What is the shortest job you have ever had?

I think it was 2 days. While I was in college at a convenience store. We had to count the cigarettes nightly. Not just the cartons but the packs as well. I realize this is no where near the worst of jobs, but it wasn't for me and I knew it.
Once I was at the Apple One employment agency looking for a summer college job. While they didn’t have anything long term, I heard others talking about an inventory job at Macy’s in San Francisco. It was after they closed early for the night and took about three hours. Base pay was around $30 and we all got a Ben & Jerry’s ice cream bar during a break.
Two weeks at the movie theater when I was 15 years old. I got a better job at Phar-Mor as a cashier.

To this day I will not put butter on my popcorn when I go to the movies. When you have to move a huge chunk of that orange solidified so-called butter, it ruins it.
McDonalds. I was 17. Still living in my parents house. My mom made me get a job.

I arrived at 5AM. At 10AM they gave me a 20 minute break before the lunch rush.

I left.
Jordache plant. I had just turned 18 and not started college. It was the evening shift. I was assigned to snipping long threads which was easy but then another supervisor came over and wanted me to do something else. I said the other supervisor just sent me here and she said something mean and I thought to myself - wth, I am not going to let anyone talk to me like that and walked out.

Plus side, I saw someone my Aunt had been trying to set me up with at the convenient store. I stopped and we talked for HOURS. We have been married for 32 years.

Oh, the job lasted about 5 hours.
Four days in a Macy's photo center. I was coached on upselling everything, forcing people into BS packages, and soliciting random shoppers in the store. I think my discomfort was absolutely palpable because on the fourth day they said it wasn't working out. Never felt so relieved to be unemployed.
4 days as an operator at a telephone answering service... back when they had businesses that did that for people. I got a better job, so only stayed the 4 days.
I had a 2 day career at Taco Bell. Just durning lunch. I told them I wanted to work the register not make the food. The first day was ok on the next day an 17 year old manager said you’ve been here long enough you should know what goes on that. That was end of my career at that point I turned in my cap and left. The next day when I returned the rest of the uniform the manager asked what they could do to change my mind. I was done at that point. Never did use the register
I bussed tables for 3 weeks at a steakhouse when I was 19. Miserable job--back killed me at the end of each shift. At the time I was working that and another part-time job. Quit & took more hours at the other job.
4 hours. I waitressed at a coffee shop and at the end of the shift the head waitress pooled all of the tips and distributed them how she saw fit. I never returned.
2 months at Budget Rent A Car as a "hiker". Hikers wash, vacuum and fuel up car between rentals, pick up and drop off customers. I worked Downtown, but in those days Budget was also Sears Rent A car, so I had to go to two Sears stores once a week and wash cars. This was summer when it is 100 degrees. No shade at those Sears stores. At least downtown, even without AC, everything was inside and we had a manual wash rack, so washing was easier.
I was 5 weeks out of College and wanted some money coming in. Manager who hired me said she knew I wouldn't stay long, but the average tenure in the job was about one month. I got promoted to Rental Agent 2 weeks before I left.
Worked for 2 weeks once at an Easy Spirit shoe store. It was hell. The manager was totally anal retentive. Had to wear khaki pants, but they had to be a particular "shade" of khaki, so I had to bring in the pants ahead of time to show her and get her approval. It was a 2nd job to help me & DH pay off some bills when we were newlyweds. Well, of course, she didn't like MY khaki pants, so before I even started the new job I had to go buy new pants.

Then I was instructed to NOT listen to customers who would say what shoe size they wore...I was REQUIRED to bring out additional sizes. And that was just the tip of the iceberg.

I decided that the hassle wasn't worth it. So I did some math and figured out how to pinch a few more pennies at home so I wouldn't have to work for Ms. Khaki Pants anymore and I quit.
My sister-in-law is the queen of short-lived jobs. She spent 3 hours at a print shop and they told her not to come back after lunch.

After that job she went to another place and quit after 2 days because it was too stressful. What was her job? She was hired as a greeter at Walmart. Yes, that was too stressful for her.

My shortest job was 6 years. I was a ski instructor but had to "retire" after a broken leg. This did not happen while skiing. I broke it starting the lawn mower.
Not a paid job but a volunteer position. I made it 4 hours. The manager told me that if I had any questions I should “ask her directly - don’t ask the other volunteers.” I was doing dishes and asked one of the other volunteers where they kept the extra soap. I certainly didn’t think that when she said I should come to her directly with questions that she meant about trivial things like that, but sure enough she pulled me aside and said she heard from another volunteer that I had asked where they kept the soap... that I obviously couldn’t follow directions and that it clearly wasn’t going to work out.

I left in tears, but what a blessing. If they treated a volunteer that way I can’t imagine how they treat the people they pay to be there.
I worked at a minimart for about a week or so. The manager was awful, only left his office to swap out his adult magazines. The customers were routinely weird, like putting on deodorant and then putting it back on the shelf. The final straw was when I was working late and a car pulled into the lot kind of fast. My coworker grabbed a bat and told me to get ready to call 911. Thankfully it was just a regular customer, not a robbery, but after that I decided minimum wage wasn't worth all that.


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