get too lazy, oops!
I highly recommend Frontera, very fresh and made to order food!
hear there are a lot of cute new shirts, my friend in Chicago has a store and I am so jealous! We need a Uniqlo at the MOA, or maybe not because then my wallet would be empty
We can always find something we have to have at Uniqlo!
I didn't realize the new buses had charging, that's awesome! I ended up buying a fuel rod my last trip because I remembered to bring my portable charger but not the cord to charge it...so bus charging would have saved me perhaps. The wrapping on the outside of the new buses is so cute.
The new buses are really nice and yes many places to charge devices! We saw so many cute designs but only got a new bus like 2 times!
I love the big counters so much. On my solo trip I used the entire counter for myself though, not sure how families manage!
The counters are so awesome, they are the same in the new tower!
Sounded like a fun evening! I am the same way with DS, there are so many little areas that I always end up going the wrong direction and have to pull out the map on my phone.
It was a really fun meet up. I always get turned around at DS!
Love the CSR beds so much
Yes very comfortable
have only stayed at CSR twice now but haven't heard a peep from kids either time, it is wonderful!
It was so nice to have quiet and peace for the second half of the trip!
I somehow missed your post about cancelling your trip :( I'm so sorry! But glad you rebooked for April- hopefully we will be getting back to normal by then!
I'm so sorry about your March trip, Caroline. You know I feel your pain as I am supposed to be there right now myself. But good for you for your optimism and making new April plans. I hope this is all said and done by then :hug:

I wanted to bring Mike to Jock Lindsey's on this trip and get him one of those Cool Headed Monkeys…sigh. Perhaps we can try in July. So nice that you were able to catch up with our EPIC friends though! :love:
I am sorry about your trip, You would have been there right now and we would have been coming down soon!
I am hoping things are better by late April. All I can do is hope!
I really enjoyed meeting up with some of the Epic group, it was so much fun. The drinks were good and I think most apps are good there, I just picked the wrong one.
I hope you and Mike get to enjoy it on your next trip!
heard that APs are extending by the length of time the park is closed..
That is really nice, I hope we can take advantage if the parks stay closed longer!
While we didn't take one from OKW... I do love doing that (from other resorts).
I love the boat transportation, it is just a nice relaxing way to arrive at DS
Oh! But that certainly is worth noting!
I really liked how fresh everything tasted and the fresh herbs that are used.
Oh! I didn't know that.
It was a nice surprise to see the charging areas on the new bus.
Cool presentation!
These chicken flautas were so yummy 😋
And then Su-Lynn and Steve!
What a nice DISmeet!
It was so fun visiting with everyone! Disney lovers unite!
Totally okay! Enjoy the time!
I was surprised I didn’t get any pictures of all of us! It would have been nice to have, oh well, it was fun!
Caroline, still been enjoying your report and all it entails.....been quite bad at keeping up this last weeks or so.

It’s a shame your March trip has been altered, will keep fingers crossed for you for April.
Hi Carole :wave2:
I hope you all are navigating safely through these trying times, yikes!
Thanks for continuing to read along when you can!
I am hoping we can go at the end of April, however, I know it is a long shot.
I somehow missed your post about cancelling your trip :( I'm so sorry! But glad you rebooked for April- hopefully we will be getting back to normal by then!
I sure hope things get back to normal sooner than later!! It was a bummer to cancel the trip! I’m hoping the end of April will work, however, I know it may not happen! Positive vibes for all of us! :wizard:
That is really nice, I hope we can take advantage if the parks stay closed longer!
Well... so far my pass says it's still expiring on the same day as before... Guess I'll check again after the park opens... or before it expires. Whichever comes first.
I love the boat transportation, it is just a nice relaxing way to arrive at DS
It was so fun visiting with everyone! Disney lovers unite!
I was surprised I didn’t get any pictures of all of us! It would have been nice to have, oh well, it was fun!
Maybe one of the others have some. :)
Hello Everyone!!

Today is Monday 1/20, Day 7, the arctic cold comes a calling!

We had a nice laid back morning after a very quiet and restful night. :faint:

I wanted to check out the breakfast options at the El Mercado. We were not in a hurry this morning so It was a good time to see what was available. It was beautiful outside with clear blue skies, however, a definite chill in the air. We had a pleasant walk to the main building from our room. There are 3-4 different stations at the QS. I went with a kids Mickey waffle meal, this came with a drink, bacon, and fruit. Andi decided on an egg and cheese breakfast sandwich. The food was okay, nothing to write home about. My waffles were a little to crunchy for me, I like the more fluffy waffles.

Andi’s sandwich was pretty basic, she was happy with the variety of hot sauces to add to the sandwich. I didn’t take pictures, I guess this morning.:confused3
We walked over to the new tower, I wanted to check in and pay off my balance with a gift card. It is beautiful over there!
Our room wasn’t ready at this time but I did make sure my request for a high floor was noted. We headed back to our room and packed up again and called bell services, to store our luggage until the room is ready. We had FP+ at AK this morning. We went to the bus stop and headed to AK. The bus arrived quickly and we were off to visit the beautiful AK.

Our first stop was the beautiful trails. The CM informed us that it was to cold out for the Komodo Dragon 🐉 and the bats. No wonder I have never seen one in Minnesota 😂 I would say it was cool and windy but certainly not cold, yet! I think most of you know how much I love walking these trails at AK, so lovely, even when some of the animals are not out. We did see the mother tiger 🐯 and some unique birds 🦅 The monkeys and gorillas 🦍 were hiding today on the other trail, we did a glimpse of them. We didn’t see Baby Grace today.
It was almost time for our Dinosaur 🦖 FP. We walked to Dinoland and decided to visit Daisy, she was meeting and her line was short. This was a fun meet and greet. Such a stylish duck!
It was now time for the Dinosaur FP. We had a good time as always. Andi was mad because each picture she is hidden by the fern in the picture, 😆.
Andi decided to use one of the anytime FP for Everest. She had a fun ride, she met a girl in line and they were seat mates on the ride. I believe she was with a cheer group. I love watching the rollercoaster from the sidelines instead of riding it. I am sure I saw Andi’s yellow shirt and it was her!
Once the ride was over we slowly walked towards Pandora, we found a really quiet off the path seating area, I never knew this was here. It is really nice. It is in between Africa and Asia before you would get to Yak and Yeti. I always find new things at Disney!

It was time for FoP FP. I have been on this ride many times and still have yet to walk the stand by line. We had a fun ride as always, minus the um doctor 👨‍⚕️ he is annoying!

We decided to have some lunch At Satu’li Canteen. The place was the busiest I have seen it. We barely found a place to sit. Andi had the Tofu bowl with rice and beans and creamy herb dressing.
I went for the kids hot dog meal. I love this, the hot dog is tasty and the buttery bun is really good, much better than a plain old bun. The vegetable chips are yummy. It all goes well together.
I took a bite before the picture, shame on me!
I got the blueberry cream cheese mousse dessert with the passion fruit curd. I really love this dessert. Andi is not a fan of cream cheese in dessert items so she didn’t have any. Andi was happy to find hot sauce with the condiments, ah the little things! This was a two thumbs up lunch for us.
We had a Safari FP coming up. We decided to skip this and head out because we got our room ready text! We were excited to see our tower room at Destino. Spoiler, it is awesome!!

Our room was 9118, this is on the 11th floor not the 9th floor which would make more sense, number wise. I was really happy with the 11th floor. We weren’t very far from the elevators and the room was quiet even close to them. The room was very clean and still had the new feeling to it. The view was wonderful. We could see MK, space mountain and the Contemporary. The lake below us was beautiful to look at. The shower in the bathroom is very nice, rainfall shower head and very roomy. I was very happy with the room. We were also able to cast Disney+ from Andi’s phone to the big screen TV, this was such a nice addition to TV options. I took some pictures and will show them in the next post. I called bell services and our suitcases and goodies arrived quite quickly. We settled in and relaxed for awhile. We had MK after hours later on. Join me soon for a very cold evening filled with fun and Dis friends!

El Mercado breakfast =$17.56

Satu’li lunch =$26.70
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I stayed one night at GDT in nov for MVMCP during a universal trip . I agree it is beautiful - the lobby - the grounds - the rooms . I only wish I had gotten to stay longer and explore more of the resort.


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