Could the flu shot make the Covid easier to handle?

I want this shot sooner than later. My parents keep having shingles, and since I had chickenpox, I have to avoid them. I don’t want shingles. They actually have shingles right now, but I’m too young to get this shot.

Not sure I understand this? You can't "catch" shingles. The virus is already inside you lying dormant if you've ever had chickenpox, and can randomly reactivate in some people, not because they've been exposed to someone with shingles. Someone who has never had chickenpox (or has not been vaccinated for it) can catch chickenpox from someone with shingles, but otherwise shingles itself is not contagious.

ETA: Maybe I'm misunderstanding your post. Are you saying you have to avoid shingles or you have to avoid your parents because they have shingles?
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I'm supposed to get the Shingles vaccine but decided to hold off for right now because my doctor said some of the side effects of getting the vaccine could mimic Covid.
DH was very sick after the shingles vax. I had zero side effects.
At 46, I would like it now too. My husband has never had the chickenpox so I don't know if he would be at risk or not.

If you get shingles, he could get chicken pox.

I actually had a mild case of shingles last winter (even though I wasn’t in the risk age group yet). I got treated right away, and was OK, but had to avoid babies and pregnant woman because of chicken pox risks.

I’m not sure about any risks from the shingles vaccine itself, though.
Are they having in person class?

Different school districts are handling the coming school year differently - but most are either starting full remote or starting hybrid. But no school systems (that I'm aware of) plan to stay remote permanently for the full year, most plan on having students return to the buildings as soon as it's deemed safe to do so. Since we don't know when that will be, the mandate ensures that kids have some protection from the flu regardless of when in person learning happens. A double whammy of flu and Covid would be devastating, since both can affect the respiratory system. Plus the symptoms are so similar at the beginning - better to control what we can, and deal with the unknowns when we have to.
Different school districts are handling the coming school year differently - but most are either starting full remote or starting hybrid. But no school systems (that I'm aware of) plan to stay remote permanently for the full year, most plan on having students return to the buildings as soon as it's deemed safe to do so. Since we don't know when that will be, the mandate ensures that kids have some protection from the flu regardless of when in person learning happens. A double whammy of flu and Covid would be devastating, since both can affect the respiratory system. Plus the symptoms are so similar at the beginning - better to control what we can, and deal with the unknowns when we have to.
I keep hearing about the double whammy of Covid and flu season, but dang, if we can't stop the flu with all the mitigation already in place for Covid, then I'm ready to just give up.
I keep hearing about the double whammy of Covid and flu season, but dang, if we can't stop the flu with all the mitigation already in place for Covid, then I'm ready to just give up.

I think that IF people follow the precautions that we are already asked to do for COVID, it will go a long way toward mitigating regular seasonal illnesses too - of course that's a big IF (not just because kids are a different ballgame but also because many parents have not been modeling good mask wearing and social distancing, so those kids are less likely to take it seriously themselves). So adding in another layer of mitigation by getting the flu vaccine just makes sense. We don't have much more we can throw at controlling this year's flu and cold season, but every little bit helps.
I keep hearing about the double whammy of Covid and flu season, but dang, if we can't stop the flu with all the mitigation already in place for Covid, then I'm ready to just give up.

I’m thinking of dressing up as Snow from the Hunger Games for Halloween. I can give all my tribute candy.
We just got our flu shots today. We tend to get them as soon as they come out every year because our usual is to cruise over fall break. We are still traveling over fall break, but not on a boat with a bunch of people from all over the world! We just get them annually because, well, science.

On the shingles vaccine, you can get it before you turn 50, it’s just that most insurance plans won’t cover it before then so you’d be self-pay. DH turns 50 in January and he plans to get it the second he can. I will do the same later next year when I turn 50, as shingles is some really bad mojo!
Got my flu shot on Thursday, I normally don't get this early. However, the CVS pharmacist told us they will probably run out by mid September. There were 5 other people getting shots when we did. We are also getting our shingles shot (dh and I) since my doctor told me to get one asap. I trust her, she is a great doctor. She is the only to figure out heart condition.
The CDC recommends to get the vaccine by the end of October, but not before September, as the protection may not last through the flu season. I get the high-dose vaccine and always get it mid-September.
Got mine last year the end of August and got thru the entire year. Not to disagree with other posters, but my Lung Dr. said you can get it now (end of August) and it will be good all year. Because I have my Lung disease I get mine whenever it's available so I got mine yesterday. :)
I keep hearing about the double whammy of Covid and flu season, but dang, if we can't stop the flu with all the mitigation already in place for Covid, then I'm ready to just give up.

When cold/flu season starts and people start to get sick, the healthcare infrastructure will likely be backed up. There will be many more people requiring quarantine since the mild symptoms of COVID and the seasonal cold/flu are so very similar.

Imagine having to wait to get a doctors note or a test to prove your disease is not COVID.
Both public and private schools in my region all have guidelines that require a doctors note to get cleared for returning to school if a child or staff shows any cold/flu-like symptoms.
I just asked about flu shots and the pharmacist looked at me like I was crazy. He said they won't be available until Oct. - like every other year.
Because of some issues with her apartment, my DD was back from school this past weekend. I was really back and forth on this, but we went ahead and got her flu vaccine. I know it's really early and I know her coverage will wane earlier than I prefer. But I also remember the Swine flu and how hard it was to find the vaccine available. Even mid morning on a Sunday in late August, there were several people at Walgreens getting the flu shot. I'll probably get mine earlier than usual, but opted to hold off since I know I'll do what it takes to get it this year. Maybe in a few weeks.
I discussed with my doctor last week and had my parents ask their doctor when they saw her about 2 weeks ago about flu shot timing. They both said that we should get them around the middle of September this year. Still a little earlier than usual so will wear off a little sooner, but best be cautious and get on the earlier side. So I will get mine then.
I discussed with my doctor last week and had my parents ask their doctor when they saw her about 2 weeks ago about flu shot timing. They both said that we should get them around the middle of September this year. Still a little earlier than usual so will wear off a little sooner, but best be cautious and get on the earlier side. So I will get mine then.
I only went ahead now with my daughter's because she was *here*. And because I consider her high risk living on a college campus. I will personally hold off a little on my own, knowing I can (and will) be committed to going later.
I took my 12yo for his well check last week. The Dr. said that they have the flu shot in but she would not recommend getting before mid October. She says it's effetiveness wanes after 6 months and Flu season peaks around Feb/March. She said to come back mid October to get it.


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