Rumor about “modified experiences” when Disney reopens (read 1st post for potential modifications being considered)

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"Disney expects to require masks for guests and cast, which Chapek says will be a cultural adjustment for guests in the United States, especially during the warm summer months."

This might be the deciding factor on cancelling for me. We are required to wear masks here in MA/RI - we live on the line. Everywhere you go everyone wears a mask and many stores have someone checking at the entry. I have no problem wearing one and I always do, it's just hard to breath during a target or grocery run inside. We even had to wear them to get ice cream and wait in line outside. Temps are only 65 here at max. It gets hard to breathe after a while and if I'm not wearing contacts my glasses fog up. I can't imagine wearing one all day in the heat except while eating or designated areas.
My concern is the other guests are too dumb to use a mask right which I see all over my town. They'll touch it and then touch something, put their mask in their purse or pocket between uses, they'll touch something and then touch the inside of their mask... making themselves sick increases the odds I get sick...
These are not medical masks and they aren't intended to be. Guests can touch their own non-medical mask. (The difference between a surgical/cloth mask and a medical N95 mask is really important so people understand the rationale behind Disney's decision) These masks are to help prevent respiratory droplets from traveling far from the user's mouth, through the air, and into another guest. Touching the mask is no different from touching your own mouth - you still have to wash your hands frequently. That's why it is ok for Disney to say "hey, you can take off the mask to eat in the restaurant" and people can shove it in their pockets or whatever. It's not putting you at higher risk.
After watching some videos and reading about the SDL opening I still think it's too early here. I really don't care who agrees with me or not. A woman I follow on Instagram said people were being very respectful, but they were not social distancing everywhere because they "have been over it for months."

I think right now we are in the middle of this thing. More evidence of long term effects on the body is coming out. Kids getting weird infections. We simply don't know enough.

Wearing a mask in public is the right thing to do. If people don't want to wear one they should not go out in public.

I think the domestic parks need to wait. Quote me. Argue with me. I don't care. I won't change my mind and you will be wasting your time.
After watching some videos and reading about the SDL opening I still think it's too early here. I really don't care who agrees with me or not. A woman I follow on Instagram said people were being very respectful, but they were not social distancing everywhere because they "have been over it for months."

I think right now we are in the middle of this thing. More evidence of long term effects on the body is coming out. Kids getting weird infections. We simply don't know enough.

Wearing a mask in public is the right thing to do. If people don't want to wear one they should not go out in public.

I think the domestic parks need to wait. Quote me. Argue with me. I don't care. I won't change my mind and you will be wasting your time.
What is going to be changed by waiting?
Are they still doing temperature checks? That's what they were doing at entrances to the retail/downtown Disney areas all of Mar/Apr, aka main entrances for SHDL.

They're basically following the grocery store model, without the plexiglass areas for workers. But no one talks about any safety nets that the gov't has likely given Disney--liability, aka zero liability, is the ultimate goal for them. I see a lot of photos of guests without masks and social distancing, go figure for the "perfect selfie".

Man the 2 business networks love Chapek...they are hyping this "win", even coming up with more "ideas" for Disney to implement to get bigger crowds, how US should open, and how "I'm planning, families planning everywhere" & we'll be at normal capacity very soon....
Are they still doing temperature checks? That's what they were doing at entrances to the retail/downtown Disney areas all of Mar/Apr, aka main entrances for SHDL.

Shanghai did temp checks. They have this tent people walk through and there is a scanner in there they checks people as they walked through. Very uninvasive.
Shanghai did temp checks. They have this tent people walk through and there is a scanner in there they checks people as they walked through. Very uninvasive.
I think there were similar things in customs when I flew in to Tokyo last year at Haneda. There was some kind of scanner that checked for elevated temperatures to try to catch sick people before they got in to the country.
I agree, hopefully if you go October or November/December you can hit one of the parties. We did the MVMCP this past November and it was so much fun! Wait times were short and the weather very cool temps at night for the parks and party. Thank you for the hope, we plan on going in February for my 30th birthday and our baby will be 5.5-6 months. I think it's do-able but people think I'm crazy haha.

Our youngest son's first trip was when he was 6 months old. Obviously he had no clue but we still had a blast!
Probably have to do the opposite in the US, mark where you want them to stand.
That is interesting. The education system has been pushing "positive reinforcement" here for years. Don't tell people what they SHOULD NOT do. Tell them what they SHOULD do. Maybe it seems like we have more of a choice with the latter? I know in schools we have been encouraged not to post "Rules" but to post "Expectations."

Fascinating how cultures differ like that. And how there seems to be a difference to people, even though there truly is no actual difference.
I get what you're saying. Everything we've been doing was intended to "Flatten the Curve" (a phrase I'd be happy to never hear again!). I feel like we've done that for the most part. And if they are now targeting a July opening, then they are in fact waiting a 'few more weeks' (actually longer) as you suggest.

Yes we wanted to flatten the curve but ideally we want to get on the backside of the curve not just drive on a flat road at the top. I think we are very close to that though so this isn't a "don't open until January" thing. This is likely a few week thing if we stay on course and a few weeks now could cut a few months off the backside.

Disney though is one company I don't think is going to rush into anything and when they do open wiill make it as safe as possible so I'd have little concern when they do open. Now my local six flags... differnet story.
After watching some videos and reading about the SDL opening I still think it's too early here. I really don't care who agrees with me or not. A woman I follow on Instagram said people were being very respectful, but they were not social distancing everywhere because they "have been over it for months."

I think right now we are in the middle of this thing. More evidence of long term effects on the body is coming out. Kids getting weird infections. We simply don't know enough.

Wearing a mask in public is the right thing to do. If people don't want to wear one they should not go out in public.

I think the domestic parks need to wait. Quote me. Argue with me. I don't care. I won't change my mind and you will be wasting your time.
SDL opened 4 months from closing correct? so that would put WDW opening in roughly 2 months from now. Would that be an acceptable opening time frame?
SDL opened 4 months from closing correct? so that would put WDW opening in roughly 2 months from now. Would that be an acceptable opening time frame?
I've heard/read a lot from experts saying in the next 60 days so much will happen and we'll know so much more about this virus and treatments and a more clear picture of who has had it and death rates. So yes perhaps July is realistic. IF we don't blow it by coming out too fast and not following rules.
SDL opened 4 months from closing correct? so that would put WDW opening in roughly 2 months from now. Would that be an acceptable opening time frame?

Depends on what numbers look like but based on current trends july looks like a good target. Though if I'm disney I don't think I'd do July 1st due to the 4th - probably wait till like July 5th or 6th to get past the holiday.
No way would my 7 year old wear a mask all day. If that’s required/enforced in the US I guess we’d have to cancel July..

Actually, they didn’t all wear them. I watched a video of the opening, and there were people in the crowd not wearing them. The city had relaxed mask wearing rules a few days before opening, so it may have had to do with that. Also, a blogger said a lot of people were taking theirs off frequently. As for kids, there weren’t really that many there from the video I saw.
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