That's Cuckoo Bananas *Updated 9/21 Complete*

I know Disney pizza gets a bad rap, but I like it. We sat upstairs in the wedding reception area.
I totally get it. Sometimes you just need pizza! But I have gotten to the point where I would have grabbed a rondo wrap and brought it to Pizza Rizzo. We have learned to divide and concor more.

Is it weird that my favorite part of the attraction is the hanger bay?
No, That is def my favorite part as well.

The CMs before you go into the interrogation room are always so great. One was scaring N, trying to get the resistance base info from him.
This is def the scariest part in my option. Especially if you get interrogated by the CM. But it is amazing!
A great day so far in HS! Seems like you accomplished a lot so far. Rebel spy - fun! I think the build your own light saber would be great especially for a young boy. Wonder if he will?
I totally get it. Sometimes you just need pizza! But I have gotten to the point where I would have grabbed a rondo wrap and brought it to Pizza Rizzo. We have learned to divide and concor more.

No, That is def my favorite part as well.

This is def the scariest part in my option. Especially if you get interrogated by the CM. But it is amazing!

I love when the CMs get super into and interrogate you. It is such a great experience overall though.

A great day so far in HS! Seems like you accomplished a lot so far. Rebel spy - fun! I think the build your own light saber would be great especially for a young boy. Wonder if he will?
We have done the basic build your own lightsaber. The Savi's one is just too pricey for us right now though. I am sure it's cool but $200/ person is just too much. I wish we could all build one together, but right now you can't.

Sounds like a great afternoon! I'm glad it didn't take too long for Rise to reboot and that you still got to ride it!
Me too, we really lucked out.
Sus Potatoes

All the TSL rides were super short waits, so we headed back there once again. First up, we were gonna ride Slinky Dog again.

The boys were having the best time, repeating Slinky Dog when he’s giving the safety speech and says sus pequenos, expect they kept saying sus potatoes. This was their favorite thing to say the entire trip, which would immediately make all three erupt into fits of giggles. Even to this day, if one person says it, instant giggles.

N was really scared to go on this at the beginning of the day, but he absolutely loved it now. We had pretty much done what we wanted to do, so it was time to get in line for MMRR. I think the wait was posted at 35 minutes. The boys passed the time playing the Toy Story game again.

Spotted Mark Hamill’s hand prints.

I think we only waited about 25 minutes for this one. N spotted this hidden Mickey all on his own.

With the exception of J and I, it was everyone’s first time. They had no idea what to expect.

They all loved it. I think this is such a fun ride, I am finding that I am a big fan of the trackless ride system. I’m super excited for Remy’s when it opens too. We had not got a photopass at all in the park, so it was time to fix that.

Joe’s favorite ride is RnR, the wait wasn’t too bad, so we headed down Sunset Boulevard. We asked for a rider swap for myself and then we left Joe. The boys hadn’t seen the Lightning McQueen show yet, so I took them to that. Other than when the boys were super little, and I just sat with them while Joe would rode a ride, I hadn’t really been alone with all three boys by myself in the park. It was a little daunting, N tends to disappear at times, but I figure a show would be safe. We lucked out, we walked right in, there was one bench still open that we snagged the the show began right away.

N was so excited when Lightning was revealed, he said that is totally a robot!

The boys seemed to enjoy the show, mostly N, but the other two thought it was fine. N wanted some pictures by the cars outside.

As a rule, you have to take a picture of ToT when you see it, I love the view from this angle.

Joe was still on the ride, but I didn’t want to leave the area. We really didn’t have to wait long though, he was out within 5 minutes. We switched off, Joe was going to head to Tattoine Traders so J could get his lightsaber, and I was off to brave RnR. It was starting to rain big fat rain drops, so I was grateful to get out of the rain. I walked up to the CM at the fastpass and when I scanned the band, he said I didn’t have a RS. I was very confused since I know she scanned my band. He asked me a few questions and then let me go through. It was the best FP/RS experience ever. I was able to talk all the way through the queue and walk straight onto the ride. The ride was good, not too much banging around this time.

When I got out of the ride, the rain had stopped. I headed back to the other side of the park to meet up with everyone else. They were coming out of Tattoine Traders as I was walking up. J was so excited to have his double bladed lightsaber.

I don’t know about you, but once it gets to the last two hours of the park being open, I want to just go, go, go and experience as much as I can. It had been my goal this trip to really slow down and enjoy our time, and I was pretty good about it until we got to the last two hours. At that point I just wanted to shove as much as I could in. So first up we would re-ride Millennium Falcon.

J showing off his new lightsaber

Even though I was itching to get on another ride, the PP had no one to take pictures of, so we fixed that for them.

On the way out, I finally remembered to get a picture of the Black Spire.

Joe really wanted to go to Doc Ondar’s as it’s usually quite crowded in there.

This is the way


We ended up buying C a new insert for his holocron. We also grabbed a new patch for Joe at the kiosk outside RotR.

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My Disney Cream Come True

We were all feeling quite hungry, but weren’t totally thrilled with the choices of food, nor did we wanted to squander our remaining park time with eating. So we quickly grabbed a pretzel for everyone and Joe and I split a beer.

After our very delicious pretzels, that were scarfed down in record time, we hadn’t had enough of TSL, so we headed back there next.

TSM, was basically a walk-on at this point. For the first time ever, J was going to ride a ride by himself. I was a little nervous, but he was excited.

So I don’t normally think of myself as a competitive person. I like to do well, but winning doesn’t much matter to me. For some reason though, I am highly competitive on the shooting game rides. I think I’ve just been beaten so many times, I want to win. So I was trying so hard, and I could tell based on my score at the end of each round, I was on pace for one of my best scores ever. Even Joe was surprised by my score after the alien round. So we get to the final screen and the game shuts down. There had been a longer than average pause after each game, but nothing too concerning, but now the whole game was down. Very quickly we were informed that the ride was not operational and that we would be evacuated from the ride. Now I don’t know about any of y’all, but it’s my Disney dream to be evacuated off a ride. So while I was disappointed to not get to finish the game, I was also excited to get to walk through the attraction. Joe has been evacuated off of RnR and Space Mountain at Disneyland, he has all the luck. The boys were pretty disappointed though.

They unlocked the restraints and then we had to line up against the wall as each car was unloaded. We were super lucky because we were one of the first cars to be opened and they only had to open 3 more before we were led to the entrance. People that were stuck in the middle of the ride were going to have a long wait to get out. There was one guy who was very upset, and you could tell that he was trying to get something from the CMs, but the CM told him he would be accommodated at this dining reservation and he apologized for the delay. I got some VERY blurry, but illegal pictures on the way out.

We were let out through a backstage door and each of us was given an anytime FP good for the following day. Interestingly, I noticed a ToT FP on my account as well, but not for anyone else. If I had to guess the RS I should have gotten for RnR, was accidently given to me as a ToT one. We still had time for one final ride, and we decided on MMRR.

It’s hard to tell, but the one side says Yesnid Valley (Disney backwards) and there is a hidden Mickey in the o of Fishing Hole.

After a very successful day at Hollywood Studios we were all feeling so good. We stopped in the gift shops on the way out, but I don’t believe we bought anything. Since we were all in high spirits and hungry we decided to execute the plan we had had for the previous night, dinner at the Poly. We placed our order ahead of time and let the guard know so we could be granted access.

I decided to try the pulled pork nachos I had heard so much about.

Wow, wow, wow these were so good. These are huge though, thankfully I had Joe to share with since the wings he got weren’t very filling. He said they were delicious though.

After our amazing quick service meal, we were still feeling like something sweet. We headed over to Pineapple Lanai, for Dole Whips. Joe got the pineapple/lime swirl which he said was very refreshing.

N was very happy with his vanilla swirl.

My Favorite combo, vanilla float.

We were all full now and a little chilly. It was time to say goodbye to the Poly and head back to the hotel. Unlike the previous night, there was no giggling or talking, those boys were out instantaneously. This was our first stroller-free trip and the first time to not take midday breaks. They were all troopers, but super tired at the end of each night. Even though we were there on a capacity day, I never felt like it was too crowded, wait times were in some cases better than what we had seen in August, and overall it was a very successful day.

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Very quickly we were informed that the ride was not operational and that we would be evacuated from the ride. Now I don’t know about any of y’all, but it’s my Disney dream to be evacuated off a ride. So while I was disappointed to not get to finish the game, I
We had this happen to us but it was trigger by the fireworks smoke. So we had alarms going off. It was a little stressful to be honest as we weren't sure if it was real or not. But I was also kind of excited about it. It was our first evacuation.

Wow, wow, wow these were so good. These are huge though, thankfully I had Joe to share with since the wings he got weren’t very filling. He said they were delicious though.
Oh man!!! Those are so good! I love them!!
We had this happen to us but it was trigger by the fireworks smoke. So we had alarms going off. It was a little stressful to be honest as we weren't sure if it was real or not. But I was also kind of excited about it. It was our first evacuation.

Oh man!!! Those are so good! I love them!!
Okay, that would freak me out, ours wasn't' quite so dramatic lol.

We have never visited the Poly, but those nachos look amazing!
Oh you HAVE to, Polynesian has some of my favorite food on property, you can't go wrong at any of the dining locations there.

Sounds like a good end to the night! The pulled pork nachos are soooo good!
I dream about them all the time, they were 100% worth the trip over.
We got a banana, a blueberry, and a strawberry

We woke up to a very dreary morning. The skies were a dark grey and it was drizzling out. I had to go to Animation Hall because at some point C had lost his magic band. I was hoping to get the new, cute character key to the world cards, but they were still the old blue and white cloud ones. Joe got the boys in the car and met me at the front.

We got to the parking entrance just before 8, and had to wait for them to officially open the booths.

If we ever drive to Disney, I need this sign.

Sadly, by the time we got to our parking space, the rain was really coming down. We donned our ponchos and walked over to the monorail station. I just want to say, I got these ponchos from amazon, and they were great! The arms cinched in and there was a drawstring on the hood. They really kept us dry. The monorail procedures had been updated since August. We were directed to a number and that number corresponded to a number in the cabin.

C was lightening the mood by giving us all a fruit persona based on our poncho colors.

We got a banana

We also got a strawberry and blueberry :rotfl2:

Here’s a view of how the cabins are separated

Gorgeous castle coming into view

By the time we got to the Magic Kingdom monorail station, the rain had pretty much stopped, thankfully the rain was done for the day.

We headed down Main Street, apparently not getting a single picture of the beautiful castle. We were on a mission though, so we scurried down Main Street and took a right at the second spoke of the hub. We were headed to Mine Train before the wait got too long. We only waited 15 minutes and then we were soaring through the mines.

With that wonderful way to start the day, we needed to make our way to the other side of the park. What better way than to walk through the castle?

It was officially park opening time, so Main Street was a little more crowded at the moment.

The new castle is really growing on me.

N, my animal lover, saw a squirrel and he NEEDED a picture of it, so you get to see the fruit of my labor chasing down this poor squirrel for a picture.

Time for some adventure

Our second ride of the day would be on Jungle Cruise. With how this ride is currently set up, the waits can get crazy long, so it is good to knock this one out early.

Never noticed this stone before

The ride was basically a walk on at that point. I love riding in the early morning because the mist adds a cool mystery to the ride.

We were way in the back so it was hard to hear the skipper. He was great though, super into his role and made me chuckle a few times.

Days before we came on the trip, Disney announce the Jungle Cruise would be changing, so I made sure to capture some final photos of the elements that would be going away.

N was very excited to tell me that the elephants in the beginning of the ride were African elephants and the ones at the end of the ride were Asian elephants. I asked him how he could tell the different and he said very matter of factly that he knew because he was reading a book about elephants. :rotfl2:

Good-bye Trader Sam

Continued Below
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I’m not scared of you! That’s scary!

Our next ride was to be on Pirates of the Caribbean

This is another ride that can build up quite a wait, but at this time in the morning we only waited about 15 minutes.

N is very scared of this ride, if you can’t tell

Just once, I’d like to get a decent picture here

We made our way into Frontierland for our next rides of the day. Everyone was excited to go on Big Thunder.

Ready for the wildest ride in the wilderness

The park had only been officially open for an hour and we had already knocked out fours rides. As scared as N gets on a lot of the rides, this kid LOVES Splash Mountain, so we had to ride that one next. I had never really been in the extended queue here, I have never noticed these bird houses.

When J and I came in August I thought that would be the last time I would ride this attraction in its current form, but since I was given another chance, I took a bajillion pictures. I’ll spare you from having to look at them all though.

And we’re soaked

Having knocked out the attractions that we knew needed to be done early, we were able to slow to a more leisurely place. There was a PP out on the walkway between Frontierland and Liberty Square, so we stopped for some pictures.

Our next stop was at the Haunted Mansion, another walk on. The boys were super sad to miss out on the graveyard this time.

This is another ride N is very scared of. I was holding him and tell him nothing was real. I had finally convinced him and he bravely told the blinking wallpaper that he wasn’t scared if it. Then we turn the corner and see the suit of armor and he screeches “that’s scary!” and buries his head in my arm. :rotfl2:

I guess N and I didn’t get a picture on this one.

I wanted to get a picture with C in his Haunted Mansion mask and shirt, but he’s not the most photogenic of my children :rolleyes1

Joe’s favorite attraction at MK is the Haunted Mansion and his favorite store is Memento Mori, so we had to stop by. I was super excited because I had spotted the Madame Leota Crystal Ball I had been coveting for months. It was sold on the Shop Disney site before Halloween and I had in my cart but it sold out before I could actually purchase it.

Also, Glenn, who is one of our favorite CMs was working today. I think we’ve seen him every time we’ve gone into Memento Mori. The boys got to pin trade with him, and he showed us all the pin trading spots in the park.

It is really hard to interact and have those special moments with CMs at the moment, but it does make it even more special when you get to now.

The packaged mini muffins we had for breakfast was not doing much for us anymore, so we went in search of sustenance. Our favorite MK quick service is Pecos Bills, but Joe really wanted a turkey leg, he’d never had a Disney one. So we split up and then reconvened in Pecos Bills.

Joe really enjoyed the turkey leg, but he did say it was a little greasy.

I got my old standby of the nachos which were so good. As you may know, the condiments bar is closed, but they still give you all the fixin's on the sides in premade containers.

We walked over to Tomorrowland after lunch. We stopped by the castle to get a PP picture. It never showed up in our account. One thing I want to say about Memory Maker at the moment, we were missing a lot of pictures each day. I noticed the same thing in August as well (spoiler alert same was true in April). I know in instances like HM and Buzz when it was just us, it was not because of mask removal. Now I know I can call and get them added, but there were soooo many missing each day, it just seemed like such a hassle. I always recommend the Memory Maker, but right now with how hit and miss it is (and this is not just my experience I have heard this complaint a lot), I would not pay the money for it. Thankfully, I had joined a MM share group, so I didn’t pay full price, but it’s just not the value it was during normal times.

The lines were getting long, but not unbearable. I think we waited about 20 minutes for Buzz.

The only PP we got from the ride.

I was pretty happy with my score, not Galatic hero, but pretty good.

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A productive day in MK! I love how you didn't let the rain deter you. Glad it didn't last long. I was afraid I wouldn't like the new castle paint job but I have to say I liked it. The colors really popped without being too crazy. Hope the rest of your day goes as well as your morning did!
I am so enjoying your report. I really wish we would have had a chance to meet up in 2015! The boys have grown so much! Can't wait to read more!
Awesome morning at MK, so glad the rain didn’t last long.
We found in April some of our Photo Pass pictures did not show up either. O f course it was on the rides i didn’t take many additional pictures, thinking I would have the PP picture.
We saw so many people eating turkey legs at MK this trip, I guess they are really popular especially with the limited options.
I saw a few changes to JC in April.
N was very excited to tell me that the elephants in the beginning of the ride were African elephants and the ones at the end of the ride were Asian elephants. I asked him how he could tell the different and he said very matter of factly that he knew because he was reading a book about elephants. :rotfl2:

I love this! Books are the best 🥰.
A productive day in MK! I love how you didn't let the rain deter you. Glad it didn't last long. I was afraid I wouldn't like the new castle paint job but I have to say I liked it. The colors really popped without being too crazy. Hope the rest of your day goes as well as your morning did!
We try not to let rain get us down, thankfully it didn't last long. It took me some time to get use to the new castle, but I am a fan now, especially with the new 50th additions.

I am so enjoying your report. I really wish we would have had a chance to meet up in 2015! The boys have grown so much! Can't wait to read more!
Hi :wave2: It's so good to see you back. It seems like 2015 was forever ago, my boys have certainly grown since then.


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