Marathon Weekend 2022

I've never had bad luck with transportation on race mornings. That said, I'm almost always on the first or second bus and the morning of the 2020 marathon the busses were so late they had to delay the start of the race. Even those of us there with plenty of time (the Goof Troop is always punctual) were thrown off because they started the balloon ladies early. It was a mess.

Yeah, that didn't help our in-race math skills any ;)
Not the same camaraderie though.

Funny you should mention this (re: race transportation). I am a person who normally sticks entirely to myself (and am pretty happy to do so), but for some reason at WDW, I feel less inhibited/embarrassed/whatever to chat up people. I will always talk to people on the bus to/from the race (unless the other person is really not interested). Probably started as a way to calm my nerves, but at this point I try to calm the other person's!
ETA: If driving was an option for me, I’d probably do it. You’d be able to rest in your car until you were ready to enter the corrals, which could be invaluable on cold weather days! You’d also be able to get back in your car comfortably after the race, instead of waiting for a bus and squeezing your way onto the bus with your snack box and banana and drinks...

Counterpoint: You miss the pre-race meetups by hanging out in your car. There's lots of talking and I've heard sometimes people do shots before the races (not me, I'm a serious runner). There's race morning strategizing. In 2020, the the logistics of the Rogue Two adventure were hammered out in the minutes before we went to the corrals.
Are there resorts to avoid?
I have stayed at POFQ for the weekend and also Poly. I have considered one of the villas so I had a kitchen but am not sure about location. Anyone care to opine?
I am DVC and having a little kitchen to prep my race hydration/nutrition and that vital cup of pre-race coffee is great. It's also nice to be able to wash your stinky running clothes before you pack up to go home. Plus all the other great amenities at the deluxe resorts really help make post-race time more relaxing.
I have stayed at both CBR and CSR on race weekends and don't recommend either - just too spread out and too many bus stops.
I am DVC and having a little kitchen to prep my race hydration/nutrition and that vital cup of pre-race coffee is great. It's also nice to be able to wash your stinky running clothes before you pack up to go home. Plus all the other great amenities at the deluxe resorts really help make post-race time more relaxing.
I have stayed at both CBR and CSR on race weekends and don't recommend either - just too spread out and too many bus stops.

Do you have a favorite DVC?
Good morning, runDisney all-stars and welcome to the first Tuesdays Sundays are for Disney of 2021! I'm hopeful these will serve as a weekly countdown to our joyous reunion for Marathon Weekend 2022.

I don't know how many people are new to the Marathon Weekend threads or new to Sundays are for Disney, so first a quick orientation/recap:

- What is Sundays are for Disney? Often abbreviated as SAFD, Sundays are for Disney are weekly questions - generally focused on all things Disney (parks, movies, characters, music, etc.), as well as running/runDisney. The questions are designed to allow us to get to know each other better, build excitement for Marathon Weekend, share our Disney fandom, exchange tips, information and best practices, and just have fun. It's not a debate and there are no right or wrong answers.

- Why Sundays? Isn't today Tuesday? What happens if I miss a day/week? SAFD came from an activity I started with my kids when they were younger. We reminisced about our favorite WDW memories through questions posed each Sunday. When I think about Disney, it's a bright Sunday morning on Main Street, USA with a day full of possibility ahead of you, hence Sundays are for Disney. If you don't respond to the question on Sunday or even that week, you can always catch up.

- Who asks the SAFD questions? Typically, I do. BUT!! I am always open to and encouraging suggestions. Feel free to DM me any potential SAFD questions/topics. I would really appreciate it.
Special request: does anyone know how to do online tournament brackets in which we vote on who wins each matchup? We did a best attractions tournament a couple years ago that was fun and it might be fun to do the same with restaurants, resorts, etc.

So, moving on to this week's Sundays are for Disney ... introductions! Tell us a little bit about yourself: your name and where you're from (if you feel comfortable), occupation, interests and hobbies, etc. Don't take a deep dive on your Disney and running stuff just yet, we'll tackle those in subsequent SAFDs.

My name is Lee and I'm from Iowa. Please wave the next time you fly over. I'm a single dad to three daughters and a journalist. I enjoy photography, baseball, dad jokes/puns, hot wings, tacos, the occasional beer and probably a few other things.

Have a safe and healthy week, everyone!
Thanks for the recap. I'm new to this. I'll recap myself: my wife and a good friend of ours ran Dopey 2020 and they were quick enough to do the full course. Our friend was hoping to do 2021 but wasn't quick enough to sign up for Dopey but was able to sign up for the full, but then Covid happened and now he's hoping to do the Dopey in 2022 and recently challenged me to do it but that depends on what other vacation we might do if things open up this year.

As for my intro, my name in Lindsey and I'm from Yellowknife, NT, Canada. Husband and father of two girls, Quality Assurance Manager for an aviation company, mechanic by trade. Interests? Where to start - radio control toys, camping, gardening, traveling, motorcycles, tinkering on vehicles.
Name: Kenn
Where I’m From: NC (born in Charlotte, live just outside Raleigh)
What I Do: Validation Scientist for a vaccine manufacturer
Family: DW, DD27, DD22, English Bulldogs x2
Interests & Hobbies: Running, video games, board games, cross stitch, LEGO

Sydney and Bella say hello. My avatar is their predecessor, Owen.

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I'm Melissa from Dallas, TX. Wife, mom of 2 littles under 2, and the Learning Manager for an association. A bit of foodie, amateur cyclist, and a lifelong Disney enthusiast.

I've 'lurked' on these boards for years, always too nervous to post (not sure why..). I'm looking forward to participating and prepping for hopefully an in-person race in 2022!
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I'm Cindy, I live in PA and I'm a professor. I'm married and have 2 sons that are grown or almost grown, one of whom is a huge Disney World fan so we are there a lot. I looooove running and love to travel, that's why I'm here! I can't decide which race I'll try to sign up for this coming Marathon Weekend, but I'm going to do my best to run something if it happens on-site. I miss big, in-person races desperately.

First thanks for coming out of "retirement" to keep this going. It really is part of the MW excitement for me!

I'm Patrick and home is currently the Atlanta area (John's Creek), but I now commute to Plano, TX for work most weeks. Married with 4 kids. As I like to say, my wife and I obviously only have short-term memories, as our kids are 18 (daughter), 15 (daughter), 10 (daughter) and 5 (son). I'm Chief Legal Officer of a global technology company moving it's headquarters to the Plano area. In addition to running, family keeps me pretty busy, but also try and play golf now and again. We also love to travel and have been lucky enough to visit some great places (and hopefully will again soon!).
I'm Brandi from Louisiana and this is my first SAFD! I've been married almost 20 years but we don't have any children. Lucky for me, my husband enjoys all things Disney, including the parks, and he agreed to do the RunDisney races with me. I'm a humble state civil servant and I enjoy reading, researching history, bicycling, traveling, and fencing.
Name: Jim
Where I'm From: Mystic, CT
What I do: Retired [I guess that's not really doing anything?]
Family: DW [married 35 years] and Jassie [see avatar]
Interests: Running, Hockey, Golf and Landscaping. Golf got me interested in landscaping since I never kept the ball in play. :rolleyes1

My name is Jared and I’m from Indiana. I run the office and manage hedging accounts at a grain elevator. I have severe social anxiety, so it’s just me and my pups: McFly (6 year old Irish Setter) and Adorabeezle Winterpop (Darby, my new 3 month old Saint Berdoodle). Right now she’s an Ewok but she’s going to be a Wookiee.
I love sports, mainly participating in golf and watching soccer, basketball, football, golf, pretty much everything. I enjoy LEGO, have a couple small saltwater aquariums, and spend as much time with my family and nieces and nephews as possible (preferably in WDW or in northern Michigan golfing).
SAFD: Mike (and Amanda), married 10 years this July, no kids but one fur baby, Daisy our JRT. The "where are you from" is always a loaded question for us, we're rolling stones. I am originally from western MA, my wife grew up in the Buffalo, NY area. Since we've been married we have lived in the Boston area and the Washington DC/Maryland area and currently we are in New Hampshire. Our hobbies include all things disney and travel, sometimes its more fun just planning trips even if we don't end up taking them.


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