DDC XXXIV: The Original Home Of The DISDads!!!

Well, I was supposed to be going back to work today for another couple weeks.
Got told yesterday that I’ll be off until further notice. Not enough activity to support my services.
Could be the beginning of the end. Hard to tell these days in the oil & gas racket.
On the bright side, at least I am still employed and have benefits and a small monthly salary coming in (about 25% of my overall salary).
But the bulk of my salary is from daily bonus when I actually work. Short term I don’t mind a little time off, but that’s not going to get the bills paid after a while.
Part of me thinks a layoff would be better. At least I would have a severance package and employment insurance to keep me going for a while.
The next couple months are going to be interesting.

Morning, Gents! Another day of not much happening yesterday, except that I got to play around on the forklift yesterday morning...that's always fun. Otherwise not much is happening. Chat later.


Air Force

I almost went Air Force, went Navy instead. Congrats to your DS! That's awesome.

Well, I was supposed to be going back to work today for another couple weeks.
Got told yesterday that I’ll be off until further notice. Not enough activity to support my services.
Could be the beginning of the end. Hard to tell these days in the oil & gas racket.
On the bright side, at least I am still employed and have benefits and a small monthly salary coming in (about 25% of my overall salary).
But the bulk of my salary is from daily bonus when I actually work. Short term I don’t mind a little time off, but that’s not going to get the bills paid after a while.
Part of me thinks a layoff would be better. At least I would have a severance package and employment insurance to keep me going for a while.
The next couple months are going to be interesting.


Praying you're able to keep your job, my friend. Hope things turn around.
Well, I was supposed to be going back to work today for another couple weeks.
Got told yesterday that I’ll be off until further notice. Not enough activity to support my services.
Could be the beginning of the end. Hard to tell these days in the oil & gas racket.
On the bright side, at least I am still employed and have benefits and a small monthly salary coming in (about 25% of my overall salary).
But the bulk of my salary is from daily bonus when I actually work. Short term I don’t mind a little time off, but that’s not going to get the bills paid after a while.
Part of me thinks a layoff would be better. At least I would have a severance package and employment insurance to keep me going for a while.
The next couple months are going to be interesting.


I'm sorry, Jeff. I guess it's not surprising, but it still sucks. We're all here if you need anything.
Well, I was supposed to be going back to work today for another couple weeks.
Got told yesterday that I’ll be off until further notice. Not enough activity to support my services.
Could be the beginning of the end. Hard to tell these days in the oil & gas racket.
On the bright side, at least I am still employed and have benefits and a small monthly salary coming in (about 25% of my overall salary).
But the bulk of my salary is from daily bonus when I actually work. Short term I don’t mind a little time off, but that’s not going to get the bills paid after a while.
Part of me thinks a layoff would be better. At least I would have a severance package and employment insurance to keep me going for a while.
The next couple months are going to be interesting.
Sorry to hear that Jeff. Will continue praying for you brother.

If you were to get laid off, would you be able to find another job somewhere else? Jobs are not the easiest to come by now, but don't know what options are up there. I also confess I don't know how your severance and employment insurance works, but I think I get the gist.

I don't know if there's anything that would be usable for you, but check out Virtual Vocations (virtualvocations.com). I haven't looked for/at anything other than IT, so don't know.
An early morning Hump day surprise for me as we are furloughed next week following Memorial day. The first day the state opens up, we get a 3 days notice of cuts. Must be that surge of virus cases. We are allowed to use our vacation time, if you have it.

The problem is if a number of people get sick, they can easily overwhelm a hospital. Mass gatherings are not flattening the curve unless you can guarantee each person has the needed amount of space and you limit contact.

You can have physical distancing without lockdowns. South Dakota and Sweden didn't lockdown ever, and no death surge or overwhelm hospitals.

Congrats to the young 'un there mate. All the best to her in the job hunt.

Thanks. It's going to be a rough way to go.

Top WDW list for today ....... your Top 5 Attractions you never use FP+ for


Congrats to her. :)


Congrats to her, and you and your better half, for getting her through and best wishes on her job search.

Rumor is that we will have an official graduation mid-July but DS is getting his diploma next week to take to the recruiter before his ASVAB scores expire.

Thanks. We had a few earlier ones here as well for the same reason. Some had thought we may postpone to June, but it doesn't look like we will ever re-open. School systems are supposed to submit alternate plans for the fall, one of which is alternating days of school attended.

Thanks guys for all the well wishes on the move. Unfortunately, luck doesn't have much to do with it....more like a CRAPTON of money.

Good luck on the move and finding a Crapton of money. Or, travel lighter. If only I could convince DW of that.

Congratulations to your DD, Norm!


Congratulations to your DD.


Hey Norm, tell your DD...
The Team Canvas workshop or how to kickoff a team - Olivier ...

Thanks, and will do.

Well, I was supposed to be going back to work today for another couple weeks.
Got told yesterday that I’ll be off until further notice. Not enough activity to support my services.
Could be the beginning of the end. Hard to tell these days in the oil & gas racket.
On the bright side, at least I am still employed and have benefits and a small monthly salary coming in (about 25% of my overall salary).
But the bulk of my salary is from daily bonus when I actually work. Short term I don’t mind a little time off, but that’s not going to get the bills paid after a while.
Part of me thinks a layoff would be better. At least I would have a severance package and employment insurance to keep me going for a while.
The next couple months are going to be interesting.

Sorry to hear it. Continued prayers for you.
Good luck on the move and finding a Crapton of money. Or, travel lighter. If only I could convince DW of that.
It's not the traveling lighter part (well, the cost for the movers, yes)...

It's everybody and their brother with their hands in your pockets for selling a house. There's this fee and that fee and this tax and that tax and insane realtor commissions. I'm seriously debating about becoming a realtor...granted, they've done some work, but for what they're getting and even being generous and saying they've put 80 hours into this (not nearly), they're making $172.50 / hour. Now, I will grant you, they've had travel time and gas, but all of that is deductible as a business expense.


Speaking of lawns, Norm...the new place has much more room for your RV. ;)
Well, I was supposed to be going back to work today for another couple weeks.
Got told yesterday that I’ll be off until further notice. Not enough activity to support my services.
Could be the beginning of the end. Hard to tell these days in the oil & gas racket.
On the bright side, at least I am still employed and have benefits and a small monthly salary coming in (about 25% of my overall salary).
But the bulk of my salary is from daily bonus when I actually work. Short term I don’t mind a little time off, but that’s not going to get the bills paid after a while.
Part of me thinks a layoff would be better. At least I would have a severance package and employment insurance to keep me going for a while.
The next couple months are going to be interesting.

Sorry to hear this Jeff, hopefully with things starting to reopen your industry will improve soon. I'll keep you in my prayers.
Morning gents.
Not sure what the day holds yet.

Did another 3K yesterday in training for the 5K. For the first time after a run of... well, just about anything, I only had minor pain in my knee. This morning, my knee and achilles are sore, but manageable. Hoping this means I've turned a corner and won't die from running quite yet.

Got told yesterday that I’ll be off until further notice. Not enough activity to support my services.
Could be the beginning of the end. Hard to tell these days in the oil & gas racket.
Sorry to hear that Jeff. Hopefully the "until further notice" won't last too long.
On the bright side, at least I am still employed and have benefits and a small monthly salary coming in (about 25% of my overall salary).
Silver lining? Except...
Part of me thinks a layoff would be better. At least I would have a severance package and employment insurance to keep me going for a while.
...this. You should be eligible for CERB, though. I would think 25% would be considered part time and not full time. Try applying for it immediately. My oldest did, but it took her a while to get the ball rolling.
An early morning Hump day surprise for me as we are furloughed next week following Memorial day. The first day the state opens up, we get a 3 days notice of cuts. Must be that surge of virus cases. We are allowed to use our vacation time, if you have it.
How does that impact your retirement plans. Pretty sure you had just this year to go?

You can have physical distancing without lockdowns. South Dakota and Sweden didn't lockdown ever, and no death surge or overwhelm hospitals.
That's one of the things I'll be very curious to see once this is all over. Right now South Dakota without lockdowns has/had 4,000 cases and 46 deaths. My province's population is larger, but with lockdowns we've had or have 290 cases and 7 deaths. About 7% of SD's cases and 15% of the deaths.
Sweden has more deaths per capita the last week then all of the rest of Europe.
I am not saying the lockdowns will make a difference in the long run. "Flattening the curve" just means spreading out the deaths/cases, not eliminating.

I personally think that they'll find that lockdowns should have been imposed earlier in some places, were put in place at the right time in others, and should not have been put in place in others.

It's everybody and their brother with their hands in your pockets for selling a house. There's this fee and that fee and this tax and that tax and insane realtor commissions. I'm seriously debating about becoming a realtor...granted, they've done some work, but for what they're getting and even being generous and saying they've put 80 hours into this (not nearly), they're making $172.50 / hour. Now, I will grant you, they've had travel time and gas, but all of that is deductible as a business expense.
I totally hear this.
When I found out how much my real estate agent wanted (He helped us buy our next house and... was less than impressive) as a percentage to sell our home, I looked elsewhere. I wound up selling it myself with the help of a company that specializes in self-selling. It was super easy. They put up the sign in the yard, and put an ad in the real estate papers. (I took the photos and wrote the blurb.) Mind you it was a seller's market at the time, but... I easily saved over $16,000. And all it took was a weekend of showing the home. Which I actually enjoyed doing.
If you were to get laid off, would you be able to find another job somewhere else?
Given the current environment I don’t think it would be very easy. Plus the fact that my job very specialized within the company I work for, it’s not easily transferable skills.
It would probably be back to the drawing board for me. I’m not really sure, I honestly haven’t seriously looked for a job in 22 years.

An early morning Hump day surprise for me as we are furloughed next week following Memorial day. The first day the state opens up, we get a 3 days notice of cuts.
Beverly again.

Tough news on the job front for a few of us.
Hoping for the best for you.
Well, I was supposed to be going back to work today for another couple weeks.
Got told yesterday that I’ll be off until further notice. Not enough activity to support my services.
Could be the beginning of the end. Hard to tell these days in the oil & gas racket.
On the bright side, at least I am still employed and have benefits and a small monthly salary coming in (about 25% of my overall salary).
But the bulk of my salary is from daily bonus when I actually work. Short term I don’t mind a little time off, but that’s not going to get the bills paid after a while.
Part of me thinks a layoff would be better. At least I would have a severance package and employment insurance to keep me going for a while.
The next couple months are going to be interesting.

Well, I was supposed to be going back to work today for another couple weeks.
Got told yesterday that I’ll be off until further notice. Not enough activity to support my services.
Could be the beginning of the end. Hard to tell these days in the oil & gas racket.
On the bright side, at least I am still employed and have benefits and a small monthly salary coming in (about 25% of my overall salary).
But the bulk of my salary is from daily bonus when I actually work. Short term I don’t mind a little time off, but that’s not going to get the bills paid after a while.
Part of me thinks a layoff would be better. At least I would have a severance package and employment insurance to keep me going for a while.
The next couple months are going to be interesting.


Sorry to hear Jeff. If you don't qualify for CERB, does the province have any plans in place? They did here for a bit. I think your employer may be able to access a program to help with wages as well.

You can have physical distancing without lockdowns. South Dakota and Sweden didn't lockdown ever, and no death surge or overwhelm hospitals.

Allowing businesses and activities to happen only works if people fallow the guidelines and it appears in a number of places that just hasn't happened. Even Sweden has many more deaths than they normally do during this time period so they aren't the shinning example that some tried to make them out to be.

In this province and one of our neighbouring provinces, people did what was asked. We worked from home, limited trips to the grocery stores, used online shopping and curbside pickup as much as possible. Churches, schools, recreational facilities and other gathering places we all shut down for about 8 weeks and are now starting to have limited re-openings. So far zero deaths because people did what they were asked to do.
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Given the current environment I don’t think it would be very easy. Plus the fact that my job very specialized within the company I work for, it’s not easily transferable skills.
It would probably be back to the drawing board for me. I’m not really sure, I honestly haven’t seriously looked for a job in 22 years.

So sorry, man, I'll say a prayer for you.
Well, I was supposed to be going back to work today for another couple weeks.
Got told yesterday that I’ll be off until further notice. Not enough activity to support my services.
Could be the beginning of the end. Hard to tell these days in the oil & gas racket.
On the bright side, at least I am still employed and have benefits and a small monthly salary coming in (about 25% of my overall salary).
But the bulk of my salary is from daily bonus when I actually work. Short term I don’t mind a little time off, but that’s not going to get the bills paid after a while.
Part of me thinks a layoff would be better. At least I would have a severance package and employment insurance to keep me going for a while.
The next couple months are going to be interesting.

Very sorry to hear Jeff, I hope things work out for you
An early morning Hump day surprise for me as we are furloughed next week following Memorial day. The first day the state opens up, we get a 3 days notice of cuts. Must be that surge of virus cases. We are allowed to use our vacation time, if you have it.
Dang, sorry to hear Norm, any idea of chances to be brought back from furlough and a possible time period?
Afternoon gents. A bit of tough news around here today. Thoughts for everyone being heavily impacted by the COVID-19, definitely very difficult times for everyone in some way right now.

Almost don't feel like it today but........ top WDW list for today..............Top 3 photo ops at DaWorld or your top 3 photos taken at Daworld (post if you would like).

For the record, top 5 attractions we don;t use FP for:
  1. COP
  2. Mickey's Philharmagic
  3. Peter Pan
  4. IASW
  5. Country Bears
Stay safe and healthy guys
#1 Headless horseman during MNSSHP
#2 BLY - bored after I've gotten double galactic hero again
#3 SDD - When it actually takes a picture and/or works


#3 Splash Mountain when I was losing my favorite hat. Sucked at the time, but when I look at the photo, I think wow...timing.


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