Covid Fatigue

I hope we'll be able to do something this summer, I hope the waterpark opens, I know kiddo wants to go to Toronto for a few days (he even suggested we fly there and he hates to fly). We could do something towards Montreal, La Ronde? Or who knows. We are just tired of our own 4 walls. I'd like to be able to plan something to do. The end looks to be in sight, but keeps moving further away. It's just frustrating.
I have no evidence except that I know someone personally who had their FIRST jab and is now on their death bed in the ICU. It was two weeks post shot that they came down with it. Based on what our PHO said, one shot should have been enough to keep away severe cases and hospitalization. Obviously that’s not true :(
That’s also within the incubation period for Covid and they could very well have been already infected when they had their shot without knowing it . That would be the more likely scenario and the shot would not have helped them at that point. Still extremely sad nonetheless and I’m sorry to hear that.
None of our amusement parks are open. Canada's wonderland has been closed for over a year and last year I made a reservation to take the kids to Great Wolf Lodge for q change of scenery and they kept postponing the opening and as of today they aren't opening until September.
La Ronde in Montreal was open and are opening soon again. Not sure about Wonderland this year. Have a feeling it won't be opening again.
I hope we'll be able to do something this summer, I hope the waterpark opens, I know kiddo wants to go to Toronto for a few days (he even suggested we fly there and he hates to fly). We could do something towards Montreal, La Ronde? Or who knows. We are just tired of our own 4 walls. I'd like to be able to plan something to do. The end looks to be in sight, but keeps moving further away. It's just frustrating.
We went to Toronto late last summer for our 25th Anniversary (instead of the epic British Isles cruise we had planned) and that was at a time when things were as "open" as possible. There still wasn't really that much to do; no festivals, no museums, no live theater or movies, no baseball, no Wonderland and the hotel pools and spas were closed. I'd check to see what is actually open and available before I went if I were you. :flower3:

As for Covid fatigue, having gone through our second Easter with on-line church and no way to have celebrations or feasting with friends and family was a big, big blow to our morale. :( Here in Alberta we have not been permitted to have any type of indoor social gatherings since last fall and of course the weather hasn't really allowed outdoor gatherings (allowed for 10 or less). Drive-by birthday parties and Zoom weddings are getting pretty old. We are DESPERATE to get back together.
We went to Toronto late last summer for our 25th Anniversary (instead of the epic British Isles cruise we had planned) and that was at a time when things were as "open" as possible. There still wasn't really that much to do; no festivals, no museums, no live theater or movies, no baseball, no Wonderland and the hotel pools and spas were closed. I'd check to see what is actually open and available before I went if I were you. :flower3:

As for Covid fatigue, having gone through our second Easter with on-line church and no way to have celebrations or feasting with friends and family was a big, big blow to our morale. :( Here in Alberta we have not been permitted to have any type of indoor social gatherings since last fall and of course the weather hasn't really allowed outdoor gatherings (allowed for 10 or less). Drive-by birthday parties and Zoom weddings are getting pretty old. We are DESPERATE to get back together.
I live in southern Ontario and it's been in some state of closed for almost the whole year. We got a bit of a reprieve from say July to October but that was it. Restrictions started going into place again in October and we went full stay at home orders for the second time on December 26. We managed to start opening (I'm stressing that heavily because places like Toronto never opened again) in February only to be told we were under stay at home orders again easter weekend. Now we have emergency orders in place and all non emergency surgeries are cancelled and the hospitals are allowed to transfer patients without consent because our icus are filling up quickly. For those of us in the hardest hit areas it does not seem like there is qn end in sight.

Don't make plans to come here.
HDRolfe- yep hard to explain to my kids why they can’t go play with other kids when the whole neighbourhood seems to be at the playground together . ( including high school kids ha going out in groups )

Yup. We've dealt with this too - "Why does so and so get to have a playdate and we can't?"

can you point me to any sources for this information? I've not seen anything about this and

There's been plenty of US and Canada news reports about it. Michigan is an example - a news link was shared in another thread a few days ago, I believe it was almost 300 cases of Covid in vaccinated people. A day or two ago here (NB) it was shared in a press conference that a few of the ICU cases in our hotzone, are vaccinated patients. The vaccine is not 100% effective. No vaccine is.

I know many are missing Disney but why not visit amusement parks here to get that fix. I know it's not quite the same but it's still rides.

Because there aren't any where we are.
I live in southern Ontario and it's been in some state of closed for almost the whole year. We got a bit of a reprieve from say July to October but that was it. Restrictions started going into place again in October and we went full stay at home orders for the second time on December 26. We managed to start opening (I'm stressing that heavily because places like Toronto never opened again) in February only to be told we were under stay at home orders again easter weekend. Now we have emergency orders in place and all non emergency surgeries are cancelled and the hospitals are allowed to transfer patients without consent because our icus are filling up quickly. For those of us in the hardest hit areas it does not seem like there is qn end in sight.

Don't make plans to come here.
We don't have any. While we certainly did enjoy our time there and in Ottawa and Niagara Falls, we won't be back until entertainment and recreation safely resumes. We were looking forward to a long weekend in Fairmont Hot Springs, BC, next weekend - the weather there is lovely and the golf courses are already open. BC's latest round of restrictions have put the kibosh to that though. :(
Because there aren't any where we are.
I understand that. My sister and her family drove 8 hours from Niagara Falls to Montreal go to LA Ronde due to Wonderland being closed. I plan on doing the same this summer as they will open well before Wonderland opens.
I understand that. My sister and her family drove 8 hours from Niagara Falls to Montreal go to LA Ronde due to Wonderland being closed. I plan on doing the same this summer as they will open well before Wonderland opens.

For us it's not worth the money to drive that far for a non-Disney theme park. Especially since we don't really have any interest in Montreal as a destination, especially not in Covid!
There's been plenty of US and Canada news reports about it. Michigan is an example - a news link was shared in another thread a few days ago, I believe it was almost 300 cases of Covid in vaccinated people. A day or two ago here (NB) it was shared in a press conference that a few of the ICU cases in our hotzone, are vaccinated patients. The vaccine is not 100% effective. No vaccine is.

The 100% is referring to how well the vaccines are protecting against serious symptoms, hospitalizations & death NOT 100% efficacy, because as you pointed out that's not possible. The claims are that in people who have been vaccinated, ALL of them, 100% of them, will not get ill enough to need medical attention. I posted a link to a video in the vaccine thread that explained the difference between the 2 numbers because efficacy isn't what we're actually aiming for at the moment. I'm afraid what we'll start seeing is the fall-out from the variants compared to the "wild" COVID-19 that vaccines were developed to fight. It just makes sense that the more we allow the lil bugger to mutate the further behind we'll be and why we need as many people as possible to roll up their sleeves, stay home as much as possible & mask up when they do go out. I'll need to take some time and do some research into the sobering thoughts that we're moving further from the desired outcome of 100% not needing medical interventions :(

This video doesn't talk about the AZ specifically because it was produced in the states and it's not approved for use there yet but the information is easy to understand. Just thought I'd drop it here in case someone is interested, not implying that you don't get the difference between the 2 numbers.

Which Vaccine is Best?
Some days I'm full of hope and happiness, but today I'm feeling frustrated and discouraged. I think it's especially hard when you are seeing friends around the world (USA, Australia) living their lives fairly normal and we can't do much of anything here :(

Anyone else?
Absolutely, feel exactly the same.
Our friends in NC are in Universal and Disney this week for their spring break. Wearing masks and being safe, but being on vacation and saying life is “close” to being back to normal.
Their kids are playing school and neighborhood sports. Hard not to feel frustrated here.
CBC news described most of Canada as simply trying to live with COVID while waiting and hoping for it to go away. The exception being the Maritimes. I thought it was an apt way of describing how my family and friends feel in BC.
The 100% is referring to how well the vaccines are protecting against serious symptoms, hospitalizations & death NOT 100% efficacy, because as you pointed out that's not possible. The claims are that in people who have been vaccinated, ALL of them, 100% of them, will not get ill enough to need medical attention. I posted a link to a video in the vaccine thread that explained the difference between the 2 numbers because efficacy isn't what we're actually aiming for at the moment. I'm afraid what we'll start seeing is the fall-out from the variants compared to the "wild" COVID-19 that vaccines were developed to fight. It just makes sense that the more we allow the lil bugger to mutate the further behind we'll be and why we need as many people as possible to roll up their sleeves, stay home as much as possible & mask up when they do go out. I'll need to take some time and do some research into the sobering thoughts that we're moving further from the desired outcome of 100% not needing medical interventions :(

This video doesn't talk about the AZ specifically because it was produced in the states and it's not approved for use there yet but the information is easy to understand. Just thought I'd drop it here in case someone is interested, not implying that you don't get the difference between the 2 numbers.

Which Vaccine is Best?

This vaccine was never about not getting Covid (stopping transmission), it was promoted as being about preventing you from developing serious illness, agree. That is what I mean by "effectiveness". Unfortunately, the vaccine doesn't 100% stop people from developing severe symptoms or ending up in ICU or dying. Unfortunately, strictly controlled trials don't compare to the real world application. That's what our health minister was trying to address - there is always a difference between trial data and real world application. While the vaccine may have been 100% effective at preventing hospitalizations and death in trial, no vaccine is going to carry that 100% effectiveness into the real world. And of course that is what they are seeing - even once vaccinated, some people will still get seriously sick, end up in ICU and die. But the numbers will be much lower than they would have been, if we weren't vaccinating people. The "bonus" is that it may help prevent transmission as well. But, that is why they want people, even vaccinated people, to still follow the protocols (masks, distancing etc...) because the reality is, we don't know how effective the vaccine is against spread, the variants etc... So we still have to be careful.

And therein lies the problem - people are sick and tired of Covid, thought the vaccine would be their golden ticket back to normal, but now they're saying, "Nope! Not so fast! Guess what....???" It's just making the fatigue/discouragement worse.
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CBC news described most of Canada as simply trying to live with COVID while waiting and hoping for it to go away. The exception being the Maritimes. I thought it was an apt way of describing how my family and friends feel in BC.

I agree with waiting for it to go away , but we certainly aren’t “trying to live with it “ life is simply on hold here. . I would say Americans are living with it .. IMO
I guess at the end of the day it's a per person feeling. I am not tiered or frustrated because other's are out there doing things I'm frustrated because they don't seem to care about the overall issue.

I guess I am a people pleaser and ruler follower but even if we no longer had a mandate I would still mask up if I was indoors around other people. The thought of me possibly getting someone else sick and due to me just not doing a little thing like wearing a mask, would legit ruin me. Sending someone to the ICU with covid is much different than giving someone the sniffles with a cold. This week I will he fully vaccinated and I will only hang around family that is also fully vaccinated due to the better chance of them not getting seriously sick.(sure always a chance much way way lower)

I know family in my state(CT) that has had a huge "bubble" when I legit haven't seen my mother in a year. She would visit almost every week pre covid. My husband works around sick people all day and I just can't risk my family getting sick just because I want to be around them.
Like many of you, I also had a WDW vacation cancelled by COVID last year. And I agree with a PP that it's hard to read trip reports and reviews by others who have traveled this year. I don't post as much on the Boards because my personal experience at WDW is now so out of date in light of all the pandemic changes, restaurant and menu changes, etc.

But getting outside, in good spring weather and even during the cold winter months, has been a real game changer. Whether doing yard work or walking, getting out of the house and pushing my muscles a bit has helped tremendously. I know some live in apartments or condos. And others have physical or health limitations. But if that's not you, then fresh air really helps physically and mentally.

I have so many young neighbours who pay big $ to landscaping companies, snow removal teams, window washers, etc and more. Maybe no one showed them how to do basic property maintenance. But more likely, they don't want to be bothered and just add the expense onto a line of credit. It was so bad last summer that I almost yelled at one young 20-something neighbour. I was out at the roadside with my weed trimmer and she walked over. I had to stop my work as she approached. She asked me what I was doing, I explained, and she then 'told' me that it was just a huge waste of time, she couldn't be bothered, and it made 'her' feel bad to see women doing physical work. :sad2: And she interrupted my work to impart that bit of wisdom to a woman twice her age and twice her life experience. Somebody's parents and grandparents failed right there. Women need to be physically independent if at all possible and particularly need to be financially independent. Keeping costs down and saving is freedom. I don't even want to start on teenagers who won't pick up a snow shovel and won't push a lawnmower. These are lifelong skills. Being a Jill or Jack of all trades is critical and physical work and exercise is such a big boost for mental and emotional health. The pandemic has highlighted our need to be in control of at least the small things in our lives.


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