Issue with wearing masks...

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We are scheduled to go July 20-31, and if Disney doesn't cancel on us, I am planning on going as long as parks are open and restrictions aren't ridiculous. If I have to wear a mask, so be it, it wouldn't be ideal and it'll be hotter than heck, but if parks are open and not to a degree where the Disney experience is totally altered, I will plan to be there with a face covering.
I am all for going to Disney. I think the humidity and the reduced flow of oxygen from wearing a mask, might be a bit much for people. I also wonder how you can eat and drink with the mask provision in place?

Bought straws and people will probably be eating outside or tables will be apart.

I’ll make it work. I don’t wear a mask when I am out and about here in NY when outside. Indoors I do.

I’m just saying if that is what Disney does because it’s recommended by experts, then I’ll adjust best I can. Not worth it for me to stay home simply because...
The masks are more comfortable to wear inside, which is where it has been proven for an increase of transmission to occur, when people are inside together. I think this would be a reasonable request.
Just concerned about the sun and heat index in Florida for wearing outside. We had July scheduled but we may push the trip back for cooler weather and wear the masks then.
Bought straws and people will probably be eating outside or tables will be apart.

I’ll make it work. I don’t wear a mask when I am out and about here in NY when outside. Indoors I do.

I’m just saying if that is what Disney does because it’s recommended by experts, then I’ll adjust best I can. Not worth it for me to stay home simply because...

I wonder if Disney will institute a mask rule where when you are walking in concourses throughout the park, you don't have to have one, but when you go inside any building or into a ride queue you'll have to have one on. I'm also curious about entry to the parks in the morning, what security lines will be like if there are medical's pretty overwhelming to even think about and leads me to the belief that parks are still pretty far away from being able to open, even with limited capacity.
The MOST important thing to do to prevent getting this virus is WASH YOUR HANDS!
FYI - It is a respiratory virus so it is airborne. The washing of hands is very important so when you touch something you don't then transfer the virus to your eyes, nose or mouth. If washing hands was all that was needed then why would those people working with Covid positive patients (myself included) need to wear extensive PPE? Oh we haven't caught the virus because we are wearing proper protective equipment - masks, goggles, and gowns.

Masks help reduce the spread of the virus by helping to contain what people are expelling and to help reduce what you are inhaling. Thus helping to minimize the viral load you are exposed to. Masks are strongly recommended in environments where social distancing (the minimum 6 ft) can't be consistently maintained.

Everyone is going to do what they "think" is right. Peoples understanding of the virus varies extensively because many have not been directly affected by it or have actually experienced seeing it first hand.

Thankfully WDW is private property and they can enforce what rules they want to put in place.
I get it -- people do not like change and want things go back to normal
Except they won't until a vaccine has been tested and widely available, or we develop immunity to this virus

If you want to visit Disney when they re-open, you have to follow the rules. Period.
They are there to make everyone safer.

The site below has some interesting comparisons when people wear masks and when they do not
I would not visit the parks if masks are required. My oldest daughter complains she’s too hot at 11:00 am as is. My 8 year old would never keep it on and my youngest would not either.

I have about 100 expiring points that need to be used by October. My wife and I decided to cancel our summer family trip and do a night in September with just us in a Copper Creek cabin.

We are planning on doing a family trip next June or July. Hopefully things will be back normal by then.

I love that you are doing this! I hope you have an amazing time. This is a much better idea then letting those points expire and when else would you probably get a chance to do this. Sending you pixie dust for a great time in September. pixiedust:
I get it -- people do not like change and want things go back to normal
Except they won't until a vaccine has been tested and widely available, or we develop immunity to this virus

If you want to visit Disney when they re-open, you have to follow the rules. Period.
They are there to make everyone safer.

The site below has some interesting comparisons when people wear masks and when they do not

Anyone can set up a website and give advice. It‘s about as valid as getting advice from Facebook. I recommend you read peer reviewed studies on the efficacy of wearing a face mask.

Per many of the studies done, the likelihood of contracting Covid-19 in the outdoors is very low.

I’m a rule follower. If masks are required I will not be taking my family. Period.
I wonder if Disney will institute a mask rule where when you are walking in concourses throughout the park, you don't have to have one, but when you go inside any building or into a ride queue you'll have to have one on.

The problem with this is the touching of the masks and face repeatedly for the on-off-on stuff.
I'm recovered and already had COVID months ago. Why on earth should I have to wear a mask? I do it in the grocery store or whatever for other people, but I ALREADY HAD IT PEOPLE. I'm not going to get you sick.
While it is likely that you have immunity, it has not been medically proven yet.

Why should you wear a mask? Because those are the rules. I'm sure the rules will change and adjust as more scientific information comes out about Covid19 and Disney sees what works under their current system.
I'm recovered and already had COVID months ago. Why on earth should I have to wear a mask? I do it in the grocery store or whatever for other people, but I ALREADY HAD IT PEOPLE. I'm not going to get you sick.
Because it has been known to infect some people a second time, very unusual but there are reported cases.And then you become a carrier again.
I'm recovered and already had COVID months ago. Why on earth should I have to wear a mask? I do it in the grocery store or whatever for other people, but I ALREADY HAD IT PEOPLE. I'm not going to get you sick.

Yeah, but do you trust the COVID truthers not to seize on that to claim why they shouldn't have to wear a mask (lying, of course)?

There is a daily viral video (har har) lately of people getting into kerfuffles with retail employees around masks, with claims of everything from "against the ADA!" (not actually, no) and "against HIPPA!" (doesn't exist, so I am sure that someone who doesn't know the acronym is an expert in its legal niceties, yes), and "but I woke up in a FREE COUNTRY!!"

Businesses trying to enforce masks and distancing are doing the best they can with the current information and science.
We have a trip booked at the end of September with banked 2019 points. If masks are required outdoors, we will either reschedule a trip before the end of our use year, try to book at Vero, or let the points expire. My daughter is on the spectrum and it's impossible to keep a mask on her.
Masks pose a risk to the healthy.

There have been quite a few specious medical statements made by non-medical people. Russel Blaylock, M.D. is a well known doctor and has some important things to say.

I refuse to wear a mask unless forced to by well-meaning idiots.
Russel Blaylock is a nut. Read the wikipedia about him:
Here's what the WHO says:
Here's what the CDC says:
I understand someone not wanting to wear a mask in a theme park for an extended period of time because they are uncomfortable. I think I would be willing to do that but a lot of people probably will not. If you aren't you should skip the vacation and stay home. Promoting misinformation isn't helping anyone.
After trying for years to walk the middle line in politics - no stickers on cars, no front yard signs, no contributions over $200 - suddenly the coronavirus seems to have differentiated Americans on their vote intentions next November. In my area, wearing a mask in public is seen as identifying with fear-mongering liberals that are keen on tanking the economy to deny Trump a second mandate; conversely, not wearing a mask is seen as promoting the opening of the society, launch of the economy and unwillingness to change our way of life to deal with the perceived low risk put by the virus. This does not make any sense - at the White House almost everyone needs to wear masks, but the WH is far away from my midwestern town.

This is why I think authorities, be they government or corporate, need to establish clear guidelines whether or not masks are required, without making it a voluntary choice. Americans are already divided, we don't need another visible symbol on where we stand politically. If masks are mandatory in a venue, then those who attend should wear masks. If masks are not required, then people should skip them and be ready to live with the consequences.
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I'm not planning on going to Disney until we reach herd immunity - either via time or a vaccination - or until I and the people I live with have developed immunity. Too many crowds, too many idiots. Also, I'm not getting on an airplane until SOMETHING happens to make those things less of a contagion vector - and I live inconvienent driving distance. But I do wear a mask if I leave my house if I will be within six feet of other people or indoors - I don't wear it if I'm going for a walk in my neighborhood and can avoid coming within six to ten feet of others. And I don't shop at places that don't require masks.
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