I love credit cards so much! v3.0 (see first page for add'l details)

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I'd call Delta and ask if there's a way to get a refund or a voucher in someone else's name as it was company travel- but I wouldn't expect that to go anywhere. Anything in the employment agreement that covers these situations?
No, unfortunately not. I'll give it a shot. THanks!

In other news, I found Havanese puppies in VA. I need to get off Facebook stat!
Your post is a beautiful tribute to your husband. You're not "clogging the thread" with sympathy posts! Though tragic, by sharing your perspective and your story you are spreading hope and joy. My heartfelt condolences. Godspeed.
Oh man - I know right!! Totally not clogging the thread!!!! This is why our thread is great, we are a community and we want to be there for people, pray for people, support people, in times like this!!
Oh boy. Power in our club has been out for 15 minutes at least. I am so thankful for our full house generator as it has been in the 90s for the past week. Our entire neighborhood is in darkness. I told our neighbor she and her husband could come over, but now I'm not sure that would be smart with the virus and dd's asthma. We were told today that a club employee tested positive, but don't know where this employee worked. Last week we were told a food delivery driver for the club was symptomatic but not yet tested, so the virus is definitely in our community (1,200 houses).
For those of you stuck at home with your spouse, significant other, children, etc. and are perhaps finding yourselves a little at odds with each other, I would like to offer a bit of advice....take this added time to dream together. Dream about your future travels, life plans, even your favorite meal to cook together.

My dh was WFH for three weeks. He spent most of his work time at his desk but spent lunch, breaks and a few extra minutes here and there with me, talking about many, many things; where we wanted to retire, the cruises and trips we would go on, where we would eat once the restaurants opened. Even our old record collection was a topic of discussion.

On Palm Sunday we walked out into our field, hand in hand just for some fresh air. One thing led to another, and pretty soon we had a few yard tools and were trimming around the sapling trees that were planted a few years back. These trees were a GREAT joy to him! After consuming lunch out in the field, a pbj and a can of ginger ale (his favorites, and which he was totally thankful for) we continued on with our work. Shortly thereafter he collapsed of a fatal heart attack. It was a quick passing with no suffering.

In all bad you must look for the good. Had I not lost my job last August I most likely would not have been out in the field with him. Had this stupid virus not permeated our world we would not have spent so much time together recently. In his death I am so grateful it was a quick passing and he was in a place he loved, doing something he loved. And in the BEST of it all, he died with a power tool in his hand. That would please him immensely!

I write this not to bring the mood down or to clog the thread with sympathy posts. I write it 1) for a little cathartic release, 2) a reminder for everyone to embrace every situation you are in, good or bad, and 3) churning advice for points, miles, FNC etc of a deceased P2.

I'm so terribly sorry for your loss. All we can hope for is to go out on our terms, and while it was a shorter time than you both would have liked I'm sure, at least it sounds like it was how he might want to go. I'm glad you got to be with him for one last good day.

As for his points just about everything I've read about the subject follows the advice so far - pool or transfer for free what you can, use from his accounts what you can't. For the ones that can't pool or transfer or are difficult to use, do a little research before writing them off as some may have T&C that state forfeiture but the reps may be able to transfer anyway. Here's an article on airline miles :
I'd research before mentioning anything to a phone rep, or at least do a hypothetical, since most calls are documented in some way. Also, I'm sure you managed a lot of his accounts anyway, but I'd hang onto phones and email accounts and the like for a little while to help with security. With many loyalty and financial accounts going with some type of two factor authentications, it's helpful to have access to that rather than having to try to reset or change contact info.
My dad said they’re supposed to get another 3-6 inches tomorrow night

NE/IA Area? We're supposed to get 4~6" tomorrow according to the NWS, however the raw model says 8~14" tomorrow. Model before showed 2~4" and before that less than an inch.
NE/IA Area? We're supposed to get 4~6" tomorrow according to the NWS, however the raw model says 8~14" tomorrow. Model before showed 2~4" and before that less than an inch.
Yep that area. I actually wouldn’t mind seeing a little snow right now. We didn’t get to see any when we were there for Christmas
For those of you stuck at home with your spouse, significant other, children, etc. and are perhaps finding yourselves a little at odds with each other, I would like to offer a bit of advice....take this added time to dream together. Dream about your future travels, life plans, even your favorite meal to cook together.

My dh was WFH for three weeks. He spent most of his work time at his desk but spent lunch, breaks and a few extra minutes here and there with me, talking about many, many things; where we wanted to retire, the cruises and trips we would go on, where we would eat once the restaurants opened. Even our old record collection was a topic of discussion.

On Palm Sunday we walked out into our field, hand in hand just for some fresh air. One thing led to another, and pretty soon we had a few yard tools and were trimming around the sapling trees that were planted a few years back. These trees were a GREAT joy to him! After consuming lunch out in the field, a pbj and a can of ginger ale (his favorites, and which he was totally thankful for) we continued on with our work. Shortly thereafter he collapsed of a fatal heart attack. It was a quick passing with no suffering.

In all bad you must look for the good. Had I not lost my job last August I most likely would not have been out in the field with him. Had this stupid virus not permeated our world we would not have spent so much time together recently. In his death I am so grateful it was a quick passing and he was in a place he loved, doing something he loved. And in the BEST of it all, he died with a power tool in his hand. That would please him immensely!

I write this not to bring the mood down or to clog the thread with sympathy posts. I write it 1) for a little cathartic release, 2) a reminder for everyone to embrace every situation you are in, good or bad, and 3) churning advice for points, miles, FNC etc of a deceased P2.
So sorry for your loss and thank you for sharing your story with us.
For those of you stuck at home with your spouse, significant other, children, etc. and are perhaps finding yourselves a little at odds with each other, I would like to offer a bit of advice....take this added time to dream together. Dream about your future travels, life plans, even your favorite meal to cook together.

My dh was WFH for three weeks. He spent most of his work time at his desk but spent lunch, breaks and a few extra minutes here and there with me, talking about many, many things; where we wanted to retire, the cruises and trips we would go on, where we would eat once the restaurants opened. Even our old record collection was a topic of discussion.

On Palm Sunday we walked out into our field, hand in hand just for some fresh air. One thing led to another, and pretty soon we had a few yard tools and were trimming around the sapling trees that were planted a few years back. These trees were a GREAT joy to him! After consuming lunch out in the field, a pbj and a can of ginger ale (his favorites, and which he was totally thankful for) we continued on with our work. Shortly thereafter he collapsed of a fatal heart attack. It was a quick passing with no suffering.

In all bad you must look for the good. Had I not lost my job last August I most likely would not have been out in the field with him. Had this stupid virus not permeated our world we would not have spent so much time together recently. In his death I am so grateful it was a quick passing and he was in a place he loved, doing something he loved. And in the BEST of it all, he died with a power tool in his hand. That would please him immensely!

I write this not to bring the mood down or to clog the thread with sympathy posts. I write it 1) for a little cathartic release, 2) a reminder for everyone to embrace every situation you are in, good or bad, and 3) churning advice for points, miles, FNC etc of a deceased P2.
I'm so very sorry for your loss. Thank you for sharing this here. It is definitely important for us all to stop during this time to appreciate what we still have and not dwell on what we have lost. Glad you and your dh had some special time together in those last few weeks.
Another one bites the dust. The family vacation to Aulani and Disneyland is officially cancelled. :sad: After discussing a multitude of scenarios the next few months may hold, the family consensus was to cancel. On the up side, this allowed me to bank 2019 DVC points into the next UY as my banking window ends this month. Borrowed points were also put into the UY they were borrowed from by DVC which was nice. I have until mid July to see if I will get to use my banked points before the end of August or dump them into RCI.

My FN cert from BonBlah was put back into my account after some struggle. I highly advise any BonBlah FN cert cancellations be done over the phone and watching to make sure the FN goes back into your account. I've had issues multiple times. Now I just do it over the phone and while I'm logged in and looking at the account. As for the flights, it looks like I will be playing chicken with AA and UA. I don't want to pay re-deposit fees on miles so I will just wait them out and hope for a significant scheduled departure time change or outright cancellation on their end.

This makes it trip number 5 cancelled for this year. Next one in line is Vero Beach next month for Memorial Weekend. Lets see how that shakes out.
For those of you stuck at home with your spouse, significant other, children, etc. and are perhaps finding yourselves a little at odds with each other, I would like to offer a bit of advice....take this added time to dream together. Dream about your future travels, life plans, even your favorite meal to cook together.

My dh was WFH for three weeks. He spent most of his work time at his desk but spent lunch, breaks and a few extra minutes here and there with me, talking about many, many things; where we wanted to retire, the cruises and trips we would go on, where we would eat once the restaurants opened. Even our old record collection was a topic of discussion.

On Palm Sunday we walked out into our field, hand in hand just for some fresh air. One thing led to another, and pretty soon we had a few yard tools and were trimming around the sapling trees that were planted a few years back. These trees were a GREAT joy to him! After consuming lunch out in the field, a pbj and a can of ginger ale (his favorites, and which he was totally thankful for) we continued on with our work. Shortly thereafter he collapsed of a fatal heart attack. It was a quick passing with no suffering.

In all bad you must look for the good. Had I not lost my job last August I most likely would not have been out in the field with him. Had this stupid virus not permeated our world we would not have spent so much time together recently. In his death I am so grateful it was a quick passing and he was in a place he loved, doing something he loved. And in the BEST of it all, he died with a power tool in his hand. That would please him immensely!
I just read your post to my family and couldn't get through without tearing up, but thank you so much for sharing your story with us and for the great reminder. My thoughts are with you in this difficult time. Virtual hug from California :)
I don't feel strongly on it one way or the other, but I think this was a pretty hilarious response I saw on facebook tonight:

"Honoring" the class of 2020 with your graduation pics is like honoring the homeless with pics of your house.

🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣

Thank you! I said the same thing when some of my FB friends started posting their senior pics to "honor" the kids who don't get a senior year.

The recent discussion on the thread tonight has me all like:


LOL. When people ask DD or me what DH does we both say we have no idea. Then add "transponster - he's a transponster."
Do any of my experts know a way to purchase a physical Amazon gift card online? The last time I looked at my local Fry's, which is where I normally buy them, they were out. I need one for our coloring contest prize but I don't want to be running to different stores right now.
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